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Multiple Settings FΛTEWEΛVER: OOC

oh god i posted knox on accident his sheet is nowhere done im sorry 💀
I have an android idol if anyone wants to DM me for relationship info!
man, trying to find FCs nowadays is horrible, pinterest is absolutely INFESTED with that ai garbage, y'all got any suggestions for elsewhere?
man, trying to find FCs nowadays is horrible, pinterest is absolutely INFESTED with that ai garbage, y'all got any suggestions for elsewhere?

Zerochan, Art station, maybe Deviantart from what iv looked up at least. I haven't used Deviantart in a while tho and Zerochan and Artstation has only been used for more specific searches of characters but they do provide some options
Zerochan, Art station, maybe Deviantart from what iv looked up at least. I haven't used Deviantart in a while tho and Zerochan and Artstation has only been used for more specific searches of characters but they do provide some options
ooh, awesome, I'll be sure to check these out, thanks!
Also, this is looking like a hell of a sapphic crew, not that I'm complaining 👀
Okay!! Got mine posted finally, we've got two cat-related characters but I think they're different enough that it shouldn't be an issue, hopefully?
so many lovely ladies in the cs thread!! pulling up with knox makes me feel like i walked into the wrong classroom 🧍‍♂️
so many lovely ladies in the cs thread!! pulling up with knox makes me feel like i walked into the wrong classroom 🧍‍♂️
tbh I was considering using a male character but Briar fits the setting way too neatly to pass up the opportunity
I've been trying to decide between three character ideas -- dommy mommy dragon-shifter, compassionate vampire doctor (which is what i was initially going to go with), or steampunk automaton mage. I've roleplayed all three in some form or another and they're all overdue for a new chance at life.

The dragon queen is probably the one I miss the most and definitely what I'm leaning toward, but each new CS makes me even more indecisive... until now. The mental image of an orc with a machine gun, riding a dragon, has sealed the deal, lol.

Alright, time to cook. 😈
im done w my character, if anybody wants to plot relationships feel free to dm me !
BuggaBoo BuggaBoo now that it's come up,it occurs to me that Cherisse might be reminded of Korkina when seeing Hanako's skillset. How she feels about that and expresses it is up to you,of course.

Might be something that warrants marking as a relationship as we get started...if you think so?
Would you look at that, another android!
Well I'm making one too! So be ready for her as well!
BuggaBoo BuggaBoo now that it's come up,it occurs to me that Cherisse might be reminded of Korkina when seeing Hanako's skillset. How she feels about that and expresses it is up to you,of course.

Might be something that warrants marking as a relationship as we get started...if you think so?

Yeah for sho I think there something there. Like Korkina was not so much ninja as she was saboteur but the illusion and stealth of hanako defo translate well.

Sugar is really emotionally reserved since she only been on board 2 months but I think she would gravitate to someone similar to who she lost fo sho. And so I can see her opening up and training Hanako in all manner of energy and advanced weaponry.
Does the age rule apply to androids as well?

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