The Regal Rper
Mad Scientist
- Group
Malikron | Amaric Temple, 4th Floor
A year plus had seen a lot of change. A year in general was a lot of time to do a bit of growing up. Being in the position he was now, was not one he would have envisioned several years ago, but if Malikron had developed any skill from his time in service, it was being adaptable without question. Seeing the arrows fail to have the impact he intended, really just had him start weighing his options on what to do next. Time was key here, he had no intention of becoming monster chow. Lucas’ warning was heard, and listened to. However where everything took a turn was when his thoughts were derailed automatically by this sudden rush but recognizable feeling of concern, insecurity, doubt.
It was a feeling that threw him back to those hated days of captivity and transportation. That was not a feeling he could ever forget, not at eleven years old, at how he could have or should have done x or y. A time where his future was just as uncertain as the day the bids for his life were being made even if things had generally, by twist of fortune or fate, turned out somewhat good before being capsized in life once again. That lowness was not a unknown experience, it was one he was deeply acquainted with, one he vividly recalled in his days as a captured slave, especially when he faced the harsh reality of what possible routes his life may lead to from the grapevines all around him, and the crushing realization he could not just flee.
At first he thought it was a brief sense of trepidation passing at seeing his arrows fail to truly make their marks effective but honestly the arrows had been a test to see what damage he could do at a range. The longer it persisted, the more he began to think what he was feeling might just be otherworldly related instead. He stashed the other arrows and swiftly took the opportunity to move around Ake after he slaughtered the spider approaching him. Cowardly as it may have seemed, Ake’s strength was a greater benefit and for the moment, Malik was willing to let the giant advance as he noticed the spider Ake had killed, did not give the sense of being a threat anymore but instead seemed to be stitching back together, in a way that while odd, was also reassuring in a peculiar way as it didn't make a second advance on the giant, nor did Ake immediately try to test out the sharpness of his weapon on it either.
Shifting his focus off that creature as it lunged at one of its former peers and turning his attention to Lucas, Malik switched to his blade, adding the Bloodletter cantrip once more, and then activated Unleash, to give himself a boost of strength and speed as he moved in from behind to assist in Lucas efforts as he stunned the spider with a devastating hit.
Uncertain of what to make exactly of this strange feeling and how sudden it had come, even as he blitzed to the back of the spider and drew his blade to attack, careful of his approach, Malikron reached out to his patron, asking: Is there something here I should be worried about beyond these spiders? What is this sensation I am feeling, please, help me.
The plea was really to know if there was something he genuinely should be sweating about, because in all honesty the sudden onset of insecurity felt a lot like when he experienced his ‘episodes’ of bloodthirsty rage when near or around individuals that were marked. It was a sensation he had quickly become used to enough to rein himself in, but at the same time it also meant he knew when something was off. For him to be suddenly getting cold feet when he hadn't even exhausted half his options of approach yet, felt off. At the same time, if there was in fact something, a bigger threat, here, that his patron could sense, letting the others know sooner than later was definitely more of a benefit than being quiet about it.

Interactions: n/a
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