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Fandom Dungeon Core Earth

Brian looked over at his wounded. "Those goblins are a different form of monster. Alone they're weak but together they can easily overwhelm you." He said to Don and Danny. Sphinx nodded his head remembering how mista James would've died if he wasn't there.
"We ended up in the middle of their colony... town whatever you want to call it. None of them." He motioned to the wounded. "Were prepared for the battle only me and the Samurai girl are trained fighters. From what we can tell there's some Goblin chieftain in control but we couldn't find him. Once their recovered enough we plan on going back to look for him and make him pay."
"Oof. I was lucky then, the only monsters I ran into my own were evil chihuahua's, they seemed pretty normal except far more aggressive and with red eyes. That said I wouldn't be surprised if there were also stronger dog enemies." Danny shared his experiences with the rest before messaging Charlie and James.

"It sounds like Brian and his party are planning to go after a boss, a goblin chieftain, or something, as revenge for most of their party getting injured during a fight in the Feline Goblin camp."
Charlie sent a few random messages- mostly trying to fix his grammar and the like, completely forgetting his cards as he wondered at the new features he had previously never seen.

I say we turn that guy into mush, then stel his hat

Charlie giggled to himself at the message, flipping a knife in his hand as he looked over his cards again.
"Can we not kill random people? We will probably need help the further down we go." James leaned against the the chair he was at and looked at Brian.
"We could help him deal with those inbred hicks. After we find out what's behind the door. Take out their chieftain. That might lessen the threat." He leaned back as his hands glided against his left pocket. He frowned before reaching in and pulling out a pocket size notebook. 'Little Jimmy's gadgets and gizmos vol. 3.' Was etched on it. In all this commotion he forgot he had this reli. "What Intel could you get off of Don?" He asked.

He opened the first page as the word Hamgun was written with a cartoonish picture of a hamster loaded into a rocket launcher. This was what he.... the words became purple as the A.I. spoke
Blueprints for Hamgun from the Little Jimmy's gadgets and gizmos Volume 3.... The only one that wasn't destroyed.
You ever want to fire a hamster at mach speed into a person? Well now you can with the Hamgun. Created by a child who probably watched too much cartoons growing up and is most likely on several watch lists. The Hamgun fires a living hamster at a mob so fast that it can stun or kill a mob. Warning any hamster fired out of this will die. So if your heartless enough go right ahead.
you have 0 of 7 parts needed for the Hamgun
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"Nothing yet, so far. I told them how to deal with man eating plants but it seems all they've fought is feline goblins. I can ask if he knows anything else though..

Danny of course didn't mention Charlie's suggestion to the rest but he did pass James' offer on. " Okay, I discussed it with my party and we're willing to help you out but wanna check out the other door first." He then turned to Don. "And what about you, what stories do you have?"

Don didn't answer immediately. " Hmm, I heard what I thought were the sounds of a car coming from the south of here but I didn't check it out."

Danny passed the news on including his belief of this being another boss.
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We are adventarers and they are monsters- we kil the small stupid ones and the big ones kill us - it's how it works out here
Charlie played a few cards, glad to at least win some cash before they left to fight stupid goblins, wondering how he would use his dagger. With the limited uses he might need to save it for the chief.

Charlie guessed he would win, with his draw as good as it was and his tactics perfect (Surprising for the low intelligence) He smiled and continued to play, trying to think of new tactics as he did so- guessing for the others tells.
Sorry thought you were referring to other adventurers." James said as he put his note book into the inventory.

Brian looked at the message than at Kimiko. "Doa no shūri o tetsudau tsumori. Ushiro ni nokoru no wa kamawanai." He said. She looked up at him and nodded. "Anzen ni shite kudasai." She replied. He smiled before walking over to the group.

"I'm in." He said. As he looked at each of them his eyes stopped on James. They looked at each other seeing the shadows behind their eyes. As if saying they had been there and done that.

"Alright should we get a move on?" James asked.
Don was having much less luck than Charlie and had been unable to get any matching cards. " You aren't cheating are you, rabbit-man?" Hoping to make it clear that he wasn't seriously accusing Charlie he kept his tone friendly as he slid the lost coin over.

Danny looked at his HUD before answering James. "I'm good to go, I won't be able to use Friendly Double for a while though. Seems like MP recharges rather slowly."
Charlie looked confused at the lady James was talking too. He knew a decent amount of languages: Common, Orc, Oooze, High Ooze, Sylvan- but didn't know what he was saying- he continued to play cards as normal but kept a weary eye on them.

Charlie smiled as the game came to a close with him winning, shoveling some random objects that had been bet into his hat- before Don spoke. "No- I just have innate luck. Why do you think bad Orcs are always trying to rip my legs off or use me as a good luck charm?"
(Brian was talking to her. Not James)

James saw the confusion Charlie's face so he shot him a message "Japanese. not all of our species speak the same language." After the game was finished James lead their five man band to the mysterious door. Letting out a breath he opened it and walked in.

He heard faint music coming from somewhere. It had a familiar rhythm but he couldn't place it. The room itself kind of looked like a sewer with the walking are being cut in two with green sludge flowing in the middle.
The music was getting louder the further in they go
Danny looked around the sewer and green sludge in the middle. " Man, I'm getting serious TMNT vibes from this place." The fact that they had already fought humanoid turtles before reaching the safe room only further reinforced his impression. Part of him wanted to check if the sludge worked like it did in the cartoon but he knew that was just stupid, after all he already was warned that curiosity could have negative consequences.
James stopped as he listened to the beat as Danny made the remark. He hummed it and his eyebrows rose. "Holy fu..." His voice stopped as they reached what looked like an arena. The arena was five yards in width and length.

A bipedal brown rat stood in the center of the arena. It was wearing a gi and sweats wearing with sandles. It leaned on a cane as it eyed them.

Mistress Thorne. Rat Monk Level 6. This is a 2nd tier neighborhood boss. The master of the Shell Bandits. She tought them everything they know. From the ancient martial to the elemental strikes. Though she appears frail she is the strongest of them

"Not the rat I was expecting." James said as he pulled out his gun. He fires and she simply moves her body with such grace to dodge the bullet

"You have to be in the arena before we can battle you moron. And my boys aren't here yet."
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Charlie skipped behind the group, still practicing card tricks as he moved- though pausing as he saw the sludge that coated some parts of the floor. He cocked his head and looked closer, nose picking up the acrid scent. Charlie was fond of sentient slimes, and perhaps this one was simply asleep. He shrugged and captured the likely unliving ooze in a small bottle- returning it to his hat (Hoping it would end up in the laboratory- a bare area with his little interest in knowledge.

Upon seeing the Rat-Kin, Charlie was happy for new friends, but when James shot her, he froze- pulling out his daggers before looking to the others. He looked at the level and description and gulped before taking a step toward the arena.
Despite Danny's comment Mistress Thorne appearance was still a surprise. While he was wondering what weapon to start with James shot her and as if showing how hard the fight was going to be she easily dodged the bullet. Luckily combat didn't start just yet because they had to be in the arena but Thorne having boys was worrying. Still if they were fighting in an closed area with the all five of them it made of which weapon to use much easier, and against common sense melee wasn't the choice so Danny took out the vine whip.
James holstered his gun. He had a feeling this was going to devolve into close quarters combat. Letting out a breath he stepped into an arena. Trying to step out he found that he couldn't. "This appears to be one way." He said for the teams sake.

Mistress Thorne looked at him before whistling. As if descending from the air four large shells slid into the area. "Son of a bitch." James said as four humanoid turtles appeared. One had blue markings going down it's side wearing a red Bandana. The second was like a sea turtle somehow able to stand on it's flippers it had a green Bandana. The third looked rough and dry like a tortoise a wearing a black Bandana. And the final one was a large snapping turtle wearing a blue bandana.

James blinked as he stared at the Asylum esc TMNT.

Shell bros once human bandits. They were feared throughout the wild west until one heist gone bad changed their lives forever. The four of them fell into a river of Ooze and transformed into humanoid turtles. With help from a mouse they learned ancient Martial arts to wreak havoc on regular folk. FYI the stuff your standing over is that Ooze. So unless you want to change your race early I suggest not falling in.
Charlie raised his daggers as the enemies dropped down- remembering his own ooze he had collected, glad he hadn't decided to eat it as he had considered earlier.

"I freakin' hate ninjas- lets put them on their shelled asses." Charlie said before charging, raising daggers in a stance preferred for quick attacks, minimal damage but low chance of damage- more a flurry of insane attacks rather than focused slashes.
"Cowabunga, dudes!" Danny couldn't believe he actually said that but when else was he going to get this opportunity? With his vine whip in hand he followed James and Charlie into the arena, he still thought that it was the best choice but he really wished he had a close range weapon that didn't risk hurting his friends.

"Remember to give me room, guys."
He was confident that his party members didn't need the reminder but felt it was smart to warn Brian and Kimiko about the hula hoop.
Brian raised an eyebrow ar Danny but did so moving as far to the side as he could. Sphinx sat beside James and watched the turtles.

"Ladies and Gentlemen." A loud booming voice said as spot lights were moving around the arena. "We have a boss battle." James looked up and saw the turtles and Thorne pictures plastered to a screen. "On this side we have the Shell terrors and heart stoppers the Shell Bros ready to take another victory and ascend to borrow bosses and on this side we have three guys and dog.... along with Chief Brain acting as support. I want a clean fight... Who am I kidding let's see some bloodshed!!!" Music started to play. It was heart thumping. "Begin."

The snapping turtle smirked and got into it's shell before spinning towards James. As it spinned fire erupted from it. James eyes widened as he tried to get away only for the Shell to curve to meet him.

The sea turtle mirrored the snapper getting into it's Shell and spinned towards Danny water surrounding it.

The other two moved towards Brian and Charlie. The red Bandana creating electrity as it went towards Charlie and the wind around the tortoise grew.

Sphinx ran to Mistress Thorne and tried to bite her only for Thorne to easily avoid and hit him with her stick
Charlie charged forward, not caring where he striked as he threw and slashed, laughing as he did so. He hummed along with the music, doing his best to strike his enemy- before he felt his hair raise at the arching of lightning.
Seeing the sea turtle launch itself towards him Danny was even more convinced he picked the right weapon, there was no way his hula hoop could get through that shell. He waited until the last moment to dodge but jumped the gun and jumped to the side too soon. As a result the turtle could easily adjust it's aim. Being hit in the chest by a human sized turtle absolutely wasn't fun and Danny doubled over in pain, absolutely convinced he had broken a few ribs.

If the hit hadn't left him winded Danny would be screaming in pain but he quickly began regaining hp and he was able to barely avoid the second attack, though the sea turtle did quickly change trajectory and came for him again. This time Danny didn't dodge, he prepared his vine whip and hoped to catch his opponent with it.
James hit the ground as the Shell moved past. Burn damage. He gritted his teeth as he took off his burned shirt. The snapper came out of it's shell and punched James. James training kicked in and he dogged the first hit and tried to counter only for it to block. The turtle moved it's head and bit James shoulder. "You bastard." He kicked the snapper away and grabbed his shoulder Bleeding damage. Health regen unavailable.

James smashed his head against it's face causing it to bleed. In response it knocked James to the ground.

Sea turtle fell back as the wip took out 10 percent of it's health. It let's out a small growl before spinning again this time two clones of water appear next to it.

The painted neck turtle gets out of it's shell and uses it's electricity to punch Charlie

Brian is beating the tortoise with a slightly glowing hammer.

Sphinx continues to try and attack Thorne but she ducks and weaves continually hitting Sphinx.
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Charlie did his best to dodge out of the way, gritting his teeth- he usually was the fastest opponent in combat, but was almost evenly matched when dealing with one who controled lightning- an element even he couldn't outrun. He tried to dodge, but was thrown to the ground as the fist made contact- shocking him as he shook on the ground for a moment- a bit of smoke rising as he got to his feet- robe a dull grey.


The Harrengon reached into a hat- pulling a length of wood from the confines, tugging for a moment until what appeared to be a hunk of metal shaped and painted like a carrot emerged- the war hammer far too big for him. The enraged Rabbit lifted the hammer before charging forward- no longer smiling and cackling as he usually did- glaring at the Turtle with rage as he charged forward- hammer dragging against the ground as he charged before springing a good five feet and bringing the hammer down towards the Turtle.
Danny could still feel the pain from the hit he took decreasing, but even more importantly his own attack not only hurt the turtle but got it to stop. Unfortunately at this rate he would have to hit his opponent at least ten more times and he doubted that was going to be easy, especially with those two water clones. "Ugh, that is some real Naruto sh*t."

Figuring it was probably smart not to let the three turtles gang up on him, Danny tried grabbing the real one with his whip and pulling him closer. With any luck that shell slam attack couldn't be used close range either.
James was laying on the ground welts from the turtle's shell all over his body. The snapper just laughed as it looked at James. "Give up and I'll make your death quick. James stood up and looked through his inventory as he was trying to form a plan. Than he saw it. He downed a health potion restoring his health from red to green. Pulling out his gun he started to fire. His bullets ricocheting off of it's thick hidd. In his spare hand he pulled out the goblin dynamite he obtained early on. "Come at me you son of a bitch."
"Don't speak about my momma that way." He erupted into flames as he rushed James

The whip went around the right turtle pulling the sea turtle close and doing some extra damage. It's health was in yellow.

The painted turtle used It's speed and went blow for blow with Charlie each time the rabbit hit him. Though not as fast his health was going down.

The tortoise grabbed Brian's hammer and used a powerful burst of wind to push Brian off the stage and into the OOZE.
Charlie bellowed as he continued to attack- though it was less of a barbarian's war cry and more of the sound of an adolescent pissed off about something pointless- scarier for some. He brought the hammer down on the creature again and again- not caring for the attacks- blood pumping too much to care for pain.

"You think I fear you stupid Turtle- I'm going to break your stupid shell open and use you to make fucking turtle cake."

Charlie had never read the recipe in one of his many books and just assumed this was a good threat to a turtle.

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