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Fantasy Spellblade

Sparkstorm1000 said:
Before I make my CS I'm just curious... how many characters are still active?
I'd say about seven or eight. It's pretty packed right now, if you were wondering.
Character sheet

Name: Elandor Silimaure

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Age: 25

Class: Spellblade

Abilities: Lighting magics and their applications. Such as (with extreme concentration and time) manipulation of metal on a molecular level with powerful electromagnetism. By extreme I mean like he has to be alone and have days to, say, forge his sword. Can also draw lightning from storms to extend the power and range of his magic at the cost of being exhausted to the point of passing out shortly after expending the excess energy.



Height and weight: 6'2" 215lbs.

Personality: Quiet, contemplative and solemn as he observes others looking for patterns or weaknesses. Prefers to only speak when spoken to. Sometimes gets lost in thought and ends up thinking out loud. While patient to an extent will retaliate quickly and efficiently if he feels threatened.

Likes and dislikes:


-Storms (Obviously)


-Food (a weakness that often distracts him)


-Brash and loud personalities



Background: Elandor was once a scholar who studied the history of the Eriani and the original settlers by exploring ruins, reading ancient texts and using basic magics to "feel" the past through meditation. It took him to all corners of the continent and was away for his parents and their town for most of his late 'teens. After having no new findings for many months he returns home to find his village completely burned to the ground. With no indication of who did it or why he set out to find those responsible. He hires a tracker from a nearby tribe. Discovering from the tracks that it was most like a large group of bandits he sets out to seek revenge. For days the tracker led him through trails in the forest. When they eventually found the bandits they had set up camp in a clearing in the woods due to an incredible storm that was on the horizon. Severely outnumbered and under equipped Elandor had no idea what to do. so he just waited. Waited for hours, out of sight. Waited so long the tracker left him, unsure of his intention and wanting nothing to do with it. He eventually worked up the nerve to recklessly charge in and die a warriors death but as he stood chain of blinding flashes came from the camp. His eyes burned from the brilliant light but before he could refocus his eyes a thunderous crash shook him to his knees and rattled him to his core. As his vision cleared he could see only the aftermath of what must have been an act from a higher power, karma or just plain bad luck on for the bandits. The tents were ablaze. The men were as scattered as the pieces of the men. The ground and the trees around the camp were charred black and the smell of burning wood and flesh singed his nostrils. In awe Elandor couldn't move. Couldn't speak...couldn't breath. Elandor couldn't help but envy the raw power of this force of nature. From that day forward he vowed to master the control of lightning and protect the innocent with this knowledge.


Chainmail and leather coat. Leather Scarf. Leather Boots.


Weaponry: Longsword named Sindr ( Old Norse for Spark. While it doesn't look like much it was lightning forged by Elandor himself which makes it, on a molecular level, one of the sharpest and well balanced swords ever made. Every morning he meditates and reforges the edge. What it lacks in extravagance it makes up for in deadly precision.

Sorry for the misunderstanding. I kind of just interjected into the story. I cleared the character with Arelynn but never said anything to anyone else. Again so sorry for the misunderstanding. Really new to the forum RP. Actually that was my first RP post.
SparkSinger said:
Sorry for the misunderstanding. I kind of just interjected into the story. I cleared the character with Arelynn but never said anything to anyone else. Again so sorry for the misunderstanding. Really new to the forum RP. Actually that was my first RP post.
No, no, I wasn't getting mad at you or anything. I just like to read up on every character when they enter the story, and I get it if you got it privately cleared :P
Lotusy said:
No, no, I wasn't getting mad at you or anything. I just like to read up on every character when they enter the story, and I get it if you got it privately cleared :P
Oh I understand. I honestly should've posted it. I DM a lot of tabletops and I know a lack of character info is kind of frustrating.
@Lotusy I was gonna wait just a little to see if anyone else wanted to say anything, but sure! I'll go ahead and introduce her now *rubs hands together* huehuehuehue
....Holy crap am I off my game, I swear I don't normally suck this much. He heard that Killian could get him onto the island but no, not that she was a smuggler. Back to the edit button I go

If anyone is interested my character is actually based in the character in my book I'm writing. I would love feedback if anyone is interested in reading. I hope I don't offend anyone with the offer though.
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Arelynn said:
Ooh, I love books (if that wasn't obvious enough)!
As soon as I have a handful of chapters complete and in the shape I would be comfortable presenting them in I will most certainly PM them to you. I'm at work 45 hours a week so my free time is spread pretty thin but I should have a few ready by Sunday!
Unrelated, but I want Misty's armor (when she returns to it) to look like this, but in blue and black!<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.771521e5dca29b221fb6c9c72aab57ac.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103875" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.771521e5dca29b221fb6c9c72aab57ac.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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