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Fantasy Spellblade





"I will give mind, body, and soul to the safety and betterment of the people. I swear no allegiance to any power, foreign or native, but to the domestic community of the civil peoples. Defeat will never be an option. By the sharpness of my blade and mind, by the forces of magic and strength of will, I am a humble guardian of this realm of Earth. I am a Spellblade."

-The Spellblade's Oath from
Of Chivalry and Sacrifice by scholar K. Winter

On the continent of Eriani, there exists the Order of Knights, which consists of sub-factions like the Shattered Shield Brotherhood and the Red Banner. While these sub-factions belong to separate kingdoms with individual motives, the Order was established to ensure that, in the case of a continental emergency, they would unite as one.

Spellblades are officially an elite sub-faction of the Order of Knights, though they are much different in many ways. Spellblades are a more general unit, working all over the continent rather than for individual kingdoms. Instead of fighting wars, they do jobs like monster slaying, fugitive hunting, and assassinations.

(I'm planning to make this a free-roam roleplay. So I will play the setting, NPCs, monsters, etc. and players can travel around the world that I present them, doing jobs and living life. While players will primarily be Spellblades, I'll allow some to not be. Spellblades will often enlist the help of others like healers.)

Opening Song




Daegonhart Keep. A large stone stronghold in the middle of nowhere with great defenses, hidden entrances, open training grounds, professional staff, and warm beds. But most importantly, it's a Spellblade's keep. It serves as a training ground as well as a central hub of information and collaboration for any Spellblade in the general vicinity. At this time, the keep was mostly empty, save for a handful of Spellblades and staff. Austin was one of them.

It was early in the morning. The sun had just started to show through the thick line of clouds, casting an almost silvery glow upon the keep. Austin stepped through the doorway into the courtyard and was greeted by one of the keep's servants, a man by the name of Burtrund.

"Oh! Elder Ravine, good to see you this morning. The other Spellblades missed you at breakfast this morning. It was quite eventful; the healer finally arrived, and with a dragon no less! Really majestic, I've never seen anything like it. Not sure where he is now, probably near the young lad."

"Quite interesting. I shall have to see for myself. Burtrund."

"Er, yes Elder?" he said, a little surprised.

"Sound the alarm."

"What! Are we under attack?" he exclaimed with even more surprise.

"No. Things have been getting a little lax here lately. They've had their meals, and I need to call a meeting. Keep things interesting. We'll call it... a drill. See to it that it gets done."

"Y-yes Elder."

The man ran over to a guard's tower and sounded the alarm. Blaring sounded out throughout the entire keep through the use of sonic magic. Staff would man their defensive positions and Spellblades would meet in the main courtyard. Austin stood in the center of the courtyard, book in hand, ready to evaluate the other Spellblades' actions.

@Ami the breadling @Lotusy @Seraph Darkfire @Lorkhan @Ashaficent @CortezsCoffers

(The RP can officially start! :D Other players may join in later, but you first 6 may begin as you wish! Here's to a great RP!)
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William & Strad

"And I took the demon, and smashed him in the face!"

"Ooh! Go on!"

William was in the middle of telling a story to a group of three excited spellblades-in-training. "Yea, I know! And as soon as I was finished, I called upon the heavens, and smote him with the power of nature! It was a glorious day!" He brought his fist down on the table, shaking the plates and cups with a fierce glint in his eye. Meanwhile, Strad, who sat at the table beside them, snorted and rolled his eyes. "He's lying through his teeth, you know," the large dragon rumbled. He lifted his claw, flicking the back of William's head and sending the young man face-first into his plate of eggs. "I swear, William. Everything you say is worth less than a chipmunk's speak. 'Smote him with the power of nature?' You tripped him with a root, for god's sake!" The dragon huffed indignantly, which sounded like a low A flat. "Go on. There's nothing interesting coming from his mouth. I mean, he's a healer after all." The other three trainees at the table got up and left with bored expressions on their faces, muttering something about training. As soon as they had left, William sprang up off the table, acting like nothing had happened. "Hey Strad! Did you know they had a mushroom bar-?"


William looked up at the ceiling inquisitively. "Hm. What do you think that is?" If Strad could have groaned, he would have. "You know, I'm not very sure myself, William. Maybe it's an ALARM?!" The dragon raised a clawed finger to the spellblades milling around and taking defensive positions. "What do you think? It sure doesn't look like a celebration to me!" The young man shrugged. "Hey, it's our first day. Nobody ever told us about an ala- YEOWCH!" The green dragon had nipped the back of his leg, sending William down the hall. "Get moving! A useless healer is as good as dead!"

William ran out of the mess hall, with Strad in pursuit. Though the man was sprinting at his top speeds, Strad was merely taking long strides, enjoying a bit of his pupil's suffering. "Where... do... we... go?" William huffed out between labored pants. The dragon lifted his claw, pointing towards the main courtyard. "The spellblades seem to be congregating there. We don't count, but I'm sure our presence would be needed in their force." The two finally pulled to a stop there, with William doubled over and wheezing, and Strad picking at his claws. The green dragon scanned the area for anyone who seemed to know an ounce of what was happening.​
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Teiren shut the book he'd been reading firmly with a sigh when the bell began to ring. It was most certainly the alarm and an annoying one at that. He'd only just began getting into the more interesting bits from the book. He'd been distracted by the information that the healer had arrived with a dragon. He hadn't seen a dragon in a long time so he'd thought it interesting enough to take a look. Afterwards, he'd had a short meal before retiring to read his book.

"Wonder what it is?" he stepped up to the window and looked down at the courtyard, seeing people beginning to gather "I don't think we are under attack, don't know anyone who would be dumb enough to try, even with our current numbers, so maybe a drill?" he scratched his head before setting his book down on a nearby table and picking up his swords "No harm in a little preparation I suppose" he said softly.

Properly securing them, he stepped through the window and leaned out. He then focused on the magic within him, his source of mana. Slowly he strengthened his body before he began to quickly scale the wall, dropping down quickly and catching ledges before finally reaching the ground.

Gently dusting himself off, he gathered in form with the other Spellblades, one hand resting on one of his swords. Though his stance appeared lazy to the untrained eye, this was a stance that allowed him freedom of movement, giving him the ability to guard an attack from any direction. Anyone who'd crossed blades with him would understand that he was just as dangerous in this relaxed pose as he would be if he had the blade drawn.
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"Yes, it has indeed gotten somewhat boring recently.", Mia said, running a hand through her hair. She was talking to herself. The girl was sitting in her room, front to a mirror and combing her hair, which now she had to start over. She was not superficial, but a untidy look was a disgrace to her name and the spellblades.

After she had finished her hair, Mia went to grab her sword. She unsheated it, starting to clean it like a maniac, giving no dirt a chance to even consider remaining on it. After her sword, her speartips followed. And after that, her sword again. Mia could do so the whole day, if this one person in this stronghold would not always disturb her. Well, "disturb" maybe was the wrong word. Not that Mia somehow minded their interaction.

In the middle of thoughts, the alarm. Mia reacted in the blink of an eye, sheating her sword whilest running. She ran to the courtyard, crossing people that weren't even understanding what was happening yet. Then, she stood in the courtyard, straight and the hand on her sword. The 6 small speartip-like blades hovered left and right next to her.

@Seraph Darkfire @Arelynn
The wind hammered against the shutters and ruffled the remains of the moth-eaten tapestries used to insulate the window. Gareth was at his seat by the dim light of the window, reading. He could not remember when he last slept a night without waking before daybreak, when the sky was still shrouded in darkness. It was on these pre-sunrise mornings that Gareth did what one might expect him to do; he poured over his tomes, his notes, studied and perfected his alchemical techniques. He'd read and reread writings made by distinguished sorcerers, of their findings and experiments. It was tedious work, but Gareth had learned to become accustomed to the early morning hours, and still felt alert enough to take on whatever else the day may throw at him.

Which, today, seemed to be the sounding of the alarm. A deafening shriek pierces through the thick stone walls of Gareth's bedchamber. Glass vials and alchemy apparatuses on the far lab table began to rattle ever so slightly. Gareth was caught by surprise, and he donned a puzzled expression as the noise began to fade. It was a rare occasion that the alarm ever got sounded, and even rarer that someone were foolish enough to threaten Daegonhart Keep. Gareth did not suspect much trouble to come out of this. Whatever the case, he was to report down to the main courtyard immediately, without question. He took a short moment to gather his gear before heading out.

Outside, Gareth drifted through the thin layer of snow that blanketed the courtyard. Elder Austin stood at the center with a book in one hand and a quill in the other. This is most certainly a drill, he thought. Gareth joined the crowd of his fellow spellblades, silently brimming with both excitement and terror. Gareth simply took his position and stood at attention before the elder, keeping himself as still as he could, though it was hard to ignore the bone-chilling wind.
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"So the guy comes up to me and he says, 'Listen here kid, this here is my heist. I got here first so I get the loot. Now you just leave quietly or I'll spill your guts on this here carpet, you understand?'" Vel paused in his narration to empty the last of his beer, then slammed the mug down on the table.

"And what'd you do then?" asked the George. The only person in the Keep who Vel could consider his friend, George the armorer was a tall, buff man somewhere in his mid thirties who, like Vel, had spent a few of his childhood years on the wrong side of the law. On the rare occasions when Vel visited the Keep, the two of them would drink together and share tales of their adventures.

"Well, I was never much of a fighter as a kid, and even if I had been, I was unarmed and he was threatening me with a dagger. I left, of course, but I didn't do it as quietly as he'd hoped. Any other night, I would have left without making any noise, but this night was supposed to be special. This was the most secure house I'd broken into yet. I'd spent two weeks planning this heist, so when it turned out that some guy had beaten me to it, I felt cheated.

"So what I do then is..."

Before Vel could say anything more, he was interrupted by the alarm.

"Guess I'll finish the story some other time," Vel said as he picked up his belongings. "I'm off to the courtyard to see what the matter is. You take care of yourself, George."

Featherweight on himself, Vel dashed out of his friend's room and leapt down the hallways. Reaching the courtyard just a half minute later, he saw that there were already a few people there, among them the Elder Ravine and a green dragon. Vel slowed down his pace and removed the enchantment, then walked over to the gathering, his right hand on the hilt of his sword and his eyes warily trained on the dragon.
"Hm, let's see. Oh, right. First things first."

He snapped his fingers, causing the disrupting alarm to finally seize.

"Better. Now, who's here? Ah, healer, nice to see you have arrived safely. William, yes? And Strad, good to meet you too. Teiren, Mia, thank you for the speedy entrances. Gareth, Velles, good to see you both as well. There will most likely be more on their way, but you first six will be first to get this information."

He now looked over at the rest of the Spellblades and trainees, waiting for his order. "As for everyone else; next time, I expect a faster reaction. It doesn't take very long for an assault to take full force. Dismissed."

"I know things have been calm lately, so you're probably wonder why I've hired William and Strad here. We've received a new mission, and I'm entrusting you to be able to complete it. I will be going with you on this mission, but treat this as an evaluation. I'll guide you if you need help, but don't expect me to hold your hands. Now, listen closely."

From beneath his cloak, he pulled out a rolled map. Unrolling it revealed the map of Eriani. Daegonhart Keep was marked on the map to the northwest, and there was another marker on the map on a small island just off the west coast. Underneath it was written "Jaeger Isles." Austin traced the path that they would take, down the pass and across on a boat.

"At the west coast, look for a woman named Killian, and she shall give you passage to the island. She will recognize you as Spellblades, do not worry. The other Spellblades shall be informed. We depart tonight. Be prepared." And with that, he walked away back into the keep.




Travel to the west coast and meet with Killian

@Ami the breadling @Lotusy @Seraph Darkfire @Lorkhan @CortezsCoffers @Zer0
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Mia quickly collected her blades., putting them in the small sheat next to her sword. She followed Austin, catching up to him before respecrfully bowing. Then she kept walking next to him. "Erm... Sire... will all of us go? I mean... I have not seen Alexandria at the drill right now, but she will still join, right?", she worriedly asked. It was commenly known, that Mia and Alexandria were a couple, so the reason of her question was quite obvious. (i cleared that with @Ashaficent btw.)

Mion walked into the courtyard shaking off hay from his helmet just as Elder Ravine pulled out a map.

"Taking it easy again, Mion?" chuckled one of the guards as he passed by. "It was the alarm, you know. You could have at least jogged."

"If there was any real danger, the horses would have become restless. Besides, the sunrise was beautiful." he smiled and donned his helmet. He stood beside Teiren and gave him a small nod as a greeting before turning his attention to the Elder.

After Elder Ravine returned to the Keep, he took off his helmet, wiping the sweat from his early morning chores in the stables and unbeknownst to him, smudged dirt across his face.

"How many of you will be riding horses to the coast?" Mion called to everyone. "George and I need to know since some horses need to be re-shod and some saddles have loose buckles."
"Looks like I'm not going to be finishing my book any time soon" Tei said sighing as he rubbed his head before looking at Mion "I'll be traveling the old fashioned way" he said tapping one of his feet on the ground. Due to his demonic nature, animals weren't particularly fond of him and as to not alert anyone unnecessarily, he normally chose to travel by foot. His body was naturally stronger than a normal humans and his endurance was incredible.

With the addition of magical strengthening his body, he could easily keep up with horses. It was how he'd gotten around before becoming a Spellblade...well that and the occasional carriage ride. As long as he wasn't riding them directly, horses would generally ignore him. He then grinned "Might want to get cleaned up though, a clean Spellblade is generally the ladies' favorite" he said chuckling.

He then looked back up towards his room and sighed "I better get my things together, I'd hate to be unprepared" he then repeated the process he'd done to get down, only this time in reverse. He shot up the side of the wall, already running the things he'd need specifically for himself. Cleaning utensils for his blades, as well as his own personal supplies of food. A Spellblade's life was never boring, though a busy one never got time for his own personal desires.

"I wanted to help people" he mumbled with a soft smile.

A figure appeared on the ledge of a window above the entrance, and jumped. A thundering clang of metal against concrete. The blade of a scythe embedded between the cracks of the pavement.

Holding the scythe was Alexandria, her eyes a fiery red due to all the excitement. Two guards almost dropped their weapons, staring at her with their mouths wide open. She simply winked at them, and strutted forward with long, confident strides.

"Sorry I'm late," she said breezily, not sounding apologetic at all. "I got caught up with... stuff." The truth was that she had been taking a nap, and didn't have the energy to drag herself out of bed.

"What'd I miss?" She asked, seeing Mia, her girlfriend, standing in the distance with the elder Spellblade Austin.

@Ami the breadling @Arelynn @everyone (#toolazytotag)
Mia saw her girlfriend land and bowed before the elder. "Excuse me, i will have to attend other matters, sire.", she said and ran over to Alexandria, hugging and kissing her. "There was a drill, sleepy nose. Oh and we have a mission!"

Alexandria wrapped her arms around Mia's waist, and kissed her back. "I wasn't sleeping!" She denied, once she pulled back and Mia accused her of being a 'sleepy nose'. "And a mission, huh? What's it about?" She asked, her eyes settling into a calm blue as she realised that the alarm was just a drill.

@Ami the breadling
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Mia kissed her again, then making her forehead rest against Alexandria's. "You know i cannot remember such stuff that good, we will somehow travel to a ship and sail to an island. Can we talk about more important stuff now? For example how you sleep during an alarm. I could have died if it was real, because you were not around to fight with me...", she said, her expression getting hurt. She made a pouting face.

Alexandria brought a hand up to Mia's face, and stroked her cheek lovingly. "You're a capable girl, Mia." She said. "I'm pretty sure that it would be the opponents that would get killed." Alexandria had started to get excited already. This new mission sounded like fun, and she was looking forward to it.

@Ami the breadling
"What are you talking about, Teiren? Ladies love a man covered in sweat and earth." said Mion proudly, strutting like a bull, still with a smudged face. "And besides, all the ladies have been taken." said Mion sadly, looking at Mia and Alexandria. "Or rather, taken each other." he added as they displayed affection. Though he didn't understand why a girl and another girl would get together, it was nonetheless pleasant to watch.

'I wonder if I'm the only one who uses the stairs . . .', Mion pondered, watching Teiren scale the walls effortlessly. He returned to his morning chores after taking note of the people who would be needing horses, then spent most of the day preparing his gear, fixing saddles, and nailing horse shoes into hooves in George's smithy while hanging out with the armorer.

@Seraph Darkfire
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As the Elder Ravine left the courtyard, Vel turned to face the group. He recognized all the spellblades, had spoken with all of them once or twice beforeso his attention was drawn to the healer and the dragon. He walked over to them and offered a greeting.

"So you're William, right? My name is Velles, pleased to meet you," Vel he as he offered his hand to shake. "You must be a very talented healer to have been hired for this mission.

"And your name is Strad?" he asked the great dragon. "Tell me, has either of you ever worked with a spellblade before?"

Strad nodded his head respectfully as the Elder revealed their mission. It seemed easy enough to the old dragon, but he knew there was probably a catch. "By your command, elder," he rumbled, with a content smile spreading across his scaled face. Oh, how long was it since he'd last seen the ocean? Maybe a day or two of peace would come to- -

"Look at that, Strad! They're kissing!" William said childishly, pointing towards the two female spellblades as if he'd never seen anything of the sort happen before. Strad groaned in response. "By the gods, William. I cannot believe you are twenty-three! You haven't matured a day past twelve!" The green dragon was a bit frustrated with William for interrupting his thoughts. "Listen, we've got a mission, and you just need to heal. I can fight a bit, but we're here to support the spellblades, not just barge in on their personal life. Have some respect!"

Almost as soon as Strad had finished berating William, the spellblade named Velles approached the two of them, offering up a greeting. Smiling as if nothing had transpired seconds earlier, William turned from Strad, firmly shaking Velles's hand. "It's sooo good to meet you, Velles! I am, William for a matter of fact, and this old coot here is-" Strad pried the young man off of Velles's hand. "And I am Strad, correct. As for spellblades... well, we've worked with them once. I think it was a run to the Diar province, right, William?" William didn't respond, his attention focused on another spellblade's weapon like a cat to yarn. "Never mind that. By the way, Velles, do you know what mode of transport we will use? Though I am a dragon..." He lifted up his clawed arm, showing his spotted and thin wings. "Flying has been hard for me lately. Would you know of any transport able to help me along?"

The briefing didn't take long at all, and for that, Gareth was grateful. If there was anything in the world that Gareth could never get used to, it was this biting cold. Even during the day, in the middle of summer, he was always freezing up here. Maybe it was in his blood, being so acclimatized to the constant tropical heat of his homeland that made him so unsuited to the mountains, even though he's lived up here for nearly a century. Adjusting his cloak, Gareth sauntered back inside without hesitation.

He returned to his room, where he would begin preparing, calmly and meticulously. He knew he had plenty of time. He and the others were not expected to depart until nightfall. In front of his bed was a small chest with metal fittings. He opened it. Inside was a crossbow with folding limbs, small enough to be wielded with one hand. Two quivers stood snugly inside tight compartments, each holding a dozen quarrels. One quiver held steel bolts, and the other had silver. Gareth removed them from the chest and attached the bow and the quivers to his belt. There was no need to brew healing potions this time around, as the healer would probably see to that matter. All that was left to do was wait until dusk fell.
Mion's heavy footsteps echoed in the empty stone hallway as he walked up to the library, the orange glow from the lamps reflected in his brown eyes. They cast shadows on his broad back and fell on the tattoo peeking out from the back of his nape under his grey night shirt. He could hear the others in their rooms as he passed by.

Chinks of glass, and the flipping of pages in Teiren's room. Mion stepped close to take a whiff of what the alchemist was brewing and smelled hearthstone and an odd smell he couldn't quite figure out. Laughter escaped from some chambers, and he heard a very loud snore from one. 'Perhaps that was Strad? If not, dang, son.'

He reached the library and gave three heavy knocks before entering the Elder's study.

"Elder, I'd like to borrow a book about the local monsters in the area, and a copy of the map." said Mion taking a seat across the Elder's desk.

@Arelynn, @Seraph Darkfire, @Lotusy
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Gareth set a few rare volumes on the counter before the librarian, an old man with few hairs on his head, but many on his snow-white beard. He briefly glanced up from his tome, and gave a short nod to Gareth before sticking his long nose back into the pages. Elder Ravine and Mion were both seated in the table towards the back, speaking quietly with each other by the looks of it. Just the sort of place I'd find him, thought Gareth. Candle in hand, he hesitantly approached the two. "Ravine?" he muttered, quietly setting the candle down on the table. "I had no intention of interrupting your little chat, but I'd like a word with you."
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The Elder sat at the back of the library. It was here that he felt at peace, with nothing to disturb him. In his hands was a book that people had taken to calling "The Old Man's Book." While the Elder spent a majority of his time in the library, he was only ever seen reading this exact same book. It was simply a leather-bound book with no cover or writing on the spine. It could almost pass for a diary of sorts, were it not for the fact that the Elder had never written in it. The contents, of course, were also somewhat of a mystery.

"Elder, I'd like to borrow a book about the local monsters in the area, and a copy of the map." said Mion, taking a seat across the Elder's desk.

Elder Ravine looked up as Mion seated himself. "Local monsters, hm? I think you might be better off asking the librarian. I can, however, give you a copy of the map." He reached inside his cloak and presented a rolled-up map to Mion. "I do admire your initiative, young Spellblade, but why the sudden interest in local monsters when are are set to travel soon?"

Before Mion had a chance to respond, Gareth approached the table. "Ravine?" the elf muttered. "I had no intention of interrupting your little chat, but I'd like a word with you." To which the Elder responded with a nod, then stood up to follow Gareth. "What is it you'd like to speak to me about?"

@Zer0 @Lorkhan

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