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Futuristic Spacestruck - Futuristic Space RP (Open)


The God-Emperor of Mankind


"Everyone thinks they're a hero of their own story."

~ Unknown

Story so far...

The Backstory of the RP

Humanity dwelled on Earth for many years... but then it's time came. The resources on Earth were expunged and Earth was thrown into a war for resources. Humanity built space-ships and escaped the ruined Earth.

Humanity found a new home for themselves, the planet Kestrel-5. They have contacted alien species on their travel, thus learning many new technologies and multiple trade routes. Humanity lived on for hundreds of years, until this day... an unknown alien race, superior to the humans attacked Kestrel-5 for unknown reasons. The being behind it is "Giygas" a powerful psionic, who will not stop until he achieves his goals.

Episode 1 - A new adventure begins...

A human called Jack Rosenthal had called his old friends using a beacon. He said he has something important to talk about. They have found each other and assembled, to discover who is behind the recent attacks on Kestrel-5, however during their meeting, the city of New Moscow was targeted by Giygas, they were forced to escape. They took off in Jack's ship and flew towards the capital city of Kestrel-5; Augustgrad. They have then taken off towards an alien base that Jack had detected earlier...

Episode 2 - Assassins and Sages

The group have began their travel towards the base, on the way they have picked up Gh'ar N'ar Mor'lik, a wise sage alien. Their travel to the Gieguan base continued. However they have soon after discovered an Assassin on their ship. After confronting her, they continued to land near the facility, then they have moved out towards it, through the jungle on the exotic Island. Whilst Jack went forward to explore, he had received a distress message. He went over to check it out, to recover a new crewmember...

Episode 3 - Critical Error

Coming soon....

But nobody came.

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Starting Post...

Kestrel-5, an Earth like planet... quite beatiful. There are exotic plants everywhere, as Jack landed his ship near a small town, he walked out of it. He headed towards and into a local gunstore and purchased ammunition. He walked out quite satisfied, his suit scanned people passing on the street for bounties. Mainly humans around, it was a human planet after all.
Jack Rosenthal

Jack walked back towards his ship, intimidating step by step. Kestrel was not a planet full of criminals, or bounty hunters like him for that matter, a few people were staring at him as he passed them in his armor, with his gun. He sighed and kept looking around, for literally anyone... He then saw his ship in the distance and entered it.


He walked towards the cockpit and tried using the radio system, maybe he could reach out to Edgar, or someone else? He still had that old radio channel... "Hello? Edgar, anyone there?" he said to the radio.

@Safety Hammer
(Let's see if you guys can find all of the references)

Edgar looked around the dingy space port. There were so many strange things on that planet. There was a group of midgets in masks heading for some planet called Pandora, some fish lady walking around with what looked like a dinosaur, an extremely depressed android with a man in his pajamas, some guy with a really long scarf talking about jelly babies, a small head looking thing with a bow in his one strand of hair and a huge nose, and a group of people passing out pamphlets for something called 'The One True Morty'.

Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
Jack walked back towards his ship, intimidating step by step. Kestrel was not a planet full of criminals, or bounty hunters like him for that matter, a few people were staring at him as he passed them in his armor, with his gun. He sighed and kept looking around, for literally anyone... He then saw his ship in the distance and entered it.


He walked towards the cockpit and tried using the radio system, maybe he could reach out to Edgar, or someone else? He still had that old radio channel... "Hello? Edgar, anyone there?" he said to the radio.

@Safety Hammer
"Hm? Oh hey Jack! Yeah, I got your message. Where are ya?" Edgar said, as his sunglasses shot out.
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer](Let's see if you guys can find all of the references)
Edgar looked around the dingy space port. There were so many strange things on that planet. There was a group of midgets in masks heading for some planet called Pandora, some fish lady walking around with what looked like a dinosaur, an extremely depressed android with a man in his pajamas, some guy with a really long scarf talking about jelly babies, a small head looking thing with a bow in his one strand of hair and a huge nose, and a group of people passing out pamphlets for something called 'The One True Morty'.

"Hm? Oh hey Jack! Yeah, I got your message. Where are ya?" Edgar said, as his sunglasses shot out.

(Borderlands, Undertal- Okay, I can't list them all XDXDXD)

Jack Rosenthal

Jack smirked... Edgar was there, thank god, at least one person that he could find. "I'm at Space-port 121. Where are you? I'll fly for you." he said, over the radio. He turned on the Engine, hearing the aircraft powering up.
Birdsie said:
(Borderlands, Undertal- Okay, I can't list them all XDXDXD)
Jack Rosenthal

Jack smirked... Edgar was there, thank god, at least one person that he could find. "I'm at Space-port 121. Where are you? I'll fly for you." he said, over the radio. He turned on the Engine, hearing the aircraft powering up.
(THE REFERENCES! It's easier this time.)

"I'm..uh... I'm at Space-port 111." Edgar said as some dude in a robe and two droids shoved past him. "OI! WATCH IT!" Edgar shook his head and continued to press his fore finger to his ear. "Yeah, that would be awesome if you could pick me up." Edgar looked around for a landmark to identify his area. "I'm right across from a ship called.." Edgar looked around the sides to find the name. "The Bebop and The Aloha Oe."

Jack Rosenthal

Jack took off and flought towards Space-port 111. He then said "I'll be there." as he flew with high speed. After about 7 minutes, he arrived. He landed near Edgar and the boarding hatch of the ship opened up for him, as Jack pressed a button.

@Safety Hammer
Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal

Jack took off and flought towards Space-port 111. He then said "I'll be there." as he flew with high speed. After about 7 minutes, he arrived. He landed near Edgar and the boarding hatch of the ship opened up for him, as Jack pressed a button.

@Safety Hammer
"Took ya long enough." Edgar said as he gave Jack a hug. "So, how's it been?"
Jack Rosenthal

"We have a serious problem. Watch this." he opened up the computer in the Cockpit and showed Edgar a recording... a human military base on Kestrel-5, you can see nothing happening for the first 7 seconds, a few soldiers patrol the area. Then a powerful plasma blast from the atmosphere hits the place, causing a massive explosion. About 18 seconds after, a dropship lands in the area, as multiple armed beings walk out and shoot everywhere. The humans return fire but are overwhelmed. After 25 seconds of fighting, one of the aliens comes up to the camera and shoots it.

"There's much more where that came from. Do you know what's happening, Edgar?" he asked with a curious, almost cocky voice. Then he sighed and opened his mouth, taking off the helmet. Jack looked him in the eyes and said "It's an invasion."

@Safety Hammer
Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
"We have a serious problem. Watch this." he opened up the computer in the Cockpit and showed Edgar a recording... a human military base on Kestrel-5, you can see nothing happening for the first 7 seconds, a few soldiers patrol the area. Then a powerful plasma blast from the atmosphere hits the place, causing a massive explosion. About 18 seconds after, a dropship lands in the area, as multiple armed beings walk out and shoot everywhere. The humans return fire but are overwhelmed. After 25 seconds of fighting, one of the aliens comes up to the camera and shoots it.

"There's much more where that came from. Do you know what's happening, Edgar?" he asked with a curious, almost cocky voice. Then he sighed and opened his mouth, taking off the helmet. Jack looked him in the eyes and said "It's an invasion."

@Safety Hammer
"The fuck are they, the Reapers?" Edgar said, as his sunglasses retracted back into his eyes.
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]
"The fuck are they, the Reapers?" Edgar said, as his sunglasses retracted back into his eyes.

Jack Rosenthal

"Don't make Mass Effect jokes, you dingus. They brought down a heavily guarded military facility in a minute.... actually, even less than a minute. There's lots of those. The news are booming with it, also there is a blockade around the atmosphere, almost nothing can get through. I have a lead though." He opened up another thing on the computer, it showed you a map of the planet, it zoomed onto a sea, then it zoomed further and further, until you saw a small island with an alien construct on it. "This. It's an outpost of theirs that I found. Ships land there each 12 hours... alien ships." he said.

Her eyes where large, one a crystal clear green the other covered with a white milky sheen and a powder blue irise. Ana sat on a roof, in port 111, she'd heard Jack's message on the radio and chose to ignore it for a long time. Then pressing her finger to her head set in a half-assed manner she spoke into the Bluetooth, "Jack?" Anastasia asked her thick accent echoing down the fuzzy line.

JustCallMeAimee said:

Her eyes where large, one a crystal clear green the other covered with a white milky sheen and a powder blue irise. Ana sat on a roof, in port 111, she'd heard Jack's message on the radio and chose to ignore it for a long time. Then pressing her finger to her head set in a half-assed manner she spoke into the Bluetooth, "Jack?" Anastasia asked her thick accent echoing down the fuzzy line.


Jack Rosenthal

He heard the voice, he quickly turned back towards the console and looked at the radio, then he said "Copy. Where are you?" he asked, with a curious voice. He started up the engines again, to prepare for takeoff towards her location. He sighed and looked at Edgar, waiting for what he might say.

@Safety Hammer

(I'll be back in about 30 minutes)
Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
"Don't make Mass Effect jokes, you dingus. They brought down a heavily guarded military facility in a minute.... actually, even less than a minute. There's lots of those. The news are booming with it, also there is a blockade around the atmosphere, almost nothing can get through. I have a lead though." He opened up another thing on the computer, it showed you a map of the planet, it zoomed onto a sea, then it zoomed further and further, until you saw a small island with an alien construct on it. "This. It's an outpost of theirs that I found. Ships land there each 12 hours... alien ships." he said.
"And you think that we can just bring this shit down with three people? Fuck, I don't think I've ever seen you more suicidal in my life." Edgar sat down and lit a cigarette. "Fuck it, I'm in."
Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal

He heard the voice, he quickly turned back towards the console and looked at the radio, then he said "Copy. Where are you?" he asked, with a curious voice. He started up the engines again, to prepare for takeoff towards her location. He sighed and looked at Edgar, waiting for what he might say.

@Safety Hammer

(I'll be back in about 30 minutes)

"Calm down Jack...I'm in your area."

She told him and scratched her scar before climbing to stand up on the roof. Ana then climbed down the side of the building using window sills and the drain pipe, "I'll come to you." Ana ended the call and pulled up her hood heading for the ship.

JustCallMeAimee said:

"Calm down Jack...I'm in your area."

She told him and scratched her scar before climbing to stand up on the roof. Ana then climbed down the side of the building using window sills and the drain pipe, "I'll come to you." Ana ended the call and pulled up her hood heading for the ship.

"Oi! Who's that?" Edgar said, as he blew a cloud of smoke into the air. "Is that your girlfriend, or are you still too awkward to get one?" Edgar laughed as he stood up and looked around. "Where are am I going to be sleeping?"
Staggering thought the muddy streets of Kestrel-5, Matt rubbed his hands together trying not to think of how low, his body was, on ZOOM. Fiddling with an empty drug bottle, he sucked the last remaining puffs from the canister. Matt Lorre flexed his fingers hopping to calm his twitching body while waiting for the drug to sooth his flesh.

"Nothing," Matt sorrowfully said to himself while lowering his aching head. "I need more! Good Lord! Please let that asshole drug pusher be at the bar. He must have a job for me."

Matt then noticed a fleet of military trucks driving past him. Hoping not to be run over, the man, loosing his footing, tripped and fell into a pedestrian.

"Get away from me you stupid druggie!" the stranger yelled giving Matt a violent shove.

Falling on to the mud ridden streets, Matt lifted his weary body up, wobbling as he stood back on his feet.

"Idiot!" The pedestrian said.

"What's going on? W- why's the army here?" Matt asked the man.

"The hell if I know," the stranger said as he walked away from Matt Lorre.

Whatever was happening, Matt knew that it was better not to get involved. All he needed right now was a fix of ZOOM. He made his way to the local bar praying at the drug dealer would give him a job and possibly a drug payment in advance.
Jack Rosenthal

Having nothing better to do, Jack sat back and reeeelaxed like hell. He was looking around then through the windshield he saw Matt. A stupid idea came to Jack's mind, but he could behave maturely, he laughed a little and sat back once again, practically not caring... then something showed up on his computer.

New Accident - New Moscow

Type: Alien Attack

Recording: Yes [Play? Yes - No]

  • Time: 52 seconds
  • Violence: A lot
  • Death: A lot
  • Plasma, Blast, Laser and Ordinary weapons detected.

Multiple military personnel attacking on New Moscow.

He looked at it and read it, as his eyes were filled with surprise, that quickly turned into shock, absolutely shocked "What the fuck... but... New Moscow is THIS city." He opened up the recording, to see multiple gunships, dropships, bombers, interceptors and fighters bombing another district of the city, he was shocked. He looked up into the air, to see multiple alien ships above, in the atmosphere. He looked at the two and said "We have to take off and get to a safer part of the planet. The whole place is under attack!"


Multiple alien dropships arrived and landed in the whole city, multiple Starmen and Grunt squads left, with a few Gieguans after them, leading the attack. They have noticed Matt and the ship that Edgar, Ana and Jack were in. They have opened fire on all of them, then the Ship immidieately detected the damage and said.

Hull Damage detected - Plasma based damage

Type: Plasma

Amount: Minor

Shields engaged and activated automatically [Engage in combat? Yes - No]

He pressed the 'Yes' option as the ship's rotary turrets and other weapons have picked up the Starmen and Grunts, opening heavy and concentrated fire upon them, decimating them slowly as the rest of them took cover from the fire. The ship having no more tactical abilities had stopped firing, waiting for the hostiles to appear once more.

@Safety Hammer @JustCallMeAimee @RP Marshall
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Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
Having nothing better to do, Jack sat back and reeeelaxed like hell. He was looking around then through the windshield he saw Matt. A stupid idea came to Jack's mind, but he could behave maturely, he laughed a little and sat back once again, practically not caring... then something showed up on his computer.

New Accident - New Moscow

Type: Alien Attack

Recording: Yes [Play? Yes - No]

  • Time: 52 seconds
  • Violence: A lot
  • Death: A lot
  • Plasma, Blast, Laser and Ordinary weapons detected.

Multiple military personnel attacking on New Moscow.

He looked at it and read it, as his eyes were filled with surprise, that quickly turned into shock, absolutely shocked "What the fuck... but... New Moscow is THIS city." He opened up the recording, to see multiple gunships, dropships, bombers, interceptors and fighters bombing another district of the city, he was shocked. He looked up into the air, to see multiple alien ships above, in the atmosphere. He looked at the two and said "We have to take off and get to a safer part of the planet. The whole place is under attack!"


Multiple alien dropships arrived and landed in the whole city, multiple Starmen and Grunt squads left, with a few Gieguans after them, leading the attack. They have noticed Matt and the ship that Edgar, Ana and Jack were in. They have opened fire on all of them, then the Ship immidieately detected the damage and said.

Hull Damage detected - Plasma based damage

Type: Plasma

Amount: Minor

Shields engaged and activated automatically [Engage in combat? Yes - No]

He pressed the 'Yes' option as the ship's rotary turrets and other weapons have picked up the Starmen and Grunts, opening heavy and concentrated fire upon them, decimating them slowly as the rest of them took cover from the fire. The ship having no more tactical abilities had stopped firing, waiting for the hostiles to appear once more.

@Safety Hammer @JustCallMeAimee @RP Marshall
The ear piercing sounds all around him caused Matt to leap with fright.

"What the hell?" He screamed, "I must be hallucinating!"

Spacecrafts and troops were firing directly at him. Matt, assuming this was his last moments on Kestrel-5, buried his face into his palms. A mighty blast whizzed from behind him. The druggie lifted his head to see the attacking ships and soldiers being blown to bits. Matt sighed in relief and turned around to see what had attacked the enemy ships. A silver V shaped spacecraft stood in front of him with its weapons still smoking from the carnage. Near the ship, stood an armored clad woman with a deep gash over one of her eyes. Matt Lorre breathed heavily not knowing what was going on or what to do about it all. He just wanted some ZOOM, fast!

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Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
Having nothing better to do, Jack sat back and reeeelaxed like hell. He was looking around then through the windshield he saw Matt. A stupid idea came to Jack's mind, but he could behave maturely, he laughed a little and sat back once again, practically not caring... then something showed up on his computer.

New Accident - New Moscow

Type: Alien Attack

Recording: Yes [Play? Yes - No]

  • Time: 52 seconds
  • Violence: A lot
  • Death: A lot
  • Plasma, Blast, Laser and Ordinary weapons detected.

Multiple military personnel attacking on New Moscow.

He looked at it and read it, as his eyes were filled with surprise, that quickly turned into shock, absolutely shocked "What the fuck... but... New Moscow is THIS city." He opened up the recording, to see multiple gunships, dropships, bombers, interceptors and fighters bombing another district of the city, he was shocked. He looked up into the air, to see multiple alien ships above, in the atmosphere. He looked at the two and said "We have to take off and get to a safer part of the planet. The whole place is under attack!"


Multiple alien dropships arrived and landed in the whole city, multiple Starmen and Grunt squads left, with a few Gieguans after them, leading the attack. They have noticed Matt and the ship that Edgar, Ana and Jack were in. They have opened fire on all of them, then the Ship immidieately detected the damage and said.

Hull Damage detected - Plasma based damage

Type: Plasma

Amount: Minor

Shields engaged and activated automatically [Engage in combat? Yes - No]

He pressed the 'Yes' option as the ship's rotary turrets and other weapons have picked up the Starmen and Grunts, opening heavy and concentrated fire upon them, decimating them slowly as the rest of them took cover from the fire. The ship having no more tactical abilities had stopped firing, waiting for the hostiles to appear once more.

@Safety Hammer @JustCallMeAimee @RP Marshall

She leant against the door frame of the room, "poor Moskva (Moscow)," Ana sighed looking at the beginning battle, "I have a job...know it was a waste of my time coming here." Straightening and walking towards the console she looked out the window, "that boy out there," she pointed at Matt, "he's in the way."


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Jack Rosenthal

"Then let's get him out of it." he took control of the cannon and aimed it at Matt, then said "We'll do it pacifist way." he turned off the cannon and walked outside through the hatch, then he yelled "GET THE FUCK IN!" to Matt, hoping he'd either follow or at least get out of their way.

The Starmen took this as a good chance to attack, they walked out of cover and as they opened fire, they were immidieately blown into little pieces and shreds by the automated guns. The Grunts began fleeing and opening fire, but they were blown to shreds and their bullets simply hit the shields, doing nothing to the ship.

@JustCallMeAimee @RP Marshall @Safety Hammer
Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
"Then let's get him out of it." he took control of the cannon and aimed it at Matt, then said "We'll do it pacifist way." he turned off the cannon and walked outside through the hatch, then he yelled "GET THE FUCK IN!" to Matt, hoping he'd either follow or at least get out of their way.

The Starmen took this as a good chance to attack, they walked out of cover and as they opened fire, they were immidieately blown into little pieces and shreds by the automated guns. The Grunts began fleeing and opening fire, but they were blown to shreds and their bullets simply hit the shields, doing nothing to the ship.

@JustCallMeAimee @RP Marshall @Safety Hammer
Edgar hurried to the engine room. "Uh, Jack?" The cyborg called. "We need to go now!"
Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
"Then let's get him out of it." he took control of the cannon and aimed it at Matt, then said "We'll do it pacifist way." he turned off the cannon and walked outside through the hatch, then he yelled "GET THE FUCK IN!" to Matt, hoping he'd either follow or at least get out of their way.

The Starmen took this as a good chance to attack, they walked out of cover and as they opened fire, they were immidieately blown into little pieces and shreds by the automated guns. The Grunts began fleeing and opening fire, but they were blown to shreds and their bullets simply hit the shields, doing nothing to the ship.

@JustCallMeAimee @RP Marshall @Safety Hammer
Matt, holding his hands high above his head, did what he was told and 'Got the fuck in'.

Running for his life, Matt Lorre reached the front of the ship where the strange lady previously was standing but had now all ready entered it.

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Jack Rosenthal

"I AM TRYING TO, THAT FUCKING GUY IS IN OUR WAY!" He yelled back. He looked at the Shields... 72%, they needed to get out fast before the Grunts outside, being blown to shreds, would get any reinforcments. He quickly aimed his rifle at the Grunts and shot them, with pinpoint precision. He quickly closed the hatch as Matt got in. He ran towards the cockpit and turned on the Engines, then the ship flew forward and took off.

He flew high into the air, but several Gieguan interceptors flew behind him and shot out rockets. Jack was annoyed, but the rockets were EM models, that could pierce the shields and damage the ship. He performed a barrel roll, causing confusion in the rockets, who hit each other instead. He then performed a 360 turn, by lowering the engine output for a few seconds. The ship stopped going forward, it's engine turned off, but it turned around to the Alien ships, sitll going at high speeds. Jack fired at them, destroying them, then turned the Engine back on, going in the opposite direction. He flew towards the capital city of Kestrel-5: Augustgrad, hoping it was not invaded yet.

@Safety Hammer @RP Marshall @JustCallMeAimee

@NekoQueen49 (I guess that Saphira could have a bar in Augustgrad :P )

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