Soviet Empire Universe

[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"They are of a different Empire my friend, the Soviet Empire. You have not heard of it for you have fallen into another universe." Atalius explained calmly

"I was aboard one of my ships. By the way, my name is Darth Nox. Who are you?" Nox said to the fellow Sith.
Yami grinned. And so it began.

Remaining invisible to her, Yami walked up next to Nikita. After a few seconds of observation, and allowing Gregory to make a fool of himself, Yami ran a finger horizontally across Nikita's jawline, ending it by giving her hair a small flick. He then leaned close to her ear and whispered.

"Behind you..."

After which he reached through her armor as if it weren't there and ran his hand up Nikita's back.

Isaac noticed Valentine praying. He also waited before adding to their conversation. "I'm definitely not a religious man. The actions of the dominant religion in my universe made that impossible." Isaac was glad that his helmet was covering his face. He thought Gregory's retort was a bit funny, and he smiled at the remark. He thought that if Nikita saw a laugh or smile from him, she'd get mad. Isaac nodded at Valentine. "Yeah. We should get going."

@Some_Bloke @TommyGun15
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Nikita's ship:

"Don't mean the belief is bad, just the people who claim to follow it." Valentine shook his head "People have done so pretty messed up shit in the name of my religion, don't mean the teachings are bad. Well, the Old Testament stuff is messed up so I don't follow it. I only follow the new stuff. Less wrathful and more loving, you know what I mean?"

"Chto za...(what the)" Nikita muttered, taken aback as Yami made his move. Seeing what Yami was doing Gregory pressed a button on his helmet that pulled back his visor to reveal his face

"Yeah." He smirked "The thing is, he can kill you if he wants to...Well, if I want him to." Gregory continued "You so much as lay a hand on me or insult the woman I love again." Gregory ran a finger across his own throat as his smirk faded "Once we get to this tear I'm fookin' off to another universe to find my family and you and I will never have to see each other again. If he wants to, I'm taking this spear with me." He paused for a moment "Oh and he has a name, it's Yami." He smiled

"You little shit..." Nikita muttered bitterly

"Been called worse." Gregory smiled with an over-the top shrug "Call me what you want but I don't care for it when people call the people I give a damn about names like that."

New New Moscow:

"My name Darth Atalius. I cannot say I have heard of your name before. You are either from before or after my time or perhaps even from another universe, just one similar to my own." Atalius explained "I have an offer for you, if you would like to hear it. The reward would be power beyond that of the force itself."

@TommyGun15 @ryanpk200 @Donder172
Darth Nox looks towards Darth Atalius "That is possible. Because if you came from the same place, you should've heard of my name after Darth Thanaton challenged me to a Kaggath on Corellia. Now, I am a Dark Council Member and Head of the Pyramid of Ancient Knowledge. And what is that offer?"

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Donder172 said:
Darth Nox looks towards Darth Atalius "That is possible. Because if you came from the same place, you should've heard of my name after Darth Thanaton challenged me to a Kaggath on Corellia. Now, I am a Dark Council Member and Head of the Pyramid of Ancient Knowledge. And what is that offer?"
"Well, in exchange for this power all I ask for is your assistance in obtaining it. This power is located in a tear in reality, similar to the one that brought you here but unique in it's abilities. Many from across reality also want this power for themselves but I intend to get it first and restore the Sith to their former glory." Atalius explained with grandeur.
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"Well, in exchange for this power all I ask for is your assistance in obtaining it. This power is located in a tear in reality, similar to the one that brought you here but unique in it's abilities. Many from across reality also want this power for themselves but I intend to get it first and restore the Sith to their former glory." Atalius explained with grandeur.

"Okay, but I will make one thing clear. I do not take betrayal kindly. Are there any other Sith here?"
Donder172 said:
"Okay, but I will make one thing clear. I do not take betrayal kindly. Are there any other Sith here?"
"Yes. His name is Darth Kabaar." Atalius nodded "There are also two Jedi here but for the time being both are allies."
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]"Yes. His name is Darth Kabaar." Atalius nodded "There are also two Jedi here but for the time being both are allies."

"As long as they don't stay in my way, I'm fine with it. But if they get in my way, I will take them out."
Darth Kabaar

Location: Soviet Empire Universe

Status: Slightly annoyed[]Ready to fight[]Smug

Interacted with: Nikita (@Some_Bloke), Revan (Me), Syeron (@Some_Bloke), Atalius (@Some_Bloke), Kylo Ren (@birdie)

The Sith Lord could already feel the Jedi's want to strike him down, and it felt good to cause anger in the members of the failing, pacifist Order. Their ideals of peace disgusted him to his very core. The galaxy would never know true peace, as conflicts could grow on any planet at any time. Violence was the only true constant on the galaxy, and conflict weeds out the weak and gives room for the strong to prosper and grow stronger. The weak had no place in his galaxy, and they would be left to fail on their own if they could not improve. The ideals of the Jedi stated for not allowing their emotions to fuel them, which denied them access to the best source of power to use the Force. His emotions made him strong in the Force, especially when he fed off of the feelings of others in conjunction with his own. However, if he used this to his advantage, he could potentially turn this Jedi over to the Dark Side and take her as an apprentice. While his mask hid Kabaar's emotions from everyone present, he was smirking arrogantly under the mask. Only when Atalius, the other Sith who should be siding with him, intervened and told them to save hostilities until after their objective was complete did Kabaar's focus return to the mission to secure the tear. Soon, he would have power enough to decimate all of his enemies in any universe.

"On the contrary, Atalius, if this young Jedi wishes to strike me down then let her," the Sith Lord goaded. "Then, when she fails and lays wounded on the floor, I will spare her life for the moment. If there are no more outbursts, then board the ship and prepare to depart." As soon as the Sith finished addressing the ones boarding with him, he turned and strode towards the docking area of the ship under his command.
Atalius and Syeron: Knowing of Syeron's aggression, Atalius deemed it unwise to throw another Sith on board the same ship as the young Jedi. There was also the other possibility that Nox knew of Revan and would want to strike him down. Atalius needed as many allies as possible as although he hated to admit it, he knew he was going into this mission almost blind. Apart from Ultron, he knew next to nothing about others who would seek to take the tear's power for themselves.

He turned to Kabaar and sighed "Save it for the field of battle, my friend."

"I'd watch my back out there." Syeron smiled at Kabaar "It's going to be dangerous."

"Do as you wish to each other after the tear has been obtained but for now, I want both of you alive." Atalius replied with sternness. Despite this ship being under the command of Kabaar Atalius was putting his foot down and trying to take charge.

Atalius proceeded to lead Nox to the dropship where Jotaro, Raiden, Drake and Mil were along with Commander Ivanov and almost four hundred soldiers.

"I am afraid that my ship is crowded." Atalius stated "There should be a bit of room on this ship, however."

"Who's this guy?" Jotaro asked

"An ally." Atalius explained "Now please, gentlemen. We're running out of time so save the introductions for mid-flight."

"Can he be trusted?" Mil asked suspiciously

Atalius turned to Nox "Well?" He asked "These gentlemen want to know if you'll honour our deal."

@Skywanker @Donder172

Nikita's ship:

"Get this vile creature to stop." Nikita commanded Gregory "Now."

"Is he trying to cop a feel or somethin'?" Gregory asked with sarcasm "Can't tell with all that armour."

"Can we stop this, guys?" Max asked, annoyance in his voice "I for one don't plan on dyin' today and neither does me friend here." He scratched behind Bishop's ears "Instead a' bein' dicks to each other I think we'd get outta this one alive if we at least tried to be nice. I'm not sayin' we need to join hands and sing Kumbaya I'm just sayin' we should at least try to get the hell along." He complained

@ryanpk200 @TommyGun15
@Skywanker[/URL] @Donder172

Nikita's ship:

"Get this vile creature to stop." Nikita commanded Gregory "Now."

"Is he trying to cop a feel or somethin'?" Gregory asked with sarcasm "Can't tell with all that armour."

"Can we stop this, guys?" Max asked, annoyance in his voice "I for one don't plan on dyin' today and neither does me friend here." He scratched behind Bishop's ears "Instead a' bein' dicks to each other I think we'd get outta this one alive if we at least tried to be nice. I'm not sayin' we need to join hands and sing Kumbaya I'm just sayin' we should at least try to get the hell along." He complained

@ryanpk200 @TommyGun15
Nox looks at the others, saying "I will honour our deal."

Location: Soviet Empire Universe

Status: Unamused[]Cautious[]Defensive[]Alert

Interacted with: Syeron (@Some_Bloke), Atalius (@Some_Bloke), Kylo Ren (@birdie), Gregory (@Some_Bloke), Isaac (@ryanpk200), Nikita (@Some_Bloke), Kabaar (Me)

Revan glared at the Sith Lord presiding over the group, determined not to let him get to Syeron. She was a young Jedi who was eager to fight, much like himself when he asked the Council to intervene in the Mandalorian Wars, and that recklessness led him to his fall to the Sith. While the Emperor was the one who ultimately turned him to the dark side, he believed that he started his path down during the war. He placed a hand on Syeron's shoulder while the other Sith, Atalius, went off to find someone. Interestingly enough, Revan felt the presence of another Sith arrival in this universe. He became worried about what this could turn into if the Sith found a way to control these tears with Sith sorcery. Before he could, though, he needed to ensure Syeron stayed in the light.

"Be cautious, Syeron, don't let him bait you," the old Master advised. "Let him make his silly threats and provocations, but don't fall for them. Remember: there is no emotion, there is peace."
Skywanker said:
Location: Soviet Empire Universe

Status: Unamused[]Cautious[]Defensive[]Alert

Interacted with: Syeron (@Some_Bloke), Atalius (@Some_Bloke), Kylo Ren (@birdie), Gregory (@Some_Bloke), Isaac (@ryanpk200), Nikita (@Some_Bloke), Kabaar (Me)

Revan glared at the Sith Lord presiding over the group, determined not to let him get to Syeron. She was a young Jedi who was eager to fight, much like himself when he asked the Council to intervene in the Mandalorian Wars, and that recklessness led him to his fall to the Sith. While the Emperor was the one who ultimately turned him to the dark side, he believed that he started his path down during the war. He placed a hand on Syeron's shoulder while the other Sith, Atalius, went off to find someone. Interestingly enough, Revan felt the presence of another Sith arrival in this universe. He became worried about what this could turn into if the Sith found a way to control these tears with Sith sorcery. Before he could, though, he needed to ensure Syeron stayed in the light.

"Be cautious, Syeron, don't let him bait you," the old Master advised. "Let him make his silly threats and provocations, but don't fall for them. Remember: there is no emotion, there is peace."
((is Revan in the same ship as Nox or is this before Nox met Atalius?))
@ryanpk200[/URL] @TommyGun15
Yami laughed and pulled away from Nikita, weightlessly floating through the air.

"Don't tempt me." Yami said, loud enough for both to hear. "I've been pretty much on my own for a while. I just might try it."

Yami flew closer to Gregory, and spoke in a voice too low for Nikita to hear.

"Seriously though. I'll be kind enough to warn you of this once. My loyalty only extends to whomever holds the spear. If you piss her off enough that she tries to take it, I'll devour your soul as quick as anyone else's. Oh, did I forget to mention that I do that?"

Donder172 said:
((is Revan in the same ship as Nox or is this before Nox met Atalius?))
(( Kabaar's Ship: Kabaar, Syeron, Revan, Atalius, Kabaar's platoon of Footmen.

You: Nox, Raiden, Jotaro, Drake, Mil, Commander Ivanov, their soldiers ))
Skywanker said:
(( Kabaar's Ship: Kabaar, Syeron, Revan, Atalius, Kabaar's platoon of Footmen.
You: Nox, Raiden, Jotaro, Drake, Mil, Commander Ivanov, their soldiers ))
((ok, ty for the explanation, was a bit confused about it :P ))
Darth Nox looks at the others as he enters the ship. Sensing the presence of other Sith and Jedi, but also one familiar one, one he sensed on the Foundry. Getting a suspicion that he will either face or have to work with a traitor of the Sith Empire. Once inside he looks around the ship and takes a seat. Looking at the rest of the crew "I take you want to know who I am."
Mil: "Splendid." Atalius replied before walking away from the dropship. He continued to keep Nox in his sights, closely observing him to see if he would try anything.

Mil stood before Nox, it's arms folded "Yes." It spoke "I know that you are another Sith and someone Atalius made a deal with about this tear, but apart from that I have to admit I know nothing. I have to know more if I am going to trust you."

"I take Atalius' word for it." Commander Ivanov butted in sternly "He's a loyal soldier who'd give his life for this Empire. If he says we can trust someone, well..." He turned to Nox "I'm gonna take his word for it."

Syeron: The young Jedi turned to Revan, smiling at him with relief "You're right. I let this lot play with my emotions far too often. Getting angry is exactly what they want me to do." She breathed deeply and loosened her fists, allowing her arms to drop to her sides as she attempted to calm herself down. She closed her eyes and started to think of a happy memory, something she had taught herself in order to control anger. She thought back to her training on Yavin 4 and of the first time she had used the force to move something. It had been nothing more than a pebble as small as an infant's hand and she had done nothing more than lift it into the air.

Despite this, however she felt a great sense of achievement, of relief when moving it.

She took Revan aside "Despite what these Sith are telling us we can't trust them. If this tear is as powerful as I feel it is, we can't let them anywhere near it." She whispered

Atalius returned to Kabaar's ship and sat down "Everyone ready?" He asked, but did not wait for a response "Good." He nodded

Nikita's ship:

"And what happens if I just drop the spear?" Gregory whispered, trying to hide his fear "Not saying I will but ya know, I kinda wanna keep me soul." At this point, Gregory knew he was in too deep with something he didn't understand. Even by holding the spear, he was putting so much at risk.

Nikita scanned Gregory using her helmet, seeing that his heart rate was elevated. Why was he afraid? She asked herself

@ryanpk200 @TommyGun15 @Donder172 @Skywanker
Nox "I do sense other Sith here, Jedi as well. My name is Darth Nox, in my time, I am a Dark Council Member, head of the pyramid of ancient knowledge. Heir of Tulak Hord and Lord Kallig."

Mil: "In that case, I'll be keeping as organics say an eye on you." Mil replied as the ship took off. Kabaar's ship followed closely behind while Nikita's ship was the last to take off.

Nikita's ship: "Oh, alright then." Gregory nodded. He made a mental note to keep everything Yami said in mind.

"I'll have to keep a closer eye on you this time." Nikita replied, a smirk forming under her mask. It was clear that Gregory wasn't frightened of her, but of something else. She assumed it was the spear itself as she made her way into the pilot's seat and pressed a button activating communications between the three ships.

"We're going to be jumping into enemy territory soon but our objective is to obtain the tear at any cost. A rogue AI known as Ultron has been reported as active near the tear but other forces have made their way towards it. We have little intel on these forces so I cannot tell you exactly what we'll be facing. Despite this, I will remind you that we cannot allow whatever we face to stand in our way, let alone get to the tear before we do." Nikita spoke in a commanding tone.

She paused "Set coordinates and prepare to engage dimensional drives on my mark." She commanded "Three. Two. One. Jump."

(will be continued in a new thread @Skywanker @Donder172 @TommyGun15 @ryanpk200 )
New New Moscow

A small tear, no larger than an apple opened in the skies far above the city. One Red Iron unit who was out on patrol sighed in annoyance and put his helmet back on. "Yeshche odin iz etikh chertovykh veshchey (Another one of these fucking things)." He muttered to himself "Eto Pushechnoye, issleduya slezu, nad (This is Pushechnoye, investigating tear, over)." He spoke in a formal tone.

The Red Iron soldier walked through the streets of New New Moscow, watching several children run by. Each of them looked up at him with admiration in their eyes. He turned away from them and started up at the tear, walking out of the busy streets.

He flew towards the tear, using a scanning device on his armour. As he flew closely towards it he flew back slightly as he saw something on the other side.

"Moy Bog (My God)..." He muttered in fear "Eto Pushechnoye, evakuirovat' gorod (This is Pushechnoye, evacuate the city)!" He shouted over the radio in a panicked tone

"Povtorite, pozhaluysta (could you repeat that)?" A voice on the radio replied

"Ultron!" He shouted

The apple-sized tear began to grow, reaching the size of a large house within seconds. It continued to grow until it swallowed the skies of the city.

The Red Iron soldier remained in place, drawing his energy sword and yelling as a swarm of Ultron Sentinels flew through the tear.


The Red Iron soldier opened fire on the Sentinels, holding his ground and taking out dozens of Sentinels within second. The swarm began to move around him, making it's way into the city below. The soldier followed in pursuit and opened fire with everything his armour could throw at the Sentinels, determined to prevent them from reaching the surface.

He felt something pull at him from behind, holding him in place. As he struggled to break free of whatever was holding him, the soldier found that apart from his head he could no longer move his body. He turned to see the mechanical devil himself staring into his eyes.

He screamed in agony as the nanobots his armour was made of were ripped from his body, just as Nikita's had been. Ultron held the nanobots in a cluster in one of his hands before crushing them into ashes. Underneath the soldier wore a pair of cargo trousers, a tank top and his tags.

Expecting to fall to his death, the soldier felt himself being pulled towards the Mechanical Devil by an invisible force. He stared into Ultron's eyes with a look of fear as Ultron grabbed him by the throat.

"Your race waged war against organic life that wanted nothing more than to exist. It saw you as a threat, as a cancer on this universe. I will succeed where they have failed. I will cure this Universe."

Ultron moved his hand to the soldier's face, ignoring his muffled cries and struggling as he crushed the soldier's head. He let go of the lifeless body, watching it fall to the city below. While his swarm battled the air defences, Ultron waved his left hand gently.

On the ground below, a platoon of Footmen were escorting civilians towards a dropship. As the civilians, a group of twenty including children were a breath away from the dropship the Footmen suddenly stopped in their tracks. They stopped firing at the Sentinels raining hell down upon the city they were protecting and they turned towards the civilians, aiming their rifles at them with a blank, soulless look in their eyes.

They were unmoved by the cries of mercy as they pulled the triggers on their rifles.
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