Soviet Empire Universe

TommyGun15 said:
Yami gave Gregory a smile, not quite hostile, but definitely wicked in nature.
"Gregory. I will remember that."

@Some_Bloke @Skywanker @ryanpk200
"The part where I called meself the biggest git in the galaxy or me actual name?" Gregory asked jokingly with an over the top sarcastic grin "You ever 'eard of a film called Robocop?"

"What the hell does that have to do with anything?" Max Valentine asked, some annoyance in his voice

"Trying to get the spear's tastes down." Gregory explained

TommyGun15 said:
Yami sneered at the name of the movie.
"No. Thought I doubt I would enjoy it. I've always held a special disdain for machines."

"Hey, some of me best mates are machines. Can't hate 'em. Well, I hate printers but..." Gregory paused "Twenty third century and printers are still shit." He muttered "If I were a man of God, I'd say that printers were sent to us by Lucy himself just to torment us. But, I don't believe in this stuff. Me mates who happen to be machines are proper AIs though." He shrugged "Also, Murphy's a cyborg. Only part machine. Some of me mates are cyborgs too."

"So am I." Max Valentine cut in proudly "Who the hell is Murphy?" He asked

"You've never seen Robocop either?" Gregory asked "Christ's sake, I'll have to sit both of ya down. That means the cowboy and the spear and watch it with yas."

He turned back to Yami "I guess that can wait until this mission's over."

TommyGun15 said:
"Very well." Yami replied. He looked... irritated wasn't quite intense enough. Angry wasn't right either. The most proper name for his expression might have been irked. Yes, Yami looked irked.
"Oh right, the mission." Gregory began with some enthusiasm "I know you're a spear but maybe you can help out. We've got fookin' Jedi and Sith on our side so I wouldn't put a sentient spear past a potential ally."
Isaac was getting tired of standing around and doing nothing. "Yeah," he replied "Let's get this over with already." Isaac's mask unfolded and covered his face.

As the others made it to the dock Gregory turned to Yami and sighed "Well, I guess I can tell ya." He shrugged "You're aware of the tears, right?" He asked "One brought you to this universe, after all."

"Who are you talking to?" Nikita asked, pointing a finger at Gregory

"The spear is sentient. Couldn't 'urt to 'ave another ally on our side." Gregory gave her an over the top shrug "Let's just get this over with, eh?"

Nikita shook her head and stepped in front of the others to address them as if they were soldiers.

"You are all aware of the situation, but in case it didn't get through some of dense heads I'll explain again." She spoke with a commanding tone, pacing back and forth "In a nearby universe is a unique tear in the fabric of reality, one that holds a lot of power." She clenched her left hand into a fist and brought it up to her face "This is a power the High Commissar wants in order to improve this glorious Empire and usher in a new golden age!" She shouted "Many of you have also been promised a part of this power, or something else in return for your services." She paused "As far as we know, other forces from across reality are making their way towards it. I intend to get there first. If anyone stands in our way, they are to be executed."

She turned towards the group "Gregory, Jotaro, Achilles, Isaac, Valentine, his dog and...The spear will be flying with me." She pointed towards her ship "Atalius, Syeron, Kylo Ren, Revan and Kabaar will be taking a ship a troops under Kabaar's orders." She pointed to the ship Kabaar had been promised

"You expect me to follow the orders of a Sith?" Syeron asked with a chuckle

"The troops are under his command, Jedi. You are merely sharing a ship with them." Nikita explained sternly "Raiden and Ethan will be taking a ship under the orders of Commander Ivanov."

She nodded to a Commander standing next to a Stalin Mark 2 dropship (see overview) who saluted her.

"We've wasted enough time already, but will there be any questions?" Nikita asked the group

@Skywanker (Revan, Kabaar) @TommyGun15 (Yami) @ryanpk200 (Issac)
@Skywanker[/URL] (Revan, Kabaar) @TommyGun15 (Yami) @ryanpk200 (Issac)
Yami paced around Nikita for a moment before evaporating a reforming next to Gregory. His appearance changed to a simple set of black jeans, with a black and purple short-sleeve shirt with a design of a spear and flames emblazoned upon it. Aside from his clothes, the line of his face as faded. He looked... younger, though his age was still indeterminate from his face alone.

"The immediate question I have is, did it hurt when they put that stick up her ass?"

@Some_Bloke @ryanpk200 @Skywanker
Isaac wasn't really sure how they could share power from the tear. It didn't really matter to him. Isaac just wanted to help prevent the multiverse from falling apart. "I still don't have any questions. I'm ready to go," he said.

Darth Kabaar

Location: Soviet Empire Universe

Status: Angered[]Ready to fight[]Caution

Interacted with: Nikita (@Some_Bloke), Revan (Me), Syeron (@Some_Bloke), Atalius (@Some_Bloke), Kylo Ren (@birdie)

Kabaar stood with his arms crossed, his smug attitude having now faded as the procession of fools entered his sight. These must be whatever forces this Empire could scrounge up to get to this "tear" before any other beings. He hated all of this. They began assigning members of the group to ships, which infuriated the Sith Lord even more. They deliberately placed people on his ship, Force-sensitives specifically, to ensure that he could do nothing but assist in this mission. He wanted to choke the life out of that woman and her commander, but resisted the temptation for now. Soon their time would come, and Kabaar would see to that. The presence of another Sith, however, was most intriguing. He bore the title of 'Darth,' so the Sith Lord's interest was peaked towards this man. Having another Sith on his ship would be useful in keeping the Jedi in check, but the announcement of one name that would be accompanying him caused him a bit of cauton: Revan. The man who had been a Jedi Knight and a Dark Lord of the Sith, one who resisted the Emperor's will. This would cause problems indeed. For the moment, however, his focus was on the Sith.

"I am Darth Kabaar, Sith Lord of the Empire, and another Sith is most welcome, but I cannot say the same for the rest of you worms," the Sith Lord addressed the ones assigned to him. "I am in command of this ship and the troops within it, and it makes me nauseated to say that you will independent of my command. Make no mistake, however, as I will destroy you should you get in my way or slow me down. The weak have no place and serve no purpose other than to be stepping stones for the strong, and I assure you I will not hesitate to put any of you in your proper place under my boot."

Location: Soviet Empire Universe

Status: Unamused[]Cautious[]Defensive[]Alert

Interacted with: Syeron (@Some_Bloke), Atalius (@Some_Bloke), Kylo Ren (@birdie), Gregory (@Some_Bloke), Isaac (@ryanpk200), Nikita (@Some_Bloke), Kabaar (Me)

The mission was clear to everyone present: get to this powerful tear before any other forces could claim it and used its power for evil. Revan needed no reward for his role in this mission if he could see that the power would be used to ensure that peace would have a lasting effect in this universe. The presence of a Sith Lord, however, complicated the matter greatly. Atalius seemed to have the same goals as the Soviets, unlike this other Sith, and Revan mistrusted him less. This new one was a complete unknown to this situation. He most likely requested that he receive power from this tear in exchange for his allegiance, as the only thing Sith craved was power. This belief was even further cemented as he introduced himself as Darth Kabaar and outlined his lack of tolerance for the weak and threats of what he would do should the others impede his progress or get in his way. A dangerous situation this was, as Revan wished to make sure this Sith Lord would not achieve the power from this tear, yet he couldn't sacrifice the safety of this mission to do this. If it came to a fight, then Revan could most assuredly defeat this Sith Lord. His mind was brought back to his confrontation with the Sith Emperor in his Citadel on Dromund Kaas. He had opened himself up to both aspects of the Force and channeled it in its most pure form, which harmed the Emperor and instilled the fear that he was vunerable. If he did this again, he might risk destroying the ship and jeopardizing the lives of everyone aboard. This would most certainly have to be played out carefully. For now, he would comply with Nikita's wishes and join Kabaar on his ship. He didn't speak a word to anyone else.
Gregory chuckled slightly in response to Yami's question "Must've been a pretty big stick. One the size of you I reckon."

"What?" Nikita asked sternly

"Oh, just somethin' the spear said." Gregory replied, causing Nikita to roll her eyes under her helmet.

Max Valentine overheard Kabaar's speech and rolled his eyes, turning to Isaac and Gregory "Glad we're not flyin' with that asshole." He muttered "Guy must have a hell of a stick shoved up his ass."

"Enough." Nikita stated, butting into the conversation "We have a duty to fulfill so let's not waste anymore time." She began to walk towards her own ship.

"I have a question." Mil asked, raising it's hand "Who will I be flying with?"

"Commander Ivanov has requested your technical expertise." Nikita replied "As well as your strategic skills. You will be flying with him in the dropship."

Mil nodded understandingly and made it's way onto Ivanov's ship with Raiden and Ethan. On board Mil found that the ship was more than equipped for war, with a total of four hundred soldiers flying with the Geth and it's companions. From a quick look of the ship's interior Mil found that the vast majority of the soldiers were Footmen, however there were also a large number of Cyber soldiers and even one mechsuit.

Syeron: The young Jedi thought about striking the Sith Lord down the moment he opened his mouth with her desire for combat only increasing as the Sith Lord called her weak.

"You're welcome to try." Syeron shot Kabaar a cocky half-smile "I've faced worse."

"Miss Hunwess, I urge you to act with rationality." Atalius cautioned "The same goes for you, Darth Kabaar. Leave the violence until after we've secured this tear, alright?"

@Skywanker @TommyGun15 @ryanpk200
"Agreed." Isaac said with a nodd. "Let's get going." He followed Nikita to her ship. Isaac felt that he was prepared. He had medical supplies, ammunition, and he had upgraded everything. He hoped that, whatever they were going up against, he would be able to fight. Isaac was an engineer after all.

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Yami looked at Gregory, a sarcastic look on his face. He couldn't say he particularly liked this Nikita girl. However, there was not much he could do about her at this point in time. He'd settle for sarcastic comments for now.

"I bet she's real fun at parties. Get a few drinks in her and I bet that armor flies right off."

He shook his head and began to walk towards the ship, again passing through objects like they weren't even there.

@Some_Bloke @Skywanker @ryanpk200
Gregory quietly chuckled again in response to Yami's words, trying not to get on Nikita's bad side any more than he already had. He was afraid that the second the mission began he'd be nothing more than glorified cannon fodder against Ultron of whatever else was waiting for him. He fell silent as the ship prepared for takeoff.

His looked around the ship and was taken aback by the sight of Max praying. Gregory waited until the man had finished before saying anything.

"Didn't take ya for that sorta bloke." Gregory began

"Well." Valentine shrugged as he stood to his feet "Couldn't hurt, right?" He smiled nervously at Gregory "Wouldn't consider myself much of a religious fella but I feel the need to pray before missions. Gives me a bit of relief if the man upstairs is lookin' down on us."

"I don't know what kind of fella I consider meself." Gregory shrugged

"Other than someone who screws an alien whore, you mean?" Nikita added sarcastically, turning around from the pilot's chair.

Gregory sharply turned around, his eyes burning with anger underneath his helmet. He tightly clenched his fists and wanted nothing more than to lash out at Nikita but instead of picking a fight he knew he'd lose Gregory took a moment to compose himself before speaking "Better than the girl who wants to fook Lenin." He added with a sly half-smile and a sarcastic shrug.

Nikita stood up out of the pilot's chair and approached Gregory sternly, her armour causing her to tower over the former mercenary.

"What did you say?" She asked coldly

@TommyGun15 @ryanpk200
@TommyGun15[/URL] @ryanpk200
Yami sighed as he watched his host do exactly what he'd been hoping wouldn't happen. Of course... there was always the chance that the woman would take the Spear for herself, though he did not want to count on that happening.

Yami appeared beside Gregory, looking at Nikita towering over them both.

"I suppose this is worth telling you now. I can probably help you a bit here. I can divert her attention long enough for her to calm down. But of course, I cannot do that, or anything else really, without your permission. I'm fairly certain speaking here would get you into deeper trouble, so blink twice if you're giving me permission."

@Some_Bloke @ryanpk200
Darth Nox

Location: Personal ship aboard Doombringer

Darth Nox was standing in front of an Sith tablet, trying to decode its secrets to use it for himself. However, a tear appeared behind him and the artifact released a powerful shilockwave that pushed him into the tear, finding himself on the surface of a strange planet. Taking a look around and starts to walk to a random direction.
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Nikita's ship:

"I said..." Gregory began, stalling Nikita as he blinked twice "I said." Gregory shrugged as he waited for Yami's response and started to dance on the spot.

"Listen, why can't we just let this slide and get on with the mission?" Max asked "Like you said, we're wasting time."


New New Moscow:

The direction Darth Nox walked in led him towards the docks where he was immediatley surrounded by Footmen. Upon sensing another Dark Side user Atalius stepped out of Kabaar's ship and approached Nox, greeting him with a formal bow "Greetings fellow Sith. I imagine you have a lot of questions."


New New Moscow:

The direction Darth Nox walked in led him towards the docks where he was immediatley surrounded by Footmen. Upon sensing another Dark Side user Atalius stepped out of Kabaar's ship and approached Nox, greeting him with a formal bow "Greetings fellow Sith. I imagine you have a lot of questions."

Darth Nox looks at the man "It seems I'm not the only Force user around here. Tell me, where am I?" he says as he looks at the footmen "And who are they? They aren't Imperial or Republic soldiers."
Donder172 said:
Darth Nox looks at the man "It seems I'm not the only Force user around here. Tell me, where am I?" he says as he looks at the footmen "And who are they? They aren't Imperial or Republic soldiers."
"They are of a different Empire my friend, the Soviet Empire. You have not heard of it for you have fallen into another universe." Atalius explained calmly
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