Soviet Empire Universe

Across the city, every single Footman began to turn their guns on civilians and Soviet soldiers. They ignored orders from their commanders, they ignored the pleas of mercy, they ignored the Sentinels above their heads and the debris falling from the sky as the swarm, now larger in size began to tear the air force apart.

On the outskirts of the city Lenin and several high-ranking officers were being escorted to a Konev class frigate by two Red Iron soldiers and four Soviet guardians. One of the officers looked back with a look of fear in his eyes.


New New Moscow-Soviet Empire Universe

Jotaro: After seeing the soldiers turning on the civilians, and himself as he was walking the streets before all hell broke loose, Jotaro summoned Star Platinum and beat down the escort who was following him. He kept his Stand out with eyes narrowed on the sky above. An invasion of robots, and now the soldiers have turned on the people. Things were going south pretty fast, but Star Platinum could keep up with most of the threats. He would only stop time should he need to, as it took a lot of energy.

Seeing Jotaro among the survivors a Commander waved at him from behind cover. He turned and fired back at several Footmen who were firing on his position. He tossed a grenade towards his former soldiers and jumped out of the way, running towards Jotaro. He turned around again, gunning down a Footman before stopping in front of Jotaro.

"I have orders to get you out of the city." He spoke in a stern tone, sounding out of breath while trying to hide his fear. Although his voice may not have shown it, his eyes were full of panic and fear "They're from the High Commissar himself. We need to move, now!"

As he spoke, two Sentinels broke off from the swarm and approached their position.

"Der'mo! (shit)" He shouted "Move! Move!"

As Lenin was being escorted towards the ship the sound of Sentinel fire could be heard, quickly approaching their position. The swarm quickly made it's way around the corner, flying towards the frigate.

The soldiers opened fire on the approaching Sentinels, but for every part of the swarm destroyed by their weapons another would break off from the assault on the city and fill the void. As Lenin and his officers drew closer and closer to the ship it exploded, throwing the officers back and taking out two Soviet soldiers

Ultron himself stood over Lenin, looking down on the High Commissar. He ignored the fire of the Guardians and of the Red Iron soldiers sworn to protect Lenin and his officers. He ignored their screams as he ended their lives, he ignored the pleading of the other officers as he vaporized them.

It did not take long for the mechanical devil to get to Lenin, his cold hands inches away from the High Commissar's throat. While he had a look of disgust as he glared into Ultron's eyes this was quickly replaced with a smug grin as an orb of energy began to surround the High Commissar. It coated him in a white light and as the light faded, Ultron was left alone.

In the city, the Sentinels flew around Jotaro and the Commander, turning their attention towards some nearby civilians instead. They could only scream as the Sentinels tore them to pieces.

The Commander grabbed Jotaro by the arm, leading further away from the city.

"I'm sorry, but I have my orders."

As the two made their way out of the city, they were surrounded by the same orb, the same white light as dozens upon dozens of Sentinels flew towards them. By the time the Sentinels reached their location however, both men were gone.

@apoliseno (will be continued in Camelot thread)

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