Soviet Empire Universe

New New Moscow

"Destroy it?" Gregory asked, turning to Kylo "Why? We have no bleedin' idea what it is." Gregory poked the spear again with his finger before finally taking hold of it. If there was a spirit it would speak to him and prove whether or not Ren was as mad as a box of frogs.

"I agree. If this spear is a sentient being, killing it will be nothing more than pointless violence. A waste of life." Mil cut in

"Who does anyone go down that path?" Atalius asked Revan "I had my reasons at the time, as did you."

@Birdsie (Kylo Ren) @TommyGun15 (Yami) @Skywanker (Revan)
Name: Kylo Ren

With: His Squad of Stormtroopers, Soviets, Atalius, Syeron, Yami, Gregory, Revan.

Where: New New Moscow: Soviet Empire Universe

"The spear eminates with darkness. It's dangerous, you should drop it right now." Kylo said to Gregory, trying to convince him not to touch the weird item, that Kylo thought is some sort of ancient artifact.

"A waste of life? You can't sense it's darkness. It pulsates with it." Kylo said to Mil.

@Some_Bloke @TommyGun15 @Skywanker
Darth Kabaar

Location: Soviet Empire Universe

Status: Amused[]Ready to fight[]Curious[]Slightly annoyed

Interacted with: Nikita (@Some_Bloke), Lenin (@Some_Bloke), SE Commanders (@Some_Bloke), SE Footmen (@Some_Bloke), SE Cyber Soldiers (@Some_Bloke)

The one the woman referred to as "Commissar" had informed Lord Kabaar of an opportunity to gain more power through one of these "tears." As a Sith Lord, he strived to gain power whenever he could to ascend the ranks and, maybe, gain a seat on the Dark Council. He could reshape it into a body of Sith that would actually get things done and finally utilize the full might of the Empire to crush the Republic and its despised Jedi protectors. Then, he'd expand the Empire into other universes after dominating his own galaxy and the surrounding galaxies. This universe was assuredly first on his list of places to topple and raze to the ground. He'd have the woman publicly tortured and executed as well, for her arrogant nature. All this was, of course, assuming he could fool these pathetic fools into believing he could serve them. Deception was not a specialty that Kabaar used often, as he ruled through fear. After slaying his own master, the rest of Cyphus' forces submitted themselves to him out of fear of his powers. What really had irked him, though, was that this woman reprimanded him to listen whenever their Commissar was speaking. This must be addressed.

"Before I consider this, I will say that I don't recognize your authority. I will only obey the Emperor or any of those blessed to become his Voices, Hands, or Wrath, so you had better watch your tone, woman. As for your offer, I must ask what you intend to do with whatever power this "tear" offers. I admire strength, wherever present, next to my loyalty to my Emperor. I could be suaded to side with you weaklings if you convince me that you aren't weak in your convictions or persuit of powe," Kabaar stated in a cold and harsh tone, hand still gripped to the saber hilt attached to his belt.
New New Moscow

Mil and Syeron: "I can see it's energy." Mil explained "No darkness, no light just energy. Even if this is a Reaper artifact you are not at risk from indoctrination." Mil paused "Not since the war ended." There appeared to be a hint of sadness in the Geth's voice as it mentioned the war.

"Dangerous?" Syeron asked jokingly "But I thought you Sith types loved darkness."

"Some of us are more rational than others." Atalius replied calmly "He is right. I suggest you let go of that spear immediatley."

"Seems alright to me." Gregory replied, continuing to hold onto the spear as he waited for a response from it.

Nikita: "You dare speak in front of the High Commissar with such..." Nikita spoke bitterly, reaching for her blade

"Enough." Lenin commanded, getting Nikita to stand down "Very well, Sith. I intend to use this tear's power in order to better this Communist Empire. This city is merely one of many within a far larger universe that falls under Soviet rule. If we are to expand to the edges of this universe and enter a new golden age following a recent conflict, I believe that this tear could be of great assistance." Lenin spoke with grandeur, as if he was delivering a speech to a large crowd of people rather than a single man.

"I have ruled this empire for over a century." Lenin continued "I want nothing more than to see it's expansion and development throughout the cosmos."

@Birdsie (Kylo Ren) @Skywanker (Darth Kabaar and Revan) @TommyGun15 (Yami)
@Birdsie[/URL] (Kylo Ren) @Skywanker (Darth Kabaar and Revan) @TommyGun15 (Yami)
Name: Kylo Ren

With: His Squad of Stormtroopers, Soviets, Atalius, Syeron, Yami, Gregory, Revan.

Where: New New Moscow: Soviet Empire Universe

Kylo looked at Syeron and said "Why do you keep calling me a Sith? I've already said that I'm not a Sith and I never was." Kylo said with a frustrated and annoyed voice. He looked at her with angry eyes, invisible through his mask. "And here I thought that Jedi didn't try to piss people off." He added to his previous statement.

@Some_Bloke @Skywanker @TommyGun15
@Birdsie[/URL] (Kylo Ren) @Skywanker (Darth Kabaar and Revan) @TommyGun15 (Yami)
Yami waited for a bit before getting bored. There really wasn't any point to making them think Kylo was insane anyway.

He appeared in front of Gregory wearing a black suit and tie with a purple shirt underneath. He bowed formally.


@Birdsie @Some_Bloke
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New New Moscow

Like the others at the dock, Isaac looked up at the light. He didn't want to stand around, and do nothing, so he followed the others towards the light. They reached the light and he saw the someone holding the spear. Apparently that guy was also talking to the spirits because the spear. Isaac took a few steps back at the mention of spirits. Although they didn't exist in his home universe, he had a terrible experience of a hallucination that appeared as spirit. "I agree with Valentine. I'm staying away from that thing. I've had enough with artifacts of doom."

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Location: Soviet Empire Universe

Status: Cautious[]Alert

Interacted with: Syeron (@Some_Bloke), Atalius (@Some_Bloke), Gregory (@Some_Bloke), Mil (@Some_Bloke), Kylo Ren (@birdie), Isaac (@ryanpk200), Yami (@TommyGun15)

Revan turned his masked face to meet the gaze of the one his accused him of walking down the same path. The old Jedi was well aware of his dark past, one he wanted to forget, but there was always something about his fall that wasn't his own.

"I believe, if the history records in your universe are accurate, they should say the Sith Emperor dominated my mind and turned me into a Sith Lord against my will. I may have started down that path when I entered the Mandalorian Wars, or when I discovered the Sith academy on Malachor V, but my fall was never my choice," Revan corrected the ex-Sith in a tone not unlike one Atris used when she got angry. He settled himself with a few breaths, though, as he did not wish to allow the darkness in him to resurface.
New New Moscow

"When Bishop gets bad vibes about a thing, so do I." Max nodded to Isaac's words, taking yet another step away from the spear "I trust my gut and my gut tells me to trust man's best friend. Except on where to take a piss. You can't house train a dog when you're livin' on a space station."

"'Ello there." Gregory replied to the spirit. "Who are you?"

"Great, now Gregory's seein' shit." Max complained

"The spear could induce hallucinations or perhaps it is indeed sentient, but can only communicate with sentient beings within close proximity to it." Mil suggested

Syeron turned to Kylo "Well, you know when I meet a dark side user the first thing that comes to my mind is a Sith." She shrugged

"I would not be so narrow-minded young Jedi." Atalius replied "I for one, practice in the dark side of the force but serve the High Commissar. I am not a Sith." He turned to Revan and sighed "But you did return from the darkness, didn't you?" He asked softly

"That's what history says." Syeron butted in "You came back from the darkness. It takes real guts and real willpower to do that." She reassured Revan "Where I'm from, your story is used as both a cautionary tale and about how someone can come back from the dark side." She smiled at the old Jedi "Not everyone who gives into it is lost."

@ryanpk200 (Isaac) @Skywanker (Revan) @TommyGun15 (Yami) @Birdsie (Kylo Ren)
Name: Kylo Ren

With: His Squad of Stormtroopers, Soviets, Atalius, Syeron, Yami, Gregory, Revan, Isaac.

Where: New New Moscow: Soviet Empire Universe

Kylo turned towards Syeron and looked at her for a few seconds.

"I get the distinct impression you're intolerant of me." Kylo said with a childish-sassy voice to Syeron.

After what Atalius said about narrow-mindedness Kylo chuckled and added "That's what the Jedi are best at, Sith. Being narrow-minded is what the Jedi are best at."

@Some_Bloke @Skywanker @ryanpk200 @TommyGun15
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Darth Kabaar

Location: Soviet Empire Universe

Status: Amused[]Ready to fight[]Curious[]Slightly annoyed

Interacted with: Nikita (@Some_Bloke), Lenin (@Some_Bloke), SE Commanders (@Some_Bloke), SE Footmen (@Some_Bloke), SE Cyber Soldiers (@Some_Bloke)

Kabaar learned something from the reaction the woman had when he had stated he didn't recognize whatever authority their Commissar held: they were fanatically loyal to him. This could easily be played upon to his advantage, and could potentially allow him trick the fools into letting him use the power for his own gain. After all, the goal of the Sith was to attain power and crush their enemies with it. Their leader stated that he would use the power of this tear to safeguard his empire, as he had been alive himself for centuries. Kabaar pondered what kind of power would've given this man a lifespan of that long, as he appeared to just be a human. An alliance for now may not be a bad thing, as it could be a means to an end, and a way back to his home. He removed his hand from the hilt of his lightsaber and crossed his arms over his chest.

"If what you say is true," Kabaar started off, "then I will oblige your request as long as you can meet my conditions: you will allow me to access the power this "tear" holds, you will give me soldiers and vehicles to command, and you will recognize that I will not work for you. Our goals allign, at the moment, and that is all. If you cross me, then you will meet the rage of a Sith Lord. And keep this woman away from me, as I find her particularly distateful. I may kill her by accident if she upsets me."
New New Moscow

Isaac said to Mil "I'd prefer it to be sentient. I've had problems with hallucinations in the past. And if it's sentient, I'm still not touching it." He took another step back. Isaac asked Gregory. "What do you see. Is it possible that it's different than what the other guy saw?"

New New Moscow

Nikita: Nikita felt the urge to kill the Sith Lord, however her leader was speaking and she remained silent. Lenin had paused following Darth Kabaar's demands "I shall give you a platoon of soldiers and a small ship to command, but no more." Lenin replied, unfazed by the Sith's threats of wrath "Nikita will be in command her own ship so you two will be separated. Finally...If you use the power given to you against my Empire I will not hesitate to destroy you and all that you hold dear. Am I understood?" Lenin asked

@Skywanker (Darth Kabaar)

Syeron, Gregory, Mil and Max: "I see a bloke wearin' a suit." Gregory explained to Isaac before turning to face Yami again "Who are you?" He asked "I've never met one of your species before."

"Sound like any hallucinations you've had before?" Mil asked Isaac

"I had a hallucination where a goldfish wearing a suit spoke to me this one time." Max cut in with a shrug "Some asshole put somethin' in my drink."

"Well, I always figured Sith Lords were our speciality." Syeron shot Kylo a cocky half-smile "And you know, not striking down everyone who gently brushes against us on the street."

"The last time I killed out of anger alone was over two decades ago, Jedi." Atalius corrected her "I am not sure about your anger or that of Kylo."

@ryanpk200 (Issac) @TommyGun15 (Yami) @Birdsie (Kylo Ren)
@Skywanker[/URL] (Darth Kabaar)

Syeron, Gregory, Mil and Max: "I see a bloke wearin' a suit." Gregory explained to Isaac before turning to face Yami again "Who are you?" He asked "I've never met one of your species before."

"Sound like any hallucinations you've had before?" Mil asked Isaac

"I had a hallucination where a goldfish wearing a suit spoke to me this one time." Max cut in with a shrug "Some asshole put somethin' in my drink."

"Well, I always figured Sith Lords were our speciality." Syeron shot Kylo a cocky half-smile "And you know, not striking down everyone who gently brushes against us on the street."

"The last time I killed out of anger alone was over two decades ago, Jedi." Atalius corrected her "I am not sure about your anger or that of Kylo."

@ryanpk200 (Issac) @TommyGun15 (Yami) @Birdsie (Kylo Ren)
"I commonly go by the name Yami-No-Oni. Though simply Yami is fine. As for what I am... I suppose there are several things you might call me. None of them are really correct, but I suppose it is in man's mature to seek a name for things."\\

@Some_Bloke @Birdsie @ryanpk200
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New New Moscow

"What's he saying?" asked Isaac "Is he introducing himself, or is he yelling at for your past deeds?" He then said to Mil "Yeah. I've had plenty of hallucinations. It's a long story."

@Skywanker[/URL] (Darth Kabaar)

Syeron, Gregory, Mil and Max: "I see a bloke wearin' a suit." Gregory explained to Isaac before turning to face Yami again "Who are you?" He asked "I've never met one of your species before."

"Sound like any hallucinations you've had before?" Mil asked Isaac

"I had a hallucination where a goldfish wearing a suit spoke to me this one time." Max cut in with a shrug "Some asshole put somethin' in my drink."

"Well, I always figured Sith Lords were our speciality." Syeron shot Kylo a cocky half-smile "And you know, not striking down everyone who gently brushes against us on the street."

"The last time I killed out of anger alone was over two decades ago, Jedi." Atalius corrected her "I am not sure about your anger or that of Kylo."

@ryanpk200 (Issac) @TommyGun15 (Yami) @Birdsie (Kylo Ren)
Name: Kylo Ren

With: His Squad of Stormtroopers, Soviets, Atalius, Syeron, Yami, Gregory, Revan, Isaac.

Where: New New Moscow: Soviet Empire Universe

"If you're interested, I have never killed in anger. And I only kill if Snoke tells me to, or If I have to. I don't appreciate unneccessary casualties of war, nor does the First Order." Kylo responded to the both, it was a half-lie. He did never kill anyone in anger, but he did fight using it. He slightly frowned under his mask observing how the situation unfolds, with his saber at the ready to be ignited if a need to use it arises. His stormtroopers were behind him, prepared to open fire.
Darth Kabaar

Location: Soviet Empire Universe

Status: Amused[]Curious[]Slightly annoyed

Interacted with: Nikita (@Some_Bloke), Lenin (@Some_Bloke), SE Commanders (@Some_Bloke), SE Footmen (@Some_Bloke), SE Cyber Soldiers (@Some_Bloke)

Kabaar smiled maliciously under his mask after feeling the woman's desire to kill him, and he fed off of her anger towards him. Her hate made him stronger, and this made him greatly amused. This could be an opportunity to gain a servant down the road should he manipulate her in just the right way. Sometimes, a slight push was all it took to cause one to break down and let themselves be taken in by the first thing they hear after being broken. If she persisted in being a problem, however, he'd have to kill her. Kabaar then brought his thoughts back to the bargain he had struck with the leader of this empire. While their Commissar was going to allow him a platoon of soldiers and a ship, the Sith Lord was hoping for more than that. Either way, he'd subtly plant the seeds of the dark side in their minds with the abilities he had learned over the years. Once they were sown, he'd sway them under his command so the soldiers were only to be loyal to him. Then, there was his threat of destroying everything he held dear should he attempt to harm this empire. A laughable threat at best. Once the Dark Council would settle the squabbles of the Sith vying for the empty throne left by the Emperor, the Empire would be reunited under a ruling body and again be able to conquer entire star systems. That would all change, though, if Kabaar was able to gain the power this "tear" possessed. He may even become stronger than the Emperor, and that thought was enticing to the Sith Lord.

"I may be a Sith, and the concept of a code of honor sickens me, but I will respect an agreement. As I said a moment ago, our current goals allign and that is all. I will not count you as an ally, but I will not consider you an enemy," Kabaar replied to the Commissar begrudgingly with arms crossed over his chest. "I will allow you to call me by my title, and that title is Darth Kabaar or Lord Kabaar."

Location: Soviet Empire Universe

Status: Nostalgic[]Thoughtful

Interacted with: Syeron (@Some_Bloke), Atalius (@Some_Bloke), Kylo Ren (@birdie), Gregory (@Some_Bloke), Isaac (@ryanpk200)

Upon hearing of the way his story was taught to the Jedi in Syeron's era, Revan couldn't help but correct the mistake. He was sure his full story was told, most likely to serve as a reminder that no one is beyond redemption, but there were some parts that didn't fit the description.

"Well, I didn't get brought back to the light by my own accord, either. The Jedi Council wiped my mind and gave me a new identity after they sent Bastilla to capture me. I do agree that I did choose to stay with the light after I learned who I really was, though," the old ex-Jedi reminded.

After his nostalgic history lesson, he focused his attention towards Kylo Ren and his accompanyment of troopers. The ex-Jedi reached out through the Force to better get a better understanding of this individual. He was a follower of the dark side to be sure, yet he claimed to have no knowledge of the Sith order. Was he a Dark Jedi?
Gregory: "So if you're a newly discovered species, that means I get namin' rights?" Gregory asked before turning back to Isaac "The introduction one." He explained before turning back to Yami "I'll need to think about this." Gregory muttered to himself "But for now I suppose I will just call you Yami." Gregory gave Yami a half-smile "I'm Gregory, the biggest git in the galaxy."

"Who gave you that title?" Mil asked

"Meself really." Gregory shrugged "Trust me, I've been called worse."

Syeron: "Well that's a first." Syeron replied somewhat jokingly to Kylo. She then turned to Revan "But it was still your choice." She explained "That's the whole redemption and coming back from the darkness I was talking about."

The word redemption immediatley caught the attention of the Geth Specter. Mil began to listen in to Revan and Syeron's conversation, studying it to perhaps find something worth learning.

Nikita: Kabaar's arrogance only angered Nikita further, however she swalloed her pride and obeyed Lenin's orders. She was going to have to work with this Darth Kabaar on her next mission. At least that way, even if the two were on different ships she could keep an eye on the Sith and perhaps even try to keep him in check.

"Very well." Lenin replied "Make your way to the docks. These soldiers will escort you."

@Skywanker (Darth Kabaar, Revan) @Birdsie (Kylo Ren) @TommyGun15 (Yami) ryanpk200 (Isaac)

Location: Soviet Empire Universe

Status: Thoughtful[]Cautious

Interacted with: Syeron (@Some_Bloke), Atalius (@Some_Bloke), Kylo Ren (@birdie), Gregory (@Some_Bloke), Isaac (@ryanpk200)

Even with all of the wisdom and experience Revan had gained over his many different adventures, he was surprised that his story was being used to teach Jedi in Syeron's home. Where he had come from, his story was one that warned Jedi of the temptations of the dark side, but also of a hero who had saved the Republic twice from danger, even if he had started the second war. The masked Revan placed a hand on the young Jedi's shoulder, a gesture he used to show his appreciation. There weren't many Jedi who were so forgiving of his past.

"Thank you for the reminder, Syeron. Also, you don't have to worry about the child and his soldiers," Revan stated, speaking about Kylo Ren. "The only thing we currently need to worry about is the dark presence I felt earlier. It's still here, and it's close, but I can't tell where it is."
Darth Kabaar

Location: Soviet Empire Universe

Status: Amused[]Curious[]Slightly annoyed

Interacted with: Nikita (@Some_Bloke), Lenin (@Some_Bloke), SE Commanders (@Some_Bloke), SE Footmen (@Some_Bloke), SE Cyber Soldiers (@Some_Bloke)

Now that a deal had been struck, Kabaar was close to setting his plan in motion to begin sowing seeds of betrayal amongst the soldiers under his command. While they had only given him a platoon and one ship, it would be enough to place under his own influence to have his own loyal group of soldiers. He would consent to their agenda for now, the thought of which made him disappointed in himself that he would stoop so low as to even consider using them instead of subjugating or eliminating them, to attain the power within this "tear" for his own plan.

"I don't need protection, but I will allow it. Show me to my ship so we can begin," Kabaar demanded impatiently, already caught up in the fantasies that came from the thought of the power he would obtain.
Syeron: "That's where we're going." Syeron reassured Revan "That scientist told me what I felt, what we felt is probably this tear." Syeron paused and looked around before stepping closer towards Revan "Despite what these Soviets say, I don't think they know what they're dealing with." She whispered grimly "This tear holds a lot of power, power they want to use to improve their Empire...But I'm afraid it'll do nothing destroy them."

Mil, who had been listening in to the conversation stepped closer towards the two and simply nodded in acknowledgement. It used it's omni-tool to display text in English that read I agree with your concerns young human. I have an idea and I would like to help.

The Reapers had promised the Geth great power during the Reaper war, the power to defend themselves against the creators. Instead, the Geth had become nothing more than weapons to be used by the Reapers. Mil refused to allow yet another civilization to fall victim to such lies. While it did not believe it would be redeemed by this, at the very least it would be protecting another civilization, a civilization of mostly organic life from the same fate.

Atalius recieved orders over his communicator from a hologram of Lenin to accompany another Sith who had arrived in the city and to keep an eye on him during the mission with Lenin filling him in on details surrounding the new potential ally "You were one a member of the Sith, use this to your advantage and get him to listen to you." Lenin ordered, getting a simple nod from Atalius in response.

"Ren." He turned to Kylo "I am afraid I must depart for now, but I shall see you during the mission." He bowed

Nikita: The Footmen escorted Kabaar to the docks where a ship, a version of a Trotsky Mark 4 battle vessel was waiting as well as a team of thirty Footmen and Atalius himself. Nikita, upon seeing Atalius walked back towards the others, seeing that their attention was mostly directed towards a spear and Kylo Ren.

"Greetings fellow Sith, I am Darth Atalius." He bowed towards Kabaar

@Skywanker (Revan, Darth Kabaar)

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