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Realistic or Modern Southside College

(Yes please you life saver! I have to do homework anyways but I'll be back in a few minutes, go on without me)
Nick Pattinson

"Oh, come on. Better to be known as the guy that backed off than the guy who stole someone's girl, Drew's, no less. I know when I'm beat, hop off my dick" Nick said irritated. Vicky was always like this. "Plus, me and Drew are tight, I don't wanna ruin that." He explained.

Thomas Depp

"I guess that's true, but I'd rather not drink and do something stupid" Thomas said with a laugh. "We could....kiss. Just this time it won't be a dare" Thomas said with newfound bravery. It was like he was being controlled by someone else, someone like Drew. (Get it?) He was glad, yet scared. He didn't like change. His mind told him to say "Just kidding" or something of that nature, but he refused to follow his brain, and instead, follow his heart.
So this is Vicky's brother... interesting.

"Okay bye!" she waved to him and smiled at Drew.

"He was nice...." she smiled looking at him.

"Oh babe... I love your handsome face... I just want to kiss you. And your body I just want too... Am I drunk already?" she giggled.

(Wait are Autumn & Drew gonna sleep together after or before he kisses Victoria?)

She looked at him and said "What Dick, we can argue all day long" she said looking at him and added "I know y'all tight, but like You don't want to fuck with Autumn. yanks all I am saying.
"And then we could get married and have eight kids and three dogs!" Ella replied with sarcasm. "If you want to kiss me so badly then just do it but we both know that won't happen since what happened in truth or dare. I think one kiss is enough for a day right?"

Drew Torres

"Nah, just tipsy, I'm sure. You've had one Vodka. Maybe let's drink a little less from now on. Any drink you start, I finish, okay?" Drew said with a smile, and he kissed her with tounge, grinding her from the front, their bodies moving gracefully. "Fuck the food, fuck the Party, I just wanna fuck you" Drew said, provoking a laugh from Autumn, and he took her by the hand and led her towards somewhere more private.

Nick Pattinson

"That's also true. Don't argue, go...bone Ross, or whatever, just let me sulk and dance and seduce some single pretty girl into having irresponsible and unprotected sex with me, who I will fantasize as being Autumn." Nick said in vivid detail, and he didn't see but sensed Drew taking Autumn away, and saddened, he grabbed a beer and started drinking.

Thomas Depp

"It's not day no more, it's night" Thomas said with a smile. "Can't we just forget about the Truth or Dare? I mean come on, it'll ruin our entire relationship if we keep sulking on that." Thomas said, and they both knew what Thomas had just said was very true.
Ella smiled and nodded. "I know, I brought it up because I'm running out of jokes and puns until we see another movie and I have nothing interesting to say so truth or dare was my only option." she said truthfully. "Now... What can we do in a party full of cool people?"
She looked at him and said "I will bone him later on, and don't get a random girl pregnant because Mom and Dad will slap the shit out of you" she said looking at Nick

Ross looked at him and laughed and said "Can't wait for that to happen to" he said wrapping his arm around Victoria
Nick Pattinson

"I won't get her pregnant....probably." Nick said with a laugh, taking another swig of beer down the hatch. He suppressed a belch, and it turned into one of those internal belches that are silent, but, like, 10x worse. He yawned and drank again.

Thomas Depp

"We mingle" Thomas said. "Want to dance?" Thomas asked, offering her a warm hand. "What the fuck are you doing? Turbulent waters, Thomas Depp. Get out of 'em...or try to swim?" Thomas asked himself and he almost grinned at his thoughts, at the thought of swimming.

Drew Torres

(Me and Zatanna taking the sex scene into PM)
"Oh... Okay. That's fine, I start a fight you'll end it. Or is that about a drink...?" she said a little confused. Damn she was a dumb drunk. Dumb and Slutty, not a good mix.

"Then let's do it babe." she giggled going away with Drew. He led her to a room, it was nice, oh it had silk sheets...
Ella couldn't contain her laughter and laughed for a while when Thomas asked her to dance. "I'm the clumsiest person alive and the only time I danced properly was when I was in that play were my character was drunk most of the time and I had to act drunk while dancing. You'll have to guide me"
Thomas Depp

"Oh, sure, I believe that involves alot of hip-touching and such, which I'm totally down for" Thomas said with a laugh, and took Ella's hand and led her towards the Dance Floor. "Thomas, what has gotten into you!?" Thomas asked himself, amazed at his awesomeness. He was definitely possesed. When Thomas and Ella reached the Dance Floor, Thomas put her arms on his shoulders and put his hands on her hips, dancing with her gingerly and feverently to the current slow song, and they were a few feet apart. He wanted to change that, but he wasn't feeling that confident yet.
Victoria watched her brother drink like crazy and walked up to him and said "Yo you need to clam down a bit because you look worse then me" she said looking at him.
Nick Pattinson

"Relax, I've had two and a half, calm your tits" Nick said, laughing. "Don't worry, lil sis, I'll stop soon. I just enjoy alcohol. Makes me feel good, ya know? Yeah, ya do know, cuz you do it all the time" Nick said, sticking his tounge out. He was pretty tipsy, but not drunk...yet
Ella tried to speak but nothing came out of her mouth as she danced with Thomas. "Why is he doing this? He' can't even hug me without stuttering and blushing for at least ten minutes and now he's dancing with me?" She thought as she tried to not step on him but closer to him anyways. Why? She had no idea but the other couples dancing were really close to the other and it seemed like the right thing to do.
Thomas Depp

Thomas was starting to panic. This was unalike himself, and his palms were starting to sweat, which definitely wouldn't help things. "Should I stop?" He asked himself, but he decided against it. He was too far now, no going back. He instead pulled her closer, her stomach touching his, her chest touching his, and her forehead touching his. "I really, REALLY wanna kiss you" he said, smiling awkwardly.
Victoria looked at him and said "Clam my tits you should clam your nipples because of you get drunk and Pass out I hope you know I am not picking your ass up dragging your ass to the car and driving you home. So shut the fuck up about claiming my tits" she said looking at him
Nick Pattinson

"I don't know how Ross would feel about me claiming your tits" Nick said, exploiting her accidental mis-speaking. "My nipples are completely calm, don't worry about it. YOU are the drunk one" he said, laughing.

(Sorry for the shortness)
Ella's eyes opened widely when Thomas talked about kissing her again. She didn't know why but she really wanted to kiss him but she couldn't risk their friendship because they wanted to kiss each other and then make it awkward. "W-What did you say?" She asked, not sure of what she was supposed to say in situations like these.
Thomas Depp

"That I really, REALLY, want to kiss you" Thomas repeated, not realizing that she actually heard him but was in shock. After a bit he realized, backed off a little. "Only if you want to, Ella." Thomas said, smiling. He hoped so much that she'd kiss him, and he was anxious. Butterflies in his stomach and such, the usual.
(Stupid Phone)

She looks at him and said "Maybe I am a little, but like for real I am not carrying your ass down to that fucking car" she said looking at him and added "If you want to sleep over Ross's house fine go a head but I am not picking your ass up because you crashed your car again when you was drunk and you know your walking your ass to school tomorrow and you didn't bring nothing with you" she said laughing at him

Ross looked at him and said "You can sleep at my house and I can go pick up your stuff and I can drive you to school. Since my mom wants me to go back to school after tour is over. And it ends tomorrow. So I can help out" he said looking at him
"He must be joking" Ella thought trying to find a reason for Thomas's unusual behaviour. "Maybe I'm just a good kisser and he wants to repeat what happened this afternoon, no romantic feelings" she thought as she leaned closer to him and kissed him softly.

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