
( Yup )

Shelby took her dorm key from the secretary, then lugged her heavy suitcase up the staires. When she reached her dorm, 2, Sheby slid the gold key in and turned it; the door swung open with a satisfying 'click'. Inside were 5 beds, each with their own small bedside table, a sink at the end, several large wardrobes, a small bathroom, and several large windows all with plain cream curtains. Sighing, Shelby placed her case on her chosen bed and began to unpack. She pulled out countless lacy dresses; all pure black, and several pairs of black heels. Sitting on her bed, Shelby shook out her long, curly bubblegum-pink hair.
As Blossom opened up the doors of the building, she began to marvel at her surroundings, walking over to the secretary to receive her dorm keys. She took them with a bright smile and rushed to her room, excited to meet her new friends. She opened the door once she fumbled with the keys to open the door and walked in, noticing that someone else was already there. She sat her bags on one of the beds that she claimed for herself and drew her attention to the girl next to her and stuck out her hand. "Hi, I'm Blossom, nice to meet you!" she greets, smiling happily as her tail swishes behind her and her ears perk up.
Shelby watched as a new girl entered the dorm with cold eyes; she was always weary of new people. So, when she had introduced herself, Shelby regarded her quickly and ignored her outstreatched hand, turning around. Her black wings fluttered as she straightened her black dress, "Yeah... nice... to meet you, too." She muttered. When Shelby turned back around, she noticed her ears and tail. Smirking, Shelbyclosed her eyes for a second, before opening them again slowly, "You should unpack," she said cooly, "The others will be here soon."
Blossom was a bit surprised at her reaction but smiled anyway. "Guess you're right!" she nodded, starting to unpack various brightly colored clothes. She glanced over at the other girl but returned to unpacking, not wanting to annoy her since they seemed to already have a bad start. She stretched out on her bed in a cat-like way and curled up watching the door for more people to come in. She flicked her tail around a bit and pawed at her sheets. She felt that the girl next to her was nice, she just didn't know her good enough yet to open up. "Are you hungry? I don't know if you like these kind of things, but I brought a few sweets for a snack if you want some." she offered.
A tall, 6'5" male padded on to the campus carrying a small backpack over his right shoulder and looking about warily. "Another school.... Why does mom always make us move when she finds a new boy-toy?" He sighed softly and forced himself to smile, wanting to be positive about all of this. He let his body relax as he headed to the secretary's office to find out which dorm he was in. He put his backpack down by the door and adjusted his black white wife-beater and black vest. He picked his backpack up again and stepped into the office. "Good morning, ma'am. My name is Lucius Rutt and I'm here to pick up my dorm key?"

The secretary pulled out the book containing dorm assignments and flipped through it. "Hmmm. I don't see your name here." (I didn't see it on the dorm assignments in the signup page.) 
(Also how would you like to go about it if the individual who plays our 'soulmate' does not show up on here even though they signed up?)
( ( Sisterrc, Lucius can just go and make normal friends until your 'Soulmate' arrives, also your dorm was 3, but you can go to Dorm 2 with Blossom and Shelby until someone from your dorm arrives if you want ) )

Shelby shoved her case roughly under her bed, pushing it to the middle before straightening up and stretching. Shaking back her curls, she went over to one of the large windows and looking out. The landscape was beautiful- and remote. Rolling hills were everywhere, giving the impression of a patchwork quilt, and to their left was a beautiful beach and turquoise Ocean. Turning around, Shelby heard Blossom's question, "Sweets? Sure I'd love some, thanks. I have some, too if you want." Suddenly warming to her ( probably sinse Shelby was addicted to sugar and sweet things) Shelby swept over to her bed to get a red and white stiped paper bag filled with multi-coloured boiled candies. Holding out the bag, she added, "My name's Shelby, by the way."
(Got it. Sounds like a plan.)

The secretary handed him two keys and shooed him off, making him just head up to find his dorm. He walked up to the second dorm room and noticed that it was already opened. He knocked gently and peeked his head in. "Uhm, good morning. I think I'm a bit lost. Is this dorm three?" He rubbed the back of his head nervously, noticing that there were only two ladies in the room. "Oh, my apologies. Am I interrupting." He looked up at the ceiling, hoping that he hadn't run in on anything.
Blossom laughed happily. "Cool name, and thanks!" She beamed, trading candy with Shelby. Her tail began to wag behind her joyfully. She looked over at Shelby, closely examining her as she finally got to see her full structure. "Wow! You're so pretty!" she gawked, smiling up at her before she began to munch on some snacks. "I wonder when everyone else will get here?" she added as she turned to eye the door. Just then a boy walked in asking about dorm 3. "Oh, no this is dorm two! Don't worry, we're just having a snack." She giggled at him. "I'm Blossom by the way, and this is Shelby."
Lucius pushed the door open so his full form came into view. He was quite muscular and looked a few years older than them. He blushed slightly at his mistake. "I'm Lucius." He continued to look a little embarrassed. "It's nice to meet you both." He smiled nervously but in an adorable kind of way.
Shelby smiled at Blossom before looking toward the door with cold eyes once more. Looking over the boy, she found no interest in him; other that he was cleary naive. "Not inturrupting, as such." Shelby said, flicking her pink hair out of her eyes. Blossom was bubbly, always happy, is seemed. Perhaps the opposite to Shelby; who was cold and weary at first. Shelby stood up, her black high heels clicking and stood by the end of her bed, straighting her black lacy dress.
Blossom noticed that his personality didn't match his appearance and sensed that he was nice so she smiled back and got up to go talk to him. "Nice to meet you to! Do you need help finding dorm three? I could help you!" she offered, her tail swishing behind her and her ears perking up as Shelby walked up to him as well. She knew that Shelby didn't seem to care for him and that she wasn't very trusting, but she wasn't bad.
Shelby backed away from him suddenly, so she was over by the window. Looking out, she called behind her. "Let Blossom show you the way." She said coldly. Watching the ornate gates, Shelbygripped the side of the window. A slight breeze ruffled her hair, causing it to blow over one eye again
Lucius noticed Shelby's cold exterior and tilted his head. "I am sorry if I upset you, miss." He bowed his head to them both. "Thank you for the help but I think I'll figure it out for myself. Besides, I would hate to be a bother." He picked his backpack up with ease and smiled, flashing his abnormally large canines. "It was nice meeting you. I'm sure I"ll see you around campus sometime." He looked at Shelby a moment longer. She was quite gorgeous but there was obviously no chance in hell. He waved and smiled before moving down the hell to the next dorm. He looked at the little map. "This has to be it," he whispered to himself before trying his key. "Yup! This is it!" He walked in and tossed his bag on the bed furthest from the window.
Shelby leaned against the cool wall as she watched him leave, waving quickly as he left. When the door shut, she returned to exploring her new dorm. The bathroom was small; it had one bath, one shower, one toilet and one sink, with a small rounded rug in the middle. Sighing, Shelby came back into the main room and sat on her bed, testing the spring. Looking up at Blossom, she spoke, "So... Tomorrow we start lessons, right?"
Lucius sighed and moved to explore his dorm just as Shelby had. He used the restroom quickly before pulling out his class schedule. He sighed as he realized he was given all introductory course... again. "How many times do I have to take these things?" He sat on his bed and sulked a little. He was also a little irked by the cold shoulder Shelby gave him. "I wonder what's up with her?"
"Yeah, I think so..." she thought, looking at the ceiling and then turning her attention back to Shelby. "I think he liked you." she snickered, remembering what she sensed from him. "I also think he's a vampire...sweet and harmless though." she added. "He sure was a bit clueless wasn't he?" she giggled to Shelby who's mind seemed to be else where.
Not waiting for Blossom's reply, Shelby instead stood up and walked to the door, pausing with her hand on the door knob, "Just going to Dorm 3 to give him one of these," she said, gesturing to the small name labels. "They were at reception; i don't know if he got one." Walking up the corridor, Shelby felt a little guilty for being so cold, it was, of course, their first day. Knocking on the door to Dorm 3, she patted down her hair and shifted on the spot
Blossom smiled to herself as she knew that Shelby felt bad for earlier and got bored when she left. She got up and decided to go look around and maybe play around with some of the other students. "Might as well do something for the time being while she's gone..." she shrugged, skipping down the hall, looking for more students.
At this point, Lucius had gotten comfortable and had removed his shirt and vest to reveal a well sculpted physique. He moved over to the door and opened it to find Shelby standing there. Due to how unexpected this was, he blushed. "Oh hello again, miss Shelby." He blinked and shifted his posture slightly. "Did I forget something?" He started wracking his brain for whatever it was he could have left.

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