
"Bathroom? Whats a bathroom?" Kitten mutters, half joking. "I dont think I have anything in me to kick out." She answers. Kitten nudges Nickkie gently. "Sweetie, we're going to take a bathroom break..Do you need to use it?" Kitten asks quietly. "Bellious would have been able to drive." Kitten tells Terrace. "I never bothered to learn how to drive." Cam looks over at Terrace. "Wouldn't it be better to try and find a hotel or a motel? Maybe it'd be nice to get refreshed in the shower." She asks, turning her head to look out the window. "I'm sure some of you have the talents to avoid us from having to use money if everyone just wanted a room to themselves for a quick shower.." She says quietly.
Rye and luke gave Victor a look who looked away innocently. "A car is one thing, 8 hotel rooms another. " He grumbled and crossed his arms. "I think he is mad cause no one thanked him." Terrace joked and rye leaned over and hugged Victor tight. The young boys face turning red from neck to forehead."and as for drving. I will be fine, but it would be a nice thing to have a hot shower." Rye gave her a look." "After everything i want a cold shower, since its already hot out.Terrace looked back at her. "I hot shower will get rid of all the germs and impurities on your body. "
"Thank you." Kitten says quietly. "But I'll volunteer for the hotel rooms. Marrying a thief has its perks." Kitten says with a grim smile. She eyes her brother's body sadly. "I think he'd appreciate being clean, and I know I'll probably be a changed person after a wash myself." Cam nods her head in agreement. "Amen to that. I'll be grateful for the change of pace myself.." She adds with a small smile.
Nickkie slowly opened her sapphire eyes as Kitten nudged her, she had been sleeping peacefully, and deeply, it seemed as if she hadn't planned to be woken up judging by the half asleep, yet annoyed look on her young face. She slowly sighed and pushed herself into a sitting position, yawning widely. "Yes, going to the bathroom would be a good idea, and getting out of this van would be better." she said, noticing that she wasn't feeling very well, the van was old so that meant that it was iron, and iron wasn't very good for Nick, though she still didn't know why. "I should probably also have a shower, and get something to eat." she said quietly, the shower was the main thing for her, and food was shortly behind.
"yes because that wont get us caught." Terrace joked and turned the wheel causing the others to shift. "Get the map out that obi wan stole from the owners of the van." She pointed to under Cam's seat. "There should be a hotel around here somewhere." Terrace mummbled and let go of the wheel to shuffle around the van for a gps while the Volkswagon drove it self causing Rye and the others to gasp in shock at first for fear of crashing. She looked up and smirked. "im not gonna kill us yet." She winked and went back to shuffling through everything. Rye rolled her eyes and crouched on her legs stretching them as the limbs tingling and sparked painfully they had fallen asleep for the last hour. "I dont know.. Im kinda nervous about sleeping in a hotel..Maybe luke could bewitch someone who owns a Rv." She looked at him hopefully as he looked at her with a shocked open mouth. ." What." She shrugged. "Im desperate.. we are in a deperate situation if you hadnt notice and we can always give it back if we dont destroy it first." She snapped defensively at him
Kitten shakes her head as Cam reaches under the seat for the map Terrace had mentioned. "Who ever said about sleeping in the hotel?" Kitten says, though she liked the idea now that someone had brought it up. "I just wanted to use their showers and toilets." Cam looks over at Nickkie at the mention of food. "Then it surely is a good thing I had made all that food huh? You'll be able to get everything you need." She says kindly with a wink. Kitten groans as the Volkswagon shudders again. "Gods be blessed if this is how we're traveling, I think I'll either run or fly from now on."
"Im still up for the Rv idea." Rye muttered looking at Luke.."Ok ok!" The young boy shouts..."find us someone who own an Rv and I will get them to give it to us. " He snaps at her. Terrace glanced at cam as she took the map and looked at it.. The Volkswagen drving itself. "Ok so we have at least a 10 minutes to a rest stop and twenty to a hotel..and we can look on craigslist for a rv.. we do have money." She gave rye a look with a slight smirk. "The hotels only a three star it might be invested with roaches." She joked and set the map down and grabbed the wheel and pressed the gas pedal hard. "if she keeps up this speed we will get there in 5." Rye curled into a ball keeping her stomach settled...."Wont an rv stick out more then this hunk of junk." Luke couldnt be the only one thinking that. "So then what should we drive we have eight people what do you want to be cramped in a mini van? or maybe a slow kids bus?" Rye snapped.."Im up for suggestions?" She looked at the others.
Nickkie closed her eyes, "I don't want to eat until I am clean." she said quietly, she had eaten earlier because she was starving, but now she just wanted a bath. As the volks wagon shuddered she curled up with a shudder of her own, she was feeling sick now that she was awake, and it had nothing to do with how bumpy the ride was.

( blah, short)
Kitten grumbles, starting to get even more car sick. "I don't care what you guys decide. I'm sure of it now, I'll run the whole way, even if I have to carry my brother's body, I'll take the extra effort, just get me there without having to be sick~" She says with another groan, thankful she hadn't eaten for a while.
Rye shrugged at least it would be two less bodies cramped in a Van She crouched and looked out the window as terrace pulled the Volkswagen into a parking lot of a crummy off ramp hotel. when they parked Luke and victor got out and went to the main office. "Time to become obi wan." Victor joked and put his hood up and hissed while slinking off through the door. "So apparently obi wan became a sith." Rye looked to Terrace confused. "Apparently." Terrace muttered and got out of the car to open the back door from the outside. The light nearly blinded Rye as sun streamed into the Volkswagen unfiltered. She hissed and blocked it. Rye watched as the others crawled out of the Volkswagen as she stood on the concrete she looked to the road and watched cars zip by unaware of what was really going on. "We got them." Victor shouted from the door and held up 8 key cards. "Great i call end room"Rye shouted back . they had to walk a little ways to tget to the room since they were not allowed to drive back through the hotel. The pool look mostly clean and the ice box smelled ok. a few soda machines littered the path they walk but it was mostly clear. they got eight vacant rooms in a row that only row that had eight doors was the top floor or a two story building. "heights" Victor hissed.
Nick climbed out of the van as soon as she was able, she sighed some as she stretched and moved away from the van as well, she looked around, then smiled a little as they came back with the keys. She took one of them and went off to a room. The first thing she did was instantly take a long hot shower, washing away the grime that covered her very pale skin, and her silver hair. She put her hair through several washes and scrubbed her body down thoroughly. By the time she finished and came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her she couldn't help but look at her one dress with tired disgust written across her young face, but since it was the only thing she had to wear she pulled it on again and then walked outside.

Now that she wasn't as dirty as before it was easy to see how pale she was, and how beautiful her silver hair was, it caught the sunlight, causing her hair to shine. It was also easy to notice how much her eyes contrasted with how pale she was, the dark sapphire of her eyes was easily noticed because of how pale her skin was, and because of the silver of her hair, she had an ethereal beauty to her that looked out of place because of how young she was, but it was obvious that as she grew she would only become more beautiful as time passed. "I feel so much better... Though I wish I had clean clothes now." she muttered.
Kitten sighs happily as she clamors off of the van. She sits for a bit, letting her body calm down after the bumpy ride. Kitten gets up with a groan as she heaves Bellious's body over her back. Kitten walks over to Victor and takes a key. "Thanks! I'll make it up to you somehow." She tells him gratefully as she starts to climb the stairs. Kitten puts the key in the door and enters the clean room. She looks around as she closes the door with a sigh. Kitten lays Bellious gently on the bed and carefully removes his clothing before laying him in the tub. She turns on the water and scrubs at the different cuts and injuries covering her brother's body before focusing on the wound that had killed him. Kitten grits her teeth as she cleans it out, trying not to think of the event that had caused it. She turns off the water and goes to get some stitching equipment. Kitten comes back and sits by the body as she starts to thread the needle and cord through the open wound, sealing it together. "Now you look presentable for your viewing." She jokes halfheartedly as she picks up his soaked, but clean, body and lays it on the bed.

Kitten strips her clothing off on the way to the bathroom for her own cleaning. She turns the shower on and hums to herself as she soaks her hair and washes her body. Kitten turns her face to the shower head with a smile as the water cascades over her, happy to be covered in element she was born under. Kitten goes stiff as a hand lifts her long brown hair off of her back and starts to wash the spots on her back she always had trouble reaching. "Thank you." The voice of her brother says by her ear, making her turn around excitedly. Kitten squeals happily as she sees her brother standing behind her alive. "You're back!" She screams excitedly as she hugs him, holding him tight for fear of losing him again. "Yes I am." He says, hugging her tightly as he kisses the top of her head. "So tell me, whats going on? What are we doing now?" He asks, spinning her to face the shower head again as he washes her back, listening to her explain whats going on as she washed her hair. "Okay.. So we're headed to California then..." Bellious says, as he puts conditioner in his sisters hair. "We'll have to send word to the rest of us and let them know to catch up soon. We'll need us all to break that guy out.. It won't be easy." He says with a sigh as she rinses her hair out. He climbs out of the tub and grabs a bathrobe for Kitten to wrap herself on and goes to get one for herself. "You know.." He says, voice dying as he turns to look at the view of his small sister wrapped up in a bathrobe that looked twice her size. "You look ridiculous." He snickers, starting to laugh harder as she glares at him from the inside of the fluffy and over sized bathrobe. "Hahaha." Kitten retorts, starting to grin as they leave the bathroom. "Now.. For Nickkie.. we should get her some new clothes..." Bellious says as they sit down on the bed. "We'll be needing a change of clothes from May, why not have her send some for Nickkie?" Kitten suggests as she puts their clothing into the tub to soak before she washed them. "You know May and sewing, she'll love the challenge of making the girl some clothes." "Good idea." Bellious compliments as Kitten joins him back on the bed. "Lets tell her the measurements for Nickkie so she can start." Both siblings go quiet as they focus their magic on contacting the alpha of their group with the change of plans and the idea about the gifts for Nickkie.
Rye sat on the tub letting the cold icey water wash away her troubles. before the hot water steamed to the room now the cold mist sent the fog swirling around inside the closed space. "We have all been in trouble before.. we have all gotten out of it before" She reassured herself as she scrubbed her face with a white cotton wash cloth the rough the material left her cheeks raw. rye laid herself against the cold tiles and sighed, The water rose higher as the plug fell into the drain. The air was warm went she pulled herself free of the water and let herself drip dry on a rug that felt dirty to her. She stepped into a white robe and pulled it tightly around her frame. she glanced at the mirror blue eyes stared back at her and they looked drained. 
Terrace stared at the water for a second, she could hear the showers on in every other room on this room. She smirked and let her body ease into the hot water. Sighing she held her hands up let water pool and then dripped it over her face. "Hot showers fix anything." she muttered to herself.. unless your in the arctic and need to freeze a block of ice. She opened her eyes and let the purple orbs roll towards the ceiling why did she think of random things. Terrace washed off and let her fingers swipe across the black patch of cracking skin on her side. She glanced down and hissed. The skin was cracking and rotting away with thin black vines trailing towards her shoulder and chest. A knock on the door jarred her out of her mind as she quickly rinsed off and threw on a towel, she let her hair drenched as it fell behind her ears and down her back rivets of water marking her drying skin. She pulled out a sai and looked out a window. "Damn." She whispered and dropped the weapon onto a bed. "What do you want?" She glared at victor as she opened the door to view the child with wet hair that stuck up all over the place and dark eyes that seemed to know everything. "I want to go shopping." he simply stated and walked in past her. "Im in a towel you can not just walk in here." She snapped at him. victore looked behind him and glanced at her. "I've seen better." The remarked earned him being tossed out by the back of his pants. when rye and luck walked out of her room. Since rye was the only one to understand him. "What happened to you?" Victor look at her unashamed. "I simply stated... " Terrace cut him off fully dressed in a white tank top and the same jacket she had been wearing, her purple eyes dark and her dark purple hair was black when wet. "I tossed his rumpled butt out of my damn room because he insulted me. " She glared at him. " I stated a fact." The now cleaned boy sat on the two storied walk way. "Sooo anyway. " Rye clapped her hands together. "I think we should talk to others before our shopping spree." Luke nodded and Terrace huffed. rye knocked on Nickkies door and terrace on Kittens.. The Victor leaned against the railing as Luke walked the little way down the deck to cam's door
Nickkie was in the process of finger combing all the tangles from her long silver hair when someone knocked on her door. She sighed some, looking down at her dirty dress, she really wished that she had some other clothes, now that she had had a shower she really didn't want to be seen in her old dirty dress. She slowly walked to the door and opened it, "Yes...?" she asked as she looked out at Rye, her hair was still tangled in some places, but it was looking better now and at least her hair was clean.

(Blah, short.)
Kitten shakes herself out of the trace they had gone into to communicate with their group and grins at Bellious. "Well, we'll be decently numbered soon." She says with a smile. "No kidding. We'll have to keep well supplied if we're to make it well fed and decently kept." Bellious says, playing with Kitten's hair. Both siblings turn to look at the door when they hear a knock and sigh. "Time to get up huh?" Bellious tells Kitten with a taunting grin. Kitten shoves him as she gets off the bed and heads to the door. "Whats up?" Kitten asks with a grin that widens as her brother opens the door more for him to be able to look out at Terrace.
Rye spoke quickly to Nickkie about their plans of going shopping, they wouldn't leave for an hour or so after all they were all bound to be hungry. Rye returned to the little group and made a comment about having one of the rooms as a dinning hall or group meeting so could. Terrace looked at her and shrugged as Terrace told the others about the whole shopping thing. It wasnt as if she needed to she could just make her clothes appear. But she thought maybe the bonding experience would do her could. She glared when rye suggested the same thing. "We should hurry tomorrow we need to be on the move again." Terrace told them in between yawns. "So before we leave im taking a nap." She waved over her shoulder and into her room slamming the door. "Well that was rude." Victor stuck his tongue out at her. "So shall we leave in a little while? I could use new clothes?. and a few other things." Rye began with out luke.. Cam must be taking a while to answer the door. in a few minutes she would break the door down to see if the woman was ok.
Nickkie nodded slowly as Rye told her about the fact that they were going to go shopping in about an hour, she watched Rye walk away and then she closed the door and went back to taking care of her hair, once she got it finger combed she left it like it was, she wanted to do something with it, but she didn't have anything to use to fix her hair with, that was the downside to not having a home. She slowly went outside, she still wasn't happy about the fact that she only had a dirty dress, but it was the best she had at the moment.
Cam opens the door hectically. "What's up guys?" Cam asks putting her arm through a fresh shirt.

Kitten shuts the door after receiving Terrace's news. "Okay.. so mall trip." She says with amusement. "Should be fun." "Also means you better get to washing our clothing huh, sis?" Bellious points out with a grin. "Oh sheesh.." Kitten says as she rushes to the bathroom. "At least we know they're soaked....Hey!! What do you mean by I better get to washing?! Your clothing is in here too you know!" She roars from the bathroom, making Bellious howl with laughter. "Dont worry, I'm coming." He says, still chuckling as he enters the bathroom to help her wash the clothing.

Bellious walks in to find his sister leaning over the tub as she scrubs out his bloody shirt. His grin gets broader as he pushes her into the tub and laughs as she sputters incoherent curses at him. Kitten turns to yell at him and jumps as he brushes against her to grab her dirty pants from the tub. "You'd think you'd be used to facing battles by now, baby girl." He teases her, showing all the dark spots in various spots on her pants. "You know fair well thats blood and nothing else." She snarls at him with a grin as she shoves him with her shoulder. They laugh as they get to work scrubbing the different articles of clothing they had worn the last couple of days in between bouts of water splashing and playing around.

They walk out together, their arms covered in clean dripping clothing. They look around at a place to put them to dry. "Great.. now what do we do?" Kitten asks crossly, turning to look at Bellious. "We can't put them anywhere without getting something wet." "Well maybe we could do a makeshift clothing line and have them hang dry." Bellious says with a grin as he looks around the room.

"Or, you could ask your big sis to dry the stuff for you." May says from a corner of the room, grinning broadly as she walks up to them, tying her long blond hair up with the red ribbon she always seemed to use.. She gives them each a kiss as they cry out in excited surprise and grins as she lays her hands on the wet clothing and uses her magic to dry them. May holds up her bag with a smile. "Now where is the young girl you told me about?" She asks, showing them the extra clothing she had brought for Nickkie and her siblings, her sky blue eyes shining with amusement.
Terrace was not very happy about what was going on. Victor was less then happy when the girls being girls decided to take their good old time. "Women." He rolled his eyes which earned a nod from Luke and a smack from Rye. "for the most part it is true, don't you think so rye?" Victor asked her innocently enough she shrugged and went into her room, she closed the door from them and leaned against it. She was stressed, beyond stressed she felt as though she was perched on a rope between sanity and insanity and she was falling towards losing her mind. She could feel various emotions coming from the rooms. She glanced at her fingers bellious's ring was bright and shining once again meaning he was well and alive she huffed and turned to the mirror to glance at her reflection blood stained her left shoulder were it dripped down from her head injury and a few cuts and bruises could be seen through the open gashes in her clothing. They would all need clothing soon. A few bangs on the door led Rye to open it, victor stood there with a cross look on his face and pointed to Kitten's door. "um ok?" Rye and terrace meet back in the hall. Luke walked up behind them after pointing cam in their direction since he couldnt speak. Rye almost broke out laughing as she felt his anger and knew what it was about. "Aleast know we don't need to wait so long to go shopping us four can just head out." She covered her mouth with her hand as the boy gave her a dirty look. Rye was thoroughly amused at his expression "Its true.." She shrugged as terrace walked in to Kittens room with out invitation "So a happy reunion is underway i see." She joked to them before leaving them alone and heading to the van to get it ready when they wanted to leave. 
Rickshaw was sitting on his chair again. He didn't need sleep truly neither did the Oldbods or newbods it was just out of habit as well as eating. He sighed they felt like such failures to him and here he thought he has created such an excellent new humanoid race. He was wrong. Rickshaw stood up and paced his hands locked together behind his back, it was a human custom that he adopted and he rather enjoyed it or would have if it had been under other.. before he could finish his thought the door bang open, two burly oldbods walked in, in between them a certain irish busy body. "You have hidden them quite effectively." He stated not even look at the boy but he could feel his smirk rolling of the newbod. "If i hadn't i wouldn't be here would i?" Rickshaw hated his voice the instance he started talking. "Where are they?" He knew he wouldn't get the answer just yet and that suited him, he after all had all the time in the world to find them and they would run out of areas to hide sooner rather then later as his oldbod army swarmed across the globe.
Kitten blinks as Terrace pops in, and then pops out and laughs. "Strange people we've signed ourselves with." She says with a grin. "Come on, lets go to Nickkie so you could give her the clothing." Bellious says as Kitten pulls May out of the hotel room's door. May watches her younger siblings with a small smile as Kitten and Bellious guide her to Nickkie using their sense of smell. "I hope you know how ridiculous you guys seem right now." She tells them with a low chuckle. "Well we dont know what room she chose." Kitten says tartly. "What else are we supposed to do?" She slows down as she sees the younger girl as she starts to get out of her room. "I'm guessing thats her?" May says teasingly as she too notices the smaller girl. " And here all I needed were my eyes." She jokes, covering her mouth as more laughter starts to come out. May walks over, handing the bag out to Nickkie. "My younger siblings told me you needed clothes. I'm hoping their measurements are right and they will fit you without a problem.. If they don't give them back and I'll fix them up for you." She explains to her kindly. "I made them by hand so I could be able to fix them without a problem."
Nickkie looked up as she noticed someone walking toward her, she blinked as she looked from Kitten, to Bellious, to someone she didn't know. Then her eyes suddenly moved back to Bellious, "You're alive?" she asked, sounding shocked, currently that was the only emotion she had room for inside her head, then suddenly she smiled widely, she was happy that he was alive, she hadn't really realized just how badly she had felt about being the cause of his death, even though Kitten had told her not to feel bad for it. Seeing him alive was a great relief, and it also seemed as if he was feeling much better as well, considering that he was up and walking around as if nothing had happened.

She blinked again and looked at the woman she didn't know as she offered her a bag of clothes, she looked at the bag, then at the woman. She took the bag slowly, then smiled again, she looked surprised and happy all at once, "thank you." she said to all of them, then she turned and darted back into her room, already looking forward to getting into some clean clothes. She looked through the bag until she found a dark green dress, she took off the dirty dress and pulled on the clean one, pulling her hair out of the collar of the dress, now she just needed to actually brush her hair and she would look much better than before. She ran back outside and gave all three of them hugs.
Bellious grins and nods at Nickkie's question. The three siblings exchange quick glances as Nickkie suddenly disappears into her own room and laugh at the excitement she had. "I think I'm going to like taking care of this youngster." May says the the other two who laugh harder. All three siblings freeze as they suddenly get hugged by the younger girl. Bellious wraps his arms around her in a hug and pat her head. "Forgive me for not warning you.. But we are never truly sure if we would be waking up again. We could be maybe 95% sure, but theres always that 5% that might happen." He tells her warmly, hugging her tighter. "This is our oldest sister May." Kitten tells her motioning to the blond. "She'll be traveling with us for the rest of the journey." She explains. Kitten looks over at May questioningly and the blond nods. "The rest will slowly, but surely, join in with us throughout our trip to California." She tells them before turning around. "Isnt there supposed to be a shopping trip?" May asks as she starts to walk to where the others were. "Come on, lets go have some fun!" She says cheerfully, as she drags Kitten away. Bellious turns and motions to Nickkie. "Lets go huh?" He says, holding an arm out. "Don't worry about having to buy clothing, May would be able to make stuff if you ever needed. We go to her for our wardrobe, and she wouldnt have it any other way." He says with a laugh. "Seem's she wants you to do the same now. But enough of the chattering, lets rejoin the girls." Bellious says with a grin. "We dont want them to get into too much trouble do we?"
Rye was excited about the shopping trip as she jogged down the steps, inches behind Victor who was running full speed towards the honking van. Terrace was very impatiet and it made them laugh. Luke was behind Rye holding his hand to her back so she didn't trip. He had an urge to protect her and Rye could feel it through him. It made things a little awkward between them and she was slightly thankful that he could not talk that would be even worse. She looked after victor as he turned a corner and by habit she checked her fingers. Nine links held fast to her fingers, she had yet to make one to Kitten's sister, not sure how to react to the newcomer. rye ignored her rings and went to look next to her as Luke now walked instep with hers. "Do you ever miss talking?" She asked in a low whisper so the others wouldn't hear but she was sure they would anyway. Luke shrugged his shoulders, its not like he had much to say anyway, and when he did need to say either Victory or Rye could sense it. He stared ahead of them not looking at her. Rye went to speak against but stumbled in pain and gasped. Her hand covered her cheek as pain flared on the left side of her face. The older boy was there in front of her tugging gently on her wrist. He took a step back when her hand came away. A deep cut had etched itself on her face from directly under her eye to the side of her mouth. She cringed when victor came running back around the corner and straight to rye. "Im ok." She told him and patted his head lightly as she walked away her hand covering her cheek once again. She felt a fist connect to her stomach and a burn on her right shoulder. Henri! Her mind screamed at her and she glanced at the ring on her right pointer finger it was a dull heart. Henri's heart string was normally a vibrant blue against a yellow underlining color. Her stomach rolled at the sensation as she sat inside the van. The boys followed her and Terrace turned around seeing her. "What the hell?" Terrace crawled into the back and yanked her hand away from her face. "The hell happened?" She snapped at Luke who shrugged. "Its nothing, lets go, im sure it will fade." Rye tried to reassure them but Terrace gave her a look. "Where are the others?" She looked to victor again. "They weren't far behind us, we just kinda bowled them out of the way to be first." Victor smiled a crooked smile. Luke looked away, ok maybe he did miss talking sometimes when things happened and people go hurt. Rye did not miss the twinge of regret and sadness coming from his heart line as she looked at him, he bent his head so his semi wet hair blocked his eyes.
Nickkie pulled away from Bellious as he spoke about the fact that they couldn't warn her because they never completely knew if they would come back, she looked up at him with her sapphire eyes, the wide smile fading as she gained a very serious look. "Just... don't do it again. You have a family that loves you, people that care if you come back or not. I am an orphan, I have no one who would care or miss me if I were not there anymore." she said quietly

She started to follow Kitten and May, the same serious look on her face as before as she held Donnie to her thin body, she seemed much too mature for a child. When she got into the van and noticed that Rye was bleeding she tilted her head, "What happened?" she asked, she moved Donnie to one arm and moved to her so that she could look at the cut, "At least it isn't too bad..." she muttered.

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