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It was a experiment gone wrong, it was only meant to strengthen the body while slowing down moral standings, but somewhere down the road it happened. The good doctor Rickshaw Jones, was able to rip a person soul right from the body causing odd things to happen to the soul, it formed a new body, The newbods developed powers dealing with the mind, while the oldbods developed powers of strength and speed seemingly never wearing down. The new bods escaped and were hunted to be Killed They were inhuman affected others with The powers they gained as they grew stronger. the oldbods were locked away in camps to keep them from destroying others around them. A few escaped always drawn back to their souls.



hair and eye color

Oldbod or newbod?




Rye owlson could remember everything about her former life, before they ripped her apart, even before she grew a new body to protect her soul. She felt almost empty and hollow without it, she was a newbod, on the run from the very people who created her, who ripped her very essence apart just for fun, She knew there were others like her out there in the free world. She could feel her old body but she could not get to him, he was far away and never seemed to notice her or want to go back, but she knew he did, The jerk was just stubborn and so was she after all they were once the same person..

Rye stretched catlike and curled up on her side, She was just shy of her 5th birthday without her body, but with it she would be reaching 29. She curled tighter into a ball her emotions wreaking havoc on her soul as her new body shook with silent sobs. She was one of the more emotional Newbods, her ability Empathy, well one of them anyway. Her eyes were an ice blue color her black pupils longer then a human more catlike, Her hair was a deep blue with black streaks zigzagging horizontally through her strands. She glanced at the clock 8:53, two minutes before she has to officially get up and go to work, she groaned and buried her face into her feather pillow, Rye could feel the little ends poking sharply into high cheekbones and a large brow.

"Rye!" A shrill voice yelled up from below her, she was assuming it was her roommate as she rolled out of bed. Lisa was a oldbod, She looked asian, but her new soul looked African american Which rye thought was funny, but when lisa got defensive she brought up the fact Rye use to be a guy and that normally stopped the giggles. "Rye." The woman shrieked again from the top of the stairs this time.

"I'm up, I'm up." Rye shook her head forcing the sleep from her eyes as she crepted into the hall way. Something was wrong. "Lisa?"

Something registered, Lisa was dead, shes been dead for three months now, but who yelled at her from the steps. Rye dived out of the way as bullets Hit the walls behind her. "Hello, Rye" The voice was cold and distant, defiantly and oldbod, she felt no emotion coming from her except anger, which was normal for them
Name Eden but she often goes by the alias Ash

Age 16

hair and eye color dark blue hair and silver eyes

Oldbod or newbod? Newbod

Abilities? Mental manipulation (changing how the person thinks or feels) her stamina is high.

Personality? Insane, stays in the shadows, can adapt to most situations easily, chaotic neutral

Job What are the different types of jobs?
Name: Maddilyn Hernandez (Maddie)

Age: 17

Hair & Eye Color: Golden Blonde, Sapphire Blue Eye's

Oldbod or Newbod: Newbod

Abilities: Telekinesis

Personality: Sweet, Random, Wierd, Crazy, Funny
Ash jumped from building to building, her job was to transport a few illegal things. When she was running she forgot she didn't have a soul. Even if she could get stuck in jail she didn't care as long as she was running.
Rye was not a fighter, so she did what was natural to her. Rye jumped from a fifth story window of her apartment building landing with a slight thud and cracking the ground beneath her. The fall didnt hurt her, she landed on her feet, she left the grassy area behind her and turned onto a busy street. It was best for her kind to live in a big city because it was harder for the company to find them, but her luck someone did find her and she was not sure if they worked for the company. Only Their own oldbod or newbod could kill them but another could really hurt them and if that oldbod worked for them, she did not want to be caught and caged once more. Rye moved quicker now through the city wincing as she passed people as they rushed by her their emotions rolling like thick fog off of them choking her. She turned into an alley and leaned against the building relaxing against the chill of the brick
Ash jumped down onto a building and then climbed down it to the alley, she was meant to meet the customer here. She noticed someone leaning on the wall, "are you my next customer or just some girl?" She asked putting down the small box she was carrying.
Rye took a moment to allow the hollow feeling from the girl roll over her. It was a feeling all bods old and new felt since being torn apart. She smirked and pushed a hand into her pocket pulling out a packet of cigarettes. she cursed when she noticed it was empty crushed it and threw it onto the ground. rye turned to the girl. "Does it look like i'm a customer? she asked coldly most of the newbods she met were not good news and things normally went from bad to worse for rye. this time she was not taking any chances.
"You look like you might want some." She searched through the bag until she found a packet of cigarettes. "Here, don't tell him I gave that to you though." She threw the packet towards her.
Rye caught the pack with quick reflexes, her muscle tensed in anticipation as she looked at the girl dumbfounded for a second. "How old are you? and who do you mean?" She assumed it was not the company the girl worked for, they wouldn't allow an old or new bod to smoke. Everything had to be healthy and rye assumed that was why she started to habit even though she could go days with out one she kept them with her just to spite the people who created her.
"16." She paused before continuing, she didn't want to be arrested or anything. She guessed someone like her would be part of the police or any other sort of authority. "I work for a drug dealer, if he found out that I sold another customers property for free... I'd probably be tortured or killed." She shrugged. "I'm Ash by the way." He eyes moved to the left as she told the lie.
Rye looked at the girl with a raised eyebrow. Was this girl taking her for a fool? three generations of newbods. the oldest which were thirty most of them were dead by now. the second twenty and below and then ryes generation which were ten and below. She didn't want to let this girl know who she was if the girl had yet to figure it out so she smile and nodded. "I understand but i dont really need these if it would get you into trouble, thank you for the offer." She tossed the pack back to her and went to walk away. "Careful though you never know who you are really working for"
Maddie hid in a Near By ally. Everything was quite, quiet. She had been praticing her power's, being a newbod and all. Telekinesis wasn't her most choicable decision, But it's what she had gotten. Maddie lifted a small pebble into the air, her sapphire blue eye's focused on it. She sat on the steps of some abandon house. As she sat there she began to quietly hum to herself.


( My Job, By the way, is a Bounty hunter for A Drug Corporation. Not the law. I forgot to mention it )
(Do you want Maddie and Ash to work for the same person?)

Ash grabbed it with the bag. She waited a while before going back, the drug deal wasn't a success. Ash climbed back up to the rooftops and made her way slowly back.
Rye walked into the old trainstation and jumped onto an old train car left there, a few bullet holes littered it's side. oh boy she sighed heavily. She shivered, she met one she had yet to meet the other new bod that was only steps away from them. She cursed and kicked a piece of the roof of the train onto the old tracks. This was not good the more that were here the more likely that The company would notice them. She sat for a few hours before heading back into the city buying out a hotel room for the week, she then headed to a local chinese place to grab something to eat
(Okay then!)

As Ash carefully jumped from building to building she noticed a girl, she seemed to be concentrating hard. She slipped down into the alley, she could now see it was a floating pebble. Ash knew it was Maddie and didn't bother to look a her face. "Slacking off are you? The boss won't be to happy about that." She knew all to well about the consequence for being lazy.
rye stared at her food, letting her powers open slightly she could feel the flood of the humans walking around, she could feel their emotions dark and unnatural. She let her powers go in search of the newbod she met shocked to find her with the other one. Were they insane? She could feel what was in the hearts as whispers in her ears. Rye sighed heavily and left her food half eaten. She slipped around a corner and jumped onto a rooftop, jumping form one to the other, her eyes closed as she watched with her senses she stopped on the roof one building away from them to listen. Who were they working for?
"Oh Ash, It's So Great to see you!" She mumbled sarcastically, Not taking her focus away. Maddie focused on the small round pebble a little more, before it dropped from the ir. Landing lifelessly to the ground with a thud. Maddie sat up straight once again to face Ash. "I May Be slacking off, or I May be waiting for somebody. You never know." She shrugged, causiouly. Maddie glanced around, as if to see if anybody was watching, "What happen to the sale?" She asked kindly.
"Didn't happen." She replied. "I'm going back just to make sure." Ash walked to the next alley only to see a man, he had a hood covering his face but from the rest of his looks he might be in his early 20's. He handed over some money and Ash gave him the bag. She walked away as the man reached in the bag not being able to help himself.
Rye got up and followed the girl named Ash, she stayed onto the roof tops and in the shadows. Using her powers to hide herself she silently crepted along, now maybe she just might get some information. It had been a long time since seeing a newbod, but most like these girls worked on the other side of the law, really it was the only jobs they could get unless like rye you knew someone good enough to forge papers or you had an overwhelming sense of justice like her. She sighed an stayed still long enough to pull a small pebble from her shoe. Darn trainyard.

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