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Fantasy Soul Manifestors OOC

Well, I fell in love with the idea when I read it in the interest check and I just want to see what you had planned for us. I'm also really into combat so I would love to see some of that(obviously doesn't have to be the centric focus). I also would like to see how the different nations affect each other economically, spiritually, physically etc.
Well, I fell in love with the idea when I read it in the interest check and I just want to see what you had planned for us. I'm also really into combat so I would love to see some of that(obviously doesn't have to be the centric focus). I also would like to see how the different nations affect each other economically, spiritually, physically etc.

I will admit that I have some anxiety cause I just always do, but also because I have a certain idea for the start and the BBEG and am worried what if is bad
Well, I'll tell you this. Anxiety will lessen and/or go away as we begin and get ourselves going and for the BBEG, just make them a relatable. I've found that some of my favorite villains are people that I could relate to on some level. If they are evil for evil's sake then the villain will be bland. If they have a reason to be evil that is believable, then the villain will be a hit :3
Well, I'll tell you this. Anxiety will lessen and/or go away as we begin and get ourselves going and for the BBEG, just make them a relatable. I've found that some of my favorite villains are people that I could relate to on some level. If they are evil for evil's sake then the villain will be bland. If they have a reason to be evil that is believable, then the villain will be a hit :3
I kinda want to share the idea, but even if you're willing it should probably be in PM?
With there being so many countries established already, you wouldn't even need an 'evil' villain for conflict. Politics specializes in creating conflict with every side being in the right.
I second Magi's opinion! Personally, I think a conflict between 2 or more nations would be a neat addition to the setting, maybe it would stir conflict between characters?
With there being so many countries established already, you wouldn't even need an 'evil' villain for conflict. Politics specializes in creating conflict with every side being in the right.
Well, that's true. But I guess it depends if we want a "big bad" story, or a more open "mercenary" story
Maybe we can do a conflict between the smiths of different countries over who produces the best craftsmanship or something of the sort. It would be a neat roleplaying thing between our characters as Baka said :3
Maybe we can do a conflict between the smiths of different countries over who produces the best craftsmanship or something of the sort. It would be a neat roleplaying thing between our characters as Baka said :3
Like a competition?

I prefer if we start with the simpler merc monster slayer story but I'm also a sucker for 'the most dangerous threat will always be another human' thing.
If we do that, we might change the start. Instead of there being a tragedy then we probably start as a group of friends in the graduating class that survives slaying their beast, and who stick together to do missions.
Combat is one of my favorite things about rp so I would be happy with whatever way we chose to go about this situation.
Wow, this OOC is proving more active than most of my old RPs put together! I love it.
OOC makes sure you get a feel for everybody and the characters they are playing. Its always a fun time
OK, now back to the initial topic...

I'd say I've got a good grasp on what's going on/going to go on in the IC, no questions on my end.
I am going to admit I wanna ask for some opinions of Laukai, which I know might be hard because he hasn't been played yet.

We start with a tragedy?
That was the original idea in the interest check but it can be changed
Sounds like we'll need to figure out existing character relationships if everyone already knows each other.
Personally I prefer more organic introductions of most characters just meeting for the most time rather than all of us already knowing one another.
Personally I prefer more organic introductions of most characters just meeting for the most time rather than all of us already knowing one another.
I know. Unfortunately I don't think that will work with my ideas for starting

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