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Fandom Soul Eater: The Perfect Order

Gold looked at the girl who decided it was a good idea to sit next to him. I mean, he was grateful, it would've been horrible on him if she had said no thanks. The problem was, he wasn't actually good at continual conversation. Past basic greetings, there was not much he could do.

"How are you?" He asked. Ambri seemed to be the opposite of him. She was excitable, and talked quite a bit. Maybe some of that extroversion would rub off on him.

He noticed a bad smell of burning...what? He looked around for the source, until he found it. Ambri's desk. He furrowed his brows at it, like a facial expression would make it not smell, and maybe solidify. He looked between Ambri's face and the partly melted desk, a little but concerned. He didn't even question it, this place was so weird already, it might as well happen.


Maikeru Kowaresutā

Kittenous Flattery

Mac jittered when Raubtier put a finger on his chest, causing his muscles to flex. He blushed when his eyes trailed down her arm to her finger. What reason does such a beautiful girl have for poking me like that? I don't know her, so it can't be because she likes me. Besides, if she knew me she'd know how much of a failure I am. What should I do? I need to stop being so shy. I've learned that students at the DWMA are nice. I still don't trust any of them. But do you honestly think being shy is doing you any good? It's more of an inferiority. Stop it!

Mac sighed and cracked a smile. It was then that he noticed he hadn't almost killed her. He had been so mesmerized by her actions that the thought hadn't crossed his mind. Smiling wider, Mac laughed, "Yeah, I'm fine. Great actually. You just surprised me with all that poking is all. I wasn't ready for that."

When Raubtier revealed her name, Mac's mind settled as he analyzed the name. Moments later, he blinked and looked into Raubtier's eyes and said, "Raubtier? I've never heard that name before. It's unique. I like unique things. If you can't tell by how I dress, hah."

It was then that Raubtier's eyes were noticed by Mac. They were a clear, refreshing green that made Mac feel like a piece of mint candy. All the jitters within himself subsided. There was something amazing and unique about this girl. He just didn't know quite what yet.

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Ambri tried desprately to quell the heat off her gloves. But it was no use her mittens barely helt her hands from bursting into flames. Half of the desk was already melted from the heat. Ambri looked at Gold and smiled nervously. " Ha, Ha, Ha, AAHAHA " she laughed nervously. Ambri was mortified in front of gold. Finally her hands calmed down as the heat subisided. She took a deep breath of relieve. " A-anyways, are you going to be my weapon? It seems like we were paired up as a team. " Ambri said. She went back into her friendly attitude, and directed her full attention towards him. " It seems like we can be friends and all right? Friends with a weirdo like me~! " She noticed gold had saw the desk melt. The smell filled the room and soon became noticable. Then the fire alarm went off, a shower of water pelted everyone briefly before it turned off.

'...and what are they even thinking, threatening to demote me like this? They should know that it's not my fault I can keep a pa...' It'd been ten whole minutes an Tamara's mind was still ablaze, listing down every little thing that annoyed her, and every way she was going to get back at whoever caused it, she wasn't even trying to calm herself down at this point, merely rolling around in an ocean of self-agreement as she shifted in her chair irritably, and what made it worse was that she could smell burning plastic for some reason. Shifting her attention to find the source of the smell she spotted a girl she didn't recognize, probably one of the new students, whose desk seemed to be... Smoking? Why was it smoking? Was she some sort of delinquent or something? What was she even trying to accomplish? Setting one of the desks on fire on the first day? That was the property of the DWMA! That was the property of Lord Death!

Already being irritated enough, wholly choosing to ignore the fact that she had broken more than one or two chairs during her time at the Academy, Tamara decided that she, as a third year, had a duty to figure out what the new kids thought they were doing violating DWMA property like that, getting out of her chair and striding towards the girl.

And then, just as she was about to reach her, the sprinklers went off.


In the state she was in Tamara was more than a little taken off-guard by the sudden spray of water, just sort of freezing in place as the water washed over her, drenching her hair and a good half of a her shirt before it died off. Still standing on the spot, with her eyes hidden behind her now sopping wet hair she look like she was about to explode, but then, unexpectedly, she broke out into a laugh.

"Ah, Ahha, Ahhaha! Ahhahahahahaha! Oh man... I think I needed that.. Cooled my head right off!"
She said aloud, before turning her attention back to the mitten clad girl who had set the desk alight, closing the remaining distance at a far more casual pace, her intention having shifted from berating the girl, to introducing herself to the would-be pyrotechnic. "Hey! You're new here right? Thanks for setting off that little shower, I needed something like that haha. Good thing I wasn't wearing a white shirt though right?" Greeting the girl, Tamara was quickly off rambling about something or another, attempting to strike up a conversation with the girl without even thinking to ask for her name, or even give her own.

Spoken To: @Iallcsz
Styx had become fairly absorbed in his book when he caught the first scent of burning. His eyes immediately darted to the source of the smell and he shot up to his feet. He seemed to have detected the smell much faster than the majority of his peers, as nobody else had seemed to notice yet. He seemed to have smelled the smoke much faster than the majority of his peers, as nobody else had seemed to notice yet, expect, of course, for the girl who was creating it. Even from the farthest corner of the class he could clearly see the melted desk and the frantic girl with burning hands. Her hysteric laughter burst out into the room as she tried to calm herself down. Styx determined that if she was trying to calm herself down that the intense heat in her body was in direct correlation with something in her body. On a hunch he singled into her soul wavelength and had to immediately release his focus. Her soul was... hot. As in, it literally generated heat. That was... peculiar.

Styx kept his eyes on the girl, trying to deduce more about her as he unzipped his jacket. He smelled the smoke before he saw it, and a few moments later his classmates finally began to notice what was happening. The girl responsible for the mess, another new student apparently, tried to resume normal conversation as if she hadn't just melted a desk with nothing more than her hands and her soul wavelength. Styx grabbed his book and tucked it under his arm before quickly sliding out of his jacket. He let his eyes swing around the room one last time, checking to see how his peers were reacting, before lifting the
sleeveless hoodie over his head. At that exact moment the fire sprinklers started to rain down on the classroom.

It occurred to Styx that, in the time it had taken him to study the girl and take cover under his jacket, he probably could have prevented the sprinklers from going off in the first place. It would have taken little to no time at all for him to get to the bottom row and begin fanning the fumes away from the smoke detector. But he stayed where he was, still wary about calling any unnecessary attention to himself.

Oh well, it's not as if anyone was hurt. It's just water. He thought to himself, shrugging the thought away. His attention quickly drawn to the shouts and squeals of his classmates, who somehow seemed surprised that the fire sprinklers would go off in the case of a fire. People started to angrily look around for the source of the commotion, but before they knew it the sprinklers had shut off again.

Styx glance up at his now-soaked jacket, which had become damp in his hands. He lowered the jacket shook it out in front of him before using it to wipe the water off of his seat and his desk. After that he laid the garment across the sill of the window that, because he was at the very back of the class, was right behind him. With a quick sweep of his senses he determined that there was no more cause for attention or action. He sat back down, unphased, opened his book back up, and returned to his reading.
Right when the sprinklers sparked, Azure raised his right arm and his hand shone bright as it transformed into a disc, just big enough to save him from being soaked. He had practiced partial transformation during the summer, fine tuning his control and response time. Oddly enough, full transformation was easier, because it felt somewhat like transferring his consciousness into a new vessel, whereas partial morphing required him to keep his body in check while focussing intent into the limb he wanted to change.

Spirit Albarn, a highly revered Death Scythe, had explained during an extra curricular training session that it was more difficult for Azure because his weapon form, a shield, doesn't have any specifically separate “parts”. Scythes and various blade weapons almost had an innate ability at transforming their arms into blades because it was an almost logical association, but it took the young Arazm some time to master focusing his intent through his hands and forearms to create shields of varying size. This new ability would come in very handy should he ever be forced to operate as an autonomous weapon.

Azure glanced around the room to see what might have cause the commotion. The first thing he noticed was that he had been left alone in the corner. He wasn't particularly surprised, since he had basically fled to that side of the room to escape attention, but being alone was never pleasant, whether it was intentional or not.

As Azure continued his surveying of the area he saw the girl in the burnt mittens. Ah! Of course. He had heard the faculty discussing her case and how to handle her. Pyrokinesis was rare, even at the DWMA, unless it was spell casting. It would be interesting to watch her evolve through training and see how she would perform as a meister. Azure wondered if it was as special wavelength that allowed her to assert such an impressive ability, or if it was something else altogether.

Right beside Pyro-girl was Tamara, who had evidently “cooled off” thanks to the sprinklers. 'Hmm... I wonder which is more dangerous? The girl with hard time controlling her ability to set things on fire or a ticked-off Tamara? What have I gotten myself into?' He really needed to work on being less impulsive outside of battle. He remembered Professor Stein commenting on his diverging personalities: “You're so focused under stressed yet so uninvolved in social circumstances – you need to pay more attention to your comrades even when it doesn't seem so interesting. You can learn a lot when you least expect it.

Mentioned: @The One Eyed Bandit @Iallcsz

Ambri's clothes were soaked with the sprinkler's water. Her notebook and backpack were also dampened by the sprinklers. She was mortified to say the least, Ambri's mittens didn't contain the heat properly. Her desk was half-melted from it, and she had just revealed her powers to everyone. Ambri had also annoyed Gold even further. He was suppose to be her weapon, this was not a good start. Ambri looked around at the class, they were understandable angry that all of their notes were now soaked by the water. Styx's laugh alerted Ambri immediately, it only worsened her embrassment. She kept quiet and tried not to place any attention on herself.

Until another student called her out. Ambri looked at the student. Ambri recognized her she was one of the veteran students at the DWMA. Her name was Tamara. The water had drenched her hair, clothes, and books. She knew that Ambri was responsible for the mess and made it plain to everyone it was futile to try to deny it. Tamara didn't seeme angry at Ambri, she even acted friendly towards her. "
S-sorry" she mumbled. Her voice was shaky and unconfident, usually Ambri wanted attention but this was different senario.

Ambri whispered quietly towards Gold. " I-I'm really sorry, i have no control over my hands... it's weird. " Ambri looked down on her mittens. In the middle a small hole was punched through the thick fabric. Around the hole a large section was blackened by the heat. Ambri understood why her mittens didn't hold the heat back. The heat was concentrated into a small area and was able to get through the fabric. It was like a jet of heat had forced its way thrrough. Ambri for the first time tried to control her hands. She felt the heat around her hands, it felt wild and uncontrolable. A stream of fire shoot through the mitten. Ambri was beyond mortified and covered her hands. Ambri pulled down her hair and covered her eyes. She felt like the whole class was staring at her. She tucked her head into her arms. Ambri rattled her teeth in nervousness as she waited for Tamara. " I-I'm dead. " she thought to herself.



@Ink Bottle Faerie

@The One Eyed Bandit
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Starfire was looking around looking for someone to talk to, when all of a sudden she saw a girl melting one of the desks. "Whoa" She stood up "How she do that?" She was about to walk closer when all of a sudden water started sprinkling everywhere. "What the?" She looked and smiled a little. "Haha well this sure is a fun first day haha."
The soft breeze caressed his hair, the dark strands moving back and forth with the currents of air. As they caught the light of the sun, the black coloring became replaced by what appeared to be a dark shade of purple. When in brighter areas, the boy's hair tended to shift to its current coloring. The same could be said for his eyes, orbs of onyx brightening into those of violet. However, with eyelids closed, such a transformation could not be seen. In fact, his entire body was currently out of sight.

Resting atop the large, crimson spike that protruded from the grand mask that watched over the grounds of Shibusen, Reaver hovered above all below him. Palms laid flat against the red surface, his hands picked up its rough texture, connecting with slight traces of faded paint. The ebony coat sprawled across the ornament would only be minimally affected by the wind, its owner's current position keeping it steady while the edges flapped against the stream. At present, what he was doing could be considered dangerous, as his leg hung precariously over the spike's sharp point.

No matter how long he remained on the grounds of this school, the feeling deep in his chest would not subside. His thoughts had become clouded by his discomfort and prevented him from acting as usual. In an attempt to clear his mind and alleviate the agitation, he sought the refuge of a higher altitude. If his feet were to leave the infinite staircase and his eyes were to be freed from the sight of the Death-Weapon Meister Academy, he would regain a sense of peace. After quickly scaling to his current refuge, this would be prove to be beneficial.

Right now, Reaver was his usual calm self, ears open to pick up the wondrous sounds of silence. At the moment, all was serene. He felt no discomfort as he placed his back against the hard material, his previous conditions being far worse. It might as well have been made of feathers.

In his moment of calm, Reaver would soon start to remember just whose face this spike stood from. In an attempt to not let such a thought ruin his sole purpose for making the journey up here, he decided to indulge in the one activity that never failed to put him at ease. Removing his arms from behind his head, he pressed his palms against red and lifted his back.

With closed eyes, all around him became dark and quiet. Not even the sound of a flock of birds could be heard in this current state. He was no longer siting on the spike, nor was he at Shibusen. He was in the void, the center of his soul. He was in his personal haven.

Within his soul, he would come to sense those of the ones that occupied the same physical space as him. Many of them were unfamiliar, scattered across the area. However, three souls in particular managed to stand out in the sea of wavelengths.

First, there was the Demon Weapon known as Azure. Unlike the various blades and firearms that filled the EAT class, the blond boy was different from the rest. With the ability to transform his body into a shield, Azure was not an ordinary weapon. In fact, many did not consider him to be an weapon at all.

Despite the skill he had displayed, the young man had been dropped several times and found himself without a permanent partner. Personally, Reaver did not see why Azure had not yet been taken. While a shield may not have been a standard weapon, it was nothing to make light of. A disc of protection, it would serve its user well. If not for his own circumstances, Reaer would have offered to partner with him. However, this was an impossibility.

The second soul that he recognized was similar to that of the former. As a fellow Three-Star Meister, Reaver was quite familiar with his senior. She possessed great skill, which was evident by her assigned rank, but just like with the boy he had previously sensed, the girl was in the same predicament.

Tamara had also found trouble with forming partnerships. From what he had previously heard, the problem had to do with her apparent stubbornness. While he admitted that she could be a bit overwhelming, he didn't see that as a reason warranting separation. In his opinion, Tamara was a very hard worker, which was something to admire. However, the girl was not without blame.

Tamara refused to use anything other than a scythe as her weapon of choice, which resulted in not too many positive reactions when paired with someone different. With the ability to change into a scythe himself, Reaver couldn't see what about the weapon was so great. However, he would not pry into her personal feelings. Her reasons were her own.

Finally, there was Atlas. The male Meister was much harder to sense than the previous two, but the wavelength was unmistakeable. This seemed to carry over to the boy's physical state as well, as Reaver often witnessed him walking in silence. Even then, he was difficult to distinguish. Perhaps it was his experience that aided him in finding the quiet young man.

Reaver didn't know much about Atlas, but he wasn't one to pry into a person's personal life. He of all people knew how an individual vałued privacy and solitude. However, from what he could see, the senior student appeared to have a fondness of literature, which the two boys had in common. There was also a larger similarity, far less positive than a shared interest in reading.

The white-haired boy seemed as if he was devoid of emotion and this made Reaver uncomfortable at times. It wasn't the lack of expression alone that elicited this response, his personality being nothing that troubled him. Rather than the attitude, or lack thereof, itself, it was how familiar it was. There was a time in his life where Reaver was not so different, a child with dead eyes that cast aside his emotions in order to protect himself. Seeing such a thing again brought back unpleasant memories.

As he scanned the entirety of Shibusen, expanding his soul as if it were a pair of majestic wings, Reaver felt the peaceful expression on his face begin to vanish. Eyes opening, his brow furrowed when he found the absence of a certain wavelength. However, rather than this wavelength being that of a person, it was the ominous sensation that had first brought him to this school. For whatever reason, he could not pinpoint the source, almost as if it had never existed. Despite this, he was certain that it was real and that its home was somewhere within this dreaded academy.

With his now open eyes, Reaver looked below to see that many of the incoming students had cleared from the entrance and now filled the interior of the school. Time had gone by much faster while he was within his soul. "I guess there's no point in dragging this out any longer."

Removing himself from his perch, Reaver began to drop to the surface below, coat trailing behind him as it pushed against the wind. The instant his feet connected with stone, he began walking. A fall like that was simple and he was sure that many others wouldn't have had a problem with the distance either.

With each step, the click of his shoes would echo trough the halls. It seemed as though most had already filed into their designated areas. He quite enjoyed this quiet he had been experiencing so far. It wasn't as if he was strongly opposed to interacting with others, but he was very fond of his solitude.

As he neared the classroom he had been traveling to, the previous silence had been invaded by a light tap. Coming closer, it would turn into pattering, reminiscent to rain. He raised a single brow in confusion, but he didn't ignore the signs. Taking the edge of his coat in his left hand, Reaver raised the fabric above his head before opening the door that led to the classroom.

When water began to collect on the article of clothing, his suspicions proved to be correct. The sprinkler system had been set off and after spotting a certain melted desk, it wasn't hard to discern the cause. It was only the first day and something like this had already occurred.

Thankfully, the white dress shirt beneath his jacket managed to stay dry, bringing down the ebony shield when the spraying water had completed its task of quelling the nonexistent fire. Shaking the remnants away, he took a quick look around the room. It was a fairly standard area, complete with several rows of conjoined desks, tiled floor, and a rather large blackboard that stood behind the teacher's podium. However, it seemed to have a rather diverse group of students, both new children and seniors, including the currently laughing Tamara.

After the brief pause, Reaver made his way across the rows, passing by several classmates and recently extinguished candles, the smoke invading his nostrils. With his preference for keeping to himself, he sat at a rather free space in the back, keeping his distance. Again, he did not despise the students like he did the staff, but he still wasn't the type to engage without reason.

Mentioned: @Azure @The One Eyed Bandit @Ink Bottle Faerie
Styx felt needles prickling at the base of his skull before he even felt the warped wavelength. His eyes darted up from his book and hit the bottom of the stairs that lead up into the amphitheater-style seating. The moment his eyes locked on to the boy he felt it. A scarred and damaged soul seeming to be on the verge of madness. The wavelength was so subtle Styx almost thought he imagined it, but he knew it wasn't so. It was clear nobody else could sense it, but that made it all the more sinister. The moment he felt the wavelength his back muscles tensed completely, and it took actual physical restraint not to recoil.

His eyes widened for a brief moment as he looked at the boy who was responsible for such a broken soul, but they quickly wavered and fell back into their normal unaffected state. Styx had not been expecting such an encounter and was taken off guard, but he quickly fixed his mistake. The dark boy at the bottom of the stairs began to move up the steps at the exact moment that Styx pulled his soul in closer to himself. It meant that he was limiting his range, but that wasn't what was important just then. If the boy with the black hair and white dress shirt got closer while Styx's sensitive soul-receptors were unprepared it would quickly overwhelm him and have an ill-effect. Styx held his breath as the boy moved closer, quickly scrambling to deduce what he could about this boy.

The stranger's exterior seemed fitting somehow. He was a boy clad in darkness, black hair, dark eyes, black coat-though it was clearly damp from the sprinklers. He was heading to the back of the class, where very few kids sat and, those who did find themselves there, were very intentionally trying to isolate themselves from the others. It made sense, the dark boy desiring isolation. However, the idea of sitting in such close proximity to this person, clearly a new student, held no appeal for Styx. While the boys soul was deeply corrupted, it wasn't the menacing nature that had created such a reaction in Styx. The wavelength he had sensed was nearly perfectly concealed, but even from the brief exposure he had, the incredibly power he had felt was undeniable.

Styx didn't remove his eyes from the boy, even after he sat down. He held his wavelength as close to himself as possible as he internally worked to prepare his senses to reach out again. The boy seemed calm, composed, but that meant nothing. Appearance could only reveal so much, and it was within every fiber of Styx being not to reveal himself to the stranger again, but he was almost positive he had already been noticed. The only way to know anything for sure was to reach out with his soul again and gather more information.

And so, he did. After taking a deep breath, Styx allowed his eyes to fall from his target. Obviously if the boy was a direct threat he would not be accepted into the academy, but suspicion was merited. As Styx refocused on his book, slowly relaxing the incredibly tensed muscles in his back, he let his soul ease back out to it's normal state. Unpracticed meisters or weapons still wouldn't be able to sense him, but Styxfelt no doubt that that wasn't the case for this new student.

He allowed himself to become receptive to his surroundings again, and instantly felt a cold chill spread through his veins. He kept his breathing normal, his body revealed nothing, his facial expression revealed nothing, his soul flinched slightly-but that was unavoidable and Styx knew it. Now that he was prepared it was easier to be close to the dark wavelength. In fact, somehow... it didn't feel all that wrong anymore. There was something, vaguely familiar about the feeling. That did not make Styx feel reassured.

As expected the boy had come to the very back row, and ended up taking a seat over seven feet away from Styx. Part of Styx wanted to look back up and try to observe the boy again, but he knew better. The initial shock had worn off, and Styx appreciated how difficult it was to feel the dark soul now, likely because the owner was skilled in masking or concealing his wavelength. It was likely that nobody else had even noticed the disturbing energy that the boy emitted.

Which, in the back of Styx's mind, sparked a question he wished he hadn't thought of.

Is my soul anything like that?

Not many things disturbed Styx, but that thought had come awfully close.

Mentioned like crazy: @Lucem Tenebris

Sorry? Why was she sorry? she wasn't angry or anything, well, she wasn't angry anymore, she supposed she may have looked a bit scary walking over here. 'Ah, I should probably apologize for that or something shouldn't I? Or is that clearing things up? Whatever.'

"Ah! No-no I'm not mad or anything. I mean, I was, but like I said, that little shower you set off was actually pretty relaxing." She said, stopping as she realized her words didn't exactly seem to be calming the girl. Getting a better look at the desk she couldn't help but be taken somewhat aback by the effect she'd had on the desk, the thing was practically half melted, 'Writing on that is going to be a pain in the ass...' She thought, pulling out a seat in the row below the girl and turning her attention back to her.

"Anyway! You're new right? What's your name? Do you know your way around? How's your first day goin?" Spewing out a barrage of questions, Tamara was seeming oblivious to the steadily increasing flow of her emitting from the girls hands, her thoughts being too preoccupied with a stream of questions, ranging from extremely trivial matters, to the unavoidable questioning of the girls ability to produce heat as she did. Honestly. She looked like more of an idiot ditz to any onlooker rather than one of the few Three Star Students of the school, and at this rate the newbies would all end up with the same opinion of her that all the other folks in the school held.

Not that she realized that though, not yet at least, it'd probably hit her sometime tonight. God help whoever happens to be hanging around when that occurs.

Her stream of thought was interrupted when the streams of heat flowing from the girls hands quickly changed into quick bursts of fire, momentarily brightening up the immediate area before the girl quickly covered up and snuffed out the flames, pulling her hair down to shield her eyes in some sort of an attempt to hide herself from the gazes that gravitated towards her after the little display. Looking at her, Tamara couldn't help but liken her to some kind of scared little animal who'd done something wrong, it was kind of cute really, she was half tempted to reach out and pet the girl, and hot it not been for the fact the girl could produce fire she likely would of, instead electing to try and reassure the girl. "Hey, don't be afraid. This is the DWMA! There are plenty of people with weirder stuff going on with them than you, in fact, it's actually kind of cool you can do that. Imagine how much you'll be able to save on matches! Makes me kind of jealous haha."

As she finished speaking Tamara felt a wave of... Curiosity sweep over her, now, Soul Vision had never been one of her priorities, but she couldn't help but be curious as what the girl's Soul looked like, would it be like a fireball or something? Or was it just as normal as the next persons? Pulling in her focus she suddenly became determined to find out, staring intently at the girls torso and trying to involke the technique that had oh so alluded her in the past... And... Well... It was interesting to say the least. Her soul hadn't been a fireball like she'd hoped, but it did radiate some sort of warmth... Not physical warmth but something... Something almost comforting, at least on the surface. The more Tamara felt her Soul's wavelength the more... Off, it felt, both foreign and familiar at the same time. Peculiar indeed.

But, she wouldn't let something like that get to her. Not right now at least. Shaking her head she withdrew herself from her state of Soul Vision, refocusing on the girl herself and speaking to her once more, both to continue her attempt to reassure her, and shake the odd feeling that had overcome her while looking into her soul.

"Huh... Did I introduce myself? I don't... Whatever! Tamara Wingate, Three Years, Three Stars. At your service!" She said jokingly, absentmindedly taking the opportunity to flaunt her rank to the new students as she did.

Spoken to: @Iallcsz
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The jitters within Mac's soul had gradually melted away, and he had now been more open to socialize. Raubtier witnessed both the blush and the smile that came her way. She wanted to smile herself. Just making others feel happier made her happy as well. It was a feeling that she had felt many a times in her past, and a feeling that constantly reminded her of her intended purpose.

It was all because of this one person. This one person that had decided to approach her once her guard was lowered and that wasn't all to confident in his behavior, had in turn made her feel as if she wasn't a worthless scavenger. It was all because she had willed up the nerve to run up the countless steps up to somewhere she had never been, and never understood.... Never understood?

This person had distracted her from her original intentions. She wanted to know what the place was, and what was happening here. She prepared to depart from her new acquaintance, when she then had an idea. She would ask Mac about it. He would know about it, right?

Disregarding all the comments made about her name, Raubtier asked her question directly at Mac. "Um, this place... What is it for?" She asked, with the same curious face as she had before.

Maikeru Kowaresutā

Questions of Survival

Mac blinked. "Y-you don't know? That must mean you're not a student here then," started Mac with a frown. For some reason he liked the girl. The fact that she wasn't a student meant that he would still be looking for a partner, "Well, in that case, this is the Death Weapon-Meister Academy. DWMA for short. Basically it's a school and an organization. The school trains students to fight... evil."

Mac took a step back and looked to the floor. He now felt guilty for trying to make someone his partner when the DWMA was in fact hunting him. On top of that, he was disappointed that he couldn't be this girl's partner. His soul was conflicted. Mac personally wasn't doing anything evil, but he didn't know what the outcome would be for anyone who joined him.


Ambri looked up slowly and saw Tamara. She still retained her nervousness but tried she tried to act calm. It was already bad enough that she melted her desk and, all but a three-star meister was now suddenly talking to her. " My name is Ambri and um... But.... I... um.... it's I don't really know about this school... Uh.... Huh? " Tamara kept asking new questions as Ambri replied to her. She felt intimidated by her loud personality. Ambri liked talking and being loud too, but Tamara scared her a bit. Ambri tried to talk but she felt drowned out by her questions. Maybe it was just her apperance, she was much taller than Ambri. Her stature was more confident and outgoing than her. But more importantly she was engaging. Ambri tried to match her personality with hers. " Je kan leuk zijn, maar je eng zijn ook!" ( You may be nice but you are scary too! ) she yelled out.

Ambri forgot to speak in English, Dutch was her first language it was natural for her to speak it. Ambri had mastered English but Dutch was still ingrained into her speech.
" It was probably for the better that she didn't know what I said. " Ambri thought to herself. Tamara continued and tried to comfort her a bit. Ambri only felt worse as she talked. After Ambri shoot a flame with only her hands she placed her head at what was left of the desk. Tamara tried to improve her mood, but Ambri felt patronized by Tamara. " I can't control it dummy! I'll probably burn down my room again if I try that! "

Ambri didn't notice that Tamara was looking into her soul. She was barely capable of not burning everything down with her powers. Ambri looked up at Tamara. Her eyes were slightly faded, it transitioned from a bright scarlet red into a more calmer marron. Ambri didn't know what she was doing ,but her eyes seemed fixatated at Ambri's torso. It lasted for a brief period of time, before Ambri could react to it. There was something invasive about Tamara's look. Ambri didn't know exactly what Tamara did. But she felt uncomfortable about it. Ambri felt like changing the subject.

" Do you know any um... what people deal with magic stuff? " Ambri didn't try to hide her ignorance. At least she was talking to someone who knew this kind of thing. " It can't get worse than this right? " She said to herself.

Spoken to:

@The One Eyed Bandit

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Abigail looked up from her sketch book to see more people piling in from the halls. She chewed on her pen cap, sliding it from one side of her mouth to the other. It drove most people insane but she couldn't help it. It was more like a compulsion, than anything. It didn't matter anyway, most people didn't stay around her long enough for it to matter to her. Abigail watched the people walking in, some talking to each other, some of then looking a bit unsure of themselves. One in perticular stood out from the rest. He was kind of tall, at least tall to her. She was only 4'10, after all. He seemed rather reserved and looked like he was the quiet and private type of person. Maybe that's why he stood out to her so much. She was very much the same way. His white- silver hair stood out among the others normal colors. That and he just stood out in general.

Abigail watched as he walked to the back of the class as well, sitting only a few seats away from where she was sitting. She raised a eyebrow in interest as she watched him pull out a book. So he was a avid reader as well. It was nice to see someone interested in something like that, for she was always found with her nose in a book. She was always reading a book about something. Usually had to with learning different fighting forms. Being a weapon that hardly ever had a partner, it was useful to her to learn all the things that she could. And of course she was always found sketching as well. Which is what she was doing when all the action started.

Abigail looked down at her newest sketch and seemed completely happy with it. She smiled down at it and was about it close it and put it away, when she smelled something burning. She looked up with a frown and seen that some girl had smartly thought it was a good idea to set her desk on fire. Shaking her head, Abigial was about to comment about right when the sprinklers in the class room went off. She flinched and a deep scowl crossed her face as she looked back to the girl. When she looked down, she noticed that her sketch, that she worked rather hard on, I might add, was ruined. Growling low in her throat, Abigail fought the urge to walk down those few steps and throttle the girl. Instead she grinded her teeth together and slammed the sketch book closed, the loud noise echoing through the class.

Abigail's mood went from calm and collected to one that was screaming annoyance and frustration. Her soul wavelenght changed dramatically, and it probably showed. She glared at the girl as she tried to salvage what she could of her sketch book, by shoving it into her bag. Well at least her board didn't get messed up. Had it, the new girl probably was going to see on hell of a scary version of Abigail that might make the girl stay away from her forever. And everyone else for that matter. Abigail chewed on her pen cap to try to calm back down and leaned back into her seat.



"Y-you don't know? That must mean you're not a student here then."

Raubtier was a bit surprised at the generalization Mac had made from the question alone. Of course she hadn't known what the school was or been interested in it until now, but what had surprised her was why Mac had deduced this. Surely it wasn't important if she were enrolled in the academy or not.

She figured it out when his demeanor changed. Again, he became less enthusiastic and a tad more sullen. Mac, the guy who had approached her, had hoped that she were a student but was disappointed to find that she wasn't.

Raubtier didn't want to leave this person alone. She felt as if she had owed him something; he had answered a question for her, and she had not given the guy anything back.

There wasn't anything else Raubtier was keen on doing...

And maybe she could live at the Academy...

Raubtier's eyes wandered away from Mac's. Her slender finger tapped agitatedly on her cheek. She decided.

"I guess... Could attend. If possible. Do you want that?"

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Maikeru Kowaresutā


Emotional Assassin
The Rusty Red Iron Gates of the Soul

Mac fed himself reasons why he shouldn't bother with the girl. He could be a danger to her. Getting involved with someone who wasn't a student could get the DWMA snooping. She would be better off making friends with someone who wasn't inferior. Of course he was simply filling a void. Deep inside, Mac yearned for friends. He wished for a partner and needed someone to accept him, understand him, and allow him to see the positives in himself.

It didn't take much for Mac to close off his soul, as this was how he lived most of his life. However, Mac felt something knocking at his soul. The girl was trying to get Mac to open his soul again. Or perhaps it was just the beating of his heart, but he couldn't figure out why that would be.

Why Me?

Why isn't she leaving? What's so special about me? Doesn't she know I'm dangerous? Run before you get caught up with me! I can't tell you to leave. I just can't. Please don't… you seem to nice. I don't deserve to be friends with you. I'm inferior. Why me?

Mac tried to fight the emotions he felt until she said something he wasn't ready for, "I guess… Could attend. If possible. Do you want that?"

Before he could catch himself, Mac burst out, "That would be awesome! Er, I mean… you can do whatever you want. It's your life. You don't have to because of me. I'm nothing special. Y-you can if you want though, but you don't have to. Of course… I need to find a meister partner. I can find someone else though, so don't worry about me. I'm sorry, I should just leave you alone. B-but I'll help you if you want to join… if you want. D-do you wanna?"

Mac felt stupid and started to blush. He felt conflicted deep within himself. All of his excuses were falling apart. He disappointed himself for not being able to control his emotions. Yet if felt as if he didn't need to control these.

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"That would be awesome! Er, I mean… you can do whatever you want. It's your life. You don't have to because of me. I'm nothing special. Y-you can if you want though, but you don't have to."

Raubtier scratched at the back of her hair with her fingers while he was talking. It looked like she were nonchalant of his speech, and not paying attention. Mac's indecisiveness in trying to bond with her yet backing away from her at the same time made her a bit irritated, but she was very tolerant and resolute. If anything, she could fix that behavior of his.

"Of course… I need to find a meister partner. I can find someone else though, so don't worry about me. I'm sorry, I should just leave you alone. B-but I'll help you if you want to join… if you want. D-do you wanna?"

"Decided already. Going to join," Raubtier said flat-out. She grabbed at Mac's hand again, not necessarily softly, and pulled him and his hand along the way to the front. "You can teach me everything about the school. And about weapons and meisters. I don't know, but I want to. You can help me with this."

"The first thing is where to register," Raubtier concluded, stopping right when she was at the periphery of the DWMA's doorways.


[why do i tag you. you watch the rp anyway]

Maikeru Kowaresutā


The Coming Darkness

When Raubtier grabbed Mac's hand, his soul hopped like a chick trying to crack out of its shell. Her determination gave him a new sense of hope. As she pulled him along, Mac almost tripped, but soon caught himself. When the idea sunk in, Mac said, "Well, there's an official application you have to fill out, but today's just orientation. I can take you to that meeting and somebody there could probably help you with that. You'd need to find a meister though of course. Like I said, I'm looking for one… but don't feel like you have to take me on. Cause, well… I'm a pretty useless weapon."

Before Raubtier could comment, Mac pointed in the direction of the classroom. It was a lecture hall that looked more like a rainforest zoo. Every single inch of the room looked different with all the students in their own style. However, they were all essentially the same, students of the DWMA. On top of that, they were all wet.

Mac looked around confused and said,
"Um… this is the orientation group… I think. We can just find a seat and wait for a teacher if that's alright. You okay with that?"

"Je kan leuk zijn, maar je eng zijn ook!"

Listening to Ambri speak, Tamara blinked in confusion. What the heck was she saying? What language was that? It sounded kind of German... Scratching the back of her head she let out a sigh of exasperation, she often forgot how many different cultures ended up at this place. She really should try and pick up and second language so she could deal with one or two of these foreign students more adequately...

Ah! No, it was fine wasn't it? If she was saying anything really important she would have repeated herself in English, right?

At her attempts to console her Ambri didn't seem convinced. Instead giving a show of frustration at her suggestion, outright calling her an idiot, well, perhaps not in words that strong, but the intent was the same to her either way. Scratching the back of her head she couldn't help but wonder what she'd done wrong. She'd just been friendly right? Thinking about it, Tamara just couldn't see way Ambri had reacted in the way she had, shouldn't she feel like, relived by her attempt to reassure her or something?

"Do you know any um... what people deal with magic stuff?"

At that, Tamara's mind nearly instantaneously switched it's focus from the prior subject. Sure, she could have kept trying to figure out why Ambri had seemed so upset, but why would she, when a topic so much more interesting had raised it's head? "Magic? Hmmm... I'm not super-sure, but the school nurse should be able to point you somewhere... I have a doctor I could refer you to as well, but I'm not sure how much he knows about that kinda stuff. Couldn't hurt to try though right? We could be like, doctor buddies or something!" She said with a laugh, only half joking as she realized how desirable having someone to spend time with during those long, boring visits to the doctor actually was. As what seemed to be the last of the students began to file into the room Tamara turned her attention back to where she'd been previously sitting, realizing that oreientation would likely be starting soon. "Ah, I should probably get back to my seat. Look for me if you want someone to show your around or something!" She said as she turned to pace back to her seat, giving a small wave as she paced towards it.

Spoken To: @Iallcsz

Igor and Honey

“IGOR WE’RE G-GOING TO BE L-LATE!” Honey called to her psychotic partner. She was impatiently waiting for her partner by the door of their apartment.

“I DON’ WANNA GO!” A gruff voice shouted back at her. Honey sighed, sometimes she wished she wasn’t so nice.

“But Igor, I already packed your lunch for you!” She called back in a knowing tone. She heard a crash and felt the violent vibration of a door slamming open. She quickly opened the front door and ran out, knowing her partner was on her heels. Her coral colored high-low dress flowed behind her as she ran, her yellow boots carrying her farther through the building.

Igor was stomping after the little girl who carried his lunch with her. There was nothing he loved more than meat….MEAAATTT! The thought made his mouth water underneath his gas mask and carried his muscled body farther. Between the two of them running it wasn’t long before they reached the stair leading up to the DWMA.

Honey took a deep breath as she observed the stairs. “Okay, I can do this!” She persuaded herself and started climbing. Being the little weaker twelve-year-old that she was, she slowed down drastically at the stairs. Igor caught up to her easily and laughed when Honey tripped and landed on all fours. Igor could easily carry her up the stairs, but he would never stoop to such a low, nor would Honey accept his help. So the two walked/crawled up the stairs. Igor growled at the slow pace they were going and looked up to see they were not even halfway up. He looked back at Honey who showed nothing but determination on her face. He glanced between the two locations again before he chuckled. Honey’s gut sunk for a second upon hearing Igor’s laugh but quickly dismissed it as simply being a part of his insanity.

“IT BE FLY TIME!” Igor suddenly screamed and pulled his foot back before kicking the little girl in the butt with such a force that she went flying up the stairs. The lunches flew into the air with her. Laughing the whole time Igor ran to catch the lunches before they hit the ground. It was then that he finally heard the grunt of the girl hitting the pavement. Continuing his laughter he ran up to her, lunches in hand. She winced in pain before turning to frown at the psycho.

“I didn’t need your HELP IGOR!!” Honey complained a bit angrily. Ignoring her statement Igor clenched onto the perfect yellow bow on the back of her dress and lifted her into the air. He then pushed her forward so that she stumbled onto her feet. Pouting she yanked the lunches back out of Igor’s grasp and made a break for the classroom knowing that Igor wouldn’t be happy with her action.

They ran into the building and both of them almost slipped after they realized the floor was covered with water. What on earth happened here? Getting rid of the thought Honey continued to run, Igor catching up with her quickly. “There it is! We’re not going to be late! The door is still open!” Honey announced with glee. Just as she said those words, the door began to be pushed shut. Suddenly getting a burst of speed, Igor picked up the girl and burst through the door of the classroom, making a loud commotion. He gave his maniacal laugh before Honey gave a small bow to the class. “I’m so sorry for being late!”




For an instant, Reaver could feel it. It was intrusive, the feeling of another brushing up against him in the sea of wavelengths. With the sudden sensation, his eyes immediately darted to the one who had iniated the scan of souls.

With obsidian meeting the white-haired youth, Reaver recognized the invader as Atlas. When the identity had been uncovered, he was hardly surprised. From what he could tell, his fellow Meister had a knack for Soul Perception, a skill that was a valuable asset for Shibusen in the fight against Witches. However, for him, it was a hazard that could very well lead to the end of the road he currently walked.

In an attempt to clear his mind that had been clouded by the thoughts of his current location, he had done the same and peered at the souls of many who roamed the academy. It was only fair that he extend the same courtesy to others as a means to make amends for his actions, but a formality such as that was one he could not afford. His soul was something that could not be seen by the invisible gaze of others.

While he was aware that Atlas was skilled in his use of the sixth sense, Reaver was sure that he had masked his Demon Weapon blood perfectly. As long as he kept the other half of his heritage suppressed, it should have appeared as though he was nothing more than a simple Human. However, his new classmate had taken notice of something.

As he wracked his brain trying to figure out just what mistake he may made that led to his exposure, the constant thoughts that pertained to his bloodline would grant him clarity. Searching within himself, he understood that the current situation had nothing to do with his mixed nature. It was the state of his soul itself.

Glass that had once shattered and been haphazardly put back together, several cracks made their mark in the depths of his being. He had been so focused on keeping up the masquerade of a mere Meister, the darkness he carried within himself had been overlooked. Even the attempts at calming the winds that blew through his mind had assisted in distracting from the true concern.

Taking in a low breath, he redirected the constant veil, suppressing the chained beast inside. He would not make the same mistake twice, hammering the lesson into his skull. He could not afford to make such a careless mistake, especially one as dangerous as this. If his path ended here, he would never be able to obtain the strength he desired.

While doubling the effort of suppressing the dormant madness, leaving him indistinguishable from the common man, the sound of laughter brought him back into his current surroundings. Upon arriving back in the physical world, Reaver directed his attention to where the disturbed sound came from. What he saw filled him with a feeling reminiscent to sadness.

Big, green eyes of the young girl stood out to him. She appeared to be around the age of ten, something that made his heart grow heavy. Reaver's opinions of Shibusen left him with feelings of sympathy for all of the students that had chosen to make their mark here, but such a small, frail form made them grow. A child so young should not be here, living under the threat of battle for the sake of playing pawn in Shinigami's game of chess. It was an odd mix of emotions, anger and sadness battling it out for dominance within.

Before he could move the set of coal to observe the masked man, another entrance took priority. The large bang of the door that had seen many arrivals swung with great force, exposing the familiar form behind it. Silver hair swinging with the movement of the sleeved arm, an older man made his presence known.

"Yo, little ones! I'm your teacher, the great-!" The introduction was drowned out by the large bang that resulted from the fall, face scraping across a square of black and both legs left to slither in white. He had essentially tripped on nothing, his form left to resemble a scorpion with feet serving as the stinger. The sound of the roll put the clattering of wood to shame, silence ensuing in the moments after.

"I think I'm dying..." The mumbled voice broke the silence, a shivering arm raised as if the man was pleading for a a savior. However, when two eyes of gray spotted an angel, the pain evaporated. Rising like the morning sun, he swiftly moved to grasp the hand of the maiden before him.

His being seeming to shine like the aforementioned sun, he took the child's hands and stared into the sea of green. "Ah, such beauty! You sparkle just like the stars above, it almost brings me to tears! I must know! What is your name, my cute little flow-!"

The man's babbling was immediately halted by the backside of a clipboard striking his head, leaving him to curl into a ball, crouching while rubbing the injured area. "What do you think you're doing!?" A shout of anger came from another man that had made his entrance, albeit younger. Rather than the standard dress shirt accompanied by his coworker's signature jacket, this new arrival wore a tracksuit that was a few shades darker than the blue coloring of his hair.

"You're so mean, Connie! Why'd you have to go and hit me like that!?" The pouting of the grown man only made his scolding worse, a river of tears flowing from behind the pair of glasses.

"I thought I told you to stop doing this, you damn pervert! These are your students!" The shouting would fade, replaced by a deep sigh as the younger male adjusted his own set of eyewear. Turning to the younger girl that had previously been addressed by the assistant teacher's superior, his tone shifted to a gentler one, bending slightly to meet her height.

"I'm really sorry about that. I hope he didn't give you a scare." The warm tone accompanied by a sincere smile born out of concern, he did his best to put the small girl at ease, praying that she hadn't just been scarred in some way from what just occurred.

Rising from his position, he maintained his kind expression as he turned to the rest of the gathered students. "My name is Conium Poppi and I will be serving as the assistant teacher for this class. I may not be very experienced, but I hope that I can properly serve you."

Bowing as he finished his introduction, Conium attempted to gain the attention of the man he was set to watch over. "Hurry and introduce yourself." Much to the dismay of the blue-haired staff member, his partner was currently making circles in the corner of the room with his finger, kneeling in what appeared to be a state of depression.

"Connie got mad at me. I don't think I can go on like this..." Irritation becoming apparent on the face of the Demon Weapon, his patience was waning. "I'm going to get even angrier if you don't hurry and do your job!"

The previous melancholy disappearing as if it never existed, the Mesiter of the pair stood at full attention. Turning to the boys and girls, the latter in particular, he put a hand to his head in mock salute. "I don't want the boss here to hit me again, so I guess I'll get this show on the road! My name is Hemlock Grove and I'll be your instructor from today onwards! I hope to get along with all of you, especially you lovely lad-" Noticing the darkening atmosphere around his assistant, Hemlock opted to not finish that sentence for his own health.

Clearing his throat, the eccentric teacher moved behind the podium and removed a piece of chalk from one of the two small shelves. "Now then, onto today's lesson! We will be going over one of the essential materials that you young Weapons and Meisters will be experiencing here during your time here." With each word spoken, the chalk danced on the blackboard that dominated the back of the lecture hall, white lines scattering along with fluid motions. When the dance would end, Hemlock slammed the instrument on the board, enhancing the message that had just been left. "The lesson of love!" He spoke with pride as he directed everyone's attention to the heart he had just created.

A familiar clipboard striking the back of his head, the scolding would return. "Idiot, tell them the truth!" At those words, Hemlock's expression grew somber, a frown set upon his lips. "The truth, huh?..."

Removing the spectacles from his face, Hemlock held nothing but seriousness in his appearance. Releasing a sigh, he held up the eyewear and his head sank. "These glasses aren't real..."

Hemlock would be struck once again, Conium's tolerance being sufficiently drained away. "That's not what I meant!" The silver-haired man snapping his fingers with realization, he would attempt to explain once again. "Connie's are fake too."

Conium was almost at the point of exhaustion having used much of his energy to reprimand his colleague that had retuned to his crouched position in agony. "You're the one who forced me to wear them in the first place!" The headphones that hung around the young man's neck began to slip, hand placed on his forehead in an attempt to quell the growing headache. 'This is not going well...'

@Broken-Angel @Azure @Ink Bottle Faerie @The One Eyed Bandit @Iallcsz @wirt @Paranoia @animegirl20 @DeadgurlXD
Starfire was sitting down reading the letter again trying to figure out how she was going to find this person until she heard a voice from the front of the class. It was a man named Mr. Grove and he was going to be their instructor. Oh finally it looks like we are starting. She thought to herself. When he said they would be learning the lesson of love Starfire almost fell out of her seat. There was no way that was right just then a clipboard went flying and hit the back of the man's head. Guess she was right. She watch the two men bicker, this was going to be one interesting year. Something about the whole thing made her want to laugh. A little laughed escaped her lips then she looked back at the two men. Well as entertaining as this was she did want to learn something.
Maikeru Kowaresutā, Ivy Landvik, Demetri Voclain, Honey Mitskuni and Igor



Feeling Lucky

Luck had stalked Mac specially for the orientation day. From being hunted by DWMA students to waking up in a dead crate - not to mention getting out of the crate to find the owner was very angry at you - or even the fact that he almost killed a few people, Mac’s day was average..

However, finally Mac had a partner and a friend. He figured things would only get better from there, yet it was at that moment that Luck pulled through, because suddenly a student slammed the door open. Mac had been standing conveniently in the perfect spot to get smushed between the door and the wall. Raubtier had been next to him, but he didn’t get to see what happened to her.

You see, Luck would pass over most people, giving them a good day. However, even Luck needs a break at some point. So when it came to Mac, rather than helping him out, Luck would just sit back and enjoy the show. Sometimes Luck would even bring popcorn.

Anyways, the door had been slammed open by two students. At the moment, they were oblivious to Mac’s predicament. It wasn’t until Mac hoped not to be seen by the class that the door creaked back to it’s normal position, revealing him for all to see.

Unexpected Encounters

“Oh my gosh are you okay!?” Honey called and stepped away from Igor’s side to see the form of a man behind the door that the psycho had slammed open.

Mac’s eyes widened as he saw the two that stood in front of him. They were one of the reasons he was shunned. However, before he could respond, the door was slammed back in his face a second time.

Honey jumped back when a man with silver hair charged into the room, slamming the door back into the poor guy behind it. It was then that the man seemingly tripped over nothing and fell to the floor. He mumbled something before looking up into Honey’s eyes. "Ah, such beauty! You sparkle just like the stars above, it almost brings me to tears! I must know! What is your name, my cute little flow-!" He stated before he was hit in the head with a clipboard. The two men seemed to bicker while Honey just stared blankly, confused at what just happened. Igor’s growl from behind her got her attention back before the teacher apologized for the first man’s behavior. Blushing deeply, Honey decided now was the time to go take her seat.

“Come on Igor, lets go sit down.” Honey stated and grabbed onto the psycho’s hand, leading him further into the room. Looking around, lime green hair caught her attention. “It’s Ivy!” Honey exclaimed and led Igor in her direction.

Enter: The Berserker and the Blind Man

Ivy sat in her seat like it was a throne. She kicked up her feat on her desk with her hands behind her head. She had been glad when the sprinkler system had went off. It was a nice cool off after her morning workout. She didn’t even care that she was dripping water everywhere. She rang out her hair as she surveyed the room, giving anyone unfortunate enough to make eye contact with her a death glare. She enjoyed watching them squirm.

Demetri, on the other hand, was not amused. He was wet and uncomfortable in his wool sweater. While Ivy looked like she owned the room Demetri looked like it was the last place he wanted to be. He slouched low in his seat, his feet sprayed out in front of him, and his face pointed at the ceiling.

Friendship is Magic

Ivy smirked when she saw Honey and Igor enter the room. It took those losers long enough. She chuckled when she saw that Igor had accidently hit someone with the door. She made a disgusted face when one of the teachers started flirting with Honey. What a creep. Doesn't he know that’s she’s only twelve? As Honey and Igor walked towards them Ivy glared at the two freshmen sitting next to her.

“You’re in my friends seats.”
She told them coldly. “Beat it.” The two freshmen cowered under her gaze and scurried away.

Seeing the two freshmen run from Ivy, Honey simply took their seats. “Thanks for saving us seats!” Honey exclaimed even though she knew what really happened.

“Don’t mention it.” Ivy huffed. She grabbed Honey and forced her into her seat. “Now sit your ass down.” Demetri chuckled and waved in greeting as Honey was pushed into her chair. Igor simply laughed at watching the little girl get shoved around.

Now sitting down, Honey put the lunches she had been carrying between her and Ivy. She pushed two of the four bags toward the green-haired woman. “I made you and Demetri lunch.” Honey stated, blushing a bit. “I hope they’re okay..” She mumbled.

Ivy’s eyes widened as the lunches were passed to her. Neither her or Demetri could cook so they were always stuck with crappy cafeteria food for their lunches. Ivy’s mouth was already watering thinking about the homemade meals sitting before her.

Demetri leaned over to Ivy and commented, “We need to keep these guys around.” He then turned to Honey and said. “Thanks for the lunches, man.” Ivy just grunted in appreciation as she settled back in her chair and tried her best to listen to her pervert teacher.

Honey smiled sweetly and began to listen as the class was starting. As usual however, she got distracted when she noticed Igor was having trouble focusing.
Collaborative Post : Tamara / Ambri

Ambri looked up at Tamara she regreted calling her an idiot as she seemed somewhat confused by her words. She didn't mean to insult Tamara, Ambri tried to salvage the situation " Sorry I didn't mean! If anyone is an idiot it's me! " Ambri tried to downplay it further by laughing. It was awkward to say the least. Tamara seemed to ignore what happened and continued to smile at her. Ambri felt even more guilt, " She was just trying to help me, and I called her an idiot. " she said to herself. " I'm really sorry! I disrespected you a lot!" she said. Ambri calmed down a bit as Tamara replied to her. " A doctor? Like the people who treat you and give medicine? Why would they know about magic? "

Ambri felt confused about everything school, meisters, and her own abilities. She felt like her mind was melting under stress of school. Things were much simplier in her high school. However, Ambri would not give up. As she saw Tamara going back to her seat she sprang "
Wait! I still want to talk to you. " she said. Ambri felt like the best course of action was to engage Tamara. She was scary to her, but at least she knew about the school. Ambri felt even more fustrated that she yelled at her. She was about to loss a chance to make a new friend.

" Let's be friends! " Ambri smiled at her.

A look of surprise flicked across Tamara's face as Ambri hopped from her seat. She was convinced that she'd already managed to draw out a healthy dose of distaste in the girl after their, rather awkward conversation. "Huh, I really need t-" She began to say, expecting the teacher to stroll in at any minute. But, as luck would have it, this time Ambri would be the one to take the initiative this time, cutting her off before she could finish speaking and take her leave. "Ah, wha? Friends? Well uh I-" She began to stammer, stopping herself before things got out of hand. Pausing for the moment she attempted to gather herself. As she'd demonstrated during her earlier conversation with Azure, she'd never been... Spectacular whenever people sprung information or an offer onto her like this, it usually ending with her running off in a fit of either embarrassment or anger.

But, fortunately, she'd managed to catch herself before she freaked out this time
. "Ah... Friends? OK? I mean ah, sure! I'd love to!" She said, a grin spreading across her lips as she finished speaking. "Oh! Sorry, we were talking about the doctors right? Well, I'm not actually super-super if they'd be able to help, but the ones in Death City, or, at least the ones I go to, are kinda like... Soul Doctors? Something like that... They know a ton about how Souls work and stuff, so it wouldn't be a longshot if one of them knew a way to help you with your that uh... Problem you have, right?"

Ambri capitalized on a moment and continued to go on. " Friends are great right? I always wanted to be good terms with everyone! " she said. Ambri listen to her reply as she told her what a doctor actually meant here. She listened carefully while having a sense of anxiety in her voice. She sounded a bit stressed as she replied. " That's what a doctor means! What are souls.. they exists? Is that what causes my hands to go on fire! " Ambri sounded painfully ignorant about the school as she thought to herself.

" I meant can they fix this stuff? " Ambri slipped off her mittens for a brief moment and handed them to Tamara. She quickly shoved them into her pockets and anixously waited. " These are my mittens I wear them everyday to class. " she replied to Tamara. " So can anyone fix this sorta thing. Or do I need new ones? "

At Ambri's mention of not actually knowing what a Soul was, no, apparently she didn't even know they existed, Tamara wasn't quite sure how to react. It was a bit of a shock to be sure, she'd thought the knowledge was common, and the fact that she was a student of the DWMA only made this more dumbfounding. Well, if nothing else the girl was full of surprises. "Ah... You don't know what a soul is? That's... Kind of hard to explain... It's sort of like someone's emotions and personality rolled up into a little ball" As she spoke, Tamara didn't exactly sound too sure of what she was actually saying. It wasn't a case of not knowing what a soul was, but this wasn't exactly the kind of thing one had to explain on a regular basis, so she was a tad... Lost for words as to how she could explain it.

Thankfully, it wasn't long before the other girl changed the subject. Taking the pair of mittens into her hands she began to look them over, specifically the areas that she had burnt through earlier.
Wow... This is kind of impressive, burning through these things without even meaning to... I wonder what she'd be able to do if she actually figured out how to control this, this whatever it is properly? She thought to herself, though, judging by Ambri's own reaction to the condition of her gloves, she doubted she'd share the sentiment. "I don't think getting these fixed should be too hard, unless they're made of some super-expensive material or something"

Ambri nodded her head and looked at Tamara. She seemed even more surprised that she didn't know what a soul is. " So souls do exists? What does mine look like then? Can you even see them? " Ambri went back to her usual barrage of questions again to Tamara. Ambri straightened out her hair and tried to make it neat. Some of the hair on the left of her head was burned off, making her hair uneven. " I spent so much time growing my hair out... " she sighed. Her hands felt unusually cold as she fixed her hair up.

Ambri smiled a bit after her hair was sorted out. She placed her attention back to Tamara. "
Yay! So i'll just go to a doctor to fix this thing. " she said. Ambri took her mittens back and placed them on her hand. " S- " The two teachers began to walk into the building as Ambri started to talk. One had tripped and landed straight into the ground. " Are you okay!? " she yelled out to the teacher. Ambri quickly walked down the stairs to try to help him. Before she could reach him the other teacher had scolded him. Ambri moved back a bit to listen to the two teachers. They seemed an odd pairing. One was flirtous and the other seemed more professional. It wasn't long before they started to bicker and fight again.

Ambri sighed and went back to her desk. She sat quitely and waited for them to stop fighting.

Thinking about Ambri's question Tamara wasn't too sure how to answer. Usually, it wouldn't be too hard a question to answer, but the girl's soul was... A tad odd, to say the least.
"Ah, well. You can see souls, but it takes a fair bit of training. I didn't figure it out myself until my second year, it was one the last things that was holding me back from becoming a Three Star" She said, a slight amount of hesitance present in her voice. " Well, to most people Souls look pretty much the same, like uh, sort of blue balls of fire I guess. Well, Human Souls at least, there are a few other types too... But they're probably going to teach you this stuff at some point this year... So me telling you now would kinda defeat the purpose, right?" Skipping over answering her question as to how her own Soul looked, Tamara hoped the information she'd given her would be enough to satisfy the girl for now.

As the conversation moved on, she couldn't help but smile a little at Ambri's enthusiasm. She wasn't too sure that fixing whatever was going on with her Soul was going to be as simple as 'just going to a doctor' but, seeing how pleased the girl seemed to be, Tamara couldn't bring herself to rain on her parade. Her smile soon turned into a small laugh as Mr. Grove entered the room. Well, he more fell into the room than entered it, and Ambri rushed to his aid, only to be cut off by his ever prudent partner, 'Connie'.
"Ah hah, don't worry about those two. They're always like that, you'll get used to it after a month or two." She said as Ambri returned to her desk, taking a seat next to her as the class begun. "Well, I don't think those two are going to stop anytime soon... Hey! What was that language you were speaking earlier? And where are you from anyway?"

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