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Fandom Soul Eater: The Perfect Order

It had been clear on Raubtier's dirtied but smooth face, the amazement and thrill. These emotions, just like the one of affection, were very familiar and cherished by Raubtier. They were the emotions that would make her feel the happiest; there was nothing better than witnessing something new.

That was exactly what she did when she was led into the classroom for orientation. Taking Mac's lead, Raubtier walked quickly into the room. When she saw the room and entered it, she became even more eager to explore everything, including the people, that had occupied it as she had never seen the inside of an academy before. The only thing that stopped her from doing so was the sound of Mac's voice.

"Um… this is the orientation group… I think. We can just find a seat and wait for a teacher if that's alright. You okay with that?"

"Yes...!" Raubtier blurted out quickly, having been snapped out of her curious trance. Right now, Mac was the voice of reason and guidance to navigating the academy. She was obligated to listen and follow nearly everything he had suggested regarding procedure in the academy.

Raubtier took her first meager step in the directions of the seats. The actions of the new arrivals prompted her to stop and react to them instead, however. The double doors flew open and slammed hard into the surfaces around it, one being Mac as he had been slow to move from his position. In retaliation to the sound of the doors, Raubtier jumped back, aligning herself with the wall. She didn't expect the sound.

Two people had entered through the freed doorway; a man and a girl. Raubtier didn't care to socialize or pay attention to the two, but she was inclined to find out what happened to Mac as he had 'mysteriously disappeared' behind one of the doors.

Raubtier approached the doors yet again with caution. She stepped away from the door's revolving radius. She scanned the area for any signs of Mac. Yet again, her plains were foiled. Another two characters had blown the doors open for themselves, and the doors were sent back to their active positions. Raubtier hissed. She retreated a few feet back.

When the action had subsided, Raubtier had returned to the door. She had finally seen Mac, even though he didn't look all that pretty. Did the doors make him that way? Was he okay after getting such treatment? Raubtier frowned, poking at him regardless of his condition.

"Are you okay?" She asked inbetween pokes, "Mac, are you okay?"

Abigail was about to try to pull out a fresh sheet of sketch paper, when she heard the door slam open, and a rather loud bang. Looking up, she noticed that two new people had stormed into the classroom. And of course, a rather uncomfortable looking guy being squished between the door and the wall. Rolling her eyes, she focused back on that two that had just entered. Tilting her head, she inspected the young girl that stood in front of the room. The poor girl couldn't be older than eleven. Maybe pushing thirteen. What was she doing here? Were they really having members as young as her, join? Just what was this place thinking? Granted, she had her first meister when she was fourteen, but this was just a little girl. Were they really going to let her out in the field? It kind of made Abigail's stomach just a little queasy. And it was hard to do that.

Shaking her head, she was about to go back to her sketch, when another person emrged into the class. She didn't have much time to comment to herself about him, due to the fact that he fell flat on his face when he came through the door. Abigail, felt like smacking her own forehead at him for the way we acted. He looked like a child laying on the floor, withering about. If this was her teacher, she was going to walk out on her very first day. Before she could make a judgement, he popped up and began to crawl over to the young girl. Was he hitting on her?! What kind of sleeze ball was he?! What the hell was wrong with him? To top that all off, someone came in and hit him on the head with a clip board.

Looking at the other male, Abigail's intrest was pecked again. Much like it was with the silver haired boy across from her. She arched a brow at him as he interacted with the man that was on the floor. Which was now in the corner, crying like some scoled child. Abigail, rolled her eyes. Must he really act like this. He was a grown man for crying out loud. His assisstant on the other had, was trying very hard to keep a level head. She had to give him points for not flat out killing the guy. She would have probably thrown him out the window by now. Oh and now, she learned that he was in fact, her teacher. Well this was going to be one very long year.

Abigail sighed and slumped in her chair right when she seen a student bully a few other students out of thier seats. And for none other than the little girl and her nutty partner. Abigail frowned and sat up straighter. "Well that's no way to treat other people. If they got here in time like everyone else, then they could sit where they wanted. I don't care who they are". Abigail's stare was cold and she didn't care who heard her. Strangers or not, no one should get treated like that.
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Nala heard the bell ring, signaling class was starting, not that it mattered to her – she wouldn’t be going until she knew this was the place for her, and to figure that out she needed a weapon she could actually physically use. Leaning against the wall huffing and puffing after a long and failed effort, Nala was thinking to herself, When will I finally figure out how to use a weapon? Will I ever be able to use a weapon? Nala sighed and decided it was time to get back to training, Nala grabbed a crossbow off the shelf. The front of the crossbow sunk to the ground under its own weight as she lifted it up and it took all of her strength just to hold the weapon level. Aiming at the target she managed to push the button, but watched it missed miserably. Sighing, Nala tried again, but nothing happened. “What Why isn’t this working, did I break it or something?!”

Nala slouched against the wall once again, sulking in her own misery of failure and frustration. She knew that she could really come to like this place; she had seen all the people roaming its halls and knew that if she could only find a way to be useful as a meister she would be able to find some friends, some people to accept her as a person rather than a noble girl. How could she stay at a place where she clearly didn’t belong because there was no weapon she could use, let alone a partner who could match her soul.



Nala's thoughts

Nala's words
She had almost made it. The DWMA laid directly ahead of her, just beyond the stairs, and within its walls was her dream – to be a hero, to be useful to someone else by applying herself to more than a simple book, but rather, to other people. Kassana knew she could be strong. Something about it felt right, and somewhere deep within the pit of her soul she knew that even though she couldn’t remember it, she had been someone strong before the library and she only needed to follow the stairs to reach a place where she could once again resume that life.

It had been a long walk and her skin burned under the brilliant light of the sun in such an unpleasant way; the same light had nearly blinded her when she first stepped outside, but her eyes had adjusted quickly. Apparently her skin would be a different story. This not only tormented her, but it fueled Kassana’s determination as she charged up the stairs towards the school of Lord Death. Then suddenly, her vision blurred and the school was gone. Kassana stopped mid step and fell as her foot landed on a step she hadn’t expected to be there because her eyes were now seeing somewhere else. Around her now, she saw a classroom – a lecture hall to be more precise. However this one wasn’t filled with people; instead she saw little blue balls of fire. That was honestly the best way to describe them. Kassana panicked. She knew she couldn’t really be standing in a classroom as her eyes would have her believe because she could still feel the stairs beneath her body and the warmth of the sun charring her skin. Very quickly, Kassana grasped throughout her mind for any possible explanation and she came to only one. She’d read about the abilities that could be had by meisters and weapons – this simply had to be one. However, knowing the problem and solving it were two different matters.

Kassana very carefully brought herself back to her own two feet and grabbed at the small slingshot sticking slightly from her pocket. With a small rock in her other hand, she closed her eyes both to the world around her and to the mystery classroom into which her eyes had mysteriously wandered. “Please let this work,” she whispered quietly, almost pleading with whatever higher being there might be. Kassana knew that she would only get a second. That would have to be enough. She opened her eyes and sure enough, she saw the school. There was a single window and strange as it may seem, she knew that it was the classroom she had mentally visited. Kassana drew back her sling shot and fired.

As soon as it happened, the reality came crashing back as she lost control of her sight once again. Lost and losing her mind, Kassana collapsed waiting for the help she hoped her pitiful attempt would draw to her. Unbeknownst to her, her rock not only hit the window, but crashed straight through it.

Ivy, Demetri, Honey, Igor, Kassana, Nala

"Well that's no way to treat other people. If they got here in time like everyone else, then they could sit where they wanted. I don't care who they are".​

Ivy’s perked up when she heard someone talking behind her. She turned around to see a girl with black hair glaring at her with piercing blue eyes.

“Hey,” Ivy called to her. “If you got something to say to me, then say it to my face.” She smirked and cracked her knuckles. “Or better yet, say it to my fist.”

Demetri sighed as Ivy addressed the girl sitting behind them. It was only day one and Ivy was already starting a fight. He rubbed his face tiredly and turned to his meister. “Really? Do we have to do this now?” He stated in an exasperated tone. “Whatever.” He slumped back in his seat, not motivated enough to interfere.

Ivy wasn’t the only one who heard the voice behind them. Upon hearing the words Honey sank into her seat, wishing she could melt into her chair. She felt the girl’s eyes boring into her black hair. She stared at the hands in her lap, she was turning into a mean person! She should’ve sat on the floor instead of taking those poor people’s seats! First, she taunted Igor to get him to school, then she had Igor’s help getting up the stairs, was late to class (if only slightly), distracted the teacher-getting him hurt, and finally took the seats of someone who deserved them more than her. She couldn’t do anything right today! Hearing Ivy yell at the girl who made the comment only made it worse. Now she couldn’t even defend herself?!

Honey heard Demetri brush off the actions of his meister. Suddenly the 12 year old’s eyes narrowed. She may not be able to defend herself, but she knows that not many people leave a fight with Ivy unscathed, she can defend the girl. Practically jumping out of her chair, Honey stood up and turned to look at the girl who made the comment, her green eyes meeting the blue ones for only a split second before she stared at the floor in a bow. The sudden movement of her’s caught Igor’s attention. “I’m sorry for Ivy lashing out, and I’m sorry for taking those people’s seats, it was our own fault for being late!” Honey apologized. Out of the corner of her eyes she saw Igor’s gas mask flip upside down as his head craned backwards to gaze upside down at the girl.

What on earth was Honey apologizing for? Igor’s yellow eye glanced at Ivy’s clenched fist, Honey’s bow, and the girl’s icy stare. A sharp toothy grin formed beneath his mask and his bare muscles twitched. Was there going to be a fight?! His right arm flexed, ready to transform, as she continued to stare upside down at the girl. The look in his eye suddenly changed however when a sound reached his ears. It was the sound of breaking glass, and he turned his eye to glance over to where the sound originated from. Before his eye could focus however, something hit him right in the forehead. The unidentified flying object bounced off his mask and tumbled onto the floor. Turning his head more upside down than it already was, Igor made an attempt to gaze upon the object, tilting his chair to aide him. When he finally was able to see the pebble his face, chair, and body met the floor with a resounding crash. In his tumble Igor swung out his arms in a failed attempt to catch himself, knocking his meister to the ground with him.

Ivy turned when she heard the window break, and laughed when she saw Igor tumble to the floor dragging his meister down with him. Completely forgetting the fight she was hoping to start, she got up and approached the broken window.

“What was that?” Demetri asked, turning lazily toward his friends.

“Some idiot who can think they can attack the DWMA, or a really bad shot.” Ivy answered. She hoped it was the first one. She was always up for a fight.

“Igorrrrrrr.” Honey complained as she attempted to get to her feet. Igor simply ignored her and concentrated on the beserker girl. He got up and followed her to the window.

Ivy peered out the window at the DWMA entrance. Instead of seeing the enemies she hoped for though, she saw a small girl collapsed on the steps.

“There’s someone down there.” Ivy leaned out the window. “It looks like they’re hurt…” Maybe they were under attack. Ivy looked around frantically trying to spot the attacker.

Igor simply peered out the window and upon seeing the girl collapsed on the ground his mouth began to water. He didn’t have breakfast that morning. “MEEAATT!!” Igor shouted and launched himself through the already broken glass, not caring that it cut him along the way.

“Shit!” Ivy exclaimed when Igor rushed past her. “Demetri!” Her weapon sighed before reluctantly getting up and transforming into a battle axe. Ivy grabbed Demetri and jumped out the window after the cannibalistic maniac.

Upon seeing the psycho launch himself Honey inhaled sharply and loudly. Spinning on her heels she ran out the door of the classroom, refusing to follow her friends through the window. running through the still water filled hallways she skidded around a corner and slipped due to her speed. She instantly slammed into someone knocking them down with her.

Nala had merely been wandering the halls in search of a glass of water when a rather small individual’s legs slipped across the floor slamming into Nala’s own legs knocking them out from underneath her. “What the heck!?” She caught further words in her mouth before letting them out when she saw the girl’s face. She was too young to be seeking any trouble.

Honey’s eyes grew wide as she picked herself up off the damp floor. “I’m so sorry!” She shouted with a bow of her head. “I-I...Uh...m-my friends...I gotta…!” She stuttered before running off toward the exit.

Nala quickly clambered back to her feet and watched the small child run off again. Only then did she realize that she really should have apologized as well but there hadn’t been enough time. Nala chased after her.

Igor landed on the ground hard, but it didn’t phase him in the least. His eye was fixed on the girl with hunger as he walked up, his right arm twitching more with every step.He laughed loudly and finally flexed his right arm. In a matter of seconds it had transformed and he spun the motor of his buzzaxe.

Kassana hear the sound of a revving motor, loud and frighteningly close, more terrifying than the broken air conditioner jumping to life halfway through the night. That was what brought her back to reality and what she saw standing before her was nowhere near what she had been hoping for. A strange being was standing before her - his arm a spinning chainsaw - and she didn’t quite feel that human was a good fit for him, at least she thought it was a him. She finally decided that no, he wasn’t human.

Ivy made her way down from the classroom as Igor began advancing towards the girl’s prone figure. She sighed as she approached. While he was a good sparring partner, he was a pain to deal with. She turned Demetri around in her hand and struck Igor in the temple.

“Get out of the way you big idiot.” She told him scornfully and elbowed him in the chest to get to the girl. Ivy was probably one of the few people who could get away with doing this since Igor had rock hard abs and most people hurt themselves fighting Igor. Ivy gazed down at the frail girl with the slingshot grasped firmly in her left hand. What a puny weapon, Ivy thought. “Hey,” She nudged the girl with her foot. “You okay?”

Kassana’s hand was shaking as she lifted it up and pointed towards the strange being, the inhuman thing. “Wha.. what is that?”

“That,” Ivy motioned to her psycho friend, “is Igor. Don’t worry, I won’t let him eat you.” Ivy grabbed the girl’s arm and forced her to her feet. “What I want to know is what the hell happened here. Were you attacked by someone?” Ivy looked around again hoping to find someone to fight.

Kassana landed soundly on the soles of her heals and wobbled a bit, but managed to regain her balance so that she didn’t fall back to the ground that was the steps. “No,” was her instantaneous reply. Then the girl’s words finally came to one piece in her head. “Wait a minute! He eats people!?”

“Yes but we’ve been waning him off of cannibalism.” Honey explained as she ran out toward the four of them. She ran up and bowed to the girl “I’m so sorry for Igor!” She apologized. She couldn't believe how many times she has had to apologize today.

Nala froze as she stepped outside and saw all the others. She really hadn’t been intending to meet so many people because there really was no hope for her unless she found a weapon she could use, and that was beginning to seem less and less likely. Standing there, Nala came to a decision - she had to apologize for making the small slip in the hall all the more troublesome because she had been there so she continued chasing after the girl. “Hey, shortie!” Nala called out because it was the one way to distinguish the child from all the other people who now stood before her.

Honey heard a voice of someone behind her and turned around. It was the girl that she had knocked over within the school. Shortie? Honey sighed. “I’m sorry once again for knocking you over..it was an accident.”

“I never got a chance to apologize before you ran off again. I’m sorry too,” Nala couldn’t help making a slight bow as she said it. Her eyes wandered a second as she thought through what to say next. Then she held out her hand to the child. “I’m Nala, by the way. I’ve been here for about a week now and I’m trying to find a weapon and I am really hoping to make friends, but at the same time…”

“SHUT-SHUT-SHUT-SHUT UP!” Igor shouted at Nala while taking a few steps closer to Honey. The little girl then turned to look at the large psycho with a disapproving look.

“Thats not nice Igor.” Honey instructed to which Igor growled.

“The words are pretzeling my inner lobes!” He complained.

Kassana watched the interaction happening before her, very confused, and she decided that whatever was going on, it didn’t involve her at the moment. Therefore, she turned her attention back to the other girl, the one with the green hair. “I was on my way here when all of a sudden I couldn’t see what I would expect to… I don’t even know how to… it was like my eyes were somewhere else and people weren’t people. They were flames… I know that sounds silly; I’ve never read about anything like it…” As Kassana spoke, she was waving her hands around, slingshot still in hand, and Nala’s eyes caught sight of the movement.

Ivy raised an eyebrow at the girl. She can see souls. Ivy envied the girl. She had never been good at seeing other souls. Demetri could though, ironically.

Suddenly, Nala broke off from her conversation with the child and approached the skinny silver haired girl. “What is that?” she asked rather curiously, pointing at the slingshot the girl was waving around.

Kassana was caught by surprise as her conversation was interrupted. “This,” she held up her slingshot, “is a slingshot. Its a silly, stupid and pathetic weapon.”

“Well then,” Demetri remarked, still in weapon form.

“Can I try it?” Nala asked, unintentionally reaching for the weapon eagerly.

Kassana handed the girl her slingshot and grabbed a rock off the ground, tossing it to her.

Nala took the weapon and fiddled with it a bit. The string was stretchy and sprung forward when released - it all made sense! Nala loaded the rock and, aiming at nothing in particular fired. The rock flew. “I found a weapon!” Nala exclaimed. “I could probably hit something if I really tried, and now I just need to find a partner who transforms into a slingshot and then life will be perfect! I’ve never been….”

“Geez, you talk too much.” Ivy complained. “You’re both enrolled here right? Then come on, fresh meat. Unless you want to be late on your first day?”

“But I still have to find a partner who turns into a slingshot!” Nala objected. “There is no point in me staying otherwise.”

“What are you talking about?” Demetri transformed back and stuffed his hands into his pockets. “There’s a weapon right here.” He gestured toward Kassana. “You are a deamon weapon, right?”

At this point, Kassana was just staring at her feet, twitching them slightly. “Well… I don’t know if weapon is quite the right word for it…” She looked once again at Nala. The girl would probably love her if she transformed right now. Then her eyes wandered to the others standing in front of her. They all looked like they could be rather frightening people. What would they think of her when they learned that she was a pathetic slingshot? “I’m a silly, stupid and pathetic weapon.”

“You’re a slingshot.” Demetri said smugly. It was easy to put two and two together.

Nala bounced up and down, her hands clapping ecstatically, as her breathing increased to a rapid rate. “Will you be my weapon partner?! Can I use you?!”

At this point, Kassana gave up. She had, after all, come here to enroll and that would go a whole lot better if she had a partner. Kassana transformed into a slingshot and landed in Nala’s hands.

Nala pulled back the slingshot and fired - this time not a rock, but a soul force - again at nothing in particular. “Yes!” she proclaimed to anyone who would listen. Then, there was a loud zap, a bright flash of yellow and a scream from the slingshot.. Kassana’s slingshot form vanished and was replaced by her human form once again collapsed, although this time she was out cold.

“MEEATTT!” Igor cried out once again to Honey’s dismay.

“Way to go.” Ivy complained grabbing Igor before he could chomp on the girl. “Honey do you have any meat?”

Honey whined in a defeated tone. “I’m sorry, we were in such a hurry I forgot to feed him breakfast. I did pack extra in his lunch because it was the first day back however.”

“Great.” Ivy shoved Igor toward Honey in frustration.

Meanwhile, Nala was staring at her new partner now collapsed on the ground. “What did I just do?” she asked rather timidly.

“You’re a little too enthusiastic.” Demetri commented. “You shocked her with your soul wavelength. She’ll be fine in a bit.” He waved at the unconscious girl dismissively.

“Igor,” Honey began, “I packed you meat in your lunch-” but before she could finish the psycho was running into the building. “IGOR!” Honey shouted and ran after him.

“I have a weapon partner! That means I actually get to attend classes and make friends and learn fun new stuff! I can’t…”

“Could you put a sock in it for, like, five seconds?” Ivy complained, throwing the unconscious girl over her shoulder and begun heading back inside with Demetri in tow.

Nala followed them, bouncing as she went, until she came up alongside Ivy. “Will you be my friend?” she asked as they walked.

“If it gets you to shut up, then yes. But I doubt that’s the case.” Ivy sighed as they made their way through the building. By the time they had made it back to the classroom, Igor was already digging into his food at his desk with Honey apologizing for him making so much noise.

“Hey,” Ivy called to the pervert teacher. “I got an unconscious student here. What should I do with her?”

@Broken-Angel @Lucem Tenebris



Ivy speech

Ivy thoughts





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Lord Death/Maikeru Kowaresutā/Ivy Landvik


Lord Death whooshed down a hallway of the DWMA, en route to the orientation room. It hadn’t been his plan to address the students until later. However, the DWMA had discovered traces of an intruder within the school. Lord Death felt it imperative to inform the new students immediately.

The door to the orientation room swung open as Lord Death entered. Mac was yet again slammed behind the door before he had a chance to respond to Raubtier. Of course Lord Death had not slammed the door, so the impact was not quite as damaging as the previous two incidents.

Mac finally clambered out from behind the door, his red hair masking a stream of blood crawling down the right side of his face. Whipping his hood up, he looked to Raubtier and said, “I’m fine, let’s just find a seat okay? We’ll talk to the teacher after orientation.”

Grabbing her hand, Mac slipped into the nearest row with two open seats and attempted invisibility. Being a trained assassin, this wasn’t difficult for him. However, his horrible sense of fashion trumped his skill as he was noticed by everyone.

Lord Death raised an eyebrow as he noted the shenanigans in the room. “It seems the supervision in this school is quite lacking,” he noted, glaring at the pair of teachers in the room.

Turning to Ivy and the body draped over her shoulder, Lord Death asked, “Meister Ivy, why is it that every time I see you, I find someone hurt?”

Upon hearing the voice of Lord Death, Ivy turned around. “It wasn’t my fault this time. Since you're here though, what should I do with her?” She questioned.

Lord Death sighed and said, “She shall be taken to the nurse’s office. I’d like all students involved in this incident to report to my office once orientation is over. However, for now I shall ask you all to take your seats. There is an important announcement.”

Ivy nodded and turned to walk back toward her seat, Demetri followed behind his meister and the unconscious girl. Nala followed last, her head hanging in shame for knocking the other girl unconscious.

Looking to the teachers present, Lord Death began, “It has recently been brought to my attention that a kishin has infiltrated the DWMA as a student. His soul has no doubt been disguised by a powerful witch…”

As Lord Death mentioned the school infiltrator, Mac tensed. He tugged at his hood to shadow his face. Mac didn’t consider himself a kishin, nor was he working for a witch. Of course a witch could be concealing him without his knowledge. Mac didn’t know much about those things. All he knew was that he was an enemy of the DWMA and that they were aware of an intruder. That didn’t bode well for him.

Lord Death continued, “It has come to my understanding that this is the same student who has set fire to the student and teacher files. That is why we had you all fill out new application forms. Our intelligence says that this kishin may be known by the name of Slenderman. Of course this is only speculation for the time being. The only solid fact is that a kishin has infiltrated the DWMA. While we will continue to hunt them down, we would like all of you to keep your eyes open for anything suspicious. This infiltrator may be one of you.”

When Lord Death mentioned burning of the school files, Mac’s eyes flashed open. That definitely wasn’t him. There was another intruder in the school. One that actually was against the DWMA. The worst part was that Mac, technically being an intruder himself, could be mistaken for this intruder. It seemed luck had yet again taken a back seat in Mac’s life.


Raubtier lacked the knowledge of how bodies worked.

Mac stood still for a bit-- atleast that's how it felt to Raubtier. She could see a slow drop of red trickle down his face behind his long hair, and stared at it for what seemed to be half a minute. Raubtier was unsure of what it was.

When he had pulled his hood up to shield his face from her view, Raubtier snapped back up from her void-full stare. Within two blinks she had tilted her head at him in question of the red liquid that she had seen. But she didn't get an answer. Instead, Mac had hurriedly tried to avoid this-- again, how it had felt to Raubtier-- and slip back into his shell.

"I’m fine, let’s just find a seat okay? We’ll talk to the teacher after orientation."

Raubtier could feel the grab at her hand. She was pulled away from the door, that dreaded door, and snuck into the row that was closest to them. Raubtier took her hand back once she arrived at the seat, then stopped.

There were so many ways to go about sitting, but the ones Raubtier was the most familiar with didn't seem to work for the type of seats that were there. She tried putting her feet on the top structure, the desk element of the seat, but it didn't feel right. She lay on top of the whole structure on her belly but it still didn't feel right.

She found herself fiddling with the desk for a good portion of Death's speech. She did stop to listen when she had noticed the class jump with surprise, which Raubtier had later connected with the word "Kishin". She mulled over the word for a few seconds, then continued to roll around continuously in the desk.

Raubtier would ask Mac what a Kishin was, but the desk... It was a very good distraction.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c200c68d5_LordDeathMask.png.c2c53f09a0f5d11324b45270223cb3b8.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="47385" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c200c68d5_LordDeathMask.png.c2c53f09a0f5d11324b45270223cb3b8.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Death Times<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c200c68d5_LordDeathMask.png.c2c53f09a0f5d11324b45270223cb3b8.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="47385" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c200c68d5_LordDeathMask.png.c2c53f09a0f5d11324b45270223cb3b8.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

School Records Spontaneously Combusted

In a tragic accident three weeks ago, all personal files of students and personnel of the Death Weapon Meister Academy (DWMA) spontaneously combusted. The files were completely disintegrated and the resulting fly ash set fire to the room.

The fire raged for a few minutes before the first responders, DWMA security team, put it out. Due to the team’s swift action, the fire didn’t spread outside of the room. Unfortunately, no files were able to be recovered and the room was left charred.

The security team was rewarded for their service with a perfectly char-broiled steak. Miraculously, this steak had been courtesy of the fire itself, as someone had left their frozen lunch on a table. Yet the story doesn’t end there.

Following a thorough investigation, the security team discovered the combustion was the result of a witch’s magic. The trouble was, no witches had been detected in the weeks prior to the event. This left only two possibilities; either a witch had the spells cast in advance, or the school had been infiltrated. At first the trail lead to a one star meister by the name of, Derpis McGee.

Derpis McGee was a second year student who hadn’t quite set in with a weapon partner. However, upon interrogation, the security team discovered that he was an innocent man who was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.


In reality, Derpis is a good student who spends his time involved in many clubs including; Meisters Assembled, The Deathbate Team, Otakus United, Dance, and Cheerleading.

With our friend Derpis McGee out of the picture, the Security team was left with little to go on. That is until a small discrepancy in class attendance and student enrollment numbers was detected. Now the Security Team is working frivolously to find the culprits and bring them to justice. They’re saving Death City, to save the world.

DWMA Security Breach

The Death Weapon Meister Academy stands at the pinnacle of defense against evil and the dark arts. So it leaves many to wonder about the integrity of the system when a security breach is detected within their own ranks.

Following the Spontaneous Combustion Case, the Security Team of the DWMA discovered not only one, but two near kishin individuals had weaseled themselves into the ranks of the students. The Security Team is currently in the process of tracking down their souls. However, they are being sheltered by what appears to be witch magic.

Lord Death himself has issued a decree that all students, staff, and residents of Death City be on the lookout for any strange activity. At the moment, the Security Team has compiled what they’ve uncovered to provide a rough idea of their appearance. For official purposes, they are being dubbed as Brian and Tim.


Brian & Tim

It is speculated that these are the same near kishin as ones that go by the code names Masky and Hoodie. If this is the case, there may be an even greater evil lurking. Masky and Hoodie are mentored by a full fledged kishin. His name is Slenderman. A student enrolled in an art class at the DWMA has provided a possible image of Slenderman’s appearance.


Image Courtesy of: Derpis McGee

The sad reality is, Brian and Tim could be any of the students attending the DWMA. They could be your meister, your weapon, your best friend, but certainly not Derpis McGee.

*Okay everybody, this is the time to RP at your finest. Time to be skeptical of everybody else. Accuse, pry and try to figure who the near kishin students are among us!*

-For those who are just starting, feel free to make an intro post, just make sure that you are SEATED IN THE CLASSROOM at the end of your post-



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Alex rolled out of bed and looked at his clock. I'm early for one...yay. He thought sarcastically as he let out a yawn and stood up. He scratched his messy bed head as he grudgedly walked to the kitchen. 'To wake Joe or not to that is the question...' He wondered as he looked through the fridge for some milk to go with his favorite cereal. Much to his dismay they were completely out and since he had already poured his cereal he had to eat it dry or with water. '...To not it is. Her fault for drinking all the milk.' He muttered as he sat down and ate his dry cereal (he was the one to finish the milk, but he completely forgot).

As he did he couldn't help but think about the recent events that had been going on. Everyone was accusing everyone of burning down the school records and helping the kishen. Sadly he didn't remember what happened on that day not that anyone other than his milk stealing miester needed to know. When he was done eating he placed his bowl away and went to get dressed.

It only took him five minutes to get fully clothed and have all of his personal items with him. He was about to head for the door when he had a better idea. 'She did make me eat dry cereal...it's only fair not to mention that prank she pulled a few days ago. With a quiet laugh he quickly set up a small trap which consisted of placing a bucket of ice cold water over her door that was attached to a string. 'As soon as she opens it...Pfffff.' He had to keep in a laugh as he quietly left the apartment (or house).

He quickened his pace as he headed to the DWMA munching on some of his candy and looking at one of his experimental grenades. It didn't take him long to get to the academy he began to walk to class, but...he accidently passed his classroom since he actually forgot the schedule...again. After entering five different class rooms he finally got someone to tell him which one he was suppose to do. After a facepalming himself he headed to his class and sat down. He waited for the teacher, the other weapons, miesters, and most of he couldn't wait to see if Joe fell for his trap. Sadly as he waited he kept thinking about the incident and who could possible be behind it. @Anno Bane
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Anno woke with a groan as her clock chimed, she hated mornings and the gift she had gotten from Snipy last year, that stupid ass clock, made her mornings even worse. Her mood seem to have dropped ever since she had gotten the clock, it was better when they were both just always consecutively late. But it didn't work and they both knew it, so when they had their 2 year anniversary as partners, he had gotten her a alarm clock, as she was the one who was the worst at getting up in the morning. And with everything going on around them at the moment, she felt more eerie than ever. But there was another feeling this morning. You see, when to pranksters live in the same apartment they will develop a certain sixth sense, meaning they know when the other has a prank up their sleeve, but of course they don't know what, so Anno tiptoed to her closet, and opened it slowly at first but then the hammered it open and moved out of sight until the coast was clear. She then got dressed in her regular clothing, some might say it was a tad bit slutty, but with the warmth and the constant training, these clothes were perfect.

She went to the kitchen and opened the fridge before pouring her cereal.

"That s.o.b has forgotten to say when he used the last of the milk!" she cursed under her breath as she grabbed the bread and poured some oil on it. She moaned as she looked at the clock, and her eyes burst open, shit shit shit, she was late! She grabbed her jacket and then she noticed a towel near the door! He couldn't have! But she just grabbed the towel and began running again, as surely as she jumped out the door a bucket of ice cold water splashed down on her.

"SNIIIIIIIIPYYYYY!" she yelled and began running again, down the steps taking at least five at a time. She had to get to class quick or she would be yelled at again, and with the suspicions already surrounding her and her partner, she had to be careful. She was balancing her books and her breakfast along with a smoothie she had made the day before. The sun was baking down upon her, so the cool water she was still trying to dry of was actually pretty nice.

She arrived at the school quickly, both her and Snipy had agreed that they would live close to the school, so they would not have wake up to early. As she ran she was like a lineback at a football match, she was tackling one student after the other, muffling apologies through her filled mouth.

"fo..y(Sorry)!" she yelled at them. As she rounded the corner to the classroom she saw Snipy sitting there, and right before she was going to yell at him she noticed a troubled look on his face, and she knew he was thinking of all the intrigue at the school. So she had to cheer him up.

"Ahh, thanks dude for the wake up!" she yelled and swung her wet hair in his face. She then took a sip of the smoothie and offered him some, as she sat down next to him.

"Btw, idiot..." she said and slapped the back of his head, "Tell me next time you drink the last damn milk!" she said and smiled at him, hoping it would comfort him, while they were waiting in the still very empty classroom! She hoped Rain would be here soon! @Peaceswore @HighnessesReign
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Tanith walked down the halls of this not-ordinary school, grinning and munching on some seaweed crackers. Her dark coffee brown hair bounced as she took every springy step. These hallways seemed to be... empty, maybe it's the usual for mornings like this. Tanith hadn't been in this school for more than a week and bad news had broke out, though, she doesn't know the details.

Walking by a guy that has a bunch unread newspapers, Tanith picked one up and attempted to read while walking. Looking at the sheet of paper, she turned to the actual news, skipping horoscopes, jokes and the student of the day who was... Tanith wasn't sure, she should check again. "Oh.... This is the news their talking about?" Tanith asked herself, her dark brown eyes reads more. "So they're tellin' me that Johnny could also be one of these guys?" Tanith looked disbelieved, "Maybe, I'll keep my eyes open. For now anyways" she said, shoving the paper into her backpack before walking into her class, settling down and taking a seat.
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Malacai Dreston and Isaac Perrinen

Malacai had been awake for the past hour, and he had been waiting in the spot he had arranged with Isaac that they would meet every day before heading to school together. He had been waiting for 20 minutes, and he was growing slightly impatient. Normally, Malacai would have gone to school on his own by now, but today was different. The Death Times had a very startling story in it, and he wanted to make sure that Issac was alright. “Knowing that idiot, he got himself into a fight on his way here, as usual. However, today is not the day for that. We cannot be sending the wrong message to DWMA staff for a while. There are two near Kishin students afoot. Issac needs to cool his jets for a while.”

Isaac was nearing the spot where his meister said he’d meet him every day, although that almost never happened. Malacai cared too much about school to wait for him. He figured he’d see him in class, and then he’d apologize, and Malacai would accept it. That’s usually how it went down. Isaac was clutching his arm as he recalled his early morning fight. “I’m going to be feeling this one for a while. But hey, at least that guy made for a good opponent, and he accepted defeat when he knew I had him. Training with Malacai has really done wonders for my fighting ability.” Isaac continued to let his thoughts wander about with the various fights that he and Malacai got into at school, but stopped short when he noticed that Malacai actually was standing at the spot. Isaac began to race to him, but was slowed due to his clutching of his arm.

Malacai rolled his eyes as he saw Isaac clutch his arm as he ran towards him. “Did you get into another fight?” he asked. Isaac stopped clutching his arm, and responded to him

“Yeah, but you should see that other guy. His injuries include-”

“I don’t want to know.” Malacai interrupted. “I’m just glad you are alright.”

Isaac was surprised by Malacai’s attitude. It was his normal seriousness, but it also carried a noticeable amount of caution and concern. Lately, Malacai had been getting less serious with his response to his constant fights. His partner seemed… troubled by this common action of his.

“Did I do something wrong?” Isaac asked.

Malacai was silent for a while. “Let me ask you something. Did you read the latest Death Times?”

“I glanced at it, as I normally do. I don’t like to pay too much attention to it, as it usually bores me. Why do you ask?”
Issac responded.

“Did you notice the security breach?” Malacai asked. That particular story caught Isaac's attention.

“I see why you are concerned. I thought we could believe each other, and you are telling me you suspect me?” Malacai shook his head.

“I know you and your history well enough to know that you have never had a run in with kishin egg souls before meeting me, let alone a full on kishin. However, your attitude does worry me. I need you to do me a huge favor. I need you to lay off on the fights for a while.” Isaac stopped Malacai from continuing.

“Awwww… come on! That’s no fun. Besides, we are both growing very strong together. Don’t you want to surpass your father and mother? The only way to do that is by fighting and getting to know your partner better!”

Malacai was annoyed by Isaac’s interruption, but ignored it for the sake of a smooth conversation. He continued as he planned. “Tensions are undoubtedly high at school right now, and we cannot send the wrong message. It is because I want to surpass my father that I want to avoid fighting. You know how I fight, I cannot hold back. If we end up seriously injuring a fellow student, we could be in for a little more than a simple talk with Lord Death right now. I don’t want to fight with you now, so do what you want. However, if you start a brawl while tensions are high at school, I’m not going to cast myself in a bad light by helping you out. You are on your own until this blows over.”

With that, Malacai turned his back to Isaac and began to move towards school. Isaac thought about what Malacai had said. “Wait.” Malacai turned around to face Isaac again. “Alright, I’ll try and keep my fighting to a minimum for a little while. I can see where you are coming from. Can’t have the school thinking we are Kishins now, can we? That would really put a damper on things.”

Malacai nodded. “Thank you, Isaac. I hoped this wouldn’t turn ugly.” Isaac smiled.

“We can still train after school right?”
Issac asked.

“Of course. We’ll just have to keep our sessions private for a while.They cannot involve a brawl with other students anymore. Much as I like a good fight every so often, now is not the time for that.”
Malacai responded. Isaac sighed, but didn’t say anything. It was better than nothing, which is what he expected to hear from Malacai.

Malacai and Isaac then walked the rest of the way to school. Malacai spoke to Isaac as they came into the building. “Stick close to me today, alright? The storm just broke, we need to work as a team to get through this. And, try not to fall asleep in class, okay?”

“I make no promises about class, but I can stay with you today. The last thing I want is an angry Ivy to attack me.”
Isaac responded. The brutal beating he received from her was still fresh in his mind. Malacai laughed.

“Yeah, I don’t want to feel that again.” They both laughed, and once they were calm, they went into the classroom and took their seats.
Johnny awoke. The chiming of his alarm clock had jarred him from his rest with no mercy. He lazily pawed at the off-switch, knocking it off the nightstand by his bed, and crouching over it to do so. After slowly descending a staircase in the still unlit house, he opened his door. He walked out to his front steps, only wearing white ladybug-print boxers. He squatted down, picking up the newsletter. "Short, dark hair. Pale. Well dressed. I'm a prime suspect, then." He grumbled, walking back in and tossing the paper in a small blue recycling bin by the door. "Personal rules, no business with me for twenty minutes after awakening." He said outloud, though nobody could hear. His parents were already out the door. He walked into the kitchen, still groggy and irritated.

He made a face, grabbing a box of cereal off the top of the fridge. Absolutely dry, he poured himself a bowl and ate with his bare hands-- though silverware was available. After throwing on his smooth jacket and pants hung over the chair he was in, he looked at the home he'd been living in. "Kind of a mess, glad I don't live he-- I'll fix this later." He mumbled, slipping on some old loafers and fitting the three badges to his jacket. He started off trudging to school later than many.

He took a seat next to Tanith once in the room after dodging people in the hall, eyes wide open. His face was lined near his nose and eyes, like he hadn't been sleeping well. He clasped his hands together like he was about to serve a volleyball two-handed, and held his hands up by his mouth to hide a dissatisfied expression as best he could. Twenty minutes was all he needed, but it was far too late to change the time on his alarm clock. The day had started, and he still looked greasy, to say the least. No backpack, nothing of significance to the room was with him.
Alex spluttered a bit when her hair went into his face and he had to use all of his strength not to bust out laughing. "Pffff! What happened? A freak rainstorm? Tsk Tsk And I went through all the trouble of getting you an alarm clock. Had you woken up on time you could have avoided it. And you know with the money I spent on the clock I could have used on gag items. Since it doesn't seem to be doing it's job seeing as you still are late." He said with a grin as he drank some of the smoothie. "Also what are you talking about? You drank all the milk I don't remem-.....oh." He placed his head in his hands as he let out a sigh. "I forgot again didn't I?" He asked sounding depressed for a second before smirking.

"Either way I would have left that small present for you just to show my love. Hahaha Just like I said before I promise to stick with you like how your soaked hair is sticking to your neck. Hahaha! I think wet hair suits you." He joked as he took another sip of her smoothie. It wasn't unusual for the two to flirt with each other, but he never meant it of course. It was pretty funny the looks others would give him when he flirted with her and also how he would scare of any potential boyfriends. Really he only scared off the ones he knew were just lying to her face after all the last thing he wants to deal with is her being broken hearted because she is a hopeless romantic who trusts nice people a tad too easily.. "So when should I expect your revenge prank?" He asked jokingly as he stretched and laid his head on the table nibbling on some pocky sticks.

@Anno Bane
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Cameron Laral / Jason Grey

Jason didn’t get much sleep that night. He usually didn’t before school started. Glancing over at his alarm clock he saw that he still had a few hours before the sun would rise. Taking a deep breath he sighed and decided that sleep was overrated anyways. After turning off his alarm clock as to not disturb Cam he got up and started his morning routine. This consisted of training. As he walked outside to start his vigourous training of push-ups and sit-ups he couldn’t help but think of the day that lied ahead. It was another day back at school, and the only thought that was going through his head as he trained was the hope that his weapon Cam would be okay; the start of a new school year tended to created a lot of stressors and new stressors could always set her off.

Cameron had already been awake before her alarm went off on this particular morning. She had been laying in bed staring at the ceiling for quite some time - in fact. Sleep did not exactly come easy for her on all occasions, and this morning it had decided to end abruptly. When her alarm finally did buzz, she reached over lazily and flicked the button turning it off before sitting up in bed and taking stock of the events the coming day would contain. When she finally did get up, she heard Jason, already up and moving around. She quickly dressed herself and went out to meet him for breakfast assuming that he had already been up for a while because that was just the way his routine worked.

As Jason finished up his morning rounds, he caught the faint familiar scent of eggs, his favorite breakfast food. He realized that Cam was up and that she had already started to make the two of them breakfast. Jason chuckled, he couldn’t help but smile, for it was the little things that Cam did for him that were the best. Grabbing his workout towel and his shirt that he had thrown off when he had started his training he walked back into his house and gave a big, “Good Morning!” to his weapon, before sitting at the table to join her for breakfast.

Cameron acknowledged her meister’s entrance with a sharp glare - he knew better than to be so chipper so early in the morning and she knew that he knew. She made eggs quietly and put two of them on a plate for her meister while keeping two for herself. Only after eating breakfast did she say good morning, but that was also normal. Conversations before being fully awake tended not to go well.

Their morning was fairly uneventful. Both of them collected their things and walked to school as though it were a normal day. Neither one of them had read the morning paper so they were unaware of the events that may have changed their daily school routine.

Cameron and Jason snuck into the classroom quietly, unnoticed. Jason couldn’t help but think that the brute of an Igor seemed to look even more frightening than he had the last time he had laid eyes on him if that was even possible. The weapon and meister pair of Jason and Cameron quickly made their way up to two empty seats, acknowledging the students they knew and briefly nodding at the people who were new.

Cameron was actually rather eager to start the day. A new round of classes with new students could prove rather interesting. Her eyes quickly glanced at Ivy before swiftly moving away. That one’s still here. She couldn’t help but hang her head a bit and let a small sigh escape her lips at the sight of the one person who made her life at the DWMA that much more miserable. The sigh did not go unheard by her meister, Jason who quickly saw the flicker of her eyes towards one particular individual. His eyes followed his weapons to see the meister Ivy Landvik. It was at that moment when Jason understood that it was going to be a very interesting orientation day. Anytime you stuck Ivy, Igor and himself into the same room, something was bound to happen.

Sure enough, a rock shattered into the classroom - the sound of breaking glass breaking the silence. Cameron’s eyes rushed to notice the cause and she saw Igor flip in his chair taking down Honey with him. Cameron sighed again, more for her fear for Honey’s safety than for her disappointment in Igor’s stupidity. Some of their classmates swiftly moved to investigate for they must have seen something because Igor charged through the window after diligently yelling, “MEAT!”

Cameron watched as shards of glass embedded themselves within the psycho’s skin though she knew that even that wouldn’t stop the hulking brute from advancing. Cameron felt herself sitch into a moment of panic - her breathing rate increasing rapidly as she imagined the pain it must’ve cause. Memories of her father’s own brutality came flooding back and before Cameron even comprehended why she was feeling this way, she began to cry as her head lowered onto the table.

Jason immediately snapped out of his state of distraction and turned to his weapon. His total point of concentration shifted from a state of attention to the position of a caretaker. He turned to his weapon, and gave her a hug, because he knew that in her moments of panic that is what she needed the most. “Don’t worry.”

Cameron leaned her head into her meister’s shoulder, graciously accepting the hug because she needed it. Her eyes briefly returned to the window, but Igor and Ivy had both already jumped through leaving nothing but shattered glass to be seen. Slowly, Cameron’s breathing settled a bit and she pulled away from her meister. “Thank you,” she said softly as she once again put her head down on the desk.

Jason gave her a sheepish smile, playful because he would’ve never let her face an anxiety attack alone. He then put his feet up on the desk and slouched back in his chair waiting for class to start. He knew that the hooligans would make their way back eventually and that they would have an interesting story to tell, plus he might have a few words for them as their actions not only upset his weapon partner, but also destroyed school property and disrupted a class that was preparing to start.

Six people walked into the classroom as class was about to start and Cameron and Jason recognized four of them. The two meisters who had jumped out the window along with their meisters. There was also a new girl who seemed rather shy and another girl was unconscious on Ivy’s shoulder.

To say that Jason was confused about the whole situation would be an understatement, in fact this wasn’t how he expected the day to go at all. The sight that was playing out before his very eyes was startling to say the least. Immediately he stood up with such intensity that it knocked his chair over and caused his weapon to nearly jump out of hers. Pointing at Ivy from where he was sitting he shouted, “IVY WHAT DID YOU DO TO THAT STUDENT??!! You are not sending a positive message to the other newcomers!!”

Note: If anyone wants to read about Ivy, Igor, Demitri and Honey’s adventure through the window, it is the third to last post on page 8 of the IC.

@DeadgurlXD @sonicfreak101 @WiseGuy


Cameron Talking

Cameron Thinking

Jason Talking

Igor Talking

Maikeru Kowaresut?


What you missed:

Martial Law

As Close as Enemies

He is a demon weapon, an assassin, an outcast, and a boy seeking to prove his worth to the world. He is also on the run from the Death Weapon-Meister Academy, an organization devoted to wiping evil from the world and creating peace. Despite being an enemy of the DWMA, he has never revealed his face to them. Yet this boy finds himself in a strange position. He is one of the countless new students enrolled in the Death Weapon-Meister Academy. This strange boy is none other than Maikeru Keien Kowaresut?.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c20ba8bd8_AngryAnime.jpg.92e48541deb9fe703080c14187f39d6d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="47887" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c20ba8bd8_AngryAnime.jpg.92e48541deb9fe703080c14187f39d6d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Seven or Eight Hours Later

In the course of seven hours, Maikeru, or Mac as he prefered to be called, had been chased by a Weapon-Meister pair from the DWMA, fallen asleep in a crate, almost killed two people - one of them being Starfire, made a fool of himself in the DWMA courtyard, run into a mysterious prospective student named Raubtier, and was slammed multiple times between a wall and the classroom door.

Mac now sat next to his new friend Raubtier. He intended to introduce her to a teacher as soon as possible so she could be enrolled properly. However, he hesitated due to the tension in the air. Many students seemed to be on edge, though he didn't know why. I hope it doesn't have anything to do with me. If the DWMA has figured out who I am, then it'll be much harder for Raubtier to join. She's already joined me though, so I've gotta stick to my promise. I won't let her down!

Glancing to Raubtier, Mac said, "Something's up, so you might want to keep those ears of yours tuned to the gossip. It might be important."

@animegirl20 @Paranoia



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Today was any other day in Astrid's book, but different. It was kind of cool because school at the DWMA was starting again, but kind of not cool because she had to try to finally locate a permanent partner. She had been with a temporary for the past 4, or 5, years she had been attending this school. And that was frustrating. Sure, it would be amazing at that moment where the blonde would finally Resonate with someone and form that everlasting bond, so hopefully this would be the lucky year. Astrid normally woke up quite early because she had her own morning routine.

She rolled out of bed with a yawn and began to get ready. But first, weight lifting. That was something Astrid did everyday. But, stretching always had to come first. After about 8 minutes of that, she sat herself on a chair in her room and began to do repetitions. Each dumbell was 20 pounds, and that was nothing. Arm muscles stood out like rocks were inserted, and the blonde cracked a smile. 30 minutes went by, and her night clothing was beginning to dampen with perspiration. Now, to finish up the small morning workout, strength and endurance building yoga. Like everyday, Astrid would finish her workout at school, where there were actually training rooms for this purpose.

Now was time for a nice, hot shower. The steaming water was good to settle and relax muscles that may or may not be strained. Astrid washed up; she shampooed and conditioned her hair, washed and exfoliated her body and face. After about 10 minutes, the blonde stepped out. She pulled her light, drenched hair up and twisted it into a knot, squeezing out all the water. She also pulled out a towel from under the sink and wrapped it around her now-clean body. In a towel, Astrid stepped out back into her room and began to dress. It was still early in the morning, so she had plenty of time until school started.

Gothic-Victorian themed clothing was Astrid's favorite, as well as steampunk, so she would dress as accordingly. She didn't like dresses, so a two part uniform would be just fine. Seafoam green halter top, high-waisted brown leather shorts, and thigh-high black booted heels. And frills. Lots of frills. That's just what Astrid wore, and she could fight just fine in such a revealing attire. She made her way back into the bathroom, where she would begin to blow dry her hair. Another 5 minutes. Yes, the small blonde was very good at time management, and had to know exactly what time it was at any given moment. So, she wore a black and white wristwatch with a vintage analog face.

And with that, Astrid was out the door, her hair nice and dry and down over her scapulas and tickling at the bits of her waist that shone from the shortness of her shirt—just how she liked it. But of course, she assured to grab her two kindjals or long knives of medieval origination. The blades stretched out to be almost the size of Astrid's forearms. She wasn't a tall person, so they weren't too long. She always kept the twin knives with her in case of emergency. She bent down and there the weapons went, into the slots of her boots; just for such weaponry.

Astrid grabbed her bookbag as well, the small tan leather sidebag full of necessary stuff, for lack of better descriptions. There was a darker brown insignia on the front flap depicting a gear, and it fastened down by a sturdy metallic clip. She pulled the bag to be behind her, lying on her back, with the strap in the middle of her chest but pulled across her torso. She began the usual stepping of the everlasting staircase that led up to the DWMA. It was quite annoying to do this everyday, but proved awesome calf and thigh muscling. Astrid was excited for today, and wondered what kind of people she would meet today. More specifically, Weapons.

Yes, she was a Meister, and badly in need of a permanent partner, and this was probably going to be one of her last chances to finally do so, or she wouldn't know what would happen next with her. She could be possibly rejected as a failed Meister, because of not being able to properly Resonate, or she could be stripped of such powers and abilities. Either way, today was a time of new beginnings, as Astrid found her way into the classroom that she was assigned to. Without a word, she promptly took a seat.

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

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Ivy, Demetri, Kassana, Nala, Cameron, Jason, Honey, and Igor


Back in Class

Ivy turned to the black haired boy and flipped him off. “Kiss my ass, boy scout.” She made her way to her seat, Kasanna still slung over her shoulder. “I didn’t knock her out, her damn meister did.” Ivy pulled roughly pulled out a chair, sat down, and lay Kassana on the desk in front of her. “She’ll survive...I think.

Demetri let out a long suffering sigh as he took his seat next to Ivy. They couldn’t go anywhere without Ivy starting a fight. Demetri leaned back in his chair and rubbed his face. Today was going to be a long day. Suddenly, he noticed Ivy slide Kassana’s unconscious body towards him. He raised an eyebrow and turned to her. “Why are you giving her to me? As if I have any medical training.” Ivy just grunted and tilted her head in Igor’s direction. Oh, Ivy didn’t want Igor to think Kassana was part of his lunch. Demetri sighed again. “What a pain.” He groaned

Jason couldn’t help but laugh. Typical Ivy, always being so dramatic he thought as he sat down next to Cam. He had already spent the last year with this band of misfits, and he knew just how bipolar that they could be. With a big sigh he couldn’t help but think to himself, well so long as they are not abusing anyone, I suppose that I can put up with one unconscious child.

Nala's head hung low as she walked behind Ivy. She didn't know anyone in the room and no one knew her. That didn't make her sense of guilt any less because in her excitement at finding a compatible weapon she had zapped her new partner with her soul wavelength. It seemed that even when something went right, Nala couldn't do anything right.

Honey sighed as she watched her weapon. She sat in her chair but faced him instead of the front of the classroom. How many times did I have to apologize today? She asked herself. Once for almost being late, one for Igor slamming the door in someones face, one for Ivy almost starting a fight, one for stealing someone elses chairs, one for knocking someone over in the hallway, one for Igor almost eating someone...oh and one for forgetting to feed Igor breakfast. Honey turned her body to hit her head against the desk at her stupidity. And now there’s someone’s knocked out on Ivy’s shoulder - I should apologize for that too. Honey slid her forehead off of the desk to look at her lap. So thats what..7 + 1...8 apologies...and I haven’t even gotten through one class yet. Honey hit her head against the desk again before rolling it over to look at Igor.

Nala had been intending to take a seat beside Honey - Honey seemed nice enough. Then the frantic eating of the thing turned her away. Nala veered herself away, choosing instead to sit at the other end of the row although flying bits of meat still managed to reach that far. After taking a seat in an empty area, Nala put her head down on the table. I finally found a weapon and what did I do? I knocked her out!

Meat Fountain

Honey looked to see Igor eating what was supposed to be his lunch, forcing the bloody, uncooked meat under his mask to eat it. Losing more meat than was actually eating. Between bites Honey could catch glimpses of his sharp teeth. He looked monstrous and the shards of glass sticking out of his skin didn’t help the situation. Honey’s eyes widened and she jumped out of her chair catching Igor’s attention.

His one yellow eye watched his meister jump out of her seat. “Igor! There’s glass in your skin!” Honey exclaimed, concerned. Igor glanced at his arm; there was indeed glass sticking out of it. A bit of blood poured out from the wounds. He hadn’t even noticed. He moved his arm to poke the shard in his arm. “No Igor.” Honey complained and used both her hands to attempt to stop his arm. Her effort did nothing to stop the brute as his arm continued to make contact with the glass. Igor shrugged after he felt nothing as the glass was pushed deeper into his skin.

Don’t care.” Igor replied.

Cameron hid her head slightly behind her meister, not wanting to see the pieces of meat flying everywhere as the thing called Igor was stuffing it into his face without fully comprehending that he was losing more meat than was actually entering his mouth. “Why did they let a monster into the school?” Cameron’s voice was quiet as she directed the question to her meister. She was fairly certain she had asked the same question last year although the answer he had given her was not coming into her mind at this point in time.

The words of his weapon echoed over and over again in Jason’s mind. Why did they let a monster into the school? This had been a question that Jason had asked himself over and over again. “It’s a trial program, and he’s a trial student,” Jason replied as chunks of meats splattered across his face and then rolled down to hit the floor with a thud. Hopefully the school would decide to discontinue that program as soon as they saw the monsters that came through it. At least, he assumed it was a trial program.

Cameron considered what Jason had said and her eyes fell upon Honey. “I want him to leave, but she can stay,” she commented softly, pointing to the child who was always friendly. Cameron couldn’t help but feel bad for her, but as much as she wanted to go say hi, she was also terrified of Igor - so much so that she refused to do so.

Ivy glared at Igor when a bit of his lunch hit her in the face. She grabbed Honey’s shoulder and pushed her into her weapon. “Control your psycho!” Ivy growled. She didn’t have much patience for the man’s obnoxiously loud chewing.

A Fight?

Cameron saw the bully's actions and found herself rising to her feet. She opened her mouth prepared to yell, but then stopped herself and reverted to hiding behind her meister. She wanted to stand up for Honey, she really did, but she couldn't do it. She couldn't bring herself to yell at Ivy because that would only draw Jason into a fight that she honestly didn't know if he could win and if he did lose, she would never forgive herself. Cameron sunk back into her chair further burying herself in her depression.

Jason was calmly assessing the events that were currently transpiring. On the one hand he was being sprayed in the face by a psycho’s lunch, and on the other he had to deal with Ivy’s abusive ways. If there was one thing that Jason despised, it was when other meisters picked on other’s smaller than themselves. Out of the corner of his eyes he noticed Cam stand up, as if she were about to intervene. But just as suddenly as she stood, she had sat back down again. It was time for someone to do something. As much as Jason admired Honey’s saint like patience, he wasn’t about to let Ivy have the last word. With one giant yawn and with the stretch of his arms, he casually stood up, and walked over to his rival.

Cameron grabbed onto her meister’s sleeve as he started walking away and decided that rather than hold him back she was unhappy with the situation same as he was. She followed him into the fray, keeping herself positioned behind him timidly.

Ivy turned to glare at the weapon and meister walking towards her. “What’s the matter boy scout? Someone got your panties in a twist?

Cameron’s grip on Jason’s sleeve tightened as Ivy noticed them. She didn’t know Jason’s plan, but Ivy scared her. Jason once again sighed; this was pretty typical of Ivy, and her snide remarks had stopped phasing him along time ago because their conversations had become quite frequent. These confrontations usually ended with someone getting hurt, and quite frankly Jason really wasn’t in the mood to get into a fight on the first day of class so he switched tactics today. He walked past Ivy without a word and went straight to Honey, “Are you okay?” Jason asked in the most sincere way. As Cameron heard Jason speak, she peaked her head over Jason’s shoulder to look at Honey. She nodded to the girl.


After feeling a hand on her shoulder, Honey was pushed forward into Igor. She gasped when she realized her face was mere inches away from one of the shard of glass sticking out of his skin. These are a hazard for people! She thought. Someone has to take care of them before someone gets hurt. She heard Jason’s voice asking if she was alright. Honey turned to him with a smile as she pushed herself away from the psycho. “I’m alright, I’m used to it.” She said with the happiest face she could muster and tilted her head to the side. She then glanced back at her weapon and took a deep breath. “Alright Igor,” She began, gaining the psycho’s attention, she turned back to Jason. “Someone’s gotta get rid of this glass.” She announced before cautiously reaching for the nearest shard.

Cameron sighed, feeling bad for Honey as she sulked back to her seat. Before she began walking, she had tugged on Jason’s sleeve slightly hoping that he would follow her back because nothing of any more significant good could come out of this situation. Jason felt Cameron’s gentle tug, but before following her he grabbed at a piece of glass stuck in his skin, pulling it out. He smiled at Honey briefly before following Cameron back to their seats.

Honey looked at Jason and Cameron as they walked away. She looked at them with adoration. Wow they are so nice and caring! I wanna be just like them! Seeing their kind actions only made her more determined to help Igor and turned to pull out more glass.

Ivy’s eyes widened when Jason turned and addressed Honey. Who does that little shit think he is, ignoring me. Ivy glared at him as he returned to his seat with Cameron. She’d get him after class. She cracked her knuckles in anticipation.

Igor finished the rest of his lunch to watch the little girl. She began to pull a glass shard out of his skin but he moved his arm. The glass burrowed deeper into his flesh and Honey turned her head up to pout at his face. “Igor!” she complained but he simply laughed in response.

Just leave it.” Ivy drawled. “Igor obviously doesn't care about the pain. Just take him to the nurse after class. Or now if you’re that worried. You might miss something if you so though."

After hearing the words that almost seemed too kind to come from Ivy's mouth, Honey smiled before pouting more. The last time Honey brought Igor to the nurse, the nurse needed more treatment than Igor. Suddenly her green eyes narrowed with determination. No one else needs to get hurt. “No, I can do this.” Honey responded. She reached again for the glass, this time successfully yanking it out of the psycho’s skin and setting the blood covered substance on the desk. She then continued to proceed with removing the other shards.

The Girl Awakes!

Kassana knew the blackness. It was the same blackness that existed in sleep although she knew this was different because she hadn't tried to enter it; rather, it had been forced. Now Kassana was hearing the world again though. Not familiar sounds; the sounds of the library had been far more quiet and predictable. She heard a tapping on the... table? Am I really lying on a table? Kassana sat up, opening her eyes and blinking as she took in a new place. Igor as the first thing she saw and Kassana kicked her feet on the table to back away. Unbeknownst to her, she was near the edge of the table and Kassana pushed herself off, bumping her head on a chair in the process. "Ow!" she exclaimed. "What happened and why is that thing still here?"

Finally,” Ivy exclaimed. “Took you long enough.” Ivy pushed Kassana up so she was standing. “Now get in a fucking seat, class is going to start.

Demetri sighed and pulled out the chair next to him. “You can sit here if you want. Doesn't make much difference to me.

Kassana was very confused. She remembered meeting these people when Igor had apparently tried to eat her. Were they trying to feed me to him? She couldn't help but wonder as she noted the meat splattered everywhere. Surely he wouldn't have differentiated between myself and this pile of disgust. Her eyes briefly turned to Ivy as she heard a word she hated reading - hearing it was even worse. Kassana didn't comment though. She didn't know how. Kassana slid herself into the empty seat that had been offered to her, waiting for an opportunity to get some answers.

Hearing movement behind her, Honey’s attention whipped around to Kassana. “Oh my gosh you’re awake!!” Honey exclaimed. She bowed her head toward her in an apology. “I’m so sorry for everything!” She apologized. And the eighth apology has been said. Honey gave a small sigh before returning to work on getting the glass out of Igor.

@Hales @sonicfreak101 @Kyra @WiseGuy @everyone


Ivy talking/thinking

Demetri talking/thinking

Kassana talking/thinking

Nala thinking

Cameron talking

Jason talking/thinking

Honey talking/thinking

Igor talking
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The previous night there was a light rain. Raubtier has a strong disliking to the rain, so she had decided to rest under the cover of a trash can. During her sheltered rest, the sound of a violin allured her and caused her to move against her will. The sound came from a meister and weapon duo of a girl and a violin demon weapon, upon investigation.

Raubtier was curious and decided to figure out why that had happened that night. When morning came she had noticed a plethora of students funneling down the streets, including the pair from the previous night. She followed the crowd into the DWMA and was stunned by what she saw.

While amazed at the sight of a school, a demon weapon named Mac had approached her. Raubtier had poked around Mac and, as a result, made his Soul uneasy. With further conversation, Raubtier decided to enlist in the DWMA with, hopefully, Mac as her partner. The two are in the classroom now.


Raubtier - Paranoia

Maikeru Kowaresutā - CelticHero37

Joanna Doedsengel - Anno Bane

Alex Drake - Peaceswore

Honey Mitskuni - DeadgurlXD

Ivy Landvik - sonicfreak101


Raubtier was having the time of her life in the desk's seat. Figuring it out was an enjoyable puzzle. She moved her limbs from here to there, up and down, around. But when she figured out how to compose herself in the wooden compartment of the desk, she had lost most of her excitement for it. There wasn't any other point in playing a solved puzzle anymore.

She turned to Mac for a split second, expectant of something to do to preoccupy herself with. Though it hadn't happened then. Raubtier looked over to her other side in disappointment. Waiting, she guessed, wouldn't be that bad.

So she waited. Waiting wasn't that hard; she had done it before for countless times in countless situations. Her fingers drummed along the top portion of the desk. She kicked her feet over and over. She even hummed a little lullaby to herself. Raubtier didn't recognize it by then, but this lullaby had been in her memory for ages.

There was a faint shift in sound in the chaos that was in the room. Mac's eyes moved over to the side to look at Raubtier. He was going to address something. Raubtier caught notice of this and immediately returned the favor with her whole face. What was he going to say next?!

"Something's up, so you might want to keep those ears of yours tuned to the gossip. It might be important."

Raubtier blinked. What was 'up'? Was it about the 'Kishin' word from earlier? Raubtier decided not to ask, but follow Mac's advice anyway. Listening around her wasn't that hard to do. It was just as easy as waiting was.

She craned her body back into its resting position in the seat, and sat there blankly, intent on her surroundings. There were so many voices blaring out at once, so Raubtier had decided to take each phrase piece by piece in memory.

"Tell me next time you drink the last damn milk!"

"So when should I expect your revenge prank?"

"Igor! There’s glass in your skin!"

"Control your psycho!"

Raubtier couldn't possibly interpret everything at once. She focused back onto herself, and noticed a few bloody splotches from some meat around the classroom. One had made it, oddly enough, onto the edge of her right sleeve.

She prodded at Mac's side to get his attention. "Mac, Mac. This red thing is on my clothes."
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Starfire woke up late and started rushing to get ready. While she was doing that she wondered if she would ever find a meister and on top of that she still never found that person who sent her that strange letter. The whole thing was just weird and she wasn't sure what to do anymore. She had been looking around to see if maybe she could spot the person, but nothing. She hadn't got any new letters or anything. Well, she knew that she would meet this person. She just wasn't sure when she would. She looked at the clock and ran to class as fast as she could. Once she got to class she sat down not even tired from all the running.
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