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Fandom Soul Eater: The Perfect Order

Maikeru Kowaresutā


Round Two

Mac flipped to his feet when he heard someone talking to him. It was a blond girl who's fashion was much more sensible than his. The girl continued talking as if she was talking to him, "I was pretty interested on why you doing something like that where everyone saw you. You got some guts. I'm Alice, a new Meister here at the DWMA. And you are?"

Mac looked around, trying to see who the girl was talking too. She wasn't saying I had guts was she? I did it cause I had to. Realizing there was no one else the girl could possibly be talking to, he said, "Who, me? I'm Maikeru, but just call me Mac. It's easier that way. I'm a new Weapon here. I was just doing what I needed to back there. It was nothing special really. I didn't disturb you or anything did I?"

Legend @Britt\-21

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Alice raised her eyebrow "Disturb me? Its not as if we were in a quiet classroom and you made noise. So no, you didnt disturb me." she told mac "Anyway, its nice to meet you, Mac." she said, smiling softly. He was new as well and a weapon. Her mind wondered for a moment before she spoke "Hey, Mac, what weapon are you?" she asked, tilting her head slightly and waiting for a reply from the weapon. First weapon. But it doesnt seem like he'd be my weapon. Oh well, even so, I could at least have a friend made before the school year starts. that was all fine with Alice
" Oh no it's fine don't worry about it," The girl responded. Why would I worry about it? It isn't my problem. Styx thought to himself, genuinely unsure as to why she thought that he was worried.

It was clear that she was not unphased by Styx's empty stare or presence, but she wasn't exactly afraid either, which was unexpected. Styx could only account the girl's strange interaction with him on two things. The first being that she had not yet tried to see his soul. That could possibly be because she didn't yet know how to see or sense souls. Had she searched for it she would clearly not be able to see it, since he was intentionally concealing it. It was difficult to do, but it prevented enemies from seeing him if he were to attack. His first instinct when he knew someone was aware of him was to conceal his soul. He could only do it for a few minutes, but that was usually enough time to make a kill and escape. Even so, had she been able to see it he doubted she would be interacting so warmly with him. It was a cold and dark thing, seeming more like a void or black hole than the essence of life.

The second thing he accounted her behavior for was that the girl was simply... oblivious. Oblivion was a dangerous trait to have, as it could leave one vulnerable and too open. Styx glanced back up at her, noting that she had an expression of genuine curiosity on her face as she studied him. Styx felt himself become slightly uncomfortable with the attention. He was used to people being curious of him, but in a way that felt more like they were trying to decide what kind of creature had possessed him, not with genuine and kind intent, as this stranger was displaying.

His eyes quickly shifted to her hand as she moved it, staying alert, though he was almost certain he had nothing to be suspicious of. He watched as she set down the bag she was carrying, and glanced away from her arm as she moved to stretch it. It wasn't a threat, and therefore he didn't have to pay attention to it.

"Man I have been carrying that thing all day." The girl mused with a smile on her face. Styx simply glance to the bag on the floor and back to her, understanding that she was talking about the suitcase. He stayed silent. He had expected her to leave him once she knew he didn't have the information she was looking for, but by putting down her bag and continuing to speak it was clear that she wasn't ready to move on just yet. He didn't know why she deemed it necessary to tell him about her bag. He hadn't asked about it. Nor did he understand why she was engaging him in conversation.It was obvious that she was trying to figure him out as she thought of something to say, but she wasn't looking in the right places. It dawned on him that this was how people normally interacted with each other, but he didn't get the point. He shifted back on his heels, expression remaining still, but mind racing to figure out the situation. It was as if a puzzle he been placed before him but he was missing key pieces.

"Haha, you're strange and you're really quiet. You don't talk much do ya?" She blurted, seemingly amused judging by the laughter in her words. Styx felt very nearly bombarded with conversation. This girl made no sense to him. Was that all she had analyzed about him? Why tell him? Why even keep talk to him? Did she need something else? Styx blinked slowly, trying to take in her actions bit by bit and make sense of them. Her question seemed like a trick. Was it really a question, or just another observation phrased rhetorically? He wasn't sure, so he decided to answer anyways.

"No," He stated quietly, but just as he had spoken his answer was overcome by her cheerful voice.

"Oh! By the way I'm Starfire. What's your name?" This was a clear indicator that he wasn't supposed to have answered her last question, so he found it fortunate that her new question drowned out his monosyllable mumbling. He quickly stored her name to his memory. Starfire. He had a feeling that he would need that information later on. Then he considered her new question, which was clearly not rhetorical. It was one he was used to, as he had been asked it many times since coming to Death City. Finally, something he had a slight understanding of. People found names important, and Styx agreed. Having a way to refer to a specific individual was quite useful.

"My full name is Atlas Apollo Styx. I respond to any of the three names," He answered bluntly. He made no motion to shake her hand or smile in the face of their exchange. There was no cheer in his voice, nor agitation, nor impatience. It was just an answer. Words that he was unattached to, and delivered as such rather than attempting to further the conversation. He wasn't even sure how he was expected to converse with this girl. He left it in her hands, though he trusted that she would soon become bored of or put off by him and leave, as many others did. He wanted to understand people better, but was unoffended if they didn't desire his company. He could at least understand that.

Needless to say, Tamara wasn't exactly expecting what was to come.

Feeling the press of a hand on her shoulder she turned around, only to be surprised as Azure gripped it's companion with equal force, staring her directly in the eye. Unused to such a ah, forwardness, Tamara couldn't help but be taken aback, not to mention that she hadn't taken Azure for the type of person do to something like this, only being able to inject with a surprised "Huh?", quickly being drowned out as he began to speak. And the words that he did speak only caused to heighten her flustered state, not only was the delivery a tad dramatic, but Tamara herself wasn't exactly used to having people asking her to be their partner, the vice-versa usually being the case, and, even in the times when she had been asked, it had never been in a manner like this. "Uh, A-Azure, people are looking..." She stammered, noticing a growing amount of gazes gather towards then, presumably curious as to what the all the commotion was about, apparently going unheeded as he slipped to his knees, continuing his plea. One could suppose this was lucky for her, an opportunity that she should pounce at, she WAS under threat of being demoted after all, and here stood someone, and someone who she was friends with none the less, presenting her with an offer the would alleviate her of her problems.

That said, it WOULD, alleviate her problems, but...

Then there was the actual source of her problem. Well. One of the sources of her problems. That being her desire, or what one could even call an obsession, with using a scythe. It wasn't that she particularly disliked using other weapons, nor that she couldn't use them, but... But nothing, chalking it up to irrationality was the only real answer there was, sure, she often passed it off as a desire for 'authenticity', but the sheer amount of successful Meisters, who used a variety of weapons that distinctly weren't scythes was proof of the unreasonableness of that claim, and really, she knew that. It wasn't a particularly new revelation either, it was something she'd realized after she'd lost around ten partners, but due to her stubbornness she'd stuck to her guns, confident that things would work out the way she wanted. And look at where that had gotten her.

Perhaps it was accepting this, or perhaps it was just because she was in a good mood due to it being the first day, that she didn't just run off.

Taking a few steps back Tamara attempted to answer, only managing to stammer out a series of "Ums" and "Ahs", having to take a moment to gather herself before continuing to speak. "Well, ah, It's not that I... I mean I, don- or ah, I suppose..." She 'said', spilling forth a jumbled mass of half-finished replies, before letting out a long sigh and beginning to speak like a human being with an actual level of fluency with the English language. "...You won't get mad if this doesn't work out right? ...Fine... For the rank right?..." She said, a tone of defeat clear in her voice, before turning on her heel and making her way towards class post-haste, not too sure whether she should be thrilled or mortified at what had just occurred, not even noticing Styx, with whom on a usual occasion she would make some attempt to greet, if for no other reason than some sort of vain attempt to get the guy to speak to her for more than two seconds, as she paced down the hall

Spoken To: @Azure

@Ink Bottle Faerie
The way he answered was like a robot. Like he was saying words that was programmed into him. "You know you act like a robot that's been programmed to act a certain way. You have no personality it's so strange." As she was saying this she had walked closer to him, clearly in his personal space. She tends not to understand boundaries sometimes. She was close to his face then she was at his right then left. She then went behind him and back to where she was standing. She had moved pretty fast, she was talking fast to, and she had even poke at him a few times. After violating his personal space she smiled and said, "You know I bet you just need some friends." She then thought for minute. "Hey are you a weapon or a Miester? I'm a weapon."

@Ink Bottle Faerie
As Styx spoke he felt a familiar presence approaching. He shifted some more attention to the passing people, while keeping the majority of hi focus on Starfire. With in a few seconds he identified the soul of Tamara Adams. Her wavelength was familiar to him, and he had committed it to memory. Wavelengths were a lot harder to memorize than names and faces because he needed to be around someone for a long time before knowing the wavelength simply by feel. He had the soul of almost every kid in his year stored to memory, but Tamara's was particularly easy for him to recognize. She was one of the few people that tried to interact with Styx when she noticed him. Their interactions were only ever a few seconds long, as Styx usually wasn't sure how to respond and so gave a single syllable response before going on his way. He appreciated her effort though, even if he didn't understand why she made it. She should be focusing on getting closer to weapons, not meisters. Not him.

When it was clear that Tamara hadn't noticed him he reverted his focus back to how it had been before sensing her. It only took him a few seconds to ID Tamara, and he hadn't shifted his gaze in the process, so Starfire didn't notice the change. She was continuing to babble on in her own cheerful way.

"You know you act like a robot that's been programmed to act a certain way. You have no personality it's so strange." She admitted. Robot. He was used to being compared to those, but he wondered how many of the people that called him that had actually seen a robot before. Styx felt a shift in her muscles and tensed as she stepped closer, knowing she would move before she did. She was too close, and Styx found himself even more uncomfortable. She began to circle him, sizing him up, as an enemy would do. His instincts began to fight for control, though he knew she posed no threat. She was just some naive little girl. She moved fast, and could potentially match Styx in speed if she trained hard enough. He tried to breathe, as he taught himself to do. Tried to remain still. But then... she touched him.

Styx felt the pokes and jabs, and it took every strand of self control in his being not to kill this girl, or else seriously injure her. He was not upset, but he had been taught to kill anyone that touched him. His clan members- his family- didn't even touch one another. He knew that if an enemy could touch him they were too close, and he could be killed. Not that it mattered. He wasn't scared of death. He didn't understand the worth of human life. He was trying to understand, but it wasn't just that. The girl was
examining him. As if he were some animal, some foreign... thing. And he was sure that is exactly how the girl saw him. However, it gave her no right to invade his personal space in such a way. Styx was completely tense, trying to swallow down his training, his agitation. The girl finally circled back to the front of him, as if she hadn't done anything out of line, and Styx supposed she honestly couldn't sense his shift. She was reckless.

"You know I bet you just need some friends. Hey are you a weapon or a Miester? I'm a weapon." She went on, as if there was no break between her last sentence and her new one. She had no regard for him, she was completely absorbed in her own intentions and curiosities. Friends? Styx had come to terms with his inability to make friends. He wasn't looking for friends, he was looking for a way to understand people. All he knew about them was how to kill them, and that he was different than them. His strangeness was constantly picked out, analyzed, criticized. Even this girl was acting as a judge of his personality, and she knew nothing about him. She kept making strange observation and switching between questions he wasn't supposed to answer and questions he was. She was too confusing for him. Even if he were to make a friend, why did it concern her?

Styx glanced over her shoulder, maintaining his cool composure. Just a few doors down he saw his classmates filing into the lecture hall, his classroom. It was time for him to go. Styx looked back down to Starfire. She was so close that he had to look down to make eye contact.

"I'm a meister," He replied monotonously. Then he sidestepped and began to walk towards his class, but he stopped for a moment when his shoulder was parallel to the girls'. His eyes widened for a moment and he felt himself overcome by something... else. In a flash he had grabbed her wrist tight in his hand, not appearing to have even moved. He tilted his head slightly in her direction and stared down at her from the corner of his eye. His expression was still unchanged, and his eyes remained empty, but there was a sense of ominous danger around him. "Oh, and don't touch me like that ever again. I'm not some creature for you to poke and prod at. You don't know who I am or what I am capable of. Don't be so reckless," He stated quietly, for only her to hear. To him the statement was just matter of fact. He didn't realize that it would come off as threatening. There was no tone, no inclination of anger, but that wouldn't matter. In fact, that might have made it all the more intimidating. Suddenly he realized he was gripping her wrist hard in his hand. His eyes showed surprise only for a moment before he quickly let go and looked ahead again. He he had lost control for a second. That was not okay.

"Good luck finding your class," He said, trying to consolidate for his last action, to make himself seem less intimidating. Still, his voice held no sincerity. Not because he wasn't sincere, but because he couldn't express it. He then shoved his hands in his pockets, the leather book under his arm shifting slightly, and began to walk to his class. Their interaction for the time being was over. Styx began taking a few deep breaths, trying to calm his spinning mind. He had a long way to go if he was to understand others and not let his past get the best of him. This year, he was determined to make more progress.


@The One Eyed Bandit

When he said he was a meister she smiled. He seemed really dark but there was something about him that she liked. "That's great!" All of sudden she felt someone grab her wrist. She then saw that it was Styx, she didn't even see him move. Her eyes widen a little from shock, his eyes were still completely emotionless but she sensed something really dark about him. When he spoke to he his voice came was deep and the words seem to have a dark meaning behind him. She didn't say anything she just looked at him not sure what to say. then she noticed how tight he was holding her wrist it was starting to hurt. He seemed to noticed to and there seem to be slight and quick surprise in his eyes. He then backed away, she rubbed her wrist. He then said good luck with finding her class. She stood there in deep thought, there seem to be something very dark about him it scared her little but....."Hey before you go I a...." For the first time she actually was lost for words. "I know I can be very energetic, loud, and reckless....your probably going to say no but um would you like to be partners? My weapon is light weight good for speed......" She picked up her suitcase waiting for a answer.

@Ink Bottle Faerie

Maikeru Kowaresut?


Inferiority of Weapon

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c1432e022_AngryAnime.jpg.096a34232125411dafa2b5be3f711c49.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39308" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c1432e022_AngryAnime.jpg.096a34232125411dafa2b5be3f711c49.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Mac fidgeted with the edge of his vest as Alice spoke. The macho semblance established by his pushups vanished. Now people could mistake him for a flat chested girl, or perhaps a cross dresser. Though if that were the case, his dress would be considered highly inappropriate. Of course, Mac was oblivious to all this. At the moment his mind was occupied on his own inferiority. Dammit! You even sound inferior. I hope I didn't disturb you? What was that?! Not only do I lack control, I'm a pushover too!

"Anyway, it's nice to meet you, Mac," said Alice.

While contemplating on his macho-ness, Mac subconsciously blushed and responded,
"Oh, well thanks. It's nice to meet you too Alice. I didn't expect everyone to be so nice here."

To most this statement would just seem trivial. However, Mac had not expected to be greeted at all. Part of this was because the students sent to hunt him had been quiet, almost robotic. These ideas drew Mac's thoughts in a different direction. Inferiority had taken a back seat as he pondered the implications of this connection. He had met two new students thus far. Could this mean that people are changed as they attend classes here? Do they become robotic? Hypnotized maybe? Or perhaps the hunters were just scared? This isn't making sense. I must find the answer. How am I to save the family name if the DWMA itself is corrupt. Or could it be an organization impersonating the DWMA that's been hunting me? So many questions. I must investigate this.

Mac was slapped into the present when Alice inquired about his weapon form. Most students would become excited about such a topic. However, Mac hung his head. His hair shadowed his eyes, shielding the pain inside. His status as a Deamon Weapon had been one of the factors leading to the stripping of his name and shunning of his family. Despite this, Mac attempted cheer when he said, "Oh, I'm just a trisection staff. It's nothing special really. Actually it's a rather useless form."<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c1433141d_TriSectionStaff.jpg.c9e55702e39ef797b629a01cea2b828d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39309" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c1433141d_TriSectionStaff.jpg.c9e55702e39ef797b629a01cea2b828d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Scolding himself for the negative comments, Mac rebooted the chain of worries within him. Mac couldn't understand why he was always messing up. It annoyed him and he hoped some day he could rectify it.





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Alice was surprised "Well i'm pretty sure most people are nice here. Seeing as we're all here to fight the same thing." she pointed out. Why wouldnt everyone be kind to eachother? The only people she has seen with those with pride to those who are shy. Nothing out of the ordinary. This school was nothing like a normal high school. It was a school that trained students about Keshins and trained them how to fight Keshins. When he answered about his weapon form, she blinked "I bet you that you arent useless." Alice said, holding her hand out "Let me see." she said "All weapons are useful in some way. And I know that you are not a useless weapon."

The sniper on her back scared some people but this was in case she had a offence weapon. Something like a shield or anything of that type. The sniper was also for emergencies. As in ambushes from keshins or for sneak attacks.

Maikeru Kowaresutā




Mac's eyes widened and he blushed slightly. Does she not know what a trisection staff is? There's nothing sharp about my form. I'm really hard to control. She'd probably hurt herself if I let her. Well, that will be my fault then. I've just got to concentrate.

Mac took hold of Alice's hand. Goosebumps trailed down his arm. He couldn't believe he was actually going to transform. The last time he had done it was a over a year ago. Before he transformed, he said, "Be careful. I don't want to hurt anyone again. Okay? Get ready."

In a flash of red energy, Mac vanished like the assassin that he was. His horrible fashion sense formed into a beautiful wooden trisection staff, textured in a way that it looked like fire. He landed folded in Alice's hand. It was the first time anyone had held him in his weapon form. Something felt strange to Mac. In order for it to work, he had to give up some of his own independence to allow Alice to use his weapon form.

It was now up to Alice to do her part. If their souls and wills matched, perhaps it wouldn't be such a disaster. Mac's face appeared in the bars and he said,
"Whenever you're ready Alice."



Alice nodded "I'll be careful." she said, watching as he transformed into his weapon form. Pulling it close, she studied the texture before unfolding him, seeing how the staff worked "Most people would say you're useless. But I don't see it." she looked at him through the bars. Alice first started with getting the feel of the staff, trying to think of which ways she could and would hold it. "Are you able to make your chains longer at will?" probably not but it was worth a shot. She didn't know much about weapons since there was more then enough in the world. Plus it wouldn't work in any way if she studied.

Alice began to move it in some ways, mostly defensive moves rather then attack. Attacking was going to have to be practiced if they became partners. Even if she did know hand-to-hand combat, this was much harder then hand to hand. "I do see what you mean when it comes to wielding you. I've never worked with a weapon such as this before." she informed him, feeling as if the chains restricted her from inflicting some real damage on the enemy if she was in a real fight.
It took Gold a moment to process what happened. One second he's standing by the classroom door, minding his own business, next he was on the ground. "I'm...ok." he said, pausing in the middle of his sentence as he got back onto his feet. "Are you?" he asked the girl as he took his bag from her. He didn't take it in the nicest way possible, but he really hated when people touched his things. It's not like she would know that though, it's something he's never mentioned.

He looked her in the face, it seemed like she had just ran all the way up the stairs, from her somewhat heavy breathing, and her body temperature. She must've been running late, and was lucky to get here before class actually started.

He smiled a little and started to walk toward an empty seat. He took a few steps before realizing that he didn't say where he was going, and it must've seemed like he was being rude. Of course it wasn't his intention, but it happens. He stopped and motioned at Ambri to come with him. "Wanna sit together?" he asked, pretty quietly, but still audible.

This year, he thought, I'm going to talk more. He had that thought every year, but this time around, he wanted to stay true to it. What was there to be afraid of?

Ambri was surprised Gold didn't get mad at her. She moved back a bit and flinched when Gold took his bag back. Ambri panted heavily, she ran across several building to get to class. " I didn't mean to hurt you, I um... don't yell! " she said. She stood up and picked up her backpack. Her panting was still heavy, and she took a pause before she managed to talk again. " D-Did I offend you or anything? "

After hearing Gold speak Ambri seemed calmer. Strangely her body still felt warm after running, she ignored it and tried to act normal. " Sure! I'll sit next to you, I um... won't burn you desk down! " Ambri laughed awkwardly aware that her ability was acting up again. Her hands felt like two coals radiating heat. Ambri's mittens felt warm to the touch. Ambri sat next to gold and tried to hide her hands. "It's the first day and already this is happening again." Ambri said jokingly.

Ambri placed her hands on the desk and noticed a thin sheet of plastic had already melted off, she was baffled.
" What's wrong with my mittens? " she said to herself. Her hands felt even hotter.

Styx sensed the fear radiating off of the purple-haired girl as he began to walk away. It was a feeling that was directed at him so often that he had become used to it. It acted as a reminder, a refresher. Fear was just a weak form of terror, and the last time he had invoked terror upon someone was a dark memory. He had tried to unlearn the life he had been raised into, but even after he ran away from his family he committed atrocities he did not care to admit. He had grown a lot since then. It had been over a year since he killed a poor, undeserving soul. Only the twisted and evil had felt his blades in the past year, only for a moment, before passing from existence. And they felt no fear, for they were like him before he ran away. They did not understand the value of life, not even their own. Styx never wanted to cause such horror for anyone, ever again.

However, this girls shock did not last long. He felt her rebound quickly, and he stopped as he realized that she wasn't done with him yet. They stood back to back for a moment, a few feet apart, and Styx waited quietly. There was still fear within her, but it was accompanied by determination and intrigue. Styx took a deep breath, his eyes fixated on the open classroom ahead of him,but the rest of him was focused on the girl.

After a moment she finally shifted to turn towards him, facing his back, and then she spoke.

"Hey before you go I a...." Styx sensed the rush and anxiety in her voice and movement as she began her flustered inquiry. A shift occurred inside himself as he understood what she would say next. "I know I can be very energetic, loud, and reckless....you're probably going to say no but um would you like to be partners? My weapon is light weight, good for speed..."

There was a moment of complete stillness and silence as the question hung in the air, but Styx had already considered his options. This girl lacked restraint and caution but, in a way, he could relate to her. She too was unfamiliar with human interaction and behavior in her own way, though for completely different reasons than himself. He wasn't surprised that she was a fast weapon, likely bladed, which would be a good match for his style. But she still lacked... something.

Time. Experience. Understanding. Most importantly, respect. He wasn't foolish, he knew that he needed a partner and that this was the best opportunity that he was going to get, but he foresaw horrible consequences for teaming up with this girl, Starfire, before she was ready. They were so completely opposite that they just might work, but not before he saw her skills. Not before she held respect for him, his privacy, his personal space. He didn't even want to
try holding her in her weapon form before she was properly conditioned. He was not here to waste time swinging around weapons unsuited for his style, his soul, and his destiny. He knew what needed to happen.

Styx turned his head to the right, and for a moment he stared at the wall in front of him, face only half visible to the girl. He looked like his normal blank-page self. Unreadable. Incomprehensible. Unnerving. Then, something unusual happened. Interest flared up in the back of his bottomless black eyes. A small, empty smirk flashed on his face. These oddities quickly disappeared, as if they had only been a trick of the light, or, more fittingly, the shadows. His eyes lifted and trailed to the girl so he again looked at her from an angle.

"No," He replied flatly, and left a tangible pause in the air. "Not... yet. I'm not going to be the one who babies you through your first few days, but I see potential in a partnership. Gain some experience. Some restraint. Then you can come find me." He instructed her. If she was serious about a partnership then she would do her work and come back. If not she wasn't worth his time in the first place.

He turned his head away again and continued his walk to his classroom. Without looking back, or even raising his voice, he called back to her.
"There are no classes today. Everyone is supposed to meet in this classroom,"

With that he slipped quietly into the classroom, analyzing the conversation he had just had as he made his way to his seat. He walked all the way up to the top row of seats and sat alone in a shadowy corner. He didn't make eye contact with anyone as he entered, though he felt a few eyes on him before they gradually slipped away. He pulled out his book and set it down on the desk in front of him. Then he opened the cracked leather cover and flipped through a few pages before he found his place (A section entitled "Myth and Fact of Soul Consumption"). He had disappeared again, quiet and almost invisible in the shadows. The only person who would be able to sense him now was the teacher or administrator. His eyes scanned the ancient ink of the book while in the back of his mind he slowly and carefully analyzed all the information he had just taken consumed.

It was only day one of his third year, but Styx could tell there would be something special about this one.




Sing and dance, Amore mio, wag your tail,

If you want to be embraced by this graceful flower.

Stronger, Amore mio, ring your bell,

Now dance.



It was a rather dreary and melancholic night. The sky was locked in it's hueless light under twinkling stars, but even through the seemingly clear night the sky still cried its wet, musty tears. The streets and nearby cityfolk of the night life especially felt the sky's sadness rain down on them. That's why it was so quiet; people would rather stay in their homes under a roof to protect themselves from the assault of the sky.

The desire to stay dry had kept Raubtier at bay. Of all things, water was the most horrid of natural occurrences to Raubtier. Coming into contact with water had some unwanted consequences, as Raubtier had eventually learned over time. It was in her best interest to not interact with it at all costs, which was why she was sitting where she was.

It was pitiful for a shelter, but it proved useful for blocking off the onslaught of the rain. By taking a large garbagecan and flipping it over, Raubtier was covered over all sides except for her bottom. The only bad part about it was the smell, and while Raubtier didn't exactly smell odor others would be sure to whenever they had approached her. Raubtier didn't know this, so she didn't mind waiting hours for the rain to subside under the cover of a trashbin.

Raubtier was silent, and patient moreso. The rain continued to pour down for what seemed like an eternity, but Raubtier had remained in the same position and hadn't moved even an inch... Until then.

It was difficult to hear. The rain had clouded most of Raubtier's senses and the trashcan her hearing, but Raubtier could hear its faint cries. It pulled her, it allured her. But most of all, it eliminated her sense of danger.

She stepped out of safety and into the rain. She let her hood block off most of the water so she could make a mad dash towards the source of the noise. When she drew closer and closer it seemed more and more like the soft tune of a violin.

It was, indeed, a violin, but not quite the object that Raubtier had seen many times before.

The violinist ceased their play momentarily to stop and gaze upon the girl that looked back at her with a curious look. "Hello! Did you like our performance?" She asked, with a gentle smile. She stood in the midst of the pounding rain with her violin clutched deeply in her arms.

Raubtier didn't respond or answer. Her eyes had never left the violin.

The violinist's smile had slowly wilted away. The character infront of her was so strange, she thought.

It was then that the violin had started acting out on its own. It shook viciously within the female's grasp, then screeched out a hoarse and stern voice, "What are you doing? Shoo! Go away, cat!"

Raubtier acted immediately against the hostile voice, and skittered away with two thoughts in mind.

'Why did the violin sound so enticing, and how could it speak to her?'



As dawn approached, Death City had awakened from its depressive slumber. The sky was back to its light blue hue with its forever-laughing companion in view.

Raubtier's night had been restless as all nights had been. For the rest of the time she had after the violin encounter, Raubtier spent it under the same form of shelter; her trusty garbage can. But Raubtier had to be active for atleast half a day, she decided long ago, in order to proactively acquire more knowledge.

Raubtier flipped the trashcan above her head. Her void, green eyes scanned around the dark alley she was in. Once the 'coast was clear', Raubtier wobbled out of the alleyway and into the rising sunlight.

It was odd to her to see. There were more people outside and moving than what was usual. People, mainly those of a relatively young age, were being funneled down the streets. Most were walking in the same direction. Half were paired. Raubtier noticed all of these things, but the thing that had caught most of her attention was one specific pair that went down the road. It was the girl from earlier, with a fairly tall man accompanying her.

Raubtier wanted answers, and she was going to find out on her own.

Raubtier followed the crowds of people down the street. She did her best to imitate how the others walked, and made it seem like she knew where she was going.

Not long after, the destination had been in sight. All of the people, now, had been climbing a huge flight of steps. To where, Raubtier couldn't quite see. She supposed the first step was to make it to the top.

Unlike many of the students that were climbing up, Raubtier was running. Occasionally she would stumble and stop to regain balance, but otherwise she kept a moderate pace up the steps. It was a tedious climb, but she made it in the end.

The building was large, and weirdly shaped. It did not look like any of the other buildings and gave off a peculiar vibe. Students were gathered around the campus in flocks and in pairs. Raubtier took a sniff into the air, and noticed an odd behavior in the gathering. The peoples' individual smells, rather souls, were open and were in search.

Raubtier didn't know what to do with this information and how to interpret it. It all hit her at once... It was all too sudden.

She sat there, right infront of the school steps, paralyzed by the shock and awe.

Maikeru Kowaresutā


Personal Insight
Self Focus

At first Mac stiffened when Alice attempted to unfold him. It felt as if she was trying to rip him apart. Mac was concentrating too deeply on himself, and not enough on his partner. It was not selfish self contemplation, yet it still hindered the resonance. Even so, Alice didn't give up right away.

Soon Mac realized what he was doing and corrected himself. He relaxed, opened his mind, and allowed his will to become malleable. Though this did not mean the two were soul partners, it was a first step in the right direction. Whoever partnered with Mac would benefit from what he learned today.

Over Apology

When Mac loosened, Alice responded positively saying, "Most people would say you're useless. But I don't see it."

However, Mac felt stupid and inferior as a result of his mistake. Instinctually, he exploded with apologies, "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to defy you like that. I… wait, what? You don't think I'm useless?"

Mac realized Alice was trying out different stances with him. She was legitimately trying to give Mac a chance. Perhaps the flame design on Mac's weapon form became more intense as confidence sprouted. The fire seemed to grow like a wildflower. The increase in energy allowed Alice to further examine Mac's weapon form. From this she inquired about the properties of his chains.


Mac's knowledge of his weapon for was limited as well, but he was able to say a few things, "Yeah, I can stretch my chains a little right now. I think I can get them to go even farther, but I'll need to practice. Also, the staff sections are fairly flexible too I think. Does this help?"

It seemed that Alice held a background in martial arts. How extensive, Mac wasn't sure. Yet her form highlighted her years of martial arts training. However, it was also evident she had never trained with a weapon quite like Mac.

Factors of Decision

After a few practice movements, Alice said, "I do see what you mean when it comes to wielding you. I've never worked with a weapon such as this before."

"I know it's weird," sighed Mac, "You don't have to waste your time with me anymore. I've learned a lot just having someone wield me finally. So thank you for that."

Mac couldn't tell whether his soul wavelength resonated well with Alice because he had never done anything like that before. Some students it just came naturally to. However, he had no idea what to look for. Mac was simply glad that he wasn't trying to kill somebody at the moment. The fact that somebody was giving him a chance was an added bonus. He had been stepped on before, but never held and practiced with. So this chance encounter meant a lot more than Alice knew.



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Alice raised her eyebrow as Mac yelled "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to defy you like that. I… wait, what? You don't think I'm useless?" Alice shook her head "No, you arent useless. This can work for your partner after they train with you for a little bit." when he had thanked her, she nodded "Of course." she said. folding him back up and waiting for him to change back "I hope we can be friends after this. I hope that you'll find the perfect partner for you." this was a weapon that wasnt meant for her. Alice was one to rush into fights instantly with whatever weapon she had. This would somwhat hold her back due to the chains restrictions. She didnt want to tell him that.

"Your partner will find you soon. I'm sure they'll weild you much better then me." she stated "Being in military school doesnt teach us how to use specific weapons unless they're knives or guns." she informed him "It was nice meeting you Mac, hopefully we could see eachother in class when we find our partners." she wanted what was best for Mac. She didnt want him to have a partner that had no idea how to use him and had no idea how to use him quickly in a fight.

Maikeru Kowaresutā


Personal Insight

Mac couldn't help but feel disappointed as he transformed back to his feet. He had hoped that Alice would consider being his partner, since he didn't know anybody else. Despite his feelings, Mac opened a warm smile and said, "Of course we can be friends! I've never had friends before, but today I've already met two. I hope you find the right partner too. Then we'll have even more friends right?"

When Alice mentioned military school, Mac understood where her natural martial arts abilities came from. It helped him realize that she wasn't necessarily the most talented with his form. It also gave him hope that he could find someone else with martial arts background. However, with his luck, it was unlikely.

He didn't want Alice to feel like she had done poorly though, because she hadn't. So Mac concluded saying, "Hey, give yourself some credit. Nobody's even held me before. You're better than most people just because you gave me a chance. On top of that I could tell you had a martial arts background. Though it may have seemed hard, you actually weren't doing that badly. So, thanks for giving me a chance. Well, I guess I'll see you around then. I've still got to find a partner."

Mac left, giving a smile and a wave to his new friend. Turning his back to her, he noticed a strange girl standing at the top of the steps. She seemed to be frozen in time. Mac walked up to her and waved a hand in front of her face, "Um, hello? You okay?"



Alice smiled as he said that they could be friends. This relieved her and she nodded "We'll have many more friends to hang out with. Which is more then awesome." he then complimented her in a form. "Hey, give yourself some credit. Nobody's even held me before. You're better than most people just because you gave me a chance. On top of that I could tell you had a martial arts background. Though it may have seemed hard, you actually weren't doing that badly. So, thanks for giving me a chance. " Alice grinned "Hey, everyone deserves a chance, Mac. And I did that for you. I wasnt doing that badly? Huh, well thanks." she laughed softly "You're welcome for your chance, Mac." then he said "Well, I guess I'll see you around then. I've still got to find a partner."

Nodding, she watched as he walked off "See ya!" she yelled before going around and looking for her Ideal weapon. Where her soul was also looking for her soul weapon. There was no rush for her to find him or her, but she had hoped that she'd get a weapon soon. If not, she'd have to ask Lord death for missions she could do on her own untill she had gotten a weapon. Hopefully he'd be kind enough to let her have a few missions made for a single person. Most she wished for as assasinations of the Keshins that were still part human and actually talked and didnt look like ugly monster.
There was a moment of silence, he seemed to be in deep thought. She tighten her hand on the handle a little while waiting for his reply. He then turned his head to the right starring at the wall. What could be thinking? There was still no emotion in his eyes just a blank stare, but suddenly she thought something but it was gone in a blink in a eye, she must of been seeing things. He then finally looked at her and answered her question. "No," She nodded understanding but not realizing we wasn't done. She casted her eyes down feeling a little silly for asking. She was new here after all. He broke the silence that came after his answer and said, "Not... yet." She looked up at him a little surprised. "I'm not going to be the one who babies you through your first few days, but I see potential in a partnership." A small smile came on her face. "Gain some experience. Some restraint. Then you can come find me." Her smile grew happy she had a chance to prove herself. "Alright! I can totally do that!" She watched him turn around to head to the classroom. She then started to turn around but stopped when he spoke again. "There are no classes today. Everyone is supposed to meet in this classroom," She looked at him from the back and said, "Oh! Thanks!"

@Ink Bottle Faerie (don't really need to reply back)

She followed him in and then she stopped and looked around there a lot people. But was the person who sent her the letter here? She went to the third row and sat in the fifth seat. She sat her suitcase next to her looking around. How would she know who the person was? Would this person just come to her when the time was right? Yeah that had to be it.

@anyone who wants to talk
Azure continued to look intently at Tamara, eagerly waiting her response. It was a shot in the dark and he knew it: she didn't like – she HATED – non-scythe weapons so what would she think about partnering up with a shield of all things. He wasn't particularly proud of himself for having brought up her ranking issue, he wouldn't even have known about it had he not been doing extra-curricular training with the staff during the summer, earning him somewhat of a “teacher's pet” status, but Azure knew he had to pull out all his aces to find a meister talented enough help him attain Death Scythe status. Tamara was such a meister, if they were able to get along. Luckily, he had thick skin and would be able to endure much of her antics; no wonder he turned out to be a shield. He was confident his devotion to his partners and her desperation to maintain status would push them enough to be a successful pair.

Then it happened: she said “yes”! Well, sort of. It was a “if I have no other choice” kind of yes, and Azure knew he would, yet again, be discarded as soon as a better offer came the meister's way. With Tamara though, he could learn to actually fight and perchance develop some autonomous skills, which would be his saving grace should he be dumped again.

I promise Tamara, don't worry. Friendship over anything else.” Azure wanted to hug her, but she had already darted off, to quell her discomfort most likely. He waved franticly to everyone in the hallway as he caught up with her, beaming. Azure went so far as to jump, skip, twirl, cartwheel... To not understand how happy he was would be a true testament to anyone's stupidity. He walked into the classroom at the same time as Tamara and asked: “Where should we sit... Partner?” The instant the words had left his mouth he thought: 'Why am I teasing her? She could go back on her word at any instant you moron!'

Well, uh, I mean... Unless you wanted to sit separately... No pressure, keeping it cool, we're not in love, just teammates...


I think I'll just sit over there!” Azure darted to the right side, front row, and sat at the far end, presumably escaping Tamara out of his own awkward discomfort this time.

'Great start, idiot, great start...'

@The One Eyed Bandit

@Anyone in the hall and classroom
Raubtier had been at a loss for words for quite a while. The institution had clearly took her by surprise and threw her off of her game. For that small moment in time, Raubtier had appeared lifeless, in the panic of witnessing something that she, maybe, shouldn't have. As Raubtier had not been paying attention to what was happening around her, someone was quick to approach her frozen body.

"Um, hello? You okay?"

Raubtier snapped back to life with a small shiver to show it. When she came to, a shadow of a hand was being wagged right in her field of vision. She had felt the urge to bite the hand that was before her, but refrained from doing so; she had a little bit of respect.

Instead, Raubtier took the hand in both of hers', and sniffed it. After taking a huge whiff over his hands, she pushed them away to inspect the rest of the person that came to her. She circled around him a few times, prodded a few select places on his body, then returned back to the position she was in before. She had analyzed his character purely from his soul, and was satisfied with her findings then.

"Yes." It was a very brief answer, but Raubtier felt it was a suitable answer. She stared directly into his eyes afterwards and waited.


Maikeru Kowaresutā


Kittenous Flattery
Spontaneous Combustion

The girl Mac had approached began tracking his movements once he attempted to gain her attention. Good. For a second I thought she might have been blind. Mac smiled and almost put his hand down when the girl snatched it and started sniffing. What the? It's SCRATCH and sniff, not SNATCH and sniff. Mac almost said this, yet he figured telling the girl to scratch him wasn't a good idea.

Trust had always been an issue with Mac. He felt like someone would take advantage of him. Despite this, Mac fought to give everyone a chance. However this girl challenged that virtue. At first Mac felt the urge to run. He felt as if his privacy had been violated.

As the girl released his hand, Mac's opinion began to change. He understood why he felt violated. It was because the girl's soul had come close to his. Her soul felt quite different from Alice's, yet this meant nothing to Mac. He knew nothing about reading souls.

The spectacle didn't end with that, as the girl continued to circle and prod Mac. This was a strange experience for Mac, who jumped at every poke. The girl seemed to be acting like an animal. Yet not like a disgusting, scary, and aggressive beat of the wild. She held an heir of innocence about her like a house pet. It was almost endearing.

When the game of Operation finally finished, Mac sighed. It seemed the hard part was over. He decided he would start a conversation. The should wavelengths felt different than any other he had faced. Something was special about her.

"Um… o-okay. D-did you find what you were looking for? H-ha ha, I was just kidding. M-my name's Mac. I'm a new w-weapon here. Wh-what's your name, i-if you don't mind me asking? I hope I didn't bother you or anything." babbled Mac. He was beginning to worry again. However, Mac thought he had a chance. This girl acted strange, and Mac often acted strange as well. This was clearly evident by his fashion.

Could this girl be my future partner? Or perhaps, she's hunting me. There''s only one way to find out for sure.


Maikeru Kowaresutā




Making her way down the hall Tamara didn't pay too much heed to what was going on around her, outright ignoring anyone who attempted to speak with her, whether they be first years looking for help, or returning students wishing her a happy new years, or anything along those lines, instead keeping up her pace, in a ramshackle attempt to rid herself of the feeling of discomfort, that sat in her stomach after Azure's little stunt. 'No, I shouldn't be angry... This works out for both of us right? We both get a partner, and we can stick together until we find more suitable ones... But did he have to be so dramatic about it? People are going to be talking about that for weeks...' Wrapped in her thoughts, she didn't even notice Azure as he caught up with her when she neared the entrance to the classroom, something would, unfortunately, only serve to worsen her already poor mood, raising the shock of what she was about to hear.

“Where should we sit... Partner?”

Tensing on the spot, the feeling of discomfort Tamara felt amplified tenfold. Attempting to hide it behind a smile Tamara chose not to respond, for fear of lashing out at Azure, instead balling her hand up into a fist and bearing with it, 'It's OK... I'm not angry.. I'm not angry... It was just a tease, nothing bad... Harmless... Harmless... Just a tease... Just a tease...'

“Well, uh, I mean... Unless you wanted to sit separately... No pressure, keeping it cool, we're not in love, just teammates...”

And, just like that, the discomfort she felt amplified, putting her into what was practically the opposite mood to the wonderful feelings she felt walking up the steps of the DWMA only a short while ago, bringing her close to kicking Azure directly in the gut, in fact, it was likely that she would have done so, if he hadn't darted off almost immediately after he finished speaking, taking a seat on the furthest side of the room. Not bothering to track him down Tamara picked out a seat at random in front of another purple haired girl, vaulting over the front to rows of desks in a show of impatience and landing with a surprising soft thud in her chair, leaving the scythe she'd been carrying laying on the floor beneath her desk. 'Damn it. Damn it. Damn it. Why did he have to go and spout all of that, I was already in a bad enough mood after the offer and he goes and starts rubbing it in? I should deck him in that face of his and see if he's still so eager to annoy me after that.. No... I can't do that to my partner... Ugh... Damn ittt...' Her thoughts continuing to trail off, mostly involving how upset she was at the moment, only serving to worsen her mood, and make the conversation with whoever next decided to speak with her increasingly unpleasant as time went on.

Mentioned: @Azure @animegirl20 @Anyone in Class
"Um… o-okay. D-did you find what you were looking for? H-ha ha, I was just kidding. M-my name's Mac. I'm a new w-weapon here. Wh-what's your name, i-if you don't mind me asking? I hope I didn't bother you or anything."

"Are you okay?"

This guy that approached her, Mac as he had stated, was acting very distant and timid towards her. His speech was very stammered and many words came out delayed. His soul, to add, seemed to be inching away from her, yet be inclined to stay at the same time. It put her off, she didn't know how he felt.

"...You okay?" She asked again. Raubtier made a first step closer to Mac. Like before, Raubtier made no hesitation to poke at Mac again. This time she was lightly pushing against his upper-chest, trying to stimulate a more positive reaction.

"Core? It was... Shivering." She mumbled quietly, almost as if she were in a trance. "My name... It is Raubtier."

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