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Fandom Soul Eater: The Perfect Order


The Druid

Welcome to the DWMA!!!!


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c134b2e84_YoLordDeath.jpg.98a022e5acc0c962724261b4fdded10f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38638" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c134b2e84_YoLordDeath.jpg.98a022e5acc0c962724261b4fdded10f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Here at the Death Weapon-Meister Academy, classes begin promptly at 7:00. So don't be late folks! That's not important now though. Today is orientation day! This is a time devoted to new students so that they can get their bearings and make new friends. At a certain point in the day all new students will be introduced to to others and given a chance to pick a partner. If you are a returning student, it is your job to make the new students as comfortable as possible. Remember, first impressions go a long way. We want to look like an inviting school. As such, if I hear of any mischief, I will deal with it personally. Due to the mixup, returning students may partner with new students if the need arises. That's all for now folks! Come on in and say hi!"



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Abigail awoke this morning like she did every other morning, unfazed. She wasn't one of those people who were all "of course it's a great morning, I woke up!". Or the other sort, "...what's so great about it, I woke up". Abigail, just wakes. She was the type of person to could take it or leave it. It didn't matter to her. She had other more important things to worry about. Like studying or training. And right now, she was studying. Studying the different techniques of fighting. Though she may be a weapon, that didn't mean that she couldn't study and then try to train these things with her new meister. Speaking of which, she looked over at the clock and realized that it was about time to go. Closing the book, she hopped off her bed and began to shower and dress for the day.

Once done and down stairs, Abigail pulled on her neon green Converse and snatched her skateboard from its stand and walked out the door. She pulled a hand up to shield away the bright light of the sun, as she placed her board down on the pavement and slung her bag over her shoulders. Kicking off the ground, Abigail skated down the roads on her way to the DWMA. This was her first year at the academy but she knew all about the school. She didn't have much of a opinion about the school, but knew that if she was going to make a great weapon out of herself, then this was the place to go.

Stopping at a stop sign, she looked around to see if there was anyone else out at this morning, and found that there were only a few. Mind that, the few were the drunks leaving the bar that one of the teachers at the academy was often found at. Sighing and shaking her head, Abigail pushed off again, rolling down the street. She never understood the draw to wanna drink. Let alone the draw to wanna drink till you can't stand up and then you look like a bumbling fool in front of everyone. But whatever, she had other more important things to take care of.

Pulling up to the school's giant staircase, Abigail picked up her board and looked up to the giant towering building. Well here goes nothing then. Let's just hope that she doesn't run into any loud mouths or show offs. She really hated to have to kick someone's ass on the first day. Board in hand, she tracked up the long staircase. Here's to hoping it was going to be a fast first day.
Starfire was just arriving in town, she made it just in time for orientation. She would of been here sooner but haha she kind of got lost. But anyway she made her way through town. "Interesting looking place.", she said to herself as she walked down the street. She heard a lot about this school she always want to come but fate had it that the strange person who sent the letter wanted her to come here to. The letter didn't even have a return address. But whoever it was seem to know something about her past so she had to come, she wanted to know who her parents were. She kept walking now thinking about the fact that she would have a partner. She didn't mind in fact she was excited, she love making new friends but she wasn't sure if she would fine someone she could connect. She wanted a partner who was different from her someone she could learn from what would be the point of having a partner that was the same as you. Plus she also wandered if she wanted to paired up with a boy or girl. She preferred boy but she would see. She finally made it to the school large staircase with her suite case in hand. Actually since she just got here she really didn't have a place to stay yet so she was stuck carrying her suitecase with her until later. Sure was a lot of people here. She smiled and looked at the long staircase. "I'll take that as a challenge." Then with all her energy she ran up the staircase. She has a lot of energy which can make her personality a little overbearing at times.
Another year. An important year. Azure was determined to find a permanent partner this time around. He had spent the entire summer doing extra lessons with the academy professors. Some thought he was just an over-achiever, but in all honesty he didn't have much better to do. Going back home was taxing; since he was the first in three generations to manifest a transformation ability and quite possibly the most powerful in the lineage since the founding members, he couldn't stand the questions and babbling and gawking and teasing. Some aunts, uncles and cousins were actually jealous of the level Azure had attained, and so didn't miss a chance at poking fun...

He left his apartment and trotted through the city, humming to himself in subtle glee. He began prancing, skipping and smiling stupidly. “What a wonderful day!” Azure waved to everyone he saw as he approached the academy. Old students, new students, faculty... he was pleased to see everyone. This was his true family: people he loved, people he fought with, people he looked up to and people who looked up to him. He was eager to come to meet newer students, especially meisters. Azure was tired of being left alone in the end... Perhaps his new techniques would score him some points...

Walking up the main steps he grinned wildly and threw up his arms once at the top: “Hi everyone! Ready for a great year?” Azure looked around, trying to lock eyes with someone.
It was morning. The shift of his head's position causing ebony bangs to momentarily blur his features, Reaver looked to the rising sun. With its odd face and constant chuckling, it seemed as if the large orb was mocking those that walked under its glowing rays.

Only briefly distracted by the bright arrival, onyx eyes trailed back to where they had once been set. They were not closed prior to the light's appearance, unlike many who chose to rest until late into the day. The boy had been awake for quite a while, fully conscious and completing task after task. The results of such work could be seen if one were to follow his gaze.

With the black smoke dissipating, a bright red orb was soon left in its place. The object that was currently floating above ground was what people called a soul. Everybody had a soul, regardless of what race one might be. However, unlike those of purity, this one had been corrupted, evident by its vermillion glow.

For however many good people were in this world, there were just as many bad ones ready to take their place. Among the latter where those that took crimes to new heights, even going as far to commit murder. These were Evil Humans, each earning a place on Shinigami's list for their sins. It was the job of this death god's school to reap these souls and give balance to the world. The former living creature that was now little more than a hovering sphere was no different. However, the one responsible for its current state was.

The curved, ebony blades that once protruded from the young man's flesh now began to vanish with a bright flash of light. Approaching the Kishin Egg calmly, hardly any discernible emotion on his face, he took the tainted soul into his palm. This boy was Reaver, true name being a well-guarded secret for several years. He was a Meister of the Death Weapon-Meister Academy, the pride of Death City.

Bringing his unarmed appendage closer to his mouth, the bothersome soul vanished into darkness. With a single swallow, its existence had completely come to an end. Wiping his mouth with the back of his right hand, Reaver closed his eyes for a brief moment. "Thank you for the meal." It was hard to say whether or not the young man was being sarcastic.

While the recent consumption and previously grand blades of a scythe may cause one to think otherwise, Reaver was indeed a Meister. Being of both Human and Demon Weapon descent, he could be considered a rarity with the blood that flowed through his veins. However, he wasn't intent on letting his lineage become common knowledge, kept in secrecy along with his name.

With his assignment over, Reaver begrudgingly left the isolated warehouse and made his way to the looming school of Shibusen that was just beyond the horizon. No matter how many times his feet would carry him there, he still hated being in the presence of the large school. If it was possible, he would have preferred to keep a large distance from the DWMA, but unfortunately, personal reasons left this impossible.

Even as he came to the many steps that many considered as their first trial, Reaver felt sick to his stomach. This was truly the worst place in all of the world. However, he still had an objective to complete, demanding his attendance at this horrid institution.

As he climbed further up the staircase, Reaver could spot several students and staff members running about. He had almost forgotten that today was set for orientation. Poor souls would be subjected to Shinigami's will, doing his bidding. It was truly unfortunate.

Along with today's schedule, Reaver was reminded that he too was a new student. Despite his current standing as a Three-Star Meister, this would technically be his first year with the EAT class. His initial appearance in the short amount of time he had been at the school had been enough to put him amongst the high ranks, but it wasn't exactly unusual. In the past, some students managed to advance from the bottom to the top in one short burst. In the end, it was a matter of skill and he definitely had it.

Pausing to take in the scene, Reaver was reminded once again of why he had chosen to become a Meister. While he may have had the blood of a Demon Weapon and ultimately had the same goal of becoming a Death Scythe, he was fully aware of the difference in status. He would not be used by someone else and forced to meet their demands, suffering from their will. Never again.
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Gold woke up with a start. In his dream, it was the first day of class, and he was going to be late. He looked at the clock. Alright, there was definitely enough time to get dressed and eat before making his way to the first day of his third year at the DWMA. He rolled out of bed, reluctant to leave his warm blankets behind.

Breakfast would be first. He made his way to the pantry. Pulling out a box of cereal, he began to mentally prepare himself for the day ahead. A new year mean that there would be new people. Of course he would try his best to stay away from them. Not because he didn't want to make new friends- but because he was scared to.

After eating, and putting on his uniform, consisting of a shirt, a sweater, and... where were his uniform pants? He couldn't remember where he put them last- or maybe they needed to be washed. Whatever the case, he was too pressed on time, in other words, lazy, to look for them, so he pulled out a skirt. He was generally fine with either, but the pants were slightly warmer. Whatever.

He picked up his small over-the-shoulder bag, which contained a couple of notebooks and countless pens and pencils. He had a fear of being unprepared, so he always over prepared, which usually stressed him out. He headed out, locking the door behind him. It was a nice day, but he didn't have much time to stop and smell the roses. He wanted to get to the academy at least ten minutes early, and if he walked slowly, people might start talking to him, and that wouldn't a be a good situation.

He walked quickly towards his destination, keeping his head down the entire time.
As the sun rose Styx lifted his eyes from his book briefly, examining the new source of light with indifference. Judging by the time of year and the amount of light slipping into the window of the school library, Styx deduced it was about 6:30 in the morning. He had been in the library all night, reading up on the history of Demon Weapons. It occurred to him that he probably should have gone home at some point in the night, but it was never a necessity for him. Sure, he missed a shower, but he could go over 24 hours without sleep with no immediate consequences. Not to mention that he preferred the company of books over the absolute dullness of his tiny, mostly-empty apartment. He could not stand being left alone there with nothing to do, and so many nights he stayed in the DWMA library with a book in hand, lying atop a bookshelf and using a candle for lighting.

However, as the sun slowly climbed up into the sky, Styx knew it was time to move. He glanced down at his ragged copy of The Dark History of Demon Weapons one last time, and then shut it quietly. He sat up, leaning forward just enough so that his head didn't skim the ceiling, and pinched out the flame of his melted candle stick between his thumb and pointer finger. He slid the book under one arm and grabbed the distorted, waxy excuse for a candle with his opposite hand. He then pivoted so that his feet and legs dangled over the edge of the tall bookshelf he had spent the night on, and slid off with ease. For a moment, he was in the air, and then his feet made contact with the ground, silent and sturdy.

The pale assassin boy stood in the middle of the History and Tales of Demon Weapons section for a moment in complete seclusion and quiet. He soaked in the isolation, even his breath too quiet to trick him into delusions of company, and stretched. His back muscled became warm and tight as he pulled back his shoulders and tilted his head back. Then he let out a breath, barely audible, and began making his way out of the library. As he was on his way he tossed the over-used candle into a trashcan by one of the tables meant for studying. He didn't have to look in the direction of the can to know it was there. He had memorized the layout of library, and would sense if something was out of place.

As he walked for the door he slipped his thumbs through the belt loops of his shorts and straightened his posture. His footsteps did not make a sound, and as he stepped into the end of the library that had not yet been touched by the new morning light, he seemed to almost vanish. Shadow was his element, and so it was no surprise that he went unnoticed as he walked past the librarian, who was entering the room at the same time that Styx was leaving. Perfectly timed, as always.

He stepped out into the hallway, which was illuminated with the artificial lights installed in the ceiling. Book tucked under his arm and eyes quickly adjusting to the light, Styx made his way down the hall, heading to the nearest bathroom. He figured the least he could do before encountering his classmates (from a slight and unnoticed distance of course, but still) was wash his face and brush his teeth. It wasn't as if Styx gave off a distinct scent, or any natural scent at all for that matter, but it still seemed right to be clean.

Maikeru Kowaresut?

Martial Law

As Close as Enemies

He is a weapon, an assassin, an outcast, and a boy seeking to prove his worth to the world. He is also on the run from the Death Weapon-Meister Academy, an organization devoted to wiping evil from the world and creating peace. Despite being an enemy of the DWMA, he has never revealed his face to them. Yet this boy finds himself in a strange position. He is one of the countless new students enrolled in the Death Weapon-Meister Academy. This strange boy is none other than Maikeru Keien Kowaresut?.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c13632583_AngryAnime.jpg.001d9d1c957f909ad1ccf9220403c950.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38704" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c13632583_AngryAnime.jpg.001d9d1c957f909ad1ccf9220403c950.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Dissolve in Darkness

It was the night before orientation at the DWMA and Death City was fairly silent. Most of the people that worked within the city were tired from the large influx of students the day before. However, Maikeru was awake and sprinting down an alley.

Skidding around a corner, he found a crate to climb on. From there he leapt to a ledge on the side of a clock tower. Like a mouse, he scaled up the clock tower until the shadow of an overhang covered him. The complete darkness was rather warming to Maikeru, or Mac as he preferred to be called. It meant that he could live for one more day.

A weapon and meister shot around the corner and stopped. Their heads were on a swivel, searching for their target. Mac gripped the wall harder when one of them stared directly at him. However he had effectively dissolved in the darkness. No one could see properly in this light.

Mac had been lucky thus far. The DWMA hadn't sent a meister after him that could see souls after him. Obviously he didn't pose a high enough risk to them, which Mac had no intention of doing. Though the DWMA was hunting him, he actually admired the organization. That was one of the many reasons that he joined the DWMA. Another was that they would lose his trail if he disappeared within their ranks. However, that didn't seem to be happening.

Wet Weight

A light rain poured from the sky this night, making the walls of the clock tower slick. As soon as Mac relaxed, a hand slipped and he crashed down into the pile of crates. Thankfully the weapon and meister pair were out of earshot.

Scanning the area, Mac decided that the crates would be his bed for the night. There was some soft material inside, and if he positioned himself right, he could escape most of the rain. It was a little cramped, but Mac was used to that.

Not So Early Bird

The following morning, Mac awoke to somebody yelling. Poking his head out of a crate, he saw a hefty man pointing over to the crates and yelling at a sobbing kid. It was obvious the man thought the girl had broken his crates. She must have done it multiple times.

Mac's first instinct was to dash while the man's back was turned. However, he felt pity for the girl. He couldn't imagine how devastating it would be for a child, being yelled at for something they didn't do. Instead of running, Mac squeezed out of the crate and faced his responsibilities. As he got out, a sharp edge of wood cut into his calf.

The cut wasn't deep, but it was enough for Mac to react. Mac grabbed his leg and hopped back aways, "Ow, Dammit!"

The commotion drew the attention of the man who instantly realized the situation. The man frowned and yelled, "It was you! Don't try to run away you scoundrel! You have to pay for this and apologize to little Yumi!"

Mac hadn't been trying to run, but the cut made him hop away in a fashion that looked like running. The man leapt forward, raising a fist to punch Mac in the face. Eyes flashing open, Mac planted his foot and stepped to the side. He deflected the man's punch with his left hand and followed with a palm strike toward the nose.

"Please don't hurt daddy!" yelled the little girl as she curled into a ball. Mac froze, his palm inches from the man's nose. Slipping out of the man's reach, Mac dropped some coins on the ground.

"There, that should cover your crates," started Mac, "Oh, and sorry kid, Yumi was it? You're right. It's never okay to hurt someone. I won't do it again."

The man took another step forward, but stopped when Yumi started to tug on his shirt, "Let him go daddy. He didn't mean it. Bye strange red-haired boy. I hope you find a home!"

Still Running

Mac blinked when the girl mentioned home. How did she know I was homeless? I've got to be better for people like her. I could have helped. Instead I almost caused pain. I must train harder. There must be more control!

With that, Mac started sprinting toward the DWMA. It was orientation day after all. He passed a few drunkards wobbling through the streets and a few other students. One of them would perhaps be his partner in the future. At the moment he paid them no heed. Mac had set his mind on his goal, the top of the steps at the DWMA. So that's exactly where he went.

He sprinted past other tired students. On his way up he almost tripped on a student who was sitting on the steps. They must have been tired. Tired wasn't part of Mac's thought process though. Perhaps it was a mental disability. As he ran, he noticed another student running up the stairs as well. She became the next challenge. He would catch her if he could.
Sprint Mac! You must not be inferior! You've failed once today. Don't let it happen again!

Legend Mac:



Hefty Man:







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Starfire was running up the stairs. While she was running she glanced at the other students to see if maybe there was one that stuck out to her to be her partner. "No one." She sighed while running. She then noticed some one looking at her, he seemed to be running to. It also look like he was trying to challenge her. "Challenge accepted!" She yelled out at him. She gave him a smile then started to run faster.

Alice soon made it to the school and her emerald green eyes looked up the steps and seen students walk up them. "Who could make so many steps like this?" she said before continuing her way to the school, beginning her adventure up the stairs that looked like it would take her at least 10 minutes to go up "There must be some reason why theres more then normal..Possible leg gaining strength?" most likely. Shrugging it off, she continued her way, watching some students run up the steps
Abigail watched from atop the stairs as more students began to pile up the long and intimidating steps. She watched a few of them get about half way before having to sit down and take a break.It wasn't as bad as they were making it out to be. It wasn't like they were talking up a mountain or anything. Then again, it wasn't much of an issue with her, seeing as she skated everywhere on her board. She was used to having to use those certain leg muscles, everyday. Oh well. Shaking her head she turned away after stuffing her board under her arm and walking towards the the giant red doors.

As she walked through the hall, she twisted and turned, trying to avoid running into as many people as possible. The bustle of the staff and other students filled the hallways as they were getting ready for the arrival of the new students and the returns of the old ones. Ugh, this is the one thing that she did not look forward to when she got here. She knew that the new students would be studied and examined on this day. Put in the spotlight, you might say. Abigail, didn't like people enough as it was, let alone having them look over her, judging her and seeing if she was good enough to be their partner.

Ah a partner. The person that she was supposed protect with her life and trust them with her life. Yea, that was going to be an issue. It was her first day here and she was already going to possibly cause someone to fill uneasy about her. Oh well, it's not like it was first time. Sighing, she walked into the designated room and took a seat, propping her feet up on the desk. Abigail chewed on the end of a pen cap while pulling out a book and stuffing her nose in, tuning out the rest of the crowd.
Students and teachers had already started slowly trickling into the building. He hadn't seen any of his peers for a while, considering the school went on break to prepare for a new year. Styx could sense the nerves and excitement of the people that passed him, as well as an impending cloud of mixed wavelengths and emotions from just outside the building. The newest students always arrived early, making sure they were punctual on their first day at the academy. Others just didn't have anywhere better to be, or else they were teachers and therefore required to be at the school early.

Styx easily avoided the growing trickle of students by walking along the edge of the hallway. He took a breath, and his soul wavelength stabilized so that it would not reach anyone around him. He remained silent and aware of his surroundings, using all available senses to understand what was happening all around him, not just in his immediate line of sight. He heard footsteps, coming by the dozens, and felt the acute quiver of any nearby wavelengths brush against his inner senses. He could smell the chemicals and hormones released by the students as they felt emotion and reaction, and even stronger was the smell of the school lunches cooking in the cafeteria.

For most people the bombardment of senses would prove too much to comprehend, and make them sick. That's why many people did not train their senses to become so acutely sensitive to their surroundings. Styx often times wished that he wasn't so constantly aware, but it was the only way he knew how to exist. The only time he was free of the unending wave of information was when he was focused. On a book, a test, but mostly an enemy. When he was poised for a kill the only information his senses were gathering was on his target. Their breathing, heartbeat, soul, smell, sometimes he could swear he could almost hear their thoughts. It was in those moments, when his acute awareness singled in on one subject, one living being, that he was most aware. It was easier to be aware of one thing completely than every slight shift in his surroundings all at once, but he managed. He had too.

Styx slipped into the boys bathroom just as a very intense soul entered the building. He glanced over his shoulder, standing in the doorway with one hand holding the door to the bathroom open. He briefly saw a short girl with black hair rushing down the hall, quickly dodging around everyone in her way. She seemed intent on her location, and nervous about something. No... not nervous. Not even worried. But she was obviously concerned about something. Styx trailed the girl with his eyes and, upon not recognizing her, determined that it was her first year. When she disappeared from his sight Styx swiveled his head forward again and walked into the empty bathroom, letting the door shut behind him.

Even though the door was closed he could faintly hear the bustle continuing to grow out in the hallway. He sighed and walked across the newly-polished tile floor to one of the sinks installed on the wall to his right. He stopped directly in front of the first sink and turned to look in the mirror hanging above it. He stared at his reflection and was not surprised when empty black eyes stared back at him. They stood out against his pale skin and white hair, but not in a complementary way. Many peers who looked into his eyes became somewhat scared of him. They tried to hide it, but he could tell by their quickened pace and sudden interest in staring anywhere that wasn't in his direction.

He didn't look dirty, his hair just seemed slightly unkempt and his clothes a slightly wrinkled, but nothing that indicated he spent the night in a school library. Styx slid the book he was carrying under his arm into his hands, and then set it atop the paper towel dispenser just above and to the left of the sink. His eyes then flit down to the sink and he raised a hand to turn on the cold tap. As the water began to rush down from the faucet Styx leaned over the sink a bit more. He slid off the fingerless leather biker gloves that he usually wore and tucked them into the waistband of his shorts. Then he cupped his hands under the flow of cold water, catching it in his palms. The cold struck him instantly, but he wasn't greatly affected. He brought his cupped hands to his face and sighed, glancing up at his reflection for just an instant before splashing the cold water on himself. He was expecting the cold, so there was no shock. Just water, slipping down his pale face, catching on his eyelashes and trying to drip into his eyes. He grabbed a paper towel from the dispenser next to the sink and brought it to his face, patting it dry while still slightly hunched over the cool porcelain sink.

When he looked back up at himself he somehow seemed refreshed. He ran his fingers through his hair to push it back in the proper position, tucking away the flyaway strands. There, perfectly presentable for the first day of his third year. Not that it mattered much anyways. He doubted he would be noticed by anyone aside from staff, and even then perhaps only during role call.

Styx swiftly grabbed his book and tucked it back under his arm before turning away from the mirror and grabbing his gloves out of his waistband. He began heading towards the door as he slid the gloves on, a perfect fit to his calloused and deft hands. As he came up on the door he pulled it open, dimly lit bathroom lighting met over-lit florescent hall lighting for only a second before the door swung shut again and Styx headed for his classroom.
The roof. Why was she looking at the roof? A peculiar question that. Perhaps this girl had been attacked in here apartment in was currently laying on the kitchen floor, bleeding out as the last of her life trickled away into a crimson red pool nobody would find for months on end, only stumbling upon it when her flesh had decayed beyond recognition, or, maybe, she'd just woken up, and was about jump out of bed and eagerly cook her breakfast in the alleged kitchen where she could possibly be stabbed and killed, before heading out for the first day of school for the year. No, neither of those were possible. Why? This wasn't her roof. And the scenario she was faced with was around four times more painful than being stabbed by some intruder. Or, at least it felt like it would be less painful as the doctor in front of her prattled on about something or another.

Hey, look at that. There was a book in her vision now. She wondered what was in the book, was it fiction or fact? Was it a textbook or a novel? All important questions, but perhaps less important than the question of, 'Hey, why is that book getting bigger?', a question which, Tamara Wingate never did get around to asking before a gentle thud rang through the room.

"Jeez Tamara. Could you
please pay attention to what I'm saying for once?"

Blinking as she turned her attention to the man Tamara's reaction was delayed, slowly lowering her gaze towards him as she drifted out of her day dreamy state, "Ah... Sorry about that. What were you talking about again?" she eventually voiced, only half paying attention to what she was saying.

At that moment, Tamara was once again hit by a book, another, fairly firmer, thud being heard throughout the room.

"Come on! I said I was sorry!"

Sighing, the doctor in front of her shuffled about some papers, splitting them into two piles, handing one to Tamara and stuffing the rest into the uppermost drawer of his desk, before a chiming sound sounded though the room, signifying the end of the session. "You read over those on your way to school or something. Keep them too, throw them and and there'll be hell to pay Tamara" He said, raising his voice ever so slowly as Tamara made her way towards the door, responding only with a simple thumbs up as she passed through the door-frame.

A Short, Or Perhaps Long, No, A Short Amount of Time Later...

Jogging down the streets of Death City Tamara could be considered quite the sight, even in a city as preposterously odd as Death City. Having stopped in at her apartment during the short time between now and her visit to the doctor, Tamara had picked up quite a it of... Baggage, to put it lightly. In her left hand alone she held more than need be, a stack of papers fluttering in the wind as she made her way down the streets, accompanied by an egg roll she was idly eating away at, seemingly unworried by the likely-hood of it's staining of the papers she gripped firmly in her hand. Within her right she held a large, metal scythe, balancing it on her shoulder, and showing no particular signs of increased effort from the massive, bulky thing bobbing up and down atop her shoulder, and, to top it all off she had a bag haphazardly slung over the other one, which, while it would normally be a standard accessory for a student, stood out in this particular city, due to the distinct lack of the things on the backs of any of the other students. Come to think of it, why didn't she just put those papers in her bag? Really. The only things inside it were a clipboard and a pen, there was ample space, her meal wouldn't run the chance of staining the documents, and she wouldn't need to worry about dropping them.

None of this really bothered her though. And neither did they occasional befuddled glances she attracted from the new students as she drew up to the enormous, familiar flight of steps that made their way to the DWMA, not doing so much as breaking her pace as she made her way up them, taking the journey three steps at a time, quickly overtaking the majority of the students making the miniature pilgrimage for the first time, finding herself at the top of the staircase on no-time flat, dropping her collective belongings to her feet and throwing her arms out to stretch.

"Ahhh... I missed those steps..." She said absentmindedly, before realizing that both the papers she'd been carrying, along with the remnants of her breakfast, now lay scattered along the cool stone of the DWMA's courtyard, getting to her knees with a sigh as she began to gather them back together, not being particularly worried about the ever increasing possibility of her not making it to class on-time.
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Azure's contemplation of the academy was cut short by some clattering and a familiar voice behind him. It was a good thing, his fascination with the school might have bordered on obsession to the eyes of some. He just couldn't help it; when you spend so much time somewhere or with someone, it's always comfortable to go back whether it's been a while or not.

He turned around and smiled widely. “HEY! Tamara!”, he said, rushing over to help her pick up her things. Azure felt a kinship with the girl: they were both third year students and were both continuously dumped by their partners... for wildly different reasons, mind you, but dumped all the same. It was actually depressing to think about. He kneeled in front of her, grabbing some papers and breakfast, trying not to make a mess.

So, excited about the new year starting? I heard some of our classmates starting a pool on how long we each might with our new partners. I say we place our own bets under false identities, at least we could rake in a little dough to pay for the break up ice cream! HAHA! I don't know about you but the Häagen-Dazs is getting expensive.

He shouldn't joke about the subject, he knew what she was going through. It was actually harder on her than it was on him. In the end, weapons can always be used, but meisters just under perform without proper armament. 'Come to think of it', he thought, 'everyone is at a disadvantage on their own.' Azure looked back over his shoulder at some first years already pairing up. '... and the loneliness gets to you.'

Maikeru Kowaresutā/Starfire Evermore

Star Friends

Spinning Webs

Mac sprinted up the steps of the DWMA, eyes set on his new challenge. This target was an oddly dressed girl with purple hair. Though if the competition were in terms of fashion, Mac would almost certainly lose.

Suddenly, the girl looked back and locked eyes with Mac calling,
"Challenge accepted!"

Added stress built up within Mac, yet on the outside he smiled. His legs were moving so quickly up the steps that it didn't feel natural to take one step at a time. Leaping three steps at a time, Mac strove to catch up to the girl. I mustn't fail. I mustn't be inferior! If I am ever to earn back my name, I must subdue my target!

Mac's fake smile stretched to an authentic grin when an idea popped in his head. Mentality is just as important as speed. There may be more than one way to win this challenge.

The girl was almost to the top of the steps, yet Mac had no fear as he said, "Hey, wait up, I'm just trying to say that there's a spider in your hair!"

Challenge Accepted!

Spider Attack!

Starfire kept running, she was ahead. I'm so winning this.

"Man this is fun haha!" she exclaimed as she glanced back at him and could see the determination on his face. I hope this guy isn't taking this to seriously. She looked back ahead of her still running. Then all of a sudden she heard him yell out about a spider.

"Spider!?" she stopped trying to get the spider out.

Mac put the force of his soul into the last few steps. His plan had worked perfectly and he couldn't let the chance slip away. He was about to beat his target. Leaping after his prey, Mac poised his fingers like a tiger claw, or perhaps spider legs, and stabbed at a lethal pressure point.

Centimeters from the girl's neck, Mac realized what he was doing and relaxed his hand. His hand slipped harmlessly off the side of her neck and he ended up tripping. The result was an awkward tackle that drew the attention of multiple students.

Starfire all of a sudden fell on her back,

She looked up and saw that guy she was racing. He must of tripped. She looked up at him and smiled.
"Hey you ok? Haha didn't think you were going to end up on top of me."



Mac started to blush. He couldn't believe the lack of control he had in himself. He detested the idea of killing, yet it came as easily to him as breathing. Mac tensed up when he realized he was still on top of the girl. In a flash Mac was on his feet and helping the girl up and saying, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to. It was an accident."

In his spastic effort to rectify the situation, Mac started to brush the dust off of the girl's clothes. When he realized where his hands were, he quickly pulled that back and continued to babble, "Forgive me, I'm sorry. You're not hurt are you?"

The girl watched as he fumbled around helping her. "Haha! Don't worry your good. Just watch the hands huh. Oh by the way I'm Starfire," she smiled at him then picked up her suite case.

Mac gave an awkward bow and shoved his hands in his pockets. Upon realizing how awkward he looked, Mac whipped his hands behind his back and continued,
"Oh yeah, No hands. Sorry about that. First day and all. I guess it's got me a little on edge. Sorry."

Mac relaxed when the girl said her name. He thought it sounded unique and interesting. After an awkward moment of silence, Mac spit out, "That's a pretty name. Mine's Red… I mean Maikeru. Uh, just call me Mac though. It's easier that way."

I'm Sorry!

The Star Friendship

"Ok Mac it's nice to meetcha! And don't worry it's all good. So you a weapon or a mister?" asked Starfire.

"It's nice to meet you too Starfire," responded Mac with a smile, "Oh, and I'm a weapon. How about you?"

"I'm a weapon," she said, looking up to see how far they were to the top, "Well looks like are almost there. Come let's go."

Mac blinked, "Almost where? Oh right." Mac walked up the last few steps and looked around. Turning to Starfire, he said, "You know, it's too bad I'm not a meister, cause then we could have been partners. Speaking of which, do you know any meisters here?"

"Haha yeah I wouldn't mind being partners with you. But um no I don't I'm new here. Actually I just got here today that's why I'm still carring my suite case," she responded.

"I figured as much because of the suitcase and the way you were looking around before. So, how are we going to find meisters? Do you think we just call for them or what?" asked Mac.

"Well I don't know I was just going to choose the person that feel a strong connection to. But I really have no idea how thus works," said Starfire.

Mac nodded,
"Yeah neither do I. I've never felt a strong connection to someone before. I wonder what it's supposed to feel like."

"No idea. Hey any idea where we are suppose to go now?" the girl asked.

"Oh yeah, a little later today I think all the new students are supposed to meet in one of the rooms to find and declare their partners," instructed Mac.

"Oh ok so I can just look around then?" she asked.

"Yeah I think so. I'll see you at the room then? Maybe we can introduce our new partners then," added Mac.

"Alright I'll see you then bye," she waved at him then turn around and walked off.

Mac waved back with a smile. The fact that he had made a friend was overshadowed by the fact that he almost killed someone. Mac hated himself for what he was and wished he had never existed.

I'm a Weapon
Mac and Starfire

Legend (BB Codes are being stupid today.)

Maikeru Kowaresutā



Starfire Evermore


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Morning ( 8:00 )

The sunlight penerates through Ambri's curtains, it touched Ambri's right cheek. She slowly began to wake up from her slumber, and yawned. Ambri removed her covers and checked her alarm clock. The clock started to melt slowly, sheets of plastic and metal flowed down to Ambri hand. " Ack! " Ambri dropped the alarm clock, and ran to get her mittens. The mittens were coated with a thermal resistant coat, they were made Ambri by her mother. Ambri put on her mittens and quickly dressed up she ran to her class. " I'm dead unless I get there! " Ambri raced across the stairs and pushed the other students passively, she apologized each time she had to push someone. She got up to the third floor and opened the door.

" I'M NOT LATE!! " Ambri yelled as she entered the classroom. She slammed into to gold and landed onto the ground. " Ow.. what was that? " Ambri said. She looked gold and stood upwards, Ambri had knocked him down along with his bag. She reached to get his bag, and looked at gold. " Sorry! I didn't see you. " Ambri said. She looked at the class with a mortified expression, she kneeled down and strenched out her hand towards gold. " I'm an idiot. " Ambri sighed and looked down. Ambri was greatful about her mittens that her mother gave to her, if she didn't wear them gold would be a fireball right now.

It's been a year since Ambri was given her ability. She can transform her wavelengths into heat, Ambri had no control over it however. Abmri could only use her ability through her hands. Her ability was also erratic, it would ocassionally spike up and cause an object to lit up in a blaze of fire. Her mittens prevent her from burning anything and allow Ambri to use her hands.


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Paper paper, so much paper. Looking over her mess it surprised Tamara just how many sheets of paper the doctor had given her, honestly, why where there so many? It was always like this too, though, she supposed she shouldn't exactly be surprised that there were so many, he practically gave her the same info every visit anyway, but seeing them scattered around like this was... Depressing? No... More like... Demotivating... Sort of like when you're about to go about a task, fill out a forum, or maybe just mow a lawn, just then you actually see all the work you have to do and all your energy for said task just sort of... Drains away...

So yeah, demotivation was probably the emotion Tamara felt washing over her as she looked over those papers.

“HEY! Tamara!”

Somebody was talking to her. A familiar somebody, a friend even, or, she assumed he was a friend, considering he was one of the few people in the Academy who could seemingly put up with her for more than a few days.

"Hey Azure!" She called out, giving a cheery wave as he approached, coming close to sending the papers she'd gather back up fluttering back off into the air as she haphazardly swung her arm back and forth, the only thing saving the poor documents with another date with the pavement being Azure's hasty speed as he approached, bending over to assist her efforts to gather up the remaining pages still scattered across the ground. Listening to him speak she stuffed the, now slightly dirty, papers into her bag, an effort that would have prevented this mess in the first place should she had actually spent two seconds thinking out it before she rushed out her apartment door in excitement, something that had only been stoked by her long, dull visit to the psychiatrist earlier in the morning.

"Ha! Great Idea! I could even use the cash to bribe someone into being my partner..." She joked, well, she half-joked, a hint of concern present in her, usually cheery, voice as it trailed off. Thinking about it, her having to bribe someone into was becoming increasingly likely with each partner she lost, and, faced with the possibility of being kicked out of EAT Class... Would she really end up trying to bribe someone? Unconsciously letting out a sigh, she looked towards Azure, spotting a pair of new students, presumably pairing up, behind him. "Hah... Wish it was that easy right?" She mumbled, getting to her feet now that the two of them had gathered up the last of her papers, taking those that Azure had collected and slipping them into her bag alongside their brethren.

"Well! Can't let that get you down can you?"
She said diverting her attention from the newfround partners, picking up her scythe and heading towards the classroom, or well, for starters, the entrance of the school "We're already late enough! We can talk on the way there!"
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Alice finally made it to the top. She was lucky that she had shorts on (And no, they're not short-shorts. They're shorts that go to at least longer then middle-thigh. Almost to her knees but its 2-3 inches above her knees) because she'd be sweatting more then she should have been. Wind was blowing though so it kept her cool at least. She looked around at the various weapons and meisters. Most had tags on, showing who was what. Looks like theres more then I had thought. All she had to do now was find a partner. But Alice wasnt going to rush finding a partner. She wanted to take her time and look for the perfect one.

Thing is, she had no idea where to even start on the weapon hunt. She fixed the rifle on her back and looked around for a possible partner. Her soul was telling her where her partner was, but it was hard to tell where he or she was. Alice used her eyes to look around If I was a weapon, where would I be... she was looking at those who didnt have a partner.
Starfire had been walking around the school. Then all of a sudden it hit her that she never asked Mac what type of weapon he was. Oh well more then likely she would see him again. Then her mind drifted off to something else. "I wonder what time orientation starts." She decided she had better ask someone so when it was time she wouldn't be late. Then she noticed a guy walking her way and ran over towards him. "Hey excuse me!" She got up to him, smiled, and said, "Hi could you tell me what time orientation is?" While she was waiting for him to answer she wondered if was a weapon or not.

@Ink Bottle Faerie
As Styx was walking to class he stayed close to the wall,silently sliding around people that were too slow or in his way. It had been a while since he had been around so many people at so close a proximity. Before the DWMA had come back into session Styx had left Death City for a time. He had traveled to some of the smaller villages and towns to get a better sense of the area that surrounded his new home. There weren't very many people in the villages, and he usually only interacted with them when he needed to buy food or ask for information or history.

It had been a busy venture, serving no real purpose other than giving Styx something to focus on. Even after he came back to Death City he only went out at night, when the only people out and about were the unsavory sort that could rarely see straight, so much as pick out a boy that was practically an extension of shadow. It had been quite some time since he had "normal" interaction with someone, or was even noticed by another human being.

That is why he was somewhat surprised when he realized someone had seen him.But, not just seen him in passing or quickly glazed over him in an attempt to find something else, actually noticed him with an intention to approach. He knew he had been seen when there was an unusual spike in soul energy aimed in his direction. He was quite adept at reading not only body language, but soul wavelengths, since it allowed him to read his targets movement better. However, there was nothing hostile about the soul.

Styx looked up and pinpointed the approaching person immediately. It was a girl with purple hair, approximately 4 inches shorter than him, with a very active and kind soul. He deduced that she was very energetic, likely very naive, and would likely be able to move quickly. He had never seen her before,so she had to be a new student. He made a point of memorizing all the faces of his peers. Her weakness would be either overloading her energy which would make her vulnerable to an attack or luring her into a sense of false security and striking when her guard was down. Styx internally shook away the analysis that he wish he hadn't made. He didn't want to kill her or strike her down, but the ability to know exactly ho to do so if necessary was burned into his mind with a hot and twisted brand.

He stopped walking as the girl neared him, waiting for her to reach him on the side of the hallway, rather than meet her in the middle and obstruct the busy traffic. She ran to him, showing that he was accurate in his deduction that she was energetic and fast.

"Hey excuse me!" He heard her call. He had yet to make eye contact, so he finally looked up at her to acknowledge that he was aware of her. His shadow-black and empty eyes met her lively sky-blue ones. She reached him and skidded to a stop a little closer than he was used to. She clearly did not have a good sense of his soul or his personality, or else she wouldn't be approaching him so lightheartedly.

"Hi, could you tell me what time orientation is?" She asked. Styx's face did not move from it's passive position, displaying no emotion, surprise, or any real reaction at all. His mind was a different story. His attention was now fixated on her, his eyes not moving from hers because he didn't understand how uncomfortable staring made people. She seemed oblivious, unaware of the strangeness that this situation was. She didn't understand how odd it was for him to be noticed when he didn't try to be, so much as approached. Or for him to be asked such trivial questions as if he were just... a normal, personable stranger. As if he weren't some robot, or alien, or "weirdo", as he had heard his peers call him. As if he weren't empty and twisted and wrong.

Styx blinked slowly after a second, showing that he had heard the question and wasn't just gawking at her. Not that his expression could be confused for gawking. Just black and apathetic staring.

"No, I can't," He stated, shrugging to indicate that he didn't know the answer. He then looked down at the floor, realizing that the more he looked at her the more he would try to analyze her. "Sorry," He threw in, realizing that that's what he was probably supposed to say, not bothering to explain why. After all, she hadn't asked why and he couldn't assume that she would care for a reason anyways. He didn't know what time orientation was because he didn't need it. It was third year at the DWMA, and he knew the building almost as well as he knew how to kill someone; which was very, very well.

"No, I can't." he said. She nodded satisfied with the answer. She had noticed his eyes he had no expression in them not even anger or sadness. His eyes just looked dead. Which made her more curious about him. While she was lost in thought he said, "Sorry," She looked at him and said, " Oh no it's fine don't worry about it," She smiled at him showing that it was alright. She put the suitcase down that she was holding then stretched out her arms. "Man I have been carrying that thing all day." He didn't say anything in fact he was avoiding to look at her. She blinked at him and laughed a little. "Haha your strange and your really quiet. You don't talk much do ya?" Then it hit her she hadn't introduced herself yet. "Oh! By the way I'm Starfire. What's your name?"

@Ink Bottle Faerie

Maikeru Kowaresutā





Mac turned from the school and looked to the blue sky. The sun seemed to be laughing directly at him and his incompetence. If you can't control yourself, then forget about finding a meister! You'll just end up killing them and then you'll be in big trouble. Why can't I do anything right? I've gotta stop being inferior! I need to train harder. Now, cliffhanger pushups.

Mac placed a hand on the edge of the DWMA courtyard and flipped upside down so that he was doing one-handed handstand pushups. Mac didn't care that he could fall over the edge to his death. The only meaning to him was that he had to engage balance muscles as well. He tried not to make eye contact with other students because he didn't want to draw attention to himself. However he drew multiple questioning whispers from onlookers because he was doing something that was considered reckless. Faster. Speed! You can't be slow and inferior. I must earn back my name! I must redeem the name of my clan! I must be the very best person I can be.

To the others it almost seemed as if he were trying to commit suicide. One of the onlooking students leaned to their partner and asked, "Does he want to see Lord Death that bad? Is he stupid? There are much easier ways to do that."

Mac overheard the comment and started to question what he was doing. Am I being stupid? That's more inferiority! You could hurt someone if you fall. Heck, you'd probably end up killing someone!

With that, Mac rolled back further into the courtyard so he wasn't on the edge. By now he had made himself look like an Excalibur grade fool. A few more students started to whisper. Mac started to tense up, since he hadn't wanted to draw that much attention. If the DWMA figured out who he was, he'd be on the run again.

Legend @Britt\-21 @Everyone


Alice heard the commotion and she made her way over, looking over at the guy who had been doing push ups, but he was upside down and doing it with one hand. He didnt seem to have a problem doing it but it seemed like hard work. She was wondering why this guy was doing it but she was rather interested. Her emerald eyes looked around at the people who were whispering to eachother about the red-haired man. Alice's eyes then trailed back to the man but he had finished and was already looking funny.

Her feet had made her walk towards the man and she spoke "I seen what you did earlier." she stated, crossing her arms "I was pretty interested on why you were doing something like that where everyone saw you. You got some guts." she said, smiling a little and she spoke "I'm Alice, a new Meister here at the DWMA. And you are?" she asked, wondering what his name was. Her soul didnt know weather this was her weapon or not. Lets see what would happen.
Today was any other day in Astrid's book, but different. It was kind of cool because school at the DWMA was starting again, but kind of not cool because she had to try to finally locate a permanent partner. She had been with a temporary for the past 4, or 5, years she had been attending this school. And that was frustrating. Sure, it would be amazing at that moment where the blonde would finally Resonate with someone and form that everlasting bond, so hopefully this would be the lucky year. Astrid normally woke up quite early because she had her own morning routine.

She rolled out of bed with a yawn and began to get ready. But first, weight lifting. That was something Astrid did everyday. But, stretching always had to cone first. After about 8 minutes of that, she sat herself on a chair in her room and began to do repetitions. Each dumbell was 20 pounds each, and that was nothing. Arm muscles stood out like rocks were inserted, and the blonde cracked a smile. 30 minutes went by, and her night clothing was beginning to dampen with perspiration. Now, to finish up the small morning workout, strength and endurance building yoga. Like everyday, Astrid would finish her workout at school, where there were actually training rooms of this purpose.

Now was time for a nice, cool shower. Warm/hot bathings weren't good for one's skin. Plus the cold water settled and relaxed muscles that may or may not be strained. Astrid washed up; she shampooed and conditioned her hair, washed and exfoliated her body and face. After about 10 minutes, the blonde stepped out. She pulled her light, drenched hair up and twisted it into a knot, straining out all the water. She also pulled out a towel from under the sink and wrapped it around her now-clean body. In a towel, Astrid stepped out back into her room and began to dress. It was still early in the morning, so she had plenty of time until school started.

Gothic-Victorian themed clothing was Astrid's favorite, as well as steampunk, so she would dress as accordingly. She didn't like dresses, so a two part uniform would be just fine. Seafoam green halter top, high-waisted brown leather shorts, and thigh-high black booted heels. And frills. Lots of frills. That's just what Astrid wore, and she could fight just fine in such a revealing attire. She made her way back into the bathroom, where she would begin to blow dry her hair. Another 5 minutes. Yes, the small blonde was very good at time management, and had to know exactly what time it was at any given moment. So, she wore a black and white wristwatch with a vintage analog face.

And with that, Astrid was out the door, her hair nice and dry and down over her scapulas and tickling at the bits of her waist that shone from the shortness of her shirt—just how she liked it. But of course, she assured to grab her two kindjals or long knives/short swords of medieval origination. The blades stretched out to be almost the size of Astrid's forearms. She wasn't a tall person, so they weren't too long. She always kept the twin knives with her in case of emergency. She bent down and there the weapons went, into the slots of her boots; just for such weaponry.

Astrid grabbed her bookbag as well, the small tan leather sidebag full of necessary stuff, for lack of better descriptions. There was a darker brown design/insignia on the front flap depicting a gear, and it fastened down by a study metallic clip. She pulled the bag to be behind her, lying on her back, with the strap in the middle of her chest but pulled across her torso. She began the usual stepping of the everlasting staircase that led up to the DWMA. It was quite annoying to do this everyday, but proved awesome calf and thigh muscling. Astrid was excited for today, and wondered what kind of people she would meet today. More specifically, Weapons. Yes, she was a Meister, and badly in need of a permanent partner.

"This band saves lives." ~ Gerard Way

@The One Eyed Bandit

Tamara was right. It was the first day, but they weren't the students whom the administration would be the most permissive with, might as well be grade A students from the start. “Oh hey, wait up!” She was fast, definitely a skilled meister despite her fussiness. Azure was amazed a weapon hadn't put up with her attitude just to be brought to their full potential; resonating with Tamara must produce fantastic effects! 'Though, I guess no one has yet...'

He finally caught up to her and matched her pace. “Tamara. I need a favour. It might work out for us both in the end.” Azure put his hand on her shoulder and stopped her, turning to face her. He placed his second hand on her other shoulder and looked at her intently. He was nervous, excited, and terrified at the same time. He really hoped she wouldn't lose it and send him flying for what he was about to ask.

Train with me. I know I'm far from being your choice of Demon Weapon... You know, barely being a weapon in the first place. If it works out, great, we'll make an amazing team since you're three-star and I'm top of the weapons. Worst case scenario it'll help you open up to and tolerate others so you CAN actually partner up with someone who suits you. In exchange, you teach me how to fight so I can become Autonomous.

His hands slid down her arms to grab her own as he kneeled. “Oh please Tamara, please”, he was trying to be funny at this point to ease the mood, “You gotta help me help you help me in return!” ... he looked up, a glimmer of evil in his eyes: “Think of your three-star rating...

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