Soul Eater RP >:3


Six Thousand Club
School at Death Academy this is a soul eater rp with oc's meow! Erm yeah people will be paired up and they go on missions to try and make a death sythe okay have fun and uuuuuhhhhh-




Weapon or Mister-



Apperence(pic please)-

No Bio's


Name- Alice Wonder


Weapon or Mister- Mister!

Gender- Female


Apperence(Pic please)-

People will choose there Mister's and weapons like after a while of this rp k?
(Accepted meow! Okay so we'll start since we're online Nya we'll start the day at the academy with the ensemble if anyone else wants to join private message me Nya~)
(Yup ill start meow~)

Alice sat in the belchers excitedly awaiting to meet her partner. Her beautiful diamond eyes darted around with excitement. She smiled widely showing her teeth as she saw people sitting around. She let out a soft giggle bouncing in her seat.

"eeeeeep I can't wait to see my weapon! I hope he or she is cool! Oh oh and to meet other miesters!"Alice squealed with excitement.
Jester sat quietly at the top of the bleachers he wasnt really one for excitement but he had to admit he couldnt wait to get his weapon he was deadly with his hands as is but either way he felt he needed one. He sat scoping out the other people wondering how everything would turn out and he slowly closed his eyes trying to drown out the noise
Alice slowly turned around to see a boy with her eyes closed behind her. She was curious why and decided to speak with him after amounts of telling herself she should. She slowly walke over to him with trembling legs.

"erm hello? I'm Alice....."She said offering conversation then leaned towards him,"why are your eyes closed?"she whispered.(I got a Rubik's cube today and I solved it 4 times already 0v0)
{ur a genious}

Jester opened his eyes and smiled at the girl. "i was lost within my own mind was all. Im Jester" he said a small grin on his face as he stared into the girls eyes politly he looked around after a moment and asked "So are you a meister or weapon?"
Alice sat down hugging her knees,"hmmmm..."she said thinking,"why don't you guess.... What do you think? Or can you not see soul wavelength?"she said smirking slightly.
Jester shrugged and smiled "I try to not pay attention to it but your a meister like me" he looked at the girl and winked as he looked around vagely wondering who his weapon would be
Alice giggled slightly,"cool!"she said,"isn't it exciting to look for someone who matches your soul wavelength?! It also makes for a best friend"she said smiling happily then stretched a bit."I hope my partner is super cool!"she said smiling determined to find out her weapon partner.
{me thinks we shoulda had 2 characters lol}

Jester nodded eagerly for a second then regained himself "Ya it is and will be as soon as i find mine." he moved his hair from over his eye revealing the nasty scar on the side of his face from his eyebrow to his jaw line and to his earlobe. he hadnt realized it as he looked around at soul wavelengths
Alice jolted,"dude talk about a war scar..."she said and poked the scar. Her finger gently going over it. Alice's fingers where slender and soft yet could hold up to a lot,"how'd you get that?"she asked worriedly. Alice then move her hand away,"sorry does it hurt?"she asked.(you can if you want but Zha is online so yeah! More diversity!)

Jester smiled and rolled his eyes "nah it doesnt hurt and it isnt that old it happened just last year i actually got into a fight with a guy he couldnt take losing little did i know he had some friends." Jester's face bacame stern and vague as he continued. "I was sleeping when i heard their screams. I ran out of my room to see my dad on the floor drowning in his own blood and my mom hanging from the fan. I smelled smoke and ran out of the house they met me out there in my yard. they tossed me around for a couple of minutes then just when i thought it was all over. i felt a sharp pain tear through my face. the guy took a scythe razor sharp and cut the scar in to leave me bleeding to death.
( Kitty gave me a new nickname~ Zha.... xDD Kitty gets a prize? *gives a ball of yarn* Kitty has a new yarn now. Also sorry for just interrupting and joining the Rp. Heres another yarn. )

A guy with attractive orange hair and wild red eyes, headphones and a purple shirt with a white jacket and jeans came running with a girl with short silver hair and purple eyes wearing a dress and a belt with knives in it. It was the Raine family, Alex Raine and Scarlet Raine. They continued running until they finally reached their stop, the guy panted while the girl just leaned on the nearest wall. "Told yah not to pass that road, there were Kishins there you idiot" the girl, Scarlet reminded her brother. "Yeah yeah yeah, whatever Scarlet." the guy, Alex said annoyed. They were both family although they don't get along quiet well.
(*plays with yarn* oh wait ehem.... This pleases me you are forgiven 0w0 xD I'm sou weird Nya)

Alice jolted at the sibling,"woe! What an entrance!"she said amazed then looked at Jester and patted his head,"your a rough puppy huh?"she said smiling. Being that she ignored his sad story due to the entrance of the siblings.
Xandi looked wide eyed at the siblings. "What the..." He mumbled. He yawned and stretched. He noticed Alice. "Hi" He said, yawning again.
Alice looked at Xandi and smiled,"hello!"she said excitedly,"your a weapon right? What kind?!"she asked bouncing on her seat then looked at this siblings again and waved,"hiiiii!"she yelled reconsidering the sugar donut she had for breakfast that morning.
( Good kitty play with the yarn~ )

Scarlet sighed and looked around, she couldn't help but feel annoyed that they both needed a partner to be with when they could handle any situation with themselves, well some actually. "This is annoying," her brother said, and for once she couldn't agree more. She noticed her brother sitting down on the ground resting his head on the wall, he really is an idiot. Although he was the only family she had, so he was her idiotic brother alone. She looked around once again seeing everyone, she wasn't comfortable being with someone she didn't know, also she wasn't comfortable talking to others. It was hopeless for her to find a meister.

Joseph noticed her not feeling good so her grabbed her hand while trying to take a nap,
"Its alright Scarlet, i'm here remember that" he knew that she was afraid. "Idiot" then Scarlet hit his head.
Xandi nodded. "I'm a scythe..." He noticed how hyper the girl was and twitched his ear.
Jester held his hand out and said "names Jester.You?" he slowly covered his scar without losing eye contact

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