Soul Eater - Next Generation

Soul Eater Evans

Junior Member


2. Be literate

3. Be creative

4. Grammar and Spelling. (Doesn't have to be perfect.)

5. Have Fun!! ^^

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" A young female with long black hair and red eyes said to a male with shaggy black hair and grey eyes. "

H-haruhi! You're-

" He huffs and puffs. "

You're heavy!

" He groans. "

Quit complaining and just walk!

" Haruhi said in a slightly annoyed tone. The male pouts a bit. They got to a staircase and the male growls lowly. "

You can do it Shizu-Chan!!

" Haruhi encouraged. The male simply rolled his eyes. "


" He mumbled. He then began his journey as he lifted his left foot and stepped onto the first stair."

Damn you Haruhi!

" He grumbled and mumbled quietly. "

I heard that!!!

" She crossed her arms and pouts like a child.

Once they finally made it to the top stair, the male sighs in relief. "

Finally!! God Damn Haruhi!

You're heavy!

Tell me why I'm carrying you again?

" Haruhi avoids the question by asking, "

What time is it?

" The male she called 'Shizu-Chan' simply said, "

It's 7:00...

" Haruhi smiles. "

Let's go...

" She said with a smile. Shizu-Chan nodded. She jumps off his back and sighs. As they walked towards the door of the building called " Death Weapon Meister Academy" that was also known as "DWMA" Haruhi sighs nervously. "

Ready Haruhi?

" The male asked. "

Ready Shizuo!

" They fist bump and smile at each other.
As Lilith walked out of her house, she put a hand up to shield her eyes from the harsh hot sun. She sighed and climbed up on her skateboard, throwing her bag over her shoulders. She kicked off the sidewalk and rolled at a slow steady pace. She wasn't in any hurry this morning, it being her first day at the academy. On her way to the school, her mind wandered once again to the horrible night her mister died. Sorrow settled deep in her heart as she rolled down the street.

She rolled up to the bottom stair of the academy and looked up at the towering building. Her stomach did all sorts of turns and tumbles as she slowly began to climb up the stairs. Once she reached the top stair she swallowed nervously and took a deep breath. Well it was now or nothing she thought as she grabbed her board up and strapped it to her bag. She slowly walked through the buildings huge heavy doors.
the shadow loomed over a long path, his eyes where soul piercing dots as his blade began shaking. the male spoke with an old raspy tone silently, he strked the blunt part of his blade. ''relax crimson.....your helm shall be soaked with the blood of those that stand against us''. He gave a soft smile as he stood slowl before leaping off of the tall sky scraper and shot down with a thunderous stomp onto a car as he trotted off like it was just a jump. ''tsk....they will suffer''
I leap from roof to roof making my way to the academy. Today was my first day and I needed a weapon. Moments later I see the DWMA and land on one of the candles and I saw someone walking in. I jump down and hear the doors close. "Guess the person went in. I'll wait until class in to worry about weapons." I open the doors as I see a massive hallway full of students. I walk in and see some weapons without and meister and vice versa.
A young girl walked up the stairs to the school. She had a collar of some sort on her right ankle. It was loose and clanked against her metal zipper that held her boots together. She walked with a sway and a bounce. Her hands by her side as her head leaned from side to side depending on which foot stepped first. the stairs were long but the building was much bigger. The girl stopped on the wide landing he thought branched out at least four meters. Her head leaned back, her hood stationed to where it was before. Her brown eyes that had iris of a frog looked at the building. You could hear a clank and shutter sound behind her . Under her garment was a scorpion like tail. It flicked and curved steadily. Swinging back and forth like a cat waiting to ketch it's pray.


She let the word drag itself out as she let her head down. She blinked several of time before walking again into the building. She was more than late. She was busy watching frogs go by, and butterflies flying around her . What caught her more was the sun which she stood on a bench for five hours to look at. She walked through the halls of the school. Wondering where her home room was. She was called out by a smaller lady, much smaller than herself with a clip board. She stopped his tail coming to a stop as well. The female caught a glimpse of her then gave a smile.

"Well aren't you just the cutest boy."

She was commonly mistaken as a boy due to her size and how she looked. To boyish to be a girl . She gave her a glare as she tilted her head down and to the side.

"I am a girl ."

The female was embarrassed and covered her mouth while letting a gasp and a giggle escape. She looked on the clip board trying not to look back up at her . She didn't like being laughed at, especially to those who are shorter than her .

"Your name miss."

The girl looked up as if she was trying to remember. She was the last one , her s name should be there. It bothered her she didn't even try to guess. She looked down then to the side. Her eyes catching a glimpse of an image in the wallpaper. She gave an awe look before being interrupted by a cough and the tap of the pen. She turned her head and let out a growl that a lion would do.

"Seren ...where is the room."

The female marked off her name and held out her hand for her to follow. Walking down the hall , passed many doors. She assumed they were classes or maybe doors to different places. She stopped at a door and gave her a smile. She looked in, her head tilting in to the class room. Some looked over some whistled. She found no amusement in them and turned her head toward the lady. She egged her on , which made her even more annoyed. She will go whens he pleased. Tired of her egging she walked in. She heard a lot of gasp when they saw her tail rattle, the sound of chains echoing through the class. Her tail snapped out ward as she walked up the stairs to head to the back of the class.
the male walked slowly before long he reached the gates of the academy, he gave a widened smile. '' has been so long huh'', as he spoke the blade quivered once more as the male nodded again. He soon walked into the academy looking around, he spoke again ''what to do....what to do....I know...ill visit, that back stabbing skull f*cker....and make him bleed...''. the blade just seemed to shake more and more, loving the words that he spoke. '''' he pulls the blade from his side as he dragged it along the ground, leaving a straight trail in the dirt.
Haruhi sighs loudly, causing a few heads to turn in her direction. She giggled nervously and looked away. Shizuo was staring a couple of girls that were looking at him. He waves at them and they giggled. She then looked at Shizuo and growls. Picking up a large book, she hits his head with it. "Shizu-Chan!! Stop flirting, you pervert!!" Haruhi growled. Shizuo groans and rubs his head. "Haruhi! What was that for?" He said with a pout. Haruhi looked away and crosses her arms. Shizuo frowns a bit before looked away, crossing his arms aswell.
The male soon walked into a café. ''I will have a cup of your finest earl grey.....six sugars, I would also like a crème cake'' He nodded, as the maid left to get the cake and drink. the old man sat down in the table right in the corner as I look towards the crimson helm. ''I hope you will be happy my friend'', then once he got the sugar and his snack he drank the tea and opened one sugar packet then he eats it from the pack. ''need.....sugar....''. the other people just watch me, as I shout out ''WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT!!'. the other people just go back to there food and drink as the male munches the cake.
" Kaliou?. . . KALIOU WAKE UP!!!!" Hikaru poked at Kaliou's side and watched him shift in the bed so he faced away. " Okay Kaliou. . Be late the first day of school!" Hikaru stomped out of his room, making as much noise as possible to wake Kaliou up. He got his uniform on, which looked like a paperboy, and peered into Kaliou's room. But, he wasn't there. He looked behind him slowly to see a shady figure that was giant compared to him. It was Kaliou. " AH-EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" Hikaru screamed and tried running away but the back of his shirt got clamped by Kaliou's hand. He was lifted up like a puppy and was turned around to Kaliou.

" If you wake me up again. . I will eat you." Kaliou said and dropped him. Some how he was already ready, fully clothed and seemed presentable. He didn't say another word and went over to the door slowly and opened the door. " You coming?"
Akio said:
Class ends as I head outside with everyone else as I head to a group of people with the word "weapon" on a name tag. I start of with light banter and then tell them my purpose. "So I need a weapon." A girl tells me she turns into a sword. After her a man joins in telling me he turns into a scythe. Right after him a girl says. "I'm a lethal dagger. Then two teenage boys catch my eye as I look over the group's shoulder. I walk past them like I don't care about them and see the same name tag. I walk back over to them and ask what are their forms. " Twin pistols." they say in unison. I smile as I admire their clothing and the way they carry themselves. "Show me your other state." As if on cue on of the boys glow black and turn into a pistol his teammate using him as his own. "You've found yourself a meiste." I saw with a smile across my face
Aw a mini death the kid :D
Hikaru was so excited for the new year of the DWMA! He was wearing his new uniform for good luck, but Kaliou strangely made him wear this monkey backpack. " Ahh!" Hikaru gasped in amazement when he was walking up the steps to the DWMA, " this sight never bores me!" he continues. As they got to the main level of the DWMA they remembered that there was a swarm of children trying to find counterparts for themselves. Hikaru saw something shiny in a stand for orientation and tried to run to it, suddenly something must of caught him, because he flew back and hit the ground and landed on his butt. He looked behind him only to see Kaliou smirking and he was holding a long brown thingy. ' What is he holding?' Hikaru though. He got up and turned around and grabbed the brown object and felt it go to his backpack. ' It's a leash' Hikaru pouted and started biting the backpack.

" Hikaru stop! I will spray you!" Kaliou laughed. His laugh was very very deep for his voice. He tugged the leash and Hikaru hit his bottom on the ground and slid back to Kaliou's feet. " Stay." Kalious tied him to a wall. " I am going to grab a quest so I can get a new part- I mean so we can become more powerful together." Kaliou walked off.
''hmmmm....'' He walks out, but the maid tries to stop me. ''SIR!!! YOU HAVE TO PAY!'' that's when the old males blade just quivered again, ''yes my friend your right....shes in our way....meaning....she must die'' as he lifted the blade, the maid began to run to get some help. ''hehehe I love when someone runs, I LOVE A GOOD RACE!!'' He charges each stomp leaping the male, even though he is old he was ridiculously fast, as the maid exclaimed ''SOMEONE HELP ME!!''
Kaliou turned around to the direction of the scream. He smirked, he hasn't fought anyone in a good time.

Hikaru sighed and pouted some more, he didn't want to be tied up like this. Just because he was 11 doesn't mean he was a kid! Well. It kinda did. He kicked some of the dirt between the bricks and he saw Kaliou darting straight for him. Hikaru thought he shouldn't of kicked the dirt so he tried to put it back to where it was. Kaliou took off his black hoodie and it turned into one of his weapons. He launched it towards Hikaru. Hikaru screamed and wiggled. Vvvrp! The blade his the backpack and it fell off on his. " Time to go." Kalious said and grabbed Kaliou. He didn't grab the other blade and crouched a bit and jumped. He was very fast for his size, being very tiny, and he was able to get a good 50 feet distance from where he jumped off from. His hoodie somehow was back on him. Where Hikaru was tied last was nothing but a backpack. He landed a cafe. 'How could the scream come from here?' He thought. And he turned into weapon form and only his jacket stayed and Hikaru put it on and put the other blade in the jacket for hiding and he looked around the cafe to see a woman coming around the corner, screaming for her life.

Content to hide goes here[

the old man walked out to the light, he seemed so old he may not even be threatening. the only thing that pooked scary was his crimson 5ft tall blade. " of my way i wish to make the women dead" his aura seemed almost monstrous like it was a gust of wind. the maid shook and pointed "h-he wants to kill me hes a real psycho!"
((Decided to change weapons sorry if I caused trouble!!))

Class ends as I head outside with everyone else as I head to a group of people with the word "weapon" on a name tag. I start of with light banter and then tell them my purpose. "So I need a weapon." A girl tells me she turns into a sword. After her a man joins in telling me he turns into a scythe. Right after him a girl says. "I'm a lethal dagger.

Then a teenage boy catches my eye as I look over the group's shoulder. I walk past him like I don't care about him and see the same name tag. I walk back over to him and ask what is his weapon form. " Wrist blades." He says. I smile as I admire his clothing and the way he carriers himself. "Show me your other state." As if on cue the boy glows black and wraps around my wrist as bandages and a blade pops out from under it. "You've found yourself a meister." I saw with a smile across my face
the scream echoed again towards the academy , as the male slowly walked closer rubbing the blunt part of the blade. ''hehe I wonder how preety you will be blood red'' He smiled as the maid backed up into a wall looking around. ''SOME ONE HELP ME!!!'', as this was said the male lifted the blade slowly and is about to bring it down on to the maid.
"Kaliou now!" Hikaru flung his hang out and the jacket turned into the second blade. He grabbed the other in his hand and threw one directly at the strange man. Another one right in the air and charge at the man, trying to directly hit him off balance.
hmm'' he evaded the first blade before he used his crimson helm to block the blade. ''hm...playing the hero are useless'' He shook his head before with just a simple push with the blade to sent him flying. ''you clearly don't know what your f*cking with do you'' He shook his head, then looked to crimson helm who shook and I laugh ''AHAHA that's right...he is pathetic''
" Haha. I was a distraction." Hikaru sucked on his thumb, he pulled out his thumb and screamed with a scary booming voice, " NOW!" The blade that he threw into the air transformed into Kaliou and he came downs bashing his head and somersaulting off and throwing his jacket towards the man and it just his the ground in front of him.
the man layed on the on the ground but soon stood up shaking head. '''' He smiled wider, and he points the crimson helm blade before shooting towards the younger male shooting like he was ice skating as he swings the blade towards the boy. ''I bet your wondering who I am right''. He yawned abit and says ''my name is alex, I was actually one of the teachers at the academy'' He smiled remembering the past.
* Pwwwof*

Hikaru turned into smoke and dispersed. He stood up where the jacket was and put it on. " Hehe, gotta fast then that old man." He stuck out his tongue. " Shall we now Kaliou?" Kaliou nodded and he transformed back into a weapon, Hikaru and Kaliou both spoke up and said in sync, " SOUL RESONANCE: DEATH BLADES!" The blades automatically became blood red. Hikaru smiled and moved his fingers and he suddenly had around ten blades. He started throwing them spinning in the air all shooting towards Alex. he had two left and dashed towards them man. The blades suddenly stopped and all were standing in air floating. " Soul resonance: IRON LOTUS!" Hikaru's skin turned pitch black and his eyes went blood red. The blades started to move around Alex in a perfect bubble like way. It was pitch black inside where Alex was.
(( Holy crap I'm so behind. Curse my damn job! I'm so sorry guys!))

As Lilith was exiting the building she seen miesters already picking their weapons. She sighed and cringed slightly, leaning against one of the pillars. She looked at the other students as a small smile spread across her lips. She remembered that feeling. The feeling of finding your miester, feeling like you found some lost part of yourself that you didn't know you were missing. She just hoped that none of them would ever have to go through losing their miester or weapon.

She pushed off the pillar and pulled her board from her bag and leaned against it. Walking to the stairs she gave one last sad look to the crowed and began walking down the long flight of stairs.

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