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Fandom Soul Eater: Bad Witch Rising (Characters)


Gayest Artist You Know
Soul Eater: Bad Witch Rising 

After the fall of the Kishin, a truce was made between the DWMA and the witches. Witches were not allowed to harm humans, and humans were not allowed to harm witches. Peace was finally made between the two groups. For the first time in hundreds of years, witches were not no longer a threat to meisters and weapons. 

Decades passed with no incidents between witches ans humans. The students at the DWMA only focused on stopping the creation of kishins, and regular high school problems. Classes were not as strict. Combat was not as important as it once had been. The Academy became lax due to the long lasting peace. 

However, twelve years ago a family of witches began illegally experimenting on humans ending in the deaths of many. Other witches failed to stop them. Some even began using humans for such experiments without any fear of the DWMA finding out. They were wrong. War broke out between the witches and the Academy. The DWMA was almost obliterated because of how unprepared they were in dealing with witches. Many meisters and weapons lost their lives. After the war, an agreement was made. If a witch walked the path of evil, her soul would be forefit to the DWMA. Death Scythes could now once again be created. 

Students under went intense training after the war. Classes were once again focused on combat and learning how to defeat witches, just like before the war with the Kishin. 

Two years ago, older weapons and meisters began to disappear. First it was males, but all of them were found dead. Females then were the main focus, but only some of them ended up dead. Then only female mesiters were disappearing. The DWMA could not figure out what was going on. A new evil was rising.

A new generation of weapons and meisters are being raised. It is up to them to battle the sinister force, and to unravel the mysterious deaths and disappearences all while facing an even more frightening challege: growing up.


Character Sheets


<insert a picture here>


Role: (student, teacher, other)

Soul Shape:

<insert pic here> (If you can't find anything, and you would like a custom Soul drawing, PM me and I will draw one for you!) 

Aura Color:

Species: (witch, meister, weapon) 


(for weapons)

Type Of Weapon:

<insert pic here>


Soul Resonance: 

Additional Info:


(for meisters)

Type of Meister: (refers to whether the meister is more hand to hand combative, stratigest, etc.) 



Additional info:


(witches will need to be sent to me privately, for reasons.)


Reason For Attending School:

Experience In The Field:

Additional Info:

This is only a guideline! If you want to make your own sheet go right ahead, but put most of what I have in your own sheet. If you are having trouble making a character or understanding the plot, let me know!


If you would like to sign up to be an antagonist, PM me, you will be privy to the plot and what not. If you want to make a witch, PM me!

REMEMBER: Witches are now distrusted but most witches are on the good side of the DWMA. Still, that doesn't stop fear and hatred from being directed towards innocent parties. If you want to make a witch that is at the school, PM me!!! You MIGHT have a character that will be an essential part to the plot. 
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Death The Kid ~ By pretty much most people.

Kid ~ Her nickname

Titania ~ Her actual name, the name given to her from birth.


15-19 (Depending on Rp)



Soul Shape:

Aura Color:






Type of Meister:

Kid is both strategic, and physically strong. With a sound mind and body, her body moves in perfect sync with her mind. She is able to think things out quick, fast, orderly, and smartly without fail. She determines the very best course of action and takes it. Her combat style focuses on the combination of both speed, and overwhelming power.


Soul Sense: She is able to sense souls, not see them really, more like connect to them.

Madness: Shinigami madness, her potential, sealed and locked within. Whenever she's around black blood, it makes her stronger. (Includes those with black blood)

Soul Pulse: Connecting her soul with a persons, she's able to pulse, or vibrate, to change it. It knocks people out, stops spirit flow, as well as connection with ones Weapon, and with ones self. It causes confusion, dizziness, emotional distress, and much more.

Lines of Sanzu - A special trait to those of the Death God race. Like her father, and his father, she has them, but is still young, as none have connected.

Shinigami powers - Due to the lines of Sanzu, as well as being Deaths (or technically death the kids) kid, she has these set of abilities.

Shinigami Physiology - Due to her being a child of Death.


Renewal Shinigami Taijutsu (RST) - A martial arts combining all of her fathers Martial art's teachings into one, as well as her own, to create the ultimate fighting style.

Master Swordswoman - Unlike her father, she doesn't use guns. Instead, she's trained in blades-work, and fighting with blades. Combining it with the quick and dangerous strikes of RST, she makes for a very dangerous girl.

Physical Combat:

She uses RST, which utilizes her speed and power. And her legs, kicks, extremely strong ones. She almost hurt her father once when she kicked him, giving him a bruise. She doesn't use her legs much.


Reason For Attending School:

Her father forced her to attend.

Experience In The Field:

She has been doing it ever since she was little.

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15-19 (Depending on the rp~)



Soul Shape:

Aura Color:





Type Of Weapon:



Form 1~Katana form


Tavern Scythe Mode - 


Shuriken Mode - 


Axe form


Forms - She, like Tsubaki, can change the form of her weapons.

Madness - She is normally silent, but in secret has madness, black blood infused within her.

Powers - Each weapon form has it's own seperate ability.

Soul Resonance: 



Reason For Attending School:

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Jin-Farrow (2).png

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ (ஜ۩۞۩ஜ)▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬




6ft 5



Soul Shape:


Aura Color: 




Never one to grab the spotlight, Jin isn't really the type of person that would stand out in a crowd nor does he wish to do so. He is modest and very down to earth, looking at life with a more 'realistic' point of view than others. Not much of a social talker, Jin will lend you an ear or a shoulder to lean on, but don't expect words of advice from him. It's not that he doesn't have anything to say, its more of an issue regarding the meaning behind what he wants to say.
Not one to anger quickly, Jin has the patience to rival anyone. It is no surprise that he has on more then one instance found himself becoming the peacemaker within an argument; this has led to him getting a good fist to the face every time he has tried to barge in and diffuse a brawl. Really, the only thing that can strike an angry chord within him is the endangerment of those that he cares about. A pet peeve that can push towards the borderline of becoming angry is when another individual 'barks' louder then he actually bites; in other words talking a big game when in reality they are unable to back it up. 


Jin takes his position as a Weapon quite seriously and is inwardly proud to even be classified as such given the 'lackluster' appearance of his transformation. Being unconventional and transforming into something that is rarely classified as a weapon has given him an inferiority complex; though that has slowly diminished with age. He gets inwardly annoyed when other 'weapons' take their abilities for granted and depending on the extent of their actions may decide to chastise them about it.  A bi-product of his inferiority complex; Jin sometimes has second thoughts about his own capabilities in regards to being his Meister's weapon; worried that his inability to transform into a 'proper weapon' will hold them back.

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ (ஜ۩۞۩ஜ)▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬



Type Of Weapon:


Jin's weapon form takes on the shape of a simple black Obsidian ring. Though unconventional and useless by itself, this form of his grants his Meister several abilities to use in combat as well as versatility. The saying "Don't Judge a book by its cover" fits well in this case as his simple appearance and first impression of not actually being a 'weapon', hides a much darker truth. In his Weapon form, Jin's soul is visible through the central crystal that encircles the whole ring. 


1. Shadow Chain
Despite being a ring, Jin's true ability is that of Shadow generation thus granting his Meister the ability to conjure up several black chains constructed from Solid Shadows strong enough to restrict the strongest of fighters. The chain can be used for a variety of purposes ranging from movement, restriction and full on fighting covering several different styles of close to mid range combat. The chain extends from the hand wearing the ring. When worn, Jin's meister can conjure a chain from either hand as well as manipulate already existing shadows into creating more chains from external points. Chains created externally are much weaker to light than those created within his Meister's hands. In his Human form, Jin can only create one chain from his right hand.

2. Energy Vampirism

A double edged passive ability, Jin can slowly drain the energy of anyone he binds within his chain, gradually sapping them of their strength, about 40% of the energy he drains is transferred and split between himself and his Meister whilst the remaining 60% simply vanishes.   The other side of the coin is that when his 'Shadow Claw Mode' is activated, he drains the energy and stamina frm his own Meister. The speed in which he drains the energy from his own Meister is dependent upon their physical and mental strength.


3. Night Vision
A passive ability, Jin has the ability to see in the dark with ease. This ability extends to his Meister as well. He has the ability to see in the dark even when in his human form, this is an ability that is constantly on. 


4. Protection from the Abyss

Jin can create a large circular barrier of solid shadow, encapsulating his meister and using it to defend him/her from most forms of physical attacks. The barrier not only acts as a defense mechanism, but also as a one way mirror, allowing his meister to see outside with ease, whereas those trying to look inside will be left staring at a black sphere. This barrier can also be created in portions, so instead of fully engulfing his meister, a barrier will appear in the direction of where the opposing attack comes from


5. Shadow Claw Mode
Shadows converge and engulf the hand he is on, taking on the form of a five pronged claw. the shadow is solid and grants the wearer inhuman strength in the one hand and can extend a few meters forward. The drawback to this ability is that prolonged use will cause the shadow to slowly creep along the body of the wearer, continuing to feed off their energy until they collapse.  Like the chains, Jin can also form this claw on himself, however he will pass out soon after due to the strain. 

View attachment 180646

Soul Resonance: 


▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ (ஜ۩۞۩ஜ)▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

Reason For Attending School:


A sense of justice? A sense of duty? Just because he can? To vanquish all evil? Jin's reason for enrolling into the DWMA is nothing as grandiose; rather its more of an innocent truth. To put it simply, his honest reason for enrolling into the DWMA is based around a childish dream, a dream that many boys and girls share and it was simply to become a 'HERO'. That being said, when the revelation about his transformation came to light, that dream was all but tarnished. Now he simply seeks to aide another into becoming someone of importance.

Experience In The Field:


For obvious reason's, Jin does not have that much field experience due to many Meisters judging his 'Weapon' Form at first glance, after all what use is a ring?. Having never really being given a chance to show his worth, Jin has spent most of his time honing his  true talents and abilities. 

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ (ஜ۩۞۩ஜ)▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

Theme song:
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Marcus Knight






Soul Shape:

<insert pic here> (If you can't find anything, and you would like a custom Soul drawing, PM me and I will draw one for you!) 

Aura Color:

Sea Green/Blue/Silver/Gold

Species: Meister/Witch Experiment 


Type of Meister:

Marcus is speed, and agility Meister. He perfers speed, and nimbleness over brunt force, and muscle heads. He thinks more and fights strategically where he ends with advantage. He uses tricks, and cheats to help get him any advantage 


Due to the witches doing experiments on him as a young child he has control over water, and earth. The witches infused his soul with earth, and water combining them to create a harmony between the two elements.


Dual wielding



Traps, and Tricks

Additional info:


Reason For Attending School:

To find the witch who experimented on him

Experience In The Field:

Ever since he discovered his abilities.

Additional Info:

Madeleine Veronica Everett






Soul Shape:

<insert pic here> 

Aura Color

Pale blue, white, grey




(for weapons)

Type Of Weapon:




-Autonomous Weapon Skills: While Madeleine secretly lusts for a meister, she is an incredibly capable autonomous weapon, capable of turning either one or both of her arms into blades. 

-Speed Boost: Madeleine passively boosts her wielder's speed the longer they remain in combat. 

-Disarmer: Strikes from Madeleine in blade form against another weapon tends to launch the weapon away. 

Soul Resonance: 

No Meister, no resonance. 

Reason For Attending School: Because she was transforming into a weapon spontaneously

Experience In The Field: Extensive training since she was about 12. 

Isla Cox


Wears prosthetics of course. All prosthetics are metal, but each one is colored in a pastel rose color and decorated with signatures almost like a cast.

Scars are all over what are left of her limbs.

She often wears baggy clothing to hide her scars.






Isla has been the quiet but friendly type since forever. She would do what she was told to do, and she has always been so silent that it concerns people. Always giddy, too, and always laughed at the stupidest of stuff. Now, after the accident? Yeah, she wasn't that happy-go-lucky girl anymore. She was still so silent, but she soon became distant and became a loner, and is always so anxious. If she befriends someone however, she will revert back to her old self if the person is trusted enough, and only around them.

Soul Shape


Aura Color




Type of Meister

She's a little of a strategist. Overall, she's a meister who uses her environment and distance.


None of her abilities involve any sort of magic as of now

She's able to detach from her prosthetics at will, so she's able to make a quick escape, dodge, or just to attack in her own way.

Isla uses her metal prosthetics for her own protection and hands on combat, and even for other tactics such as scraping them on the ground to annoy/scare opponents



Reason For Attending School

Had heard her father AND older brother used to attend, and wanted to follow in their steps along with completing school for her brother.

Experience In The Field

Has trained for years before her father and brother passed - Trained 3 years with her prosthetics and for 1 without them

Additional Info

Seems to suffer from acute panic disorder but can bare through it
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Name: Artemis Westhaven

Age: 17


Role:  Meister

Soul Shape:

OC Soul.png

Aura Color: Dark Pink

Species: Meister

Type of Meister: Artemis's fighting style revolves almost entirely around precision. With precise aim and even more precise movements, he prefers up close and personal yet can function noticeably well at a distance depending on the weapon. Moving with excellent poise and stance, his fighting style is far more elegant than it has any right to be. He's also well rounded with weapons, as his family manufactures many normal ones that he's handled. Capable of hand to hand combat and able to maneuver himself precisely, he's far more capable than his rampant laziness would imply.


S.S- Artemis is a master of a self-developed fighting style known as Sleeping Snake, which is basically Drunk Karate only with natural exhaustion instead of alcohol.

Spotlight- For some inane reason or other, Artemis has the ability to summon the beam of a spotlight for dramatic effect. 


Eye for detail

Intense precision

Well-rounded non-combative skills

Highly Improvisational

Quite maneuverable

Weapon familiarity

Additional info: He comes from an exceptionally rich family.

Reason For Attending School: He was encouraged by his mother to uphold the family name by attending.

Experience In The Field: He's trained for this position for many years, but has only had several actual encounters.

Additional Info: He's surprisingly lazy despite his appearance, background and mannerisms.
Morgenstern Stein

"The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It is a very mean and nasty place and it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life, but I can get pretty damn close."




Date of Birth

October 31st, Halloween day





Morgenstern's soul is very large. Much like her grandfather's, it is large enough so that it manifests outside of her body. In that form, it is silver and seems to be on fire, or perhaps giving off lightning. 

Aura Colors:

Silver, Red, and Black




Her brother and her are the children of Franken Stein, a great meister from long ago. Their mother is a former death scythe by the name of Marie Mjoilnir.

Languages Spoken

English, Japanese, Russian, German, Latin, Swedish, France, and Italian, with a basic understanding of Spanish. 



Morgenstern Stein. Where do I start? 

Morgenstern, or "Morgen" (much to her displeasure), is certainly a girl you will only see one of. And, since she know she is unique, is not afraid to show it. Her typical attitude is one of an introvert, preferring to be alone, reading a book or with only a few of her friends. 

No matter how much of an introvert she is, that shell is peeled off whenever she feels as if someone she cares about is in danger. (ESPECIALLY her brother, Ares. Her brother is the only relative that she has left with her at this point, and she's determined to protect him with her life). In this time, she becomes insanely violent. Her tongue becomes sharper and she seems to develop a feral instinct that makes her unafraid to tear her enemies apart. 

She holds herself self with grace and poise, maintaining what she believeds the high standard of a proper meister is. She lives in the moment, not dwelling on the past unless she needs to. She pays no attention to people who have pointed out her flaws, much like the scars that cover her arms and legs, or the large one that cuts across the right side of her neck. Yes, it disappoints her that people feel the need to point it out, but she quickly gets over it. 

She feels a great sense of pity towards people who believe that they are entitled. After all, the world is a cold and hard place. They fail to realize that once they reach the real world, everything will get worse for them. They'll have to fight, and won't have their parents to protect them. 

It is because of this feeling that Morgenstern is externally hard and stern. She is not afraid to fight for what she believes in, and her personality is naturally one that tends to scare people off. However, the more she gets to know you, the calmer she gets, even though your head better be more level than hers, because she can make some pretty rash decisions. 

Type of Meister:

Morgen is a meister who dabbles in a bit of everything. She enjoys to be on the front line fighting, but she also prefers to have a detailed strategy thought out before jumping into battle. She is an expert tactician, and a brilliant fighter. She will usually stay behind or dodge attacks a bit and observe the situation for a few moments to analyze the fighting style of her opponent or opponents. But when she does join, it is enjoyable to observe her. Her movements are quick and elegant, deadly yet beautiful. She fights with the precision of a meister who had been at this for a very long time, due to her extensive training. She does so very well with teamwork. She may be closed off, but if she's in a group with others, she will focus on keeping them alive and making strategies that adapt to everyone's abilities. However, she typically wields her brother, Ares, as their bond increases their resonance greatly. 


Forced Resonance: Morgenstern, once she gains a hold on a demon weapon, can use the sheer force of her soul and will to overcome that of any weapon, and force them into soul resonance. At this point in time, she can use this ability on any weapon she uses at one point in time. This exhausts her physically, and is usually used when she is on defense rather than offense. 

Soul MenaceContrasting to the usual usage of a Demon Weapon to amplify one's Soul Wavelength to attack, Soul Menace is a attack which allows the user to strike their opponent by channeling their own Soul Wavelength without the usage of a weapon. This results in an electrical-like attack with powerful concussive force capable of even damaging a weapon in their weapon form. This technique can also be used underwater, which is more powerful to the point it's compared to shooting a laser from one hand if performed by a proficient user like Morgenstern and her father. The only negative side is that it can be counteracted by another if they are as proficient as her in using it, and it allows for another attack to be attempted on her. 

Madness Overtaking : This is a self-discovered Ability. While young, Morgen discovered that she can use her own (rather large amount of) Madness to amplify the madness that lies in everyone, no matter how small. This, in turn, allows her to drive an opponent insane and use them to her ability. However, this ability is mentally and physically exhausting, as it lowers her mental stability for a time and is only used as an attack of last resort. 

Madness Undertaking: This ability is also a self-discovered by Morgen. It is the exact opposite of Madness Overtakig. Rather than giving madness to a being, she can take it for a short amount of time to prevent a team-mate's madness from being exploited by an enemy. This, however, can have negative consequences as it has a possibility of driving her over the limit with her madness levels and can bring out a few rather murderous tendencies. 

Soul Perception and Reading:  Compared to her other skills, this ability is rather basic. Soul Perception and Reading allows her to see others' souls, and judge their personalities along with it. 


Impecable hand-eye coordination

Very advanced in medicine 

Skilled strategist 

Knowledge of nature and it's uses

High Intelligence Quotient 

Unwavering loyalty

Fast Reflexes

Extensive training in martial arts

Powerful attacks 


While Morgenstern is a very strong and gifted Meister, she also has a few weaknesses. Her largest weakness is the large amount of Madness that she inherited from her father, which can be exploited if not careful. She also values others over herself, meaning if a team-mate is being held in a compromising position, her loyalty and determination to keep her team alive will cause her to be willing to give herself up for them. During the years, Morgen has also seemed to develop a minor case of exercise and heat-induced asthma. This being said, her stamina is impeccable, but running and getting overheated can cause her to have some breathing difficulties that she only lets show once her job is done. 

Additional info:

Morgenstern is a Genius-Utility Meister. (According to the Soul Eater Wiki, a Genius Meister is a Meister who is  able to easily master any weapon to an extent If they get even vaguely curious about their weapon form. The only other Genius Meister known to exist was Franken stein, her father. A utility meister can resonate with many weapons simultaneously. She is both.) 


Reason For Attending School:

She is attending DWMA because she wants to. Her grandfather and father both attended this school, and she wished to also. She wanted to help in the fight against the bad witches. 

Experience In The Field: Morgenstern has been using weapons ever since she was able to hold one. As a child, her father trained her with many weapons, which lead to them discovering that she was a Genius Meister. Since then, she's been sent out on many missions due to her gifted level of fighting 

Additional Info:

Morgen is extremely protective over her teammates. She sees them as her practical family, and no matter how much she dislikes them, feels a duty of having to protect them. That being said, she will not hesitate to hurt you if you endanger her or her team. Other than that, she is a rather kind person, if a bit introverted. 

Weapon Partner: Damein T. Rein @Mori-Jin

Theme Song


"Not Today" by BTS

//The English Lyrics at the bottom//
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Mina Saito


Age: 17

Role: Student

Soul Shape:


Aura Color: Pale pink

Species: Meister 

Type of Meister: Mina is a very cute person, sweet, adorable, and seemingly weak. She is, in fact, a monster. While she is a kind person at heart, she becomes psychotic in battle, breaking her enemies down forcefully with incredible strength and terrifying brutality. She enjoys striking down her enemies more than even she realizes. 


•Easy Resonance- Mina, for some reason or another, is very easy to resonate with. Despite her psychotic manner in battle, she is a gentle soul that can easily bond with others. 

•Madness- Mina secretly carries black blood. It's not clear how or why, but it's part of the reason she can do the things she can in battle. Not to mention, it makes her creepy as hell. Unfortunately, she does not have the black blood armor possessed by some carriers. While it adds to he strength and gives her fearlessness, it does little else.


•Martial Arts: Mina is a combat expert and a killing machine, with or without a weapon.

•Physical strength: Through adrenaline, bloodlust, and training, Mina is extremely physically powerful.

•Manipulation: Mina is adorable, allowing her to easily manipulate others by feigning innocence.

Additional info:

Mina has a cat named Jojo; a simese kitty who always can be found around campus.

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Mina Saito

Age: 17

Role: Student

Soul Shape:

Aura Color: Pale pink

Species: Meister 

Type of Meister: Mina is a very cute person, sweet, adorable, and seemingly weak. She is, in fact, a monster. While she is a kind person at heart, she becomes psychotic in battle, breaking her enemies down forcefully with incredible strength and terrifying brutality. She enjoys striking down her enemies more than even she realizes. 


•Easy Resonance- Mina, for some reason or another, is very easy to resonate with. Despite her psychotic manner in battle, she is a gentle soul that can easily bond with others. 

•Madness- Mina secretly carries black blood. It's not clear how or why, but it's part of the reason she can do the things she can in battle. Not to mention, it makes her creepy as hell. Unfortunately, she does not have the black blood armor possessed by some carriers. While it adds to he strength and gives her fearlessness, it does little else.


•Martial Arts: Mina is a combat expert and a killing machine, with or without a weapon.

•Physical strength: Through adrenaline, bloodlust, and training, Mina is extremely physically powerful.

•Manipulation: Mina is adorable, allowing her to easily manipulate others by feigning innocence.

Additional info:

Mina has a cat named Jojo; a simese kitty who always can be found around campus.

//okay I feel like our chars would be terrifying as hell if we were partners//
@Phayne okay your character is one of my favorites out of this. The ring idea is very unique. If you'd like, I'm interested in asking you if Azael would like to pair with Pandora?

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