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Fantasy Sorcerers of Algoren OOC

hahaaaoaksma im still in class, maybe I can draft up a post soon. Hype is reeeeaaallll!!!!
There we go, I got my post up that is totally original and wasn't just taken, modified a bit and then reposed! Even if I did, I'm allowed to be lazy on my day for the sake of having a post up, not that I am or anything.

Tell me if the text is hard to read, for all my posts LOL
Cos I was gonna use white font but changed it silver instead.
Tell me if the text is hard to read, for all my posts LOL
Cos I was gonna use white font but changed it silver instead.
Only gave it a quick skim but looks fine to me. As long as you use a dark color with a light color its usually easy enough to read, and having a background means you dont gotta worry about Dark and Light theme differences.
hghgh real sorry bout that, it doesn't happen often (I'll do my hecking best it won't again because that stuff SUCKS)
I made Rhea more Tsundere for some reason then I had originally had her... not that she wasn't before but just more mixing the feisty side and adding more of the cute side more visible with her cause it came off cute to me. XD
I made Rhea more Tsundere for some reason then I had originally had her... not that she wasn't before but just more mixing the feisty side and adding more of the cute side more visible with her cause it came off cute to me. XD
Hey whatever helps! The scene had me laughing as well :closed eyes open smile:
Sorry for how long it took to get a CS up, hope I didn't take too long.
all g man, we're off to a slow start so I think you can jump in anytime! Everyone's just latching onto somebody and introducing themselves

save my boi he got really bad first impressions and i lost control LMAO
all g man, we're off to a slow start so I think you can jump in anytime! Everyone's just latching onto somebody and introducing themselves

save my boi he got really bad first impressions and i lost control LMAO
yep our characters are latching onto people to talk to that is.

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