Sonic the Hedgehog: A new beginning

all but brutos knew, infact he seemed almost excited then using his tail he waved it towards himself, demanding to be taken on. ''COME ON ULTIMATE LIFEFORM...UNLESS YOUR AFRAID!!'' he opened his jaw widley showing his teeth slowly reave like a chainsaw as a chainsaw tounge comes out beginning with a spinning motion.
Shadow snapped his fingers again, unleashing a large explosion of Chaos Energy blowing Brutos backwards. "Hmph, not even a challenge." He mocks.
gear brutos layed there until he heard sparks. ''upgrade...initiated....'' slolw raising from the ground like a zombie from the earth. ''I will make sure you don't get away with killing my best friend!!!'' He roars loudly and charges towards shadow, tail points towards shadow shooting lots and lots of energy bulets towards shadow. ''I am stronger then the ultimate lifeform AHAHAHA!''
Shadow removes his inhibitor rings and a burst of energy forms around Shadow. "This battle ends now." Shadow exclaims. He charges right through the projectiles, each one disintegrating when they come into contact with him. Quickly, he hits Gear Brutos with all of his might, blowing him into tiny pieces.
gear brutos pieces layed all over the place, his jaw wide open and seemed defeated, until the center pieces begins pumping over and over, and it begins attracting the pieces like a magnet. ''initiating: reanimation celluler construction, rebuilding to perfection!'' He stood once again smiling. ''don't you get it!!! I cant be killed by you!!'' He points his palm towards shadow, until one of his viser like eyes cracks. ''ahh..d-damn!'' He spins his arms and nose like a drill digging under ground to escape any more damage.
Shadow jumped into the hole. "You're not getting away!" Shadow said exploding into another burst of energy, again smashing Gear Brutos.
the tail was only just hit leaving behind a large shard of metal, as he managed to evade. with that the metal shard was glowing and still moving making it worthy for rsearch
Shadow put his inhibitor rings back on, he took the metal shard, he knew one person who could research it, Tails, Miles Tails Prower.
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tails looks around and saw shadow. ''shadow, why are you here'' he asked the black hedgehog walking in, he stretches his arms softly. ''hmm...whats that you got'' He went over to the metal shard.
"Here, I need you to study it, I got it off of Gear Brutos, Eggman changed him." Shadow said handing Tails the piece of metal.
tails researched the metal. ''hmm weird'' using some tweevers he places it in a jar but it begins to lunge towards a rat in a cage. ''hm'' he placed the metal in the cage and the metal suddenly attacked the rat converting it. ''okay...its reacts around organic matter then converts it'' the rat was now dead, but has most of its organs and face covered in metal, as it bleeds out.
"So... How can we destroy it?" Shadow asks crossing his arms over his chest, he had to admit, Tails was a genius, maybe even more so then the doctor. He walked over to Tails still keeping his arms crossed.
''w-well it depends...nano's are normally depending on the creature...what is brutos...once we know that we can figure out the weakness, remember they attack the organic'' He pulls out balloon. ''this is brutos...once we figure out the chink in his armour'' he blew up the balloon and pulls out. ''he wont be able to survive'' he pops the balloon ''did you notice anything with the metal''
"He was able to regenerate after being blown up. I use my Chaos Finger Snap and he recovered, and upgraded whenever I would break a piece off of him. However, when I used my Hyper Shadow form and blew him to pieces, he reformed still damaged, and had to retreat."
'' seems its alpha nano-metal...meaning his metal knows how to take damage, and learns'' He thinks then realises the last part. ''but I think it takes too much damage, it will destroy the cells in the metal'' he thinks to dumb it down abit. ''basicly keep hammering attacks, and he will eventually shatter''
Shadow nods. "I can do that, especially with all seven chaos emeralds." Shadow says. He turns and starts walking away.
''oh SHADOW!!..its important you don't get none of the metal on you...if you do..he could copy your abbilities'' He nodded. ''that's the thing alpha nano metal is good for copying and taking over the enemy.''
"That sounds a lot like Metal Sonic." Shadow said activating his jet boosters to go retrieve the emeralds from Sonic, he had to hurry before Brutos got any stronger.

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