White Masquerade
QuirkyAngel's Red Oni
Oi Oi Oi, tone it down.I have very good taste.
I'm also changing Particle Accelerator and Overwatch for the Satellizer+ to Chip Protocol and Heliostat. Those two would round the class up nicely.
GOT EM!And yet you didn't update your pic with the shorter hair version.
Thank you. It's a long and bloody history between us two, but at least we respect each other.I just realized you two have matching titles and that's cute as shit.
So someone does like the DA+. I was slightly worried with taking it down the "leader" route. Social Media is a good choice. I plan to tweak their skills too when I get to the class.The STRIVE and Deviant Artist+ skills were what did it for me. The Fashionista skill set fit much better with my initial vision, but as things evolved the change made more sense. I'm still interested in trying one of the new classes though- If I end up making another character down the line, likely will go for Social Media.
What are you guys at now, Round 87 of the Battle of the Oni's? ;p