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Realistic or Modern Social Media Road Trip

Also, pardon the perfectionist again, but I noticed Mitch and Sun-Hi have the same room number yet simultaneously different rooms... I know for sure that this is probably just a mix up x3. UGH, this is why I have to force myself not to re-read things x3

@Tsiwentiio @Starry Night
Smoaki said:
Also, pardon the perfectionist again, but I noticed Mitch and Sun-Hi have the same room number yet simultaneously different rooms... I know for sure that this is probably just a mix up x3. UGH, this is why I have to force myself not to re-read things x3
@Tsiwentiio @Starry Night
Oh my- thanks for noticing @Smoaki I'll change so it won't cause any problems.
Haha sorry for being a pain, I just like reading the threads sometimes and i'm just slightly a perfectionist x3
@Illusive @Aaliyah Walker @shygirl3

Haven't heard from you guys, please let me know if you are interested in this still or not

Also to everyone else I am removing Khloe (Mainly because I personally lost interest in playing her) so I'll be opening this up to fill her spot :)

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