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Realistic or Modern Social Media Road Trip


Basic Bitches Not Wanted



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@Tsiwentiio this sounds super fun! I'll try and make a character tonight. I'm thinking a female character on Instagram. I'll have at least a WIP up tonight :) thanks for thinking of me!
@Tsiwentiio as lovely as this sounds, I'm going to be leaving for vacation in a couple days and I don't think I would be able to finish a character sheet in time. Sorry love~
Haha just saw it and was thinking to myself "uh.... I don't think she meant to do that." xD Sorry, the perfectionist inside of me at work!
Just wanted to get it out here because of... I don't know just because. I'm planning on having Elizabeth develop a crush on Mitch, but this does not mean anything has to happen between them if you don't wish @Tsiwentiio It just means that there will probably be some acts of Elizabeth's that are rather clumsy around him, etc. Y'know, a young adult with a crush x3

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