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Realistic or Modern Social Media Road Trip ( 1 Spot Available)


Hestia purred in Oliver's arms, and meowed when she was put down.

Eros chuckled at Alex's realization. "Oh... Aren't they?" He said, bashful at the compliment to his snakes and Ollie addressing him by his first name. Even though he was in America, Eros was still accustomed to Korean culture. Hence his preference to be called by his last name by those he isn't closest to. When Ollie sat down next to Eros, Hestia hopped up onto his lap and pushed her head under his hand. Ollie calling him lovely made Eros's cheeks go pink, and he covered his face in his hands. "No its not the fans," he said through his hands. "Its all the pollution. I feel like I'll catch asthma by the time we're out of this tar pit of a city." It was a good thing Eros brought a face mask, despite it being for the sake of fashion it would still work well against the tainted air of New York City.

@thnksfrllths @Of the Red
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.7011619beedc45d7b1c65ee8a3699eb1.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="135662" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.7011619beedc45d7b1c65ee8a3699eb1.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Sapphire smiled, "Thanks" she said to Elizabeth. She looked down at her costume, and thought about dinner, "What's your room number?" She asked them both. "I'm in Room 711" she added. She kept thinking about what she was going to wear for dinner, "Hey can I ask for advice. For dinner, should I wear Lapis, Sapphire or Rose Quartz from Steven Universe?" She asked both of them while staring into Mitch's eyes.
@Tsiwentiio @Smoaki



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Mitch looked at both Sapphire and Elizabeth "I think the rose Quartz would be good" He smiled at her then he looked and smiled over at Elizabeth "We probably should go get ready for diner" he once again smiled at the two and turned and walked out the door

*Time Skip 2 Hours, everyone meet outside the hotel :) *​

@thnksfrllths @tinygrassisdreaming @Of the Red

Elizabeth Scott


"Rose Quartz is my personal favourite, so I agree," she responded to Sapphire's question, nodding in agreement to Mitch's comment. Mitch turned to her and said... something. She admitted she didn't quite hear, and she caught herself staring at his back as he walked out. His eyes were amazing. She shoot her head, clearing the thought and waved goodbye to Sapphire.

"Room 713 by the way, I'll see you at supper!"

*Time skipping magically*


She looked in the mirror one last time and fluffed her now beach-wavy hair and nodded contemptibly. Grabbing her heels and slipping them on, she walked out the door and nearly ran head on into Sapphire.

"Oh sweetie I am so sorry!" she apologized quickly, smiling at the girl and looking her over. Her cosplay looked amazing.

"You look absolutely amazingly beautiful," she complimented, nodding as she said each word before giggling at herself," would you like to walk down together?"

@CelestialBunny @Tsiwentiio (I tagged you because... I don't know. Sorry xD )

After meeting with his fellow travelers, Eros went out to buy an air filter for his hotel room and some food for his pets. Good thing it was somewhat portable, enough to fit in his luggage when he was ready to depart from this city. When he returned from the store, he immediately hooked it up and turned it on. He set up Gemini's temporary cage to be as comfortable as possible. After gently placing the double headed snake in her temporary bed, he fed her a frozen mouse. There were two heads, but they only had one digestive tract, so one mouse was enough for the two. He fed Hestia gourmet, organic cat food. He had spoiled the cat, really, always giving her the best ever since she was old enough to chew solid food. After laying down her cat bed he decided to climb in his own and take a nap. He woke up with a few minutes to spare before dinner and decided to use this time to put on a nice outfit. Once this task was complete, he placed a goodbye kiss on the three heads of his pets and left his room.

He stepped outside to see Elizabeth, Mason, and... Rose Quartz. Eros absolutely loved Steven Universe, it was in his top favorites for cartoons, but he was kind of hoping she would come to dinner dressed as herself. He guessed it would make sense since they were going to go meet fans as well. He approached them all without saying a word, not wanting to interrupt anything. (Outfit >

@CelestialBunny @RaineeDaze @Smoaki
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Alex threw himself onto the bed and yelled, muffled by the super soft beds. He stands up, and looks at the shirts and pants and other articles of clothing haphazardly flung into the wardrobe. "Why do I do this to myself?" he mutters. Standing in a white undershirt, boxers, and socks, he hastily grabs a black floral print shirt with white flowers and black ripped jeans, before grabbing his grey boots. "Alex, why are you like this? Why do you like suffering?" he says as he pulls on his boots. He stands in front of the mirror, and turns before pulling on a black leather jacket. "Okay, time to be normal." He took the stairs two steps at a time, anxious to catch up with the group.
Sun-Hi unpacked her stuff and took a shower after she met with the others. They all seemed quite nice- well those she actually got the chance to talk to anyway. She changed into a different @thnksfrllths

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.a3d996a84a4f04cac7c8274ec99dcafb.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="135786" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.a3d996a84a4f04cac7c8274ec99dcafb.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Sapphire left her room in her Rose Quartz costume, she was super excited. Once she left the room, she got a lot of stares from people, she shook it off and went to find Elizabeth and Mitch. She almost bumped right into Elizabeth, "Woah! Oh, Hi Elizabeth. Thanks, sure lets walk together" she said. She saw Eros approach, "Hello Eros" she said politely. She saw him look at her outfit, "Are you a fan of Steven Universe?" She asked, she literally loved that show and enjoyed that it was a popular show. @tinygrassisdreaming
@Tsiwentiio @Smoaki



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Mitch stood in his room for a little while, mainly trying to figure out what to wear, he wanted to look nice. He finally decided on something, nice dark wash jeans and a grey sweater and tan shoes. Mitch liked to dress to impress probably more than he should. He also seemed to take his time fixing his hair, he put a little gel in it but it wasn't really all that hard to get it the way she wanted it. He grabbed his wallet and the key to the room, he sprayed his favorite cologne and walked out. He took the elevator down to the main floor, he looked out to see where the rest of the group is, he didn't notice anyone right off, he sat down in the lounge and waited
Alex grinned when Sun-Hi complimented his outfit. "Thanks, I like what you did with your hair. So, are you excited to hit the town?" He scratched the back of his neck as he spoke, taking the steps one at a time.

Sun-Hi slowed her pace and took the steps one at a time so that she and Alex would be descending the stairs side by side. "No problem and thanks." She subconsciously touched her hair and smiled. "Yeah I am, can't wait to meet the fans." Sun-Hi was more than excited, this would more or less be her first time meeting her supporters and she intended to make them all happy and to do that, she, herself had to be happy. "How about you?" She asked. Maybe Alex felt the same way. Maybe not. "Are you excited to meet the fans when we get there?" She glanced across to him then refocused her attention on the stairs before her. Her fingers were playing with a strand of her hair, twisting and twirling it. Why was she doing that? Was it nervousness, excitement, or both?

Mentions: @thnksfrllths
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Elizabeth Scott


She smiled when Sapphire agreed to walking down with her. Turning to the boy who had just approached, she noticed that he was the one who had three pets on the trip. He seemed rather kind, but a tad uptight.

"Hello sweetie, you're Eros correct?" she greeted him, now realizing how weird it must sound to be calling people 'sweetie'. She couldn't help it, she had always called everyone that.

As they approached the lounge area, she spotted Mitch and felt herself stand a bit straighter as she walked over. Wearing a bit of taller heels, at 7 inches tall, she was actually almost as tall as he was, and felt a bit bad for Sapphire.

"You look very handsome," Elizabeth complimented as she stopped near Mitch," not that you weren't handsome before, you're just... um... I'll stop talking now."

She chuckled nervously to herself, realizing how stupid she must look.

Alex shrugged, slightly. "I guess I didn't realize I had fans. Like, people that want to see us. I hope I'm not a huge nerd in front of them. I hope they like me." He shook his head, and looked at Sun-Hi, grinning. "But you'll be alright. They'll swarm you for your autograph." He hummed, as he descended beside Sun-Hi.

@Starry Night

Sun-Hi looked over at Alex and shook her head playfully with a ghost of a smile on her lips. "Of course you do. People do want to see you." She gave him an encouraging smile. "I'm sure you'll be fine, you'll do great and either way, they should still love you." She brushed a hair behind her ear that had fallen onto her face. What he said next made her smile even wider but she concealed it, knowing that it probably wasn't even going to be so. "Yeah right, this is my first time so I'll most likely make a fool of myself." Being clumsy and embarrassing herself was what Sun-Hi did best, but this time she was determined not to fall over on her face because she tripped on air or something even stupider. She laughed quietly as she remembered all of those times when she fell or walked into walls.

Soon they had finally made it to the lobby and Sun-Hi immediately spotted the others. "Come on Alex, they're right over here." She motioned towards them and started walking to the couch where Sapphire, Mitch, Mason, Elizabeth and Eros were congregated. "Hey guys." She said as she reached them, hoping she did not interrupt any conversation.

Mentions: @tinygrassisdreaming @thnksfrllths @CelestialBunny @Smoaki @Tsiwentiio @RaineeDaze
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Mitch smiled at everyone as they walked towards the lobby, he looked down at his outfit he felt a little over dressed. "Hey guys" he replied, "there are 3 tahoes outside to take us to the restaurant " he pointed out to the black vehicles parked infrint of the door. He smiled at Sapphire, "I like your outfit" he smiled at her, he didn't really watch to much TV so he wasn't exactly sure who she was supposed to be. He turned and smiled at Elizabeth, " Thank you" he replied to her compliment "you look great" he could tell both girls were some what flirting with him. "I'm pretty sure everyone is here, so go ahead and pick a vehicle and we can go eat" he smiled at everyone

@tinygrassisdreaming @thnksfrllths @RaineeDaze @Starry Night
"Pleased to meet you," he bowed to Elizabeth when she recognized him. By now he had given up on getting people to refer to him by his last name, it wasn't worth repeating each time. "Yes I absolutely love Steven Universe," he smiled to Sapphire as the group made geir descent. "I love every character, but my favorite is definitely Lapis. Something about her is just," he paused and lifted a palm up against his chest to let out a dreamy sigh, expressing his love for the character without words.

Once they were downstairs, Eros noticed Mitch's popularity and couldn't help but let a small amused smile appear. Well, looks like we're off to an interesting start, I just hope we all don't encounter any kind of turbulence during our travels, he thought.

"Wait," Eros's voice came out, even surprising himself. "Oh, well, I mean to say that we're not all here. Oliver isn't here yet. Shouldn't we wait - well, I can wait for him here if you all want to go on ahead. If we're all gone he might come down and feel lost or abandoned," he chuckled.
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Oliver Cardoza

Unsurprisingly, Oliver was late again.

This time, it wasn't because of shitty flights and dark circles but simply the cause of Oli wanting to look his best. He'd spent a long time scrubbing off the pink
polish on his nails and changing it to a deep, sparkling gold with all the clear coats and filing and everything. What ? He took his nails very seriously. In fact, he was still blowing across his nails as he ran to the door outside, his the soles converse slapping against the floor.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.b2ddd8896a1d9c1f0dc151c1da161671.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="135891" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.b2ddd8896a1d9c1f0dc151c1da161671.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Oliver wore a fitted, camp, dark grey dress top and black skinny jeans. Fancy but not too fancy. He had also coiffed his hair up and the lack of the feeling of curls against his forehead annoyed him. Would the fans like it ?
He'd figure that out later, he had a limo to catch.

Once he saw everyone, Olive would smile bashfully. "I'll get a watch after this, I promise". He'd nudge Eros softly, " Thanks for keeping everyone waiting. I doubt I would've been able to find the restaurant on my own". In a much more demure tone, he'd add "you look gorgeous tonight".




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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.8eb26f172b92b865540bdc8023ac0f39.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="135923" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.8eb26f172b92b865540bdc8023ac0f39.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Sapphire perked up while I was talking to Eros about Steven Universe, "Yeah, Lapis is an amazing character but my personal favorite is Garnet, which of course includes Ruby and Sapphire. They are the perfect relationship" she said. Once he waited for Oliver, Elizabeth and Sapphire walked down. As soon as Sapphire saw Mitch and her heart fluttered, but she wasn't an idiot and saw that Elizabeth liked him too, she sighed,
That is not a good way to make a friend, she thought. They both liked him, Sapphjre decided that no way in a million moons would a guy like Mitch be interested with a freak like herself. She sighed and walked away from them, trying to hide her tears with her pink curls.@tinygrassisdreaming @Tsiwentiio @Smoaki



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Elizabeth Scott


She really hoped she hadn't sounded as awkward as she'd felt. She just meant to call him handsome as a compliment, like calling one of your friends beautiful. Turning as she heard Sapphire walk away, she noticed the girl seeming a bit down. Elizabeth thought hard about it and figured it out, the girl probably was thinking about Mitch, as she was. She was pretty good at guessing girls' emotions, having two sisters back home.

"Sweetie, are you alright?" she asked, walking over with her heels clicking on the tile," you seem a bit blue."

She knew for a fact that the girl wasn't alright, seeing that her usual self, at least so far, was rather spunky and bubbly. If she tried to brush it of Elizabeth would not let it go until she finally admitted that she wasn't alright.



Mason Sutcher

Location: New York

Mood: Frazzled

If Mason was any later,he may have missed the group entirely. Forgotten by the masses in favor of Cesar salads and riveting conversation. A large part of him is glad that they hadn't left yet, though he did trip over himself on the way downstairs, an untied shoelace being his ultimate downfall. Or, it could have been if he hadn't gripped the railing with the force of a professional wrestler. "Damn." He huffed, blowing a stray strand of hair away from his face and joining to meet the rest of the crew. He tugged at the sleeves of his shirt, taking a fleeting glance around the room. Thick brows inch together in mild confusion as the pink haired girl walked off. He wondered quietly to himself what could have possibly upset her, and if it was possible to put a smile back on her face. He hoped so, she sure did have a lovely one.

He swallowed, forcing his thoughts back into the hole from which they came, shaming himself for already crushing. It seemed that it happened often with Mason, finding that as soon as he took even the simplest of interest in a person, it shifted into something more of an infatuation. Absolutely, childish. Well, nevertheless, he managed a small smile and got into one of the cars. It didn't matter which one, it wasn't like he cared. His fingers tapped against his knee with incessant nerves, as he waited for the others to choose a car and start heading toward the diner.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.bf689b419d2dd19e4d05c7ce41ece9d0.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136104" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.bf689b419d2dd19e4d05c7ce41ece9d0.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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While she was walking away, Sapphire had not expected Elizabeth to follow her so she gasped when she heard her voice. Immediately wiping the tears away, "No, no I'm fine" she said, "Really I'm okay. I just forgot something in my room" she said, realizing that was somewhat true. She did have a Rose Quartz sword, shield and Lion, but she thought it was too much to bring to dinner, so she had left them behind. "I have to check my makeup now, I think I smudged it, it took about ten minutes. Should I just go dressed as myself?" She asked, not wanting to spend ten minutes on her makeup and be extra late to the dinner.



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Eros acknowledged Ollie's gratitude with a smile and nod. He was caught by suprise by the compliment along with the rather cute execution of it. "Oh, well... I should say the same about you," he smiled. Though Eros preferred the curly haired look for Ollie, his current hairstyle looked nice as well. Heck, anything would look nice on Ollie to Eros. "Shall we get going?" He asked, side glancing over at Sapphire as she walked away trying to stifle her tears. Eros led the way to the cabs, glancing at Sapphire and Elizabeth as he passed. He noticed Mason was already waiting in one of the cabs, and opened the door to that one before poking his head in to greet him. "Why hello there, you seem rather impatient," he teased with a smile. Pulling his head back out of the cab, Eros held the door open for Ollie.

@Of the Red @RaineeDaze
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Elizabeth Scott


She frowned as Sapphire a bit obviously "put on a brave face" and asked about her makeup and outfit. She sighed and smiled closed-lipped at the girl.

"I think you look just marvelous, you just need a touchup," she responded, being as kind as she could," I can help, if you'd like of course."


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