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Realistic or Modern Social Media Road Trip ( 1 Spot Available)

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Oliver Cardoza

Oli was so fucking late.

This morning had been an absolute bitch, right ? The flight from his native Paulista, Brazil to New York City had been terrible since he was terrified of flying alone. He didn't get much sleep the last couple of days and dark bags were faint of his skin so he had to fix them up with makeup. What if there was a cute boy there ? He decided to put on a little more makeup as he was wearing eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara and pinkish lip gloss shone on his plump lips. That put him behind schedule and he fell asleep in a taxi from the airport but it was all good now, right ? Right.

Now that he had calmed down, he had time to admire the city. Oliver was a bit apprehensive at first about joining in on the trip that Khloe had set up but when she mentioned New York City, he was sold. He had always wanted to see the Big Apple in person. Oliver had high expectations and this city certainly didn't disappoint.

Soon enough he was escorted into his room and given directions from there. Wow...This whole thing was starting to hit him. The brunette shook his head, muttering to himself in Portugese. He didn't consider himself an "internet star" in most senses but this project was making him rethink that. Little Oliver Cardoza surrounded by the best and the brightest.

He wanted to rest for a while but once he looked at the clock, he realized he had to get down to the conference room
now. Changing into a simple tight white t-shirt and black skinny jeans with a large red letterman jacket, he rushed down the conference room and practically slid in there.

"I am so
sorry that I'm late"




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Khloe Mitchell

After Khloe's speech she walked towards Alex and Makenna "Hey guys, how have you two been" She said with a smile, she loved both of their accounts so she was beyond excited to meet both of them. She turned when she noticed someone walking in and it was Oliver "About time" She teased him, and smiled waving him over to join them, she wanted everyone to feel comfortable and was hoping that everyone was at least getting a chance to talk and get to know each other.


Eros noticed Oliver rush in. His eyes were glued to the boy as he was beckoned over to the youtuber. "How lovely," he sighed audibly, not noticing that we was thinking out loud. He couldn't keep his eyes off of Oliver, and while he was distracted Hestia stood up and jumped off of his lap, swiping his nose with her fluffy tail. This snapped him out of it, and he almost hopped off of the table to run after her when he remembered that he would be leaving his snake behind in the arms of someone he had just met. Not that Mason wasn't trustworthy, but the safety of his pets was too important to Eros for him to leave Gemini unsupervised with someone they didn't know. Hestia could take care of herself in a situation like this, and she was a good cat so she wouldn't be one to get herself into trouble. So Eros let her roam off.

Hestia padded over to the other group of Internet stars. She walked right in the middle of their conversation and meowed, projecting her voice for attention with her tail held high.

@thnksfrllths @RaineeDaze
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Alex smiled as the cat jumped onto the floor and meowed loudly. He took a quick glance at the guy that had the snake and the cat again, and turned to see another guy walk in, and watched Khloe join him. Alex shrugged, grinning, and walked towards the group surrounding the table where the guy with the snake was. "Hey, I'm Alex." He waved to the entire group, and scratched the back of his neck, internally wincing at his conversational skills.


Anthony Matthews


19 hours. 19 hours it had taken Anthony to get to New York from Miami. All he wanted to do now was let sleep consume him but he had to face the unfortunate reality which was he still had a few blocks to travel before he completely reached his destination. New York was seemingly filled with vibrant colours: the shops, people's attires, the skyscrapers, vehicles, everything really. Most having their own unique appearance; something that wasn't exactly familiar in the last city he visited - Miami.

If he was honest, he wasn't looking forward to this trip 100% simply because of the travelling. He was too lazy to do so much, staying in only place would be much more preferable for Anthony. Nevertheless, meeting up with other Internet 'famous' people who were supposedly decent and the fans who had helped him get to the point where he was now. He was grateful for all the support he had been given on Vine and hadn't really expected to get to the point he was now. Anthony had made a good living off of doing Vine, surprisingly. Money wasn't an issue he had to worry about now: he had his own rather fancy apartment, an expensive vehicle and of course his girlfriend that was still in Miami. He was living in Miami for the time being before he sets off again in a few more weeks to probably the Netherlands for meet and greet.

Anthony pulled up to the hotel's car park and stepped out his vehicle, his outfit was clearly designer, featuring a black patterned jacket, black t-shirt, grey skinny jeans and black and white Jordans. Taking his small bag, he headed through the hotel's entrance to the front desk where he collected his room keys from the pleasant receptionist and entered the elevator which led to the floor he was staying on. The hotel was most certainly a beautiful building, not a single speck of dust could be noticed on the furniture, the colours were fresh and pleasant to look at, the staff was nice as well may he just add. But it was clear that people would already be in the conference room. Still, he was used to being late. He planned on just plopping his bag onto his bed before heading to where people were expecting him. Anthony simply opened the door to his room and gave a quick, strong throw that let his bag land on the bed, turning around he headed to the conference room.

Talking to new people wasn't his 'specialty' but he certainly wasn't shy or nervous to be here. Entering the room he saw that people were already there, like he thought. Anthony didn't speak a word before turning on his IPhone 6 and scrolling through his news feed on Instagram.
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"If you say so." Sun-Hi was a bit more at ease, especially when Mason held the snake without fear. She was still scared but not enough for her to not go close to it. "I guess since it seems harmless, it's cool with me." Sun-Hi pet Hestia as she said this. It was a cute little cat.

More people had started coming in and Sun-Hi recognized all of them. Some started to come over to where she was standing. 'Hi' was her simple of way of greeting everyone. Oliver's voice apologizing made her turn her head and she laughed quietly. "We can't always be early." Sun-Hi shrugged. Hestia jumped off Yeong's lap when he was distracted and she watched as the little cat roamed around, disrupting conversation and all. A new voice made Sun-Hi turn to the direction it came from. "Hey Alex, I'm Sun-Hi." She waved back to him.

Mentions: @thnksfrllths @tinygrassisdreaming @Of the Red

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.b7ac00893ea1a24c7898381533866fc7.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="135116" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.b7ac00893ea1a24c7898381533866fc7.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Sapphire giggled, "I know who you are silly" she said happily, "Your music is so beautiful" she added. Before looking up at him, she felt her heart skip a beat and she blushed pink. "I... umm... I- I do cosplays and fandom th-things" she said stuttering slightly before pointing to her outfit and smiling at him, "Name a fandom, I probably know it
and have an outfit for it" she said sweetly. She turned back to the girl, "I do that too. Rambling, stuttering, imitations and more" she joked. "Hi Elizabeth. It's my first time in New York too. I'm from Hollywood, L.A". @RaineeDaze @Tsiwentiio @Smoaki



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Elizabeth Scott


"Hm? Oh, this isn't my first time in New York. Well I mean it is, just um... well it's my first time in the US."

She trailed off, not sure if she should say more. She didn't want to seem like she was drawing all of the attention to herself. Glancing between the two of them, she hoped her nervous appearance would give away that she really wasn't trying for attention. Her eyes lingered on Mitch for a moment before traveling to Sapphire who was blushing a bit obviously. She glanced between the two again and felt her heart sink a bit; of course Sapphire had a crush on Mitch, he was gorgeous. Elizabeth herself thought of him rather fondly, though she wouldn't call it an actual crush. At least not yet.

@Tsiwentiio @CelestialBunny


Mitch Oakes

Mitch turned and looked at Elizabeth as she mentioned that this was her frirst time in the country. "Well I can't say the same but I wasn't born in this country, I moved here about 5 years ago now" he didn't find the fact that he was originally from Canada all that interesting so he didn't say anything. He looked over at Sapphire "The only 2 fandom a I guess I know about is Marvel and American Horror Story" Mitch didn't really watch TV all that much, he was always busy making music he never really had time. He noticed both girls were looking at him, Sapphire was blushing, they both seemed to be actually. They were both really pretty, and he wanted to get to know both of them if he could

@Smoaki @CelestialBunny

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.cc41c961aa403b02b24913aa3d608572.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="135213" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.cc41c961aa403b02b24913aa3d608572.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.76dbb4c8f093e6a2fb403fddaefbcbc4.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="135215" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.76dbb4c8f093e6a2fb403fddaefbcbc4.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sapphire stopped to think, "American Horror Story? You stumped me Mitch, I don't have a costume for that. I'll make a note" she said before pulling out a small note pad and writing down '
American Horror Story'. Then she continued, "Marvel? I have at least three marvel heroes costumes, let me show you my newest one" she said to Elizabeth and Mitch. She quickly walked away, and after ten minutes she came back in a Captain America costume. "What do you think?" She asked, hoping it looked okay, since Elizabeth and Mitch were the first people to see it, she wanted their complete honesty.@Tsiwentiio @Smoaki



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Mason Sutcher

Location: New York

Mood: Excited

See, there's very few things that can normally catch Mason off guard, but a girl flirting with him..( Atleast, he
THINKS that's what was happening ), that was definitely one of those few things. It's only after she's ventured off, that he realizes his mistake, an obvious blush painted over his cheeks. He'd talk to her later, he'd promise himself that at least.

The snake easily stole his attention, and he couldn't help but stare in amazement at the beautiful creature. He smiled softly, letting it crawl up his arm. There wasn't a single shred of fear or discontent, the feelings that so many people had easily replaced by curiosity and childish glee.

Both Mckenna and Alex's introductions were offered a small wave with his free hand, "I'm Mason!" He chirped, offering them both a bright smile. "Do either of you like snakes?"

Tagging: @thnksfrllths, @tinygrassisdreaming, @Starry Night


"Apparently not." Eros chimed in without saying hello. He was very perceptive, it was incredibly easy for him to get the most information out of the smallest of gestures. He kept his eyes on his snake calmly. Eros wasn't worried, for Mason seemed very content and intrigued in this moment. Gemini slithered on with indifference, which was a good sign. It was easy to agitate them, but both heads were very calm as they ventured farther up Mason's arm, and eventually up his shoulder and behind hid neck.
Alex grinned, waving back. "I'm afraid of a lot of them, but I don't freak out unless they attack. You seem fearless, Mason." He watched the snake travel along Mason's arms, and turned to the guy on the table. "I don't think I got your name, but you seem like someone artistic and... hipster-ish." He said this, gazing up and down. "Yeah. You've got this arty vibe about you. Let me guess, tumblr?"


Mason Sutcher

Location: New York

Mood: Happy

'"Not everybody's a fan." He replied with ease, a very subtle shrug of his shoulders. "But, like I said to Sun-Hi, snakes are relatively harmless, especially when they're pets. They're honestly kind of adorable, lizard-worms if you will." He chuckles at that, though it isn't entirely all that funny.

"But, I'm not fearless, I have things I'm scared of - just like anybody else. The common things like, snakes and spiders don't really bug me though."

Tagging: @tinygrassisdreaming, @thnksfrllths


"Lizard-worms," Eros repeated with a laugh. He turned his attention to Alex when he was addressed. "Hipster-ish?" He scoffed with one brow raised and the other furrowed. Eros definitely did not identify as a hipster, no way in hell. He didn't have any negative feelings against hipsters, but a hipster was definitely something that he wasn't. Hipsters were too focused on image and reputation, Eros liked to describe them as people with individuality complexes. Like a superiority complex, but replacing the feelings of inferiority with feelings of being ordinary and insignificant. Therefore, these mundane people try to make up for their trivialities by purposefully being "different" all the while defeating the whole purpose by causing themselves to be generalized and put into a group. "Now, 'arty' is a proper adjective. Describing me as one of those plebians, is not." He chuckled, a bit condescendingly. "And yes, I am here for being the 'popular tumblr blogger.'" The way he used his hands to place air quotes around those words made it apparent that he didn't really identify with that label. It was easy for Eros to come off as cocky and condescending, but this wasn't entirely true. He was actually very humble about most if not all things, but he did see himself to be a bit superior to those who were very ordinary and lacked individuality, but made sure to keep it hidden as best as he could. Even his feelings of superiority he was humble about, in the sense that he kept quiet about them unlike most people, even if they did manage to slip through at times.

McKenna Peters

The whole snake thing was a bit much for her. At being asked by the guy, who currently had the thing wrapped around his arm, if she liked snakes, Mac couldn't help but crinkle her nose slightly. "It's not that I don't like them...I would just prefer to be at a distance from any animal really. Unless it was like a puppy or bunny. You know, something small and fluffy...less scaly, if you will." she said casually. It wasn't often that McKenna came off as a bit stuck-up, but occasionally she did and it was never intentional. She watched everyone getting to know each other. It seemed like this trip was going to go really well. Everyone just seemed to click. Except there was one guy who was by himself, scrolling through his phone.

Mac decided she should at least introduce herself, nobody else had bothered to talk to him since he walked in. McKenna walked up behind him "hm, Instagram? You know there's a pretty cool account, this girl just posts about interesting places she visits. You should check it out." she said with a slight laugh as she mockingly promoted her account. Mac made her way in front of him and offered a friendly smile and a hand shake. "I'm McKenna...feel free to call me Mac though, and that account I was talking about was mine." she clarified with a small smirk. The blonde adjusted her glasses slightly, unsure how this guy would react to her.

She had tried to remember the brief research of everybody she had done beforehand. Where was this guy from? Then it clicked, he was from Vine but his name was escaping her. Mac didn't think too much of it, she assumed he would introduce himself by name soon enough.

@RaineeDaze @Illusive
Sun-Hi listened in on the conversation, which was pretty amusing. One thing that made her feel pretty reassured was the she wasn't the only one who didn't fancy snakes. Everyone, from what she could tell, was having a good time and making friends which meant the trip wouldnt be awkward. After a while, Sun-Hi's thoughts were occupying her so it was as if she spaced out. She thought of everything and anything but for the most part, they were about food.

Something someone said brought her out of her trance-like state. Plebeians, Yeong was calling hipsters some sort of commoner? Sun-Hi started laughing although it was probably inappropriate. "I'm sorry about that." She covered mouth but continued to likely chuckle in her hand. She shouldn't have laughed and should've stopped when she started but something about that word, plebeians, sounded funny. Talk about rude. Once she finally calmed down, she looked over to Yeong, hoping that he wouldn't be offended and said, "Forgive me please, I didn't mean to laugh at that."

Mentions: @tinygrassisdreaming

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.7cbc4d5419de7af765868a838476838e.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="135413" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.7cbc4d5419de7af765868a838476838e.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Oliver Cardoza

Oli was glad that he had heard of the majority of people here even if he hadn't met them personally. If it wasn't obvious by his late entrance, the Brazlian boy wasn't the best at first impressions. Even so, he waved for a second and gave everyone a shy little smile. No one was mean to him immediately so he guessed that it worked. Oliver thought he had heard the boy from Tumblr, Eros he believed, sigh and say "how lovely" when he ran in. He wasn't talking about Oli, was he ? Oliver still flushed anyway.

There was a lot of things going on inside the conference room itself. Everyone buzzed around talking to each other and there was a very fluffy looking cat in someone's arms. Oli made a mental note to remind himself to ask if he could pet the cat sooner or later cause it was absolutely adorable. His attention was turned to the other pets in the room as he watched a snake slighter up Mason's arm. Walking up to the other boy, he'd point to it and nod. "That's a very nice snake you got there, Mason. Very...snakelike".




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Mason Sutcher

Location: New York

Mood: Happy

Mason stifled a laugh of his own, easily amused by Eros clear distaste for the stereotype. Though the concept did raise a question, "What would you say is considered hipster-ish?" It's not directed at anybody in particular, but the definition was often different for every person he chose to ask. His definition? Obnoxious people who stomp their feet and fuss when something they genuinely enjoy seems to get popular enough for the rest of the population to know about it. Which is ridiculous, considering popularity is at the core of any product.

"Snakes are just as cute as bunnies." He pouted, though the statement barely met Mckenna's ears before she was crossing the room to talk to someone else. His fellow viner, Anthony. He had to remember to introduce himself sooner or later, maybe after he got tired of the snake slithering all over him and being plain adorable. There's a fair possibility that Eros would have to take the snake away before he grew bored of it, however.

Mason chuckled, turning his attention to the brunet. "Aren't they cute?" He smiled brightly, dimples carving into his cheeks. "Eros is letting me hold them." He gestured to the reptile, pointing to the first head. "Pollux", and then he pointed to the second, "Castor." There's a small pause, "Though they just go by Gemini."


Hestia, the cat who was now padding around the conference room made her way back to Eros when her attempts to get pets by grabbing attention didn't work so well. She decided to meow loudly at the people around him as she rubbed against Oliver's legs.

"No, that's perfectly fine, dear. I'm glad you laughed," he smiled to Sun-Hi.

When Oliver approached, Eros began to feel a bit anxious, though only a bit. Eros straightened his back where he was sitting. He watched the boy's lips move as he spoke and kept his eyes on him, but if Ollie were to look at Eros, the blogger would quickly shift his gaze back to his snake or down at his cat. "You can pick her up if you like, she seems to like you." He said to Oliver, addressing his cat.

"Having an individuality complex," he replied simply without explaining the term, guessing it was easy enough to figure out the meaning behind it. But this also served as a test to see how clever the people around him were, as needing an explanation would mean failing this little test. Eros couldn't help but smile at Mason's warm words toward the snake, and how he introduced them so perfectly. "Oh, have you heard?" He asked Oliver. "We'll be heading out to the city pretty soon to meet our fans, and I'm kind of absolutely dreading it." He sighed, falling back onto the table.

@RaineeDaze @Of the Red @Starry Night
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Sun-Hi sighed in relief when Eros stated that it was not a problem. "Oh good." She returned the smile and looked around, Oliver had approached now. He was from Snapchat and Twitter, Sun-Hi recalled. She'd done her research before coming so that she wouldn't be completely clueless. Diverting her attention back to Gemini, Sun-Hi realised she didn't have that much of a problem and was more comfortable with the snake slithering arcross Mason since it proved to be quite harmless. Gulping down her fear, she touched it gingerly then retracted her hand. That wasn't so bad. It's harmless. Her thoughts were telling the truth, there was nothing to be afraid of.

Sun-Hi looked down to the cat rubbing against Oliver's legs and smiled. The sight was such a cute one and Sun-Hi had a soft spot for cute things. "Aww, Hestia really seems to like you. You should take her up." She gestured down to the cat and smiled encouragingly back up at Oliver.

Mentions: @tinygrassisdreaming @Of the Red
Alex thought for a moment, watching the cat walk back to the small group. "I guess if you took this arty vibe," he said while gesturing to Eros, "and add in my music tastes, then put a bit of condescending attitude and an affinity for artisinal pastries and indie coffee shops, then you'd get a hipster." He glanced at his outfit, and thought for a moment, before muttering. "Damn, that's me."

Elizabeth Scott


"Sweetie that's amazing! And you changed in ten minutes?" she responded to Sapphire's question about her second costume. Elizabeth was impressed by the first one, and this one was even better.

"You're definitely better than I would be if I were in your position."

@CelestialBunny @Tsiwentiio

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Oliver Cardoza

"Castor and Pollux, hm ? I like it". Oli was pleased that he got that little reference. Aside from Aphrodite and Ares, Dionysus was his favorite Olympian as he enjoyed both partying and grapes. He reached over and gently ran his finger tip down both of them, smiling as he did so. He turned to the other boy, "Your snakes are so beautiful, Eros !".

Oli was about to say something else when he noticed the cat rubbing against his legs. At Eros and Sun Hi's urging, he picked up up and stroked her fur, utterly delighted. "It's very nice to meet you", Oli said to the cat. He would pet her for a second more before letting her go and taking a seat next to Eros on the table, crossing his legs at the ankle. "Oh, shush, it'll be fine. You're lovely and I bet the fans will adore you". Oliver meant it, Eros really did seem lovely and he was quite cute too. No wonder he was so thankful he wore makeup today.

@tinygrassisdreaming @Starry Night



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