Chitchat So... how did you come up with your username?

Iliana, or Ileana, was the name my mother was going to name me after my birth but she decided to go with another that I loved but this is my new alias.
I literally tried to think of the most cyberpunk sounding name i could. This isn't my usual handle to be honest (>u>)
My full handle is usually celestialghoul. I like the word celestial, I like ghouls. I try to use 'Celestials" whenever I can. Kinda boring, I know..
I acquire it from X Hero Siege 3.12 from Warcraft.

Two high hero to beat with, Ramero and Baristol.
I ... don't even know to be honest. When I was little I made up lots of random names, most of them starting with "Zai." Zaiarogoiu, Zaiaragai, Zaiarkai... Zaiarkai was my username for lots of stuff, but when I signed up for RpN I decided to shorten it to ZaiKai for convenience. (Wasn't very convenient though ... until a short while ago it was .::ZaiKai::. Needless to say, the extra symbols got annoying).
Semblance is actually my summoner's name for the game, League of Legends.

I remember I couldn't think of a username, and this was around the time I was studying for SAT's, so I grabbed my SAT Vocab book, flipped it open to a random page, and saw the word "semblance" :)
Well I have mad nostalgia goggles for the show Reading Rainbow.

My IRL nickname is Rae

Combine these two facts with my love of word play and you get

Reading Rae Bow
Shy guy has been a favorite of my many, many aliases. I started out with "witeboy" stupid I know, I was 12 at the time. Then a few years and I upgraded to "aim" personally I still use it from time to time cause its a good handle, especially for fps's haha. Fast forward and we have "shy guy".

How I came across it is not that interesting. When I first got kik I wanted something that radiated cool and mysterious, and so shy guy was born. Lately I have grown an obsession with Cthulhu. "Cthulhu has been my latest handle but I don't use it for much.
I mostly have this name because I saw some people changing their usernames, which I thought was a pretty neat idea considering that I had began to grow tired of my old username: Cadell Morde. When I began thinking of some names Black Butler popped into my mind for some reason. I originally was gonna go with "The Butler", but because I thought it made me sound like some sort of DC villain I decided to change it. In the end I searched for some synonyms for Butler and Servant showed up in the results. I thought it sounded pretty cool when said out loud so I made it my new username. And that boys and girls is the story of how I met my username.
Originally, "Trace" came from a game I played called "Trace Memory". It was a point and click game, set on an island where the protagonist was the daughter of researchers on human memory. Her parents went missing and, around her fourteenth birthday, received a package from her father saying he was waiting for her on an island. She goes out there and finds an amnesiac ghost and they search the island to solve their own respective mysteries. Now that I think about it, it would be a good roleplay plot, haha.

Later on, "Trace" was the nickname of a character named Tracy, a character I am particularly fond of.

Now, it's a mixture of things. Particularly, I just love the sound and meaning of word, the action of tracing things.
Well in the time here I've had three different names...

Name 1: was pain-clown 123, at the time I was thinking if joker villains like arkham, joker, kefka etc and when I found this place I made my account

Name 2: the-lich was one u had for ages, in fact if I recall I liked the name after watching the hidden lore of adventure time, with the antagonist "the-lich" so good I has to have

Name 3: finally the-lich was a name idea by Someone in chat so...yea that's about it ;3

The-lick I meant lol
I came up with mine when I joined my first RP forum in 2008. I named myself after Sirius Black of course, because he is my favorite character from Harry Potter.

The name stuck until early this year when I left the site and came here. I added the "1023" because that was my ID number on that site. :)
I'm super lame: whenever I register somewhere, I

and pick a random word from the artist/song name that sounds like a username.
Strangely enough my username had nothing to do with Marvel! I know, it comes as a surprise to everyone, especially those who are amendment that I am simply trying to avoid being labelled as a Marvel Loki fan girl. Which is not true! I am a fangirl, just not the username devotion standard despite loving Tom hiddleston <=) Actor preferences aside, however, I came up with mine via combining the whole QT pi theme with and Jim Carrey's Mask.

How? because the whole powers behind the Mask, in the film anyway, was that the trickster god Loki was trapped into the mask as punishment, resulting in a magical mask which releases everyone's inner trickster :D This isn't a word for word explanation I know but its a very loose jist of it all. I then slapped Pi at the end, well because why not? who doesn't like pie? both pastry and math based :P

So long story short, I have used this username for awhile both on forums and in games, way before the Thor films were released :D Ta da!

Although my other common username : Lemming is due to a mixture of my amazing ability to get myself killed in games, whilst also squeaking in terror over the mic in vent, TS and steam really. :P
Honestly? I was looking for names that meant and beauty for a rp character I was making at the time. I found Mayumi on a baby name site and fell in love with it immediately. I had several characters that I named Mayumi, so...when I registered, I shrugged and put that in as all the other ones I could think of at that moment failed me, as tends to happen when I sign up for sites. I don't really have a neat "I've kept this handle for x years." cuz honestly? I use a different one on each site I'm on. I like finding new names, or making new ones that seem to fit me. Not sure Mayumi fits me, but I do get nicknames that amuse me for days.
I'm a opera singer with a beautiful singing voice (or at least that's the general consensus) , so my nerdy friends call me a siren from time to time. And I chose the word fiery because not only am I an Aries (stubborn fire sign) I am also a very sassy and short tempered person. Then I took into account that the words fiery and siren contradict each other in a certain light and I liked that because I a walking contradiction. Thus thefierysiren was born. xD
Well, During my youth I had a fascination with oriental language and culture. I also had a wonderful thirst for knowledge and leadership so being the Oldest of Three and second of four I learned to take the advantage at every point. High school comes around and there it was Chinese Mandarin. In didn't want to learn Spanish because, hey in Tucson everyone and their mother already knows how to speak it, and I was learning that just fine on my own along with French. First day, the teacher assigned us names. Aylisha, was mine. It's pretty easy to figure out it was a derived variation from the pronunciation of my first name and stuck .

Once I started expanding my knowledge in Asian culture I also got deeply into Manga and Japanese animation. I started learning and forth time a new language. at least as far I could with a laptop and a set of head phones could go. One day I found myself creating my first original RP characters instantly Aylisha and Anastasia made my tops picks and a deadly combo. Soon time came for a new generation and I was stumped as every Japanese name I came across was so OVER used. After I did some digging I found Akaihana and fell in love instantly because its meaning Red Flower. Which is honestly brought on the characteristics I was aiming for. Long red hair delicate features a frail red flower and would grow to be a strong beautiful rose. To my bane at a later date I learned red flowers where also associated with Japanese funerals. Leading a curse of tragedies to my lovely flower.

Obviously, Aylisha Akaihana is way to long to be thrown around as a username so bada bing bada BOom- LishaRose Is much more fitting.
Well, I would usually make usernames that were acronyms of phrases when I ever made an account. TEOYL just really stuck to me; I have no idea why. xD
Because Demyx is a rad dude(I try to get this handle as much as I can If not this I use Pemyx). onlydownsideispeoplekeepsayingdancewaterdancewhenimaround
Tipster - Funnily enough it's a bastardisation of my surname. It started out because I have such a common first name, and my surname is a bit... well... meh on its own, so people started using it as my nickname at school.

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