Chitchat So... how did you come up with your username?

My real username (the one I always use) is Aftherion, TheAftherion or Commander Aftherion. This one is mostly just short from Commander Aftherion. Commander.

Aftherion is Canis Major (Big dog) stellarium's alternative title, and since, 8 years ago, Google found nothing about ''Aftherion'' I decided to take it as my name and fill Google's searching results with me. And now - 3,380 results found under name AFTHERION

TheAftherion is because I deleted my old YouTube account, and when making new, it said that link ''Aftherion'' is already taken, so I had to come up with a new name.
My name stems from my country's nickname for my actual name - George which becomes Dode amongst most Scottish people ( and maybe beyond I suppose, I've never actually researched (I'm also led to believe it has its own meaning in America but it doesn't mean that xD )). Taking Dode, I wanted a name I could use for my RPG games that sounded like it could fit both fantasy/historical settings while also fitting into a more diverse future setting. Dodiestee was the result, and I've used it ever since.
The combination of Ice and the latin for king, rex. Ice-king. I know it doesn't make a lot of sense 'cause I didn't use the latin for ice, but whatever.
I got my name because I have a heavy winter coat that I wear pretty much whenever it's not summer and my best friend one time threw his coat at me when he left to go do something and when he came back I had put it on over mine, then we made up a story about a superhero named Coatboy who went to parties and acted as the coat-check by putting on everyones coats... ahh good times. Then at some point I added to the name: the man of many pockets because my coat had a lot of pockets and I pretty much had anything in them, like batman did on his belt
Interesting question with some very interesting replies. Riley is the name of an RP character I've had for years. A modern fantasy character, Riley Addison Kaid, that was created for a world I created on another website several years ago. I've had her for a long time now, a descendant of my very first RP character from so many years ago.
Most of the replies to this question are hilarious and lengthy... I just use my actual name. (':3)
Long story short I was on a virtual pet website and wanted to name my pet Nix but the name was already taken, so I just sort of came up with Nixitra and it's been a go to and character name ever since.
Shippo is unrated as inuyasha character. I like the character alot and so I name myself after him
Mine's kinda silly.

I work at farmers markets and it's hard for some vendors to remember so many names. Welp, I color my hair a very bright red, so everyone calls me Red. I figured it'd be nice to have my real nickname tied to a forum nickname, and Sinfonia is just a fun word. And sinfonias sound pretty. Soooo yeah.
Camellia is the anagram of my name, and Cross is kind of the meaning of my surname.

And people around me usually say that I look 'cross' or usually vexed even though often times I'm a very happy person. >_>

sooo...tadaa. CamelliaCross. xD
My name comes from a song off the soundtrack of a video game, Saga Frontier 2. The song's title is Feldschlacht I. It is one of the battle scores.
It's kinda lame how I came up with mine tbh. The username I'm best known by is BlueDew12, which I made as an Xbox Gamertag back in... 2010-11? Sometime about 4 and a half years ago. Anyway, I used to go by Otaku12, but I grew tired of the term so I wanted something new. I simply thought of my favorite color, blue, and my favorite soda at the time, Mountain Dew (which I used to be addicted to but ironically I don't drink it anymore. Gives me a headache). I liked the little rhyme of it and it rolled off the tongue nicely, so I just went with it. The '12' is kinda whatever with me. I tend not to go with it unless the username 'BlueDew' is already taken. Anyways, the user grew on me so I stuck with it since.

AoRo is basically a literal translation of "Blue Dew" in Japanese. I usually go with that name when making song covers on my Youtube channel, because I kinda wanted to make a Vocaloid-looking persona (hence my avatar)
I was originally piratefinn, but then Kagura nicknamed me Pica (from the pirate word Picaroon) so I decided to change it to PicaPirate. Thus then her nickname for me turned to Roon.

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