Chitchat So... how did you come up with your username?

This is a long one;

When I was younger, I became obsessed with the game 'Minecraft' (I don't remember my age, I just know I was in the 3-4 grade). I had waited for so long to get that game, that when my mom finally gave me the money to buy it, I didn't even ask for her help and filled out the forum for my account myself (this was before Minecraft was on Xbox and tablet so I filled it in on their website, and used a email that my mom soon cancelled because I was using that email too much, and spam was filling her folder(she was never technologically strong and doesn't know what a spam folder is)). At that time, a Youtuber by the name of 'HoneyDew' was popular (his forum was also where I had my first roleplays), I also thought I would be a good minecrafter and help all people (I didn't know what the actual game was like then). I thought with my young name, "Well I will be honeyhelp!" I ended up mis-spelling it (also how my brother got the name 'Flingzombies101' (I won't tell you what I mis-spelled)) and got stuck with the name hunnyhelp. I am unoriginal and like to have one username for everything (I also had my second roleplay experience in minecraft) soo... I haven't changed it, although I have considered changing it to the better and more manly name "That Super Nerd" I haven't gotten around to doing it...

I like Norse mythology. I like horses and hope to one day own a barrel racer. My favorite story from the Great North EVER is how Loki got knocked up by a six-legged stallion.

And no one ever owns the name Sleipnir, so here we are. I'm a Loki Baby.
I've been going by Pixi for a long time. I'm magical and pint sized just like a pixie. It fits. A year or so ago a friend started calling me Pixi Face. It's cute and a little less porny than pixi lust. I'm pretty porntastic a lot of the time, but there's no need to announce it to whole world. So I changed "lust" to "face".
Well, Flaneur means time wasting, soooo yeah. haha its kinda of waste of time, but in a good way (o'v'o)
Many years ago, I made a RP account on a forum where you could have little "pets" on your profile page. I was like 11 at the time. I didn't know what to name one of my pets so I asked my mother for a good name, because she reads even more fantasy books than I do. She suggested the name "Qantaqua" from a book she'd read, where it's the name of a female wolf (and apparently it means wolf as well). I took that name and it kind of stuck with me.

Eventually I shortened it to just Qan because it sounded like a cuter nickname. Then one day I googled it on a whim and realized it meant "blood" in several languages and was a bit creeped out :I
Gasa Bellsica - Well, originally, I thought of using "Gasa" which probably means umbrella. I am quite fond of that Japanese love umbrella belief, so~ And Bellsica came from combination of "Belle" and "Musica", which meant beautiful music. o u o
When I joined I had one desire for my username: no links to my names elsewhere. Internet fame is a weird thing. I swear there's no negative reason for this desire - I just don't like being bugged about my more well-known activities.

And so I pondered. What could be generic enough to be untraceable? What could also be used as a passable username?

That's when it hit me: username! Simple, generic, and possibly construed as witty (despite it not being so in my opinion). However, I didn't want to fall flat, so I drew on HAM radio and went with their term for usernames on the air.
Let me make it simple.

Lull - it means calm or soothing.

Daybreak - my favorite time of the day.

Put it together i like a Peaceful and calm daybreak.

13 - is just my favorite number.
I combined my first name with my last name, and as I did, I mixed a little big of Gilliganish influence in there. Riddiskel was born.
I'm new here so the first thing I do is tell the world how I picked my name

Azul in Spanish means blue and as you can see my avatar is somehat 'blue' and I loves blue! Then I think, Azul... sounds like a boy and I'm not, so I put an 'a' behind it and voila~ Azula was born ( :D )

What about cross? It's not associated with any religion or group or anything else, I just like the cross symbol and somehow make me feel holy and magical. That's it! That's how Azula Cross becomes my username
Not gonna lie, about 6 years ago I decided I was in need of a new username. I opened a dictionary to a random page and placed my finger randomly on a word, without looking. The first word was "Properly." I did this again and the second word was "Hyena." And thus....I was reborn.

Before, I used to go by firethemissile....not incredibly creative.
Just like theproperlyhyena, I was searching for a username very explicitly as well. I knew I wanted it to be a single word- something lasting and straightforward. I also wanted it to start with an N (I suppose the sound just appealed to me?). So through my flurry or a search, I came across nonagon, and the connection grew on me. Nona is the name of a character I love, and nine has always been a lucky number of mine. So Nonagon it was.
I was actually reading a book when I read the word halcyon. From there is was love. Just what it means and the way its pronounced makes me happy and such. It soon became the username I used for everything. If Halcyon is taken I normally add 1226 after it because that's my birthday. Lucky for me though no one on this site had Halcyon~

Needless to say I was happy dancing.
I wanted a username that no one else would ever take. Plus, I am fascinated by spiders--I'm afraid of them, so I love looking at and handling them. :)

(I may or may not have a masochist streak . . .)
I've always been a fan of word play, which is something the Japanese love to do quite a bit. xD

My username actually somewhat came off of word and Kanji character play from a character of an anime called Ronin Warriors.

is the character's full title in English.
I looked further into the series in Japanese to find that Rowen's virtue (every warrior has a virtue as well as an element and color) was Chi/Wisdom.

Mind you, this was before I even knew how to read kanji-- I looked into how to write "Chi" to find that in Japanese, its the character "ki", which could also be translated as energy.

From there, I looked for words and named, stumbling upon "Yuuki", meaning courage.

Yuuki is made from two characters, "yuu" meaning bravery/heroism (you see this in words like yuusha for hero in Japanese) and "ki" which actually means spirit/mind/mood/feelings and is often used in he word "genki", meaning healthy.

"Yuuki" courage has become something more symbolic to me now. And so I keep this username to play on "courage beyond the stars"

Came up with mine thanks to the smexy festival known as: Electric Daisy Carnival!


Well, I originally had Katie91011 as a username which was created when I was 9 signing up for Club Penguin. So you can bet that I was thinking "Oh I'm nine...then I'll be ten...then I'll be eleven! This will work. I'll have this username for a super long time, three years!" When I turned 12, I decided not to add 12 or anything. So now I'm 17 and I still actively use Katie91011.

As for Dandelion Princess, I can thank the Shoutbox for this one. When I had first started getting on the SB, it was when it was placed towards the top of the home page.

There I noticed that I was probably one of the younger ones there so instantly I started to pick up this childish persona. With that persona I'd make actions like snuggling a teddy bear, asking for bedtime stories, and making dandelion crowns, playing in dandelions, and sometimes munching on them too. xD

Eventually that persona evolved into my typical whimsical and playful SB behavior and after a little discussion, a few users suggested that I change my username to one just as whimsical. The username Dandelion Princess was born.
Let me keep it simple Demons and Kittens, best combination ever! Actually, I don't quite recall how I came up with my username. I've had it for awhile.
I don't exactly remember the details of this, but I think that when I was a kid, I used to play this computer game called "Territory Wars" a lot, and I forgot the first login I had for the online component so I knew I needed to come up with a name that I would actually remember...

And for some reason, the color (and spelling of) "grey" popped into my mind first, and when I was thinking of a number sequence to use, "987" seemed as simple as I could make it, so I went with it. The username was open, I used it, and then I went on to actively use this username for just about whatever I could.

I liked to keep things simple and I still do, but I now mix things up here and there for other logins.

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