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Realistic or Modern Snowed In (Rooms Still Available)


Basic Bitches Not Wanted


Thank you for checking in to Snow Top Resort, Here we are accustomed to the snow and the blizzards that come and go each year. This year though one of the biggest storms in over 10 years is about to hit. When it does it leaves the employees and guests stuck inside, maybe for days or weeks while the storm continues and then for the plows and workers to dig us out. There may be some power outages, food will eventually become very scarce, but maybe through out this terrible situation you can meet other guest, maybe make a friend or more

(Check Overview and Character sign up)​

(Opening, Everyone is in the Hotel Ballroom, waiting to hear on the condition)



Carcie made her way towards the ballroom, everyone in the entire hotel probably knew the problem going on, this huge snow storm trapping us here. She looked at the large windows, the only thing she could see was white. she couldn't help but be nervous with what is happening, Carcie grew up in Arizona, she'd never really seen snow to being with and this was way too much for her to handle. Carcie approached the Ballroom, she was one of the first people there, the owners were there along with some of the employees. They set up chairs surrounding a small stage, she sat in one of the middle rows, she looked around nervously.



Garrett leaned against the wall, he watched as the employees set up the chairs for the meeting his father called. He looked over at his father he was on the phone more than usual, he was nervous , and Garrett didn't know how to help. The only thing he could do was just to behave and listen to what his dad says. Garrett left and decided to help people find the ballroom.

@Rakshha @TuffBbg @princxss @Nat @JJKab

Fricka slowly enters the ballroom, as she's nervously looking around. She slowly leaned against a wall, biting her lip.
Ivan pinched the bridge of his nose, blinking to clear his vision as he looked outside. He could see almost nothing but white, the snowstorm completely blocking out any visuals outside the hallway windows. "Damn." He mumbled. He knew a meeting had been called in the ballroom, but he wasn't completely sure where it was so he was just wandering the hallways on the first floor. The wooden floor was cold on his thickly socked feet, but at least the hotel had the heat turned up nice and cozy for now. Ivan opted to lean closer to the window, his forehead resting on the cold glass as the white powdery storm raged outside.
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Garrett walked down the hallways, looking for people that may need directions to the ballroom. He couldn't help but stop too look out at the window, growing up here he knew how bad the weather could be, but he'd never seen it this bad before. He continued walking fixing his shirt, he hated having to "dress up" his dad made him wear a dress shirt and dress pants. He got towards the end of the hallway and noticed a guy who seemed a little lost "Hey do you need help to the ballroom" he asked politely​



Carcie looked around the room noticing a few people had walked in, she stood up and figured she would go see what other people are thinking about the situation. She went and stood near another girl "Hey, by any chance do you know whats going on" she asked​

Fricka looks at the girl,

"UIhm.. i think there is a snow storm outside.. and we could be in trouble" She said slightly pesimistically.

taking off her glasses.

Ivan jumped a little and turned when he heard a voice ask him a question. The kid in front of him had to have been working at the hotel, either that or Ivan really missed the memo on the dress code considering he didn't even bother to put shoes on. Him missing a dress code was entirely plausible, he only barely remembered the announcement about a ballroom meeting. His dad made the mistake of sending him to the hotel with extra medication, so it was off to blurry happy town with Ivan as long as he could keep up the double dose.

He then remembered that people usually replied after being spoken to. "Oh, yeah. I have no idea where I am." He said, letting a soft smile waver over his face.



"Follow Me" Garrett replied, he started walking not too quickly, he placed his hands in his pockets "I'm Garrett by the way" he said turning slightly to look at the guy. Traditionally Garrett would have introduced himself as the son of the owner of the hotel, he hated having to do that so he didn't say anything but at least he actually introduced himself​



"Yeah I figured" Carcie replied quietly, she felt a little weird, probably because she had never been in this type of situation before, well most of the people here probably haven't either​


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.gif.ed7e4ecee07e62f33af0e329b7595060.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="106761" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.gif.ed7e4ecee07e62f33af0e329b7595060.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Aaliyah headed to the hotel ballroom, awaiting the announcement regarding snowing conditions from the hotel staff. With her iPhone in hand, she strolled through the long hallways, eyes glued to the thick white piles of snow lying just outside. Aaliyah loved winter, and had jokingly asked her parents if she could change her surname to Winters as a joke. However, with the amount of snow piling up, it would seem difficult to be able to snowboard tomorrow. What a shame, she was looking forward to it too.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.df860372ceed72cd317b798650a366dd.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="106760" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.df860372ceed72cd317b798650a366dd.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Kayden crawled out from beneath the covers, throwing his pillow at the door. Someone had knocked, abruptly waking Kayden from his nap. Wrapping a robe around himself, he walked to the door, opening it angrily.

"Hello sir, excuse my disturbance, but we, the hotel staff, have an extremely important announcement to make. Please make your way to the ballroom. Thank you," a middle-aged bellboy had informed him, making his way to the other doors.

Kayden growled angrily, slamming the door shut, "what now? Can't a man get any sleep around here?" Still, he slid on a pair of gray joggers and a white tee, making his way to the ballroom.



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Fricka slightly blushed, looking at the ground

"Uhm... How rude of me... haven't introduced myself... M-My name is Fricka..." She said, extending her hand out.

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Ivan followed Garret down the hallway, sock-skating on the hardwood floor. He never claimed to be professional. "I'm Ivan. You work here?" He asked, sliding past the guy towards the wall of the hallway. He may have crashed into said wall. He straightened the painting he ran into and turned back to Garret nonchalantly. "If you do work here, you saw nothing, right?"



Garrett really didn't know how to answer his question, so he just said "No I don't work here, and I didn't see a thing". Garrett figured that in a few minutes when the meeting starts Ivan would know the real Garrett, he seemed cool plus being stuck here it would be nice to talk to someone around his age, as they reached the ballroom Garrett gestured for him to walk in "Not the nicest looking ballroom but here we are"



Carcie smiled at the girl "Hi I'm Carcie" she shook her hand, she turned to look at the entrance noticing more people walking in "We should probably go sit" she said returning her attention back to Fricka​



Veronica Lily Jackson

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/upload_2016-2-18_16-28-4.jpeg.eaa0879111cbba748d207f5f3e9167bf.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="106773" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/upload_2016-2-18_16-28-4.jpeg.eaa0879111cbba748d207f5f3e9167bf.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Veronica sighed softly and took another bite of her pizza, watching everyone help set up. She hadn't really been doing too much and was growing bored more and more by the minute. She looked down at her outfit. A black and white striped dress and small white converses to match with them, her hair naturally around her shoulders. She never really dressed for occasions like this, but you have to take chances when you wanna meet somebody new.

As if right on cue, a boy who looked like he was a bit upset and wanted some peace, came stomping down the hall. Veronica watched and smirked a bit, taking another bite of her pizza. "Just wanted to sleep didn't you?"




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Ivan swayed as he looked around the room. It really was shabby. Some kids were sitting around and talking, and through windows in the back he could see how the snow flurried outside. He turned to Garret, "So do you have any idea what this meeting is about? Are we stuck here?" Not that he minded being out of his dads house for a few extra days, but he only brought a few changes of clothes and the storm was pretty freaky.
Alessandra Katz


"Wakey wakey princess" A voice said by the entrance of the room, laughing as the pillow hit a chest. "I'm awake" The short little blonde mumbled from her bed, her fingers still in the soft fabric of the pillow. She was suffering from jetlag, and of course, she was not forcing herself to stay awake to handle it. Oh no. Instead she was sleeping in naps and not hours. "We gotta goooo!" The voice of her brother pierced through the air and she rolled over, looking at him like she was looking at the devil. "Do you get off on this? Taking my sleep from me?" She asked with the voice of a tortured teen. A teen being woken up, as she grabbed the torn shirt and put it back on, ignoring that it was mostly her pajamas by now.

By the time they were leaving the room, Alex had her legs around her brothers hips, her arms over his shoulder, and had a bottle of coke in her hand, grumbling about not being a fan of being woken up as if she had nothing better to do than before woken up. Of course she had better and more important things! She had sleep to get! "You're a jerk" She mumbled, and he just laughed, carrying her into the room they had all been instructed to go to. Well... Max had been instructed on their behalf, she had been sleeping soundly. "Look, there's snow" Alex pointed to the window, where all they could see was white, and she smiled. "I like snow" She whispered, hanging on her brother as they went to sit down.

Maximilian Katz


"Yes yes, I know you like snow" Max said as they went to a chair and Alex climbed to the front of him, ending up on his lap when they sat down. "You're a big girl, you can sit on your own chair" He said as he took the bottle of coke from her, taking a large drink from it before handing it over, smiling at the glare he received from his sister. "I know you carried me and all, but it's my cooooke" She said and then started to look around, ignoring the comment about needing her own seat. When she sat on him, at least she could just pretend to fall asleep if people tried to talk with them.



Garrett thought for a moment, he figured that they would all be stuck there, he was still waiting to see what his dad would say to everyone about the whole situation "I think we may be here for a while" he said as he scanned the room, noticing more people walking in, he looked over at his father who was talking to the head maintenance guy, he then turned his attention back to Ivan "Have a seat" he said with a small smile, he looked down at the large watch he had on his wrist, "things should be starting in a few minutes, I'll be back" Garrett said and turned to walk towards the front of the room, he past a few more teens who seemed to be the same age as him, he went up and stood a few feet away from his father​

Ivan sat down at the back row of the chairs that were set up in the ballroom. It seemed odd that Garret went to stand next to the man who was going to speak if he didn't work at the hotel. Ivan shrugged it off and assumed it was none of his business. He leaned his head back and looked up at the ceiling before closing his eyes. He didn't have the energy to do much else, so he just relaxed and waited for the man up front to start speaking.


They both stood at the ballroom, seeing many people inside. Dom and Vali had come from Kentucky to visit their parents, but Dom car had broken down from there. While searching for a mechanic, they had found this hotel to stay at and now there was a snow storm outside. "I blame you." Vali told Dom since Vali didn't even want to come visit, he wanted to stay with their Uncle. "Stupid Parents, Stupid Dom." Vali growled to himself. @Anyone

Fricka nods slowly, as she walks towards one of the chairs, that have already been set up, and sits down on it, looking around.


Garrett looked at his father, he was getting prepared to let everyone know what was going on with the storm and the hotel. Hopefully he won't make Garrett talk, he looked at his watch noticing it was time and his father stepped foreword

"All right thank you all for coming, Well first off my name is Michael Oakes and I am the owner of this hotel" he turned and gestured to Garrett "And this is my son Garrett, we are aware of the situation at hand with the weather condition. Sadly we may be stuck here for a while, most of the roads are closed and the snow is at least 10 to 11 inches already. Once the storm starts to calm down we will start to plow the snow out, we will keep you all updated on the weather report. Thank you" Garrett watched as his father stepped down and immediately started talking on the phone again. "Well that was a big waste of everyone's time" Garrett said to himself


Carcie sat and listen to the speech, she got more and more nervous as the man spoke, 10 to 11 inches of snow, that was a lot heck she thought that 3 inches was a lot of snow. After the speech was over she just sat for a moment letting everything sink in before standing up​
Fricka slowly looks at Carcie. SHe smiled at her, standing up.

"Don't worry.. i guess.. we'll be free soon enough... i'll be in my room, 112... if you wanna come by... knock yourself out" She said, as she pat her on her shoulder, before walking away, headed towards her room.

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He wanted to ask a question but didn't feel like going to ask them. Vali had stormed back to his room so only Dom stayed behind to see what the rest of the occupants would do. Dom would had called his parents but the connection wasn't working well only the WiFi. He closed his eyes, trying to come up with an excuse he could use once he could go visit his parents.

Alessandra Katz


"Is 10 inches a lot?" Alex expression spoke of confusion as she looked at her brother after the stranger had talked, and she couldn't help but laugh at his eyeroll. "You're not at home now little butterfly" He said and she rolled her eyes in return. "10 inches is how much?" She asked again and then pulled out her phone, doing some maths, laughing quietly when she saw the result. "That's so little! Jakob wouldn't even let me get out of throwing the trash with that." "It's america little creature. They're not used to snow storms" He said, getting another little quiet laugh from her as she opened her coke again, taking another sip.

[COLOR=#000066 Maximilian Katz[/COLOR] ]


"If you get a need for slushies, as long as they'll let us open the doors I can fix it for you" He offered with that playful smile, and as Alex looked confused, the smile was genuine. "you put an unopened bottle out into the snow. Leave it for 20 minutes, and then you open it, pour it into a glass and voila. Slushies for little butterfly" He said and she nodded, trying to get her mind around it. "I saw it in a youtube video" he explained finally and she nodded, looking around at the people around them. "I don't think all the people here are used to snow. But I want to build a snow man if it's gonna snow so much"


Jason Sandler

Jason was shuffling in his bed, currently witnessing the most horrible nightmare one could witness in their dreams, which specifically involves spiders, clowns and other creepy crawlies. And to his dismay, all of this were extremely terrifying to Jason, who shuddered in his sleep. Just before he was going to get dismembered by the complex cutting machine, he was woken up by the sound of someone furiously knocking on his door. He woke up with a sudden jolt of adrenaline, as the knocking continued on. He hopped off from the bed, he was still in his clothes, the ones which he was wearing before he booked in. 'Too lazy' was the one thing that came across his mind during that time.

He opened the door with a polite yet drowsy smile, and proceeded to listen to whatever the guy had to say about his sudden arrival.

"Sorry for the inconvenience, sir. But you have to make way for the ballroom for an urgent announcement." He said, with an unwavering polite smile, and a uniform stature.

"Is it mandatory, bro?" He politely asked him, not that he wanted to continue his nightmare, no, but he really needed some sleep, but then again, he wasn't going to argue.

"Mandatory it is, sir. Once again, we're sorry for the inconvenience." He replied.

"Well, ok. Gonna catch up in a few minutes, I really gotta freshen up. Catch you later, bro." Jason said before closing the door, of course, not in an abrupt manner.

He then proceeded to do what he told he was going to do, freshen up. He went to the bathroom, where there was a sink! Obviously, with a faucet and all. First things first, wash your hands, then proceed to wash your face. All of which he did, as the surprisingly ice cold water splashed on his face, leaving a chilly impression. He then brushed his teeth, for two minutes or less before changing into a more casual set of clean spare clothes, courtesy to over-sized luggage. And that was it, he was now Jason 2.0. Complete with a clean white shirt and beige khakis and his favourite pair of brown loafers.

He then proceeded to complete his voyage to the dangerous outskirts of the BALLROOM. Indeed, if was very dangerous, a suicide mission, if you're feeling tacky.

It was actually really easy and was full of tranquillity, now that the hallways were quiet except for am annoyed person in a set of bathrobes. He assumed that he was not the early bird he thought he was supposed to be. He finally reached the ballroom, which was bustling with a group of people, who were gossiping and doing stuff to ease their boredom. He for one, wasn't really very excited.


Victor Graham

"Detective Graham is now in front of the most treacherous task he has faced to date. A group of ex-military female soldiers were all decimated by what surviving witnesses claim to be a chainsaw wielding maniac clad in a bunny costume. It was all very thrilling, now as hardboiled detective Graham was passing by, he noticed this tall particular fellow tailing him, he looked behind to see... A door? What the heck is this? This is my dream! I control my dream! No, don't shut me out Like that! Not now! Noooooooo!!!"

And now, there was a very annoyed Victor who was currently standing, and with a clear intention to kill... How dare someone disturb his hardboiled dreams? He had a hell to pay, that was sure.

He stood up before dressing really slowly, all in attempt to annoy the man who was knocking repeatedly and with an unwavering determination. Before he answered, he freshened up really slowly, of course, all in attempt to annoy the man who was now banging on the door.

He then opened the door with a forced smile, and a restrained fist. The man smiled nervously before informing him about the ballroom matter.

"Sir, there's an urgent announcement commencing in the ballroom, it is mandatory for all residents and guests to attend that announcement." He polirtely said, the nervous smile still plastered on his face.

"Bah, humbug!" He said, trying his best to imitate scrooge, as the young adult recoiled in horror with an expression that was a mix of surprise, horror, terror and hypertension. Victor still held that scrooge/warlock imitation before crumbling down to a laughing expression as he chuckled, to which the attendant relaxed down a bit.

"Just kidding, I'll attend the ballroom." He said, pausing a bit before handing the bellboy a tip as he moved along the hallway. The bellboy looked down at his hand with a smile of glee and excitement which soon turned plto utter disappointment as he discovered that it was only a iron button.

Victor slightly chuckled before moving onto the ballroom.

Once he entered the ballroom, he was simply just disappointed, his mouths were frozen in horror, and he was in a deep trance, waiting for someone to break him out of it...
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