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Fantasy Snow Academy for Gifted Persons


We are overjoyed to announce that you have been accepted into Snow Academy for Gifted Persons, a school where no one is out of place.

Once you come, if you decide to, that is, you will be assigned a dorm, then later on, a mentor.

We are near the Royal Castle in Central Kingdom. Come and enroll! You will be glad you did, gifted one.

-Headmaster Kyjo Snow
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"Rubystone Williams?"

Ruby looked up from her book. The headmaster was standing in the doorway to his office. He had just called her to go with him. Oh, great. This can't end well. she thought as she stood. Her eyes were stormy gray. No one else has been called into the headmaster's office. What does he want with me?

She took a step to follow the headmaster.
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"Ohhh... This place is fancy" Lucy said happily to herself while she clicked into the headmaster's office, her talons tapping against the floor with her two wings at her sides. "Uhh... Was i supposed to come in yet?" She asked, noticing the other girl already in there along with the headmaster herself @WhoCaresAnyway62
A brown tabby cat hissed at her. "Alley! Quit it already!" Ruby said forcefully to the cat, and it shut up immediately, though still eyed the harpy carefully. "I'm sorry. My cat is an idiot."

"Yes, in fact you were, Ms. Feathers," the headmaster said suddenly. "This is Rubystone Williams. You may or may not recognize the name. Do you?"

Ruby's eyes turned pink and she looked at the floor.
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"Do i know her..? No? I think? Well maybe?" She said cheerily "I don't remember people very much " she laughed, disregarding the cat. "Should i know her?" She asked, a little worried that she might have forgotten something important
"W-well... I am the p-princess of Central K-kingdom." Ruby said in an extremely small voice. The headmaster nodded.
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"What's the central kingdom?" She asked with genuine curiosity, seeming to only know what's in her own little bubble. "Ahh well, when do i start!" Lucy smiled
Ruby looks up at Lucy with confusion. Her eyes are gray again.

"You both start today. But..." the headmaster trailed off. "Ah. But you both, uh, I guess you could call yourselves special cases. So for this reason, we want you two--" he points to Lucy and Ruby "to stay together. Your dorm is #2021. I would suggest preparing your dorm and going to the auditorium. Have a nice day!" He pushed the girls and the cat out the door.
"Okay" she mumbled while being pushed out. "Anyway, nice to meet you, my name is Lucy Feathers! Nice to meet ya, what's your name?" She said to the girl now standing beside her, ignoring the cat that had begun hissing at her again
"Um.. I'm Ruby. Ruby Williams. Quit it, Alley!" Ruby said. "Um... I guess we should go to our dorm."
Glenn rubbed his hair away from his face and sighed. Another school year, another student that wouldn't want to pay attention. He would have to go talk to the headmaster soon to see who it would be. Certainly not the highlight of his day, but at least it meant he could stay here with a complimentary cabin towards the back of the grounds (?). He meandered through the grounds, wasting as much time as possible as the main building grew closer.
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"About that... Do you know where the dorms are!" Lucy asked with an embarrassed grin" her feathers swaying a little in time with her hair from the wind blowing through the corridors
"Uh... no... I just got here... if we wandered around a lot.... we could find them...?" Ruby's eyes were sky blue.
"Hehe, that sounds like a plan" Lucy smiled, "hey, umm... Do you mind being my friend..?" Lucy quickly slipped in, facing the other direction in embarassment "I've umm... Never had one before"
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Amber slumps out of bed, "Oh! I have school today!" She goes to the kitchen and makes some cereal. The first day huh she hopes she'll make some friends, begin an outcast at her old school really sucked. Gifted, though, she never felt smarter than everyone else but, the letter was always right, just ask Harry. She finishes her cereal and goes to make herself pretty. Fist day was the prettiest day in school and she didn't want to look bad. She checks in the mirror and smiles "good!" before heading out the door to school. "Woah! Excuse me!" She dodges students.
Amber stops fast before she could hit either of the girls. "Wowie! That was close wasn't it! Sorry about it though, I just don't want to be late on the first day you know."
"Really?!!" Lucy jumped, lifting one of Ruby's hands with her wings. "Thanks!" Lucy smiled brightly, her eyes seeming to be smiling as well
"Oh! Hello! Nice to meet you, my name is Lucy feathers!" She yapped, suddenly excited after making her first friend. "Do you want to be my friend too?" She smiled
"Yippee!" She squealed out of happiness "i could take flight right now if I weren't inside!" She laughed, seeming to be doing tiny hops up and down

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