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Fandom SnK/AoT (Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan) RP

Shady sees them, thinking it will be easy to knock them out. She kicks the glass in, feeling a bit too overconfident. But she thinks it would be best if she tried to speak before fighting. "Hey, listen, I'm with you guys.. I heard what you were planning. Please, hear me out before you do anything irrational." She says, going into the building. She sheathes her swords and thinks she's gotten in a ton of trouble
Ymir "I think we should let her in depending on some questionaire." she told the others; then walked to where Shady was and asked: "What did you hear? Why are you up to do it?". Ymir took the matter on her own hands.

Ymir thought it was a good idea to let her in, after all, she already knew what they were planning, and she could be of help tracking down the guy who also heard the plan somehow. But Ymir was not gonna let anyone in without asking them questions and having the quite controlled for the time being.
Shady looks up at Ymir, smirking. "I hate the damn king. For all I care he can feed himself to a Titan." She says, thinking about all the ways she can kill him. She's furious with the way he rules. She hates the way people treat them. "Let's let a titan in
Katelle Ackerman

She stood up and walked to the two. "What did I tell you? Let me answer that for you. I told you not to enter this damn building. You're lucky it's them who caught you, and not me, or the chances of you being pistol whipped would be exponentially higher."

She narrowed her eyes. "I get that you want in, but next time you approach us calmly and maturely. You don't just sneak in to a complex you don't have access to. You can and will be arrested next time I catch wind of you doing it. And from now on, there will be consequences if you go against direct orders again. Not just from me, but from our commander as well. You were told at your graduation ceremony of sorts, not to enter the Guardian base unless a member of the regiment, or invited. Be glad I'm feeling more generous now. Don't let me catch you doing it again. Do I make myself perfectly clear, soldier?"

She normally wasn't like this, even if she was in a bad mood. Something must have been bothering her. But what could it possibly be?

Shady Ouranous Shaddy immediately frowns, growling. A flash of inhumane anger crosses her face. She's clearly upset. "The damn king had my sister taken away from me. She's stumbling around her lost because of the likes of him. HE NEEDS TO DIE!" She screams, she launches herself out as fast as she could, landing on the ground and sprinting. She's never acted like this. Tears stream down her face and she runs into a dark alley.
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Somewhere in Trost...

A small gathering of soldiers from the Survey Corps and the Garrison sit down at a table. One of the older soldiers sits down and pulls out a deck of cards. Gambling was looked down upon in the military, but they existed. All of the soldiers groan as they begin playing cards, complaining about their superiors and talking about politics. The door leading to their room opens, and a young girl enters the room.

"Aren't you a little young to be in here missy?" One of the men ask. "I'm old enough.." She replies back hastily, her brown eyes looking at every face inside the room. She sits down and pulls out a wallet full of coin. "I want in this game." She demands, with a serious look on her face. The dealer hands her the cards and they begin playing, the woman's poker face holds strong.

After a while, the men sigh in defeat as this young lady took all of their coin. "Didn't expect a girl like you to play as well as you did.." One says to her. She replies, "It's all a matter of probability and guessing. Being formally educated doesn't hurt either.." Annoyed at her response, the man grunts and leaves. A young officer walks up to her and asks, "You're pretty good, what's your name?" The brown haired, brown eyed girl turns her head and replies, "Claire Schnieder.." The young lady, Claire, then leaves the building and distributes the money around to little children and the homeless with a smile on her face. She did this often, mainly because the government didn't care for these unfortunate ones.

Once finished with that, she returns to Head Quarters and waits for orders like usual, since it was night, she went to sleep.

(This is just a character introduction, I didn't know where to insert myself in the actual story. Hope this is detailed enough )
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General Post

The halls of the Corps Headquarters were deathly quiet. There was no noise except for her feet hitting the ground, and the occasional scratching of a pen as she passed a still-awake official's office.

The building was very dark. The only source of light being the bright moon and stars shining in through the large glass windows.

As Claire walked through the halls, a soldier walked in front of her, stopping her in her tracks. "Cadet Claire Schneider. Your presence is requested tomorrow by Commander Katelle Smith of the Guardian Regiment. You have the right to accept or decline. Which do you choose?"

His tone was authoritative and stern, his eyes the same way as he looked down at her.
"She's a fuckin degenerate for christ's sake and she's a probably a recruit we should just hold her prisoner until we do the dirty deeds." Pat said with a scowl "Oh by the by I found our mole and captured her we won't be having any problems anytime soon from her." he said with a smirk. he walked over to a chair and sat down "So when are we going to kill the king anyway's?"
Claire Schnieder

Claire was shocked by the name thinking to herself, "Katelle Smith wants to see me? I hope I've done nothing to upset her or the Guardian Corps..I guess I should go and find out what I am being requested for.."

She was lost in thought, and blinked a few times. With a slight embarrassed blush on her face, she quickly regains composure and replies to him with a salute, "Sure, I'll accept her offer. I sure hope I haven't offended her Sir.."

@Brianna Ackerman
Ymir "I think we should let her find herself and don't bother her for now." she said pointing to the window. "Is anyone else coming, Kat? I mean, apart from Annie, who should be getting back." and she turned around and moved towards the table at the back, with Krista at her side.
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Jean Jean plopped himself down on a chair. There was too much going on at once and he was starting to get a migraine. All he could really do was massage his temples and wait for Kat's response; more people would either make him tear his hair out or thank god for another sane person. Jean looked over at Kat, whom seemed to be in a terrible mood. He couldn't blame her; a lot was happening and her patience was probably running as thin as his.

Somewhere In Trost

A day past, and still no word of titan spottings, christian zoe, and his two friends marlo, and Bertholt, two members of the survey corps, and a garrison walking down through the city of trost. Christian having both of his hands locked behind his hand, walking in the same pace as marlo, and bertholt did. "
I'm surprised that you didn't want to join the survey corps, how come you didn't tag along with your sis?" Marlo asked being concerned as usual. "Well one is, I don't want people confusing me with her, and they have enough brains in the scouting region, well hange is the only one with the brains, with out her none of there successful plans will ever exicisted" Christian explains. "I mean it wouldn't make a difference, you still look like her, just that one zoe is in the garrision, and the other in the survey corps. Don't you want to explore outside of the walls, and study titans along side her?" Bertholt butted in. A sigh came about from christian "It's true I do want to go outside of the walls, but I don't think switiching sides is aloud. Not that I'm aware of it." He says. "Hey I'm off, I'll catch you guys later" Bertholt says as he rushes pass them, and waves, so did marlo, and christian waving back, as a signal of a goodbye. "Say don't you think it's strange not seeing a titan for a few months now? I mean titans normally breach every so often nowadays" Marlo asked.

"Yeah it is quite odd, but hey it's better that way, keeping humanity safe from titans" christian says, suddenly christians attention was caught as a fight broke loose on the left side of them, the two had took a left, and rushed in too see what the problem is. Christian began to go through the crowd seeing two military police members fighting each other, over what? that is what he was about to find out, as chris took a blade out from the 3DMG just to scare the crowd into mid silence, and the fight stop. "What the hell is going on here?"

No word, but a bow between two of the fighters, saying sorry, and for forgiveness. Chris would put the blade back inside of the 3DMG "Sir, this man here is keeping secrets from us, and being a prick eversince catching that street punk, stealing shit from people" The guy says pointing straight at him, the other one's eyes widened, and his fist balls up.

"I don't know what the hell he's saying, honestly christian you here lies everyday right?" says the guy, he was quite nervous as both marlo, and christian could tell.

"Oh yeah? well explain the two bodies that was found near your area where your always at!?" yelled out the male, the crowd was in shock, and the suspicious male frozed for a moment, looking at everyone, as christian walks up to him with both of his hands on his military police uniform. Pushing him against the wall "Don't you get it? we don't have time with humanity going against each other, you fools have so much bad history that isn't even funny, the bloody masacare happening several years ago right here in the military police force, kenny ackerman. Now we have to deal with another ken the ripper?" He says releasing only one hand in order to grap his blade, the man was scared for his life, as he freed himself from christians grip.

Darting towards an opening, marlo, christian, and the male ran after him. Though the killer had on a anti-3DMG that he stole from, so he began to use it to escape. "Go to whomever's in charge of the survey corps, and let them know there is a killer on the lose" Christian oddered marlo, as marlo nodded sprinting the other way. Christian began to take out his blade, flip the two triggers that was on it to activate the grapples, and went off to catch the killer.
Shady sees this and immediately looks up. She had been drinking in a bar but thoughts were still clear. She runs and puts her gear on and runs out, laughing as she launches after the killer. She looks purely drunk to the others but is acting like it.
Shadydapiratefox said:
Shady sees this and immediately looks up. She had been drinking in a bar but thoughts were still clear. She runs and puts her gear on and runs out, laughing as she launches after the killer. She looks purely drunk to the others but is acting like it.
{you should probably read that again. They're in a totally different part of the walls. They're in trost, we're all at H.Q.}
Katelle Ackerman

Katelle sighed, and sat at the head of the table, aka behind her desk, putting her head in her hands, letting out a muffled scream of annoyance.

Sighing, she snapped her head back up. Not saying anything, she stood up and walked out.

A few minutes later, she came back, with a few pain pills and water. She extended her hand to Jean, offering him a pain pill "extra strength. Trust me, they're a miracle." She mumbled before giving it to him and returning to her spot.

She looked to Ymir. "
And to answer you, yes. My uncle and father are coming, as well as Mike."

She blinked. "But answer me this. That boy you were talking to earlier. Did anything strike you as suspicious about him or what he did? Facial expressions, anything?"

Meanwhile, the soldier with Claire nodded. "I will let her know you accepted. Unfortunately I do not know the nature of her request. I told you all I know. She asked me to request you meet her tomorrow at the stables at noon sharp. Not a second later. Do you understand, cadet?"

@Darkmaster006 @ScoutHeather @FordtheKiller
Claire Schnieder

Claire nodded, turning promptly to leave the soldier to his duties. She pondered why the leader of the Guardian Regiment wanted to meet her. She knows her father has done much in his power to limit the budget of both the Survey Corps and the Guardians, Katelle might be accusing her of assisting him.

She sighs as she realizes that it might be nothing, and closes her eyes to sleep until the next morning.

@Brianna Ackerman
Ymir Ymir gazed at Katelle, who left the room, and came back minutes later with some sort of pills. For her, they were useless.

"That boy, uh? He was idiotic, sexist, too proud. And he also seemed to like the King; so, it is possible that he will blow the whistle, as he somehow heard what I murmured to Krista, but I wouldn't be so sure. Maybe we should look for him." she answered sharply. She was tired of these discussions, to be honest. Krista nodded.

"But I think he is only after his own interests. We cannot risk anything, though."
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Katelle Ackerman

Katelle nodded. "Would anyone be up to helping me look for him? It seems like we need to have a small chat." Her accent made her sound a bit odd, but definitely threatening.

Please, Ymir, tell me what he said to you. In detail, please. Don't leave anything out. We need to know what we may be dealing with here."

She leaned against her desk, crossing her ankles and folding her arms, waiting for something to happen.

"I'm definitely going!" Jean could be a prick at times, but he would never say something so stupid. He knew that most of the girls in his squad could beat his butt. Plus, he wanted to see this kid's ass get beat by Kat or whoever ended up doing it.

"Yeah, and what did he look like? Does he look capable of defending himself?" He directed this question to Ymir. The more they knew the better. Just in case; although, Jean knew the kid wouldn't stand a chance against all of them. Maybe he'd even become useful to them.

Ymir "Well, he asked me to fight him, but I just ignored him. Then, he said that a plot to kill the King was something impossible to do and asked if we were joking. I don't know if he's with the King or against him; I don't think he cares." she said.

"I don't like him. He's too arrogant. But any of us here can outmaneuver him anytime, to be honest. I guess I should go?" she stated, mildly furious. Krista put her hand on Ymir's arm, so she calmed down.
Katelle Ackerman

"Well, you're the only one who really got to see him. Id like it if you accompanied us. Only, if you find him, don't punch him too hard. We need him conscious."

She sighed. "He might be thinking that if he turns us in to my father or uncle, then they'll be grateful. He think they'll rank him up, to take my spot when I am supposedly killed. But what he doesn't know is that my father and uncle...are already on board to this plan."

As if on cue, a soldier came in and saluted her. "Miss, the commander and corporal Ackerman are here to see you. They said you requested their presence?"

Kat nodded. "Yes. Send them in,please." She asked, and he left.
Ymir "Ha, I'll try not to, Dragonfire!" she exclaimed playfully. "But I can't speak for you..." she said with a proud voice. Krista murmured something to Ymir's ear, and then a cadet opened the door, and anounced the arrival of Eriwn and Levi.

Erwin and Levi entered slowly, yet menacing. It was funny, though, Levi was very short, so everyone gazed down and up to both men. Kat was the first to speak.
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Katelle Ackerman

Kat looked at Ymir, an eyebrow raised. "I have more control than you think."she laughed.

She straightened up and made herself presentable while she waited. When the door opened, she looked at the two, before saluting them.
"Commander, corporal" she said stiffly, before clearing her throat.

Please, follow me." She began walking to a side room, a conference room silently. This would be rather awkward.

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