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Fandom SnK/AoT (Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan) RP


roleplaying is fun!


Only a day has passed since Ymir had graduated. She was now affiliated to the Survey Corps, after spending 3 years with her comrades at the 104th Trainees Squad; where she met the most important person in her life: Krista. Krista was also the reason why she joined the Survey Corps.

The day was sunny, though some blackish clouds loomed in the distance. Ymir was ambling through the city; she was fond of the tranquility that came with it. She loved observing the buildings and hearing the birds sing, more so knowing that the days wouldn't be always so quiet. It was almost noon, and Krista wanted her to return as soon as possible so they could have lunch together, so it was probably a good time to go, or she'd get really angry.

As soon as she turned around, she bumped into someone and fell to the floor. From there, she saw a black-haired girl with very long hair. "Well, hello." she faked a smile and started to get up lazily.
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Katelle Smith

Katelle was walking through the busy streets of the city. Even though she had the day off, she was still walking about with her uniform on: white pants and shirt, her belts, a necklace with a much smaller version of the decoration on her uncle's bolo tie on it, and her jacket. Only, the jacket was different than the others.

This one had a symbol of a dragon spun around a sword, with a flame in the background. Very few people wore this jacket. And if they did, they were much older than her. She was the youngest member of this organization.

She was suddenly bumped in to, and looked down to see a girl, one of the new cadets, on the ground. She pulled her up. "What are you doing here, cadet?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. "You should be back at headquarters with the others."

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Ymir was now on her feet again. She barely listened to what the strange girl said, and instead focused on her clothes, precisely, on her jacket. It was a very unique jacket, that also resembled that of the Corps, but it was of no known regiment. What was it? She didn't recall it from anywhere.

"Whatever. You're none to give orders." Not that I obey those of the Commanders anyways, she thought. "And you should pay more attention to where you're walking," she remarked with a smirk.

She loved the city, yes. But she didn't like most people. And she certainly hated those who tried to give her orders.
Katelle Smith

"Actually, I can give you orders, cadet. Not only because I have already graduated, but because I am of higher rank." She said matter of fact. "And I'm sure commander would be delighted to know that one of his soldiers isn't following his direct orders."

As she stopped talking, she looked at Ymir. She definitely looked like the type who wouldn't take authority well. When she went to speak again, she was cut off by another person from her cadet class walking a few yards behind her, and throwing a knife at her.

Katelle spun around and caught it, using her incredibly fast reflexes, and threw it back.
"Blackthorn, what did I tell you about doing that in public? At headquarters is fine, but not here."

She brushed him off and turned back to Ymir. "I'll give you twenty minutes to get back to HQ before I tell Erwin about this little encounter. If you're there, I'll drop this. If you aren't, you'll see what happens. Not to mention you're skipping out on training. It started ten minutes ago."

She whistled, and the horse that she'd taken out, a tall stallion with a jet black coat and mane, cane running to her side. She hopped up on the saddle and looked down at her. "The clock is ticking cadet."

With that, she ride off, the male with her following suit.

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Sighs* god why must I be working with such a bitch I mean we are to even in the same regiment. But I do owe Erwin the favor of helping him do paperwork by keeping this bitch busy
Katelle Smith

She looked over at him. "You know I can hear you, right?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. "And for the record, I am not a bitch. And You know I'm not. I take my mood out on other people when I'm stressed. And you didn't have to come with me, you know. My uncle's been overprotective ever since I was a kid. Right after my mother died. Don't be afraid to tell him no, either." She then looked ahead of her, falling silent for the rest of the trip.

@Caleb Williams

{she's not a jerk I swear xD I have reasonssss}
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Well at least I keep my regiment in order with out having to be a total asswipe. and the best thing is that some of my members in my regiment if it where not for me they would have been executed for fear of calusing mass panic your on the other hand most of them are dead so... I think you should watch your mouth
Katelle Smith

She stopped her horse and glared at him. "Yeah, a lot of my soldiers are dead. Do you know why that is?" She hissed. "Because there are very few of us. If you have not quite noticed, I am only 16 years old. This regiment is just getting started, and is an incredibly elite team. We are constantly on the front lines, giving our lives no matter what. We sign up for this. Your regiment? No. You only work with us if you want something. So before you diss my people, you'd better study yours even better." She looked at him. "And as for the order part? You've never been inside our operations center. You have no idea what goes on there, and how things work. So until you know what actually goes on, do not tell me how to work my soldiers."

@Caleb Williams
Strauss grinned at the incoming boy. He cracked his knuckles and backed up.

'Way too easy.' He thought as the boy came closer. The boy aimed for a right hook but Strauss swiftly stepped to the left. The boy's momentum kept him going forward right into Strauss's outstretched foot.

The boy tripped into his awaiting knee. The impact was instantaneous. The boy quickly fell to the ground. KO.

Strauss smirked as he looked at the unconscious body of the boy.
He glares at her* you should look who your talking to first I'm higher ranking than you. Seconded if you would see my comrades in my regiment you will then know who's the elilte and my regiment is still young as well. Lastly I go out with the legion all the time to help train my men/women. I mean we are an offshoot of the legion..... *passes out due to Strauss betting him up.*
:a few moments later: *he wakes up after the initial in counter with stauss* fuck.... My head... *he gets up* oh you messed with the wrong person *gets out his dagger and cuts his hand. His arm turn to the arms of titans. he uses his ability to scare stauss away* hmmp. I'm going to my base *he walks or kinda supposed as a gorilla to his base and starts to punch a big ass tree as training*
Katelle Smith

"Woah woah woah. Hold the hell up. Who said you were higher ranking than me? Have you not seen my file? I am second in command to Commander Smith. Quite frankly, if anything happens to him, I'm going to be your boss. So, try pulling the rank card on me again." She watches as Strauss comes and knocks him out. When he comes back and turns into a Titan, she is unfazed. She maneuvered her horse so she wouldn't be crushed. When he was gone, she turned around and went back to Ymir. "Look. I'm sorry for being a total ass. I'm stressed right now. I was put in charge of organizing you cadets' first expedition. The number of you that die determine if I get to keep my position." She apologized.

@Caleb Williams @CocoForRealz @Darkmaster006

"No one can give me orders!" she shouted, but the strange girl was already too far away to hear.

"Did she say it was training already? Woah, time flies, Krista is seriously gonna have me pay for this some way or another." she thought to herself as she went back to headquarters. "And who's that guy? He seems like a total idiot."

In the trip back, she saw those usual sights that disgusted her to no end: starving people; those who were forced to live on the streets with no one to care for them, just because of one thing: being poor. Meanwhile, the rich, the monarchy, could eat whatever they wanted, have whatever they wanted, and they were priority. That was unfair. The system was unfair, and, to be honest, she couldn't tolerate it anymore. Yes, she always put up a sassy attitude, but she cared. She was not good at expressing herself, she even had trouble expressing herself with Krista.

When she was a few meters away from the headquarters, she heard a familiarly strange voice. It was that long-haired girl again. While she listened to what she said, Ymir kept looking above the girl's shoulders in order to see Krista, but she caught no sight of her. "Well, hello again, Miss DragonFire" she chuckled. "No apologize needed, as long as I don't need to apologize either, I understand the burden you carry in your shoulders. Mostly, I understand how annoying guys can be, and I see you've got to be with at least one that seems like a total idiot", she laughed remembering the guy who threw a knife at her when they met just a some minutes ago.

"Now, I really need to know where the others are... but we shall meet again; I have something important to tell you, you seem like the perfect person for it", she whispered in her ear, smirking, pondering about ways to destroy the injustice that surrounded the city.

@Brianne Ackerman
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Katelle Smith

She laughed at her words. "I agree. He really does seem like a total idiot,doesn't he?" She asked as she looked at her. "Guys like him are the reason I'm not in a relationship."

She sighed. Checking her timepiece, she looked back up at the cadet. "At the time it is now, everyone should be in the new training complex inside. I should be heading out there myself. I'm supposed to be helping train you."

She jumped down from her horse and patted it's neck. The large stallion snorted and ran off towards the stables. She had trained it well.

She looked at Ymir. As she did, she reached up and tied her hair up in a high ponytail on the top of her head, her hair still tumbling down her back.

"Let's go. We don't need either of us getting in any more trouble than we're already going to get in." She began walking. She stripped off her jacket and looked at the emblem on it. As she did, she began thinking. She really needed to talk to Hanji...


"He does!" she laughed, but then seemed a bit confused. "But hey, you can always be with a girl!" she winks. Realizing how that might come off, she rapidly said, "Uh... but not me! I'm kinda... not available", she blushed but hid it really well. "Well, that was quite embarassing", she thought.

"Oh, well well, looks like we're both late, uh?" she said as she looked at the girl tying up her ponytail.

She started walking besides her and gazed at the girl looking at her jacket and said, "I don't think we've been properly introduced, so I will just keep calling you DragonFire; you can call me Ymir."

@Brianne Ackerman
Katelle Smith

"The name is Katelle. Katelle Smith." She introduced herself.

And I don't think I'll ever end up with a girl. I'm totally supportive of those who are in those relationships, but it's not for me."

She walked into the training room.


"I shall keep calling you DragonFire, though." she laughed. "I'm glad to hear that."

She walked into the training room and found her newly graduated comrades waiting in line. Well, Sasha and Connie weren't waiting in line. Mikasa didn't care. Nor did Annie. Reiner and Ber were probably the only ones actually in line. But her sight quickly changed to the blonde girl she loved. "I shall see you later, Kat," she patted her on the shoulder, and she headed towards Krista. "Hey, uhm, sorry for being late..." She was met with a reprimand: "Why are you always so late!? We were gonna eat together... but at least you're all right." "I'll try to be on time next time. Sorry."

Krista was about to spoke up again when a distinct girl's voice was heard. Ymir knew her. The others cadets probably didn't.

@Brianne Ackerman
Katelle Smith

Katelle's voice rang throughout the complex. "Alright, cadets. You got a few extra minutes to relax. Now the real fun begins."

A snort was heard from one of the other cadets in the back, a blonde boy. "And who are you?" He asked. "And why should we be listening to you? You're the same age as most of us. Sixteen. You're not our superior.You are way too young to be a squad leader."

She sighed. Walking over to the cadet, Jean, was it? She looked at him. "You're right, Cadet Kirstein. I am not a squad leader." Jean gave a triumphant smirk, believing he had been right. But that smirk disappeared at her next words. "But I am, in fact, of the Captain rank. Not only that, but I am second in command here, to take over the rank of Commander should anything happen to my uncle. So, you may now begin to address me as Captain Smith. And nothing else unless I give you express permission. Do you understand?"

Jean nodded. Katelle remained still, then gave a curt not before turning around and walking to the front of the line they'd eventually formed.

"Now that that's taken care of, I can continue speaking. In a few moments time, I will have a few of our best soldiers come in to help me train you in hand to hand. Each of you will be paired up with one of them, and will soar. The member will be evaluating you the whole time. This will be one of a series of tests that will help determine what squadron you are placed into, or if you are invited to join an elite regiment."

At her words, the doors opened, and seven other soldiers, each bearing a jacket with the same emblem as hers, entered and stood behind her.

One female cadet stared.
"The guardians." She said in a medium volume.


Ymir laughed at the scene presented by Jean. Krista punched her lightly on the arm. "Rude. Save your efforts for the training, my love."

She then looked at the doors opening and the soldiers entering. "
Wow, they sure do like to make dramatic entrances. I wonder who'll be the one teaching me."

Come on, Krista, we can do it!" she smiled.

@Brianne Ackerman

((It's cool, I like long/detailed responses :D , I try to make mine good)).
Katelle Smith

Jean was confused. " What? Who are the guardians?"

The same cadet from earlier went to go explain, but Katelle cut her off, telling her that they would find out soon enough, and that it was too long of a story to tell at that moment.

The cadet girl nodded, and fell silent. A few moments later, Katelle picked up a list from the hand of a soldier who was holding it out to her.

"Here are your groups." She proceeded to list off the groups. She got to the last name. "I have Ymir and Jean." She read off the list, before putting it away. "Everyone find your instructors, and then wait. They will have a few demonstrations in the proper form and attacks, then they will leave it to you to spar with them."


{alright :) . Oh, and for future reference. That e in the first part of my username you tag should be an 'a'. It keeps not tagging me}

Ymir embraced Krista's neck and wished her good luck, then proceeded to go where Katelle was. Jean didn't talk to her, nor did her to him; he did wave, and Ymir vaguely waved back. Their personalities weren't very compatible.

"Great, first practice and Jean is the one who'll be with me."

Jean answered with an annoyed expression: "It's not like you're the best of companions!"


"Oi, DragonFire! What are we doing today?" she turned to face Katelle.

@Brianna Ackerman
Katelle Smith

"Hand to hand. Just watch. You'll see how we teach recruits." She said and cracked her knuckles.

She sent a sideways glance at Jean. He was rather attractive. She'd always had a thing for blondes. Wait. What was she thinking? She wouldn't be attracted to anyone. Especially not now.

But she couldn't help it. It was too late. Her gorgeous silver eyes met his orbs. Then she looked away, a slight blush dusting her cheeks.

Let's get to work"she said quickly, trying to change the subject.

Pat walked in to the base with the rest of the cadet force some cadets stared at his red handprint patches that no one else had he walked in front to the lady speaking. "Hey who Am I supposed to train with" he said in a flat unimpressed tone as he looked around at the young cadets.
Katelle Smith

"You know what I don't get?" Katelle said in a scary calm voice. "Why people assume they can just talk to their superiors any damn way they want, in such a tactless manner."

She turned to the male who had just entered. The cadets went back to studying the emblem on the back of her jacket, and trying to figure out what it meant.

But, to answer your question, you will be training with Captain Levi." She pointed to the short, black haired man. He was the only officer in the room not wearing the jacket bearing the mark of the guardians, as he had not been invited into the regiment.

@BusinessMan @Darkmaster006

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