Small Group- Steampunk Pirates (Closed)


Junior Member

Humans have not lived on the earth’s surface for nearly a century. Despite having lived sub – celestial for thousands of years, radio energy levels on Earth were beginning to peak in the early 2500s. Scientists found a solution: to create flowing masses of land in the Earth’s atmosphere and enhance humans to be able to handle living miles above the Earth’s surface. After utilizing and mastering mass levitation by use of repulsed magnetic forces, civilization moved to the clouds, and the most common method of transportation between the floating islands was airships. By the turn of the century, with resources limited, soon an outbreak of pirate ships began. And one day, a group of six met in a bar. Each one desperate and in need of money for whatever reason, decided that they would have to band together. They began a service where they were hired by pirate crews to take down other crews, or even governments. Unbiased to any crew, all they had a fast and efficient way to make money. Unfortunately for the six, they would have to get to know each other along the way.

Roles of the ship:

Captain- This guy runs the whole crew. He is also the helm, so he steers the ship and is the ultimate decider in any conflicts. He’s also in charge of keeping track of tock and dealing with customers

Navigator- He makes sky maps as well as uses past maps, upcoming weather and traffic to make navigational decisions.

Surgeon- In such a line of work, injuries are common. While the surgeon gets a lot of resting time in-between battles, he’ll have to work harder than anyone before them.

Mechanic- He repairs the ship as well as operates it.

Boatswain- In charge of all the ‘chores’, he cleans the ship, cooks, and often helps run the sails.

Gunner- Loading the cannons and maintaining them is hard work, and this guy does it all. Essential to combat and the entire crew, he is a hard worker with nice pay.

Posting Rules:

1. We will post in designated order.

2. All posts will be more than 2 paragraphs.

3. If you do not post after 2 weeks without reason you will be kicked out and your character repossessed.

4. Obey site rules. Past kissing gets a time skip. Violence is allowed within certain extents. While we are buccaneers, you don’t have to curse every other sentence.

5. This is a group roleplay. Please try involving everyone in the overarching plot. I notice way too often that group roleplays will span off into several pairs. The posting order is to prevent such.

6. No metagaming, powerplaying or god .modding

7. Injuries count. If you make your character break a leg for affect, they will not be able to run again in four days. If you impair your character for affect, then make them stay injured for as long as the injury requires.

Before you make your character-

· The characters meet in a pub. This realm has a drinking limit of 17 and up. Also, The entire world is not made up of hot, single 25 year olds. Try to have a bit of range.

· People have up and downs in life. Your character was not having a good time when they joined the crew. However, that doesn’t mean that life always sucked. No matter who you are, life will have ups and downs. Make your character have such.

· Please, no inexplicable and sudden romantic interest. Romances develop over time, and with reason. Good romantic pairings balance one another and make each other better people.

· Be physically realistic. If your character is an 86 year old man, they probably will not be able to do a tornado kick as well as a 21 year old man.

· You can have one or two characters.

Character form






Race: Sexual Orientation: Hobbies/Pastimes Talents/Skill/Powers: Backstory:






Hair: Facial Features: Clothing:

Biggest Vulnerability (non physical):

Optimist or Pessimist:

Introvert or extrovert:

Emotional/psychological/social peculiarities:

Biggest regret: General Personality:


Name: Dimitri Nejem

Nickname: NA

Position: Navigator

Age: 19

Sex: Male

Race: Middle-eastern and Scandinavian. His sub-celestial ancestry was one fourth Arabic and three fourths Norwegian.

Sexual Orientation: straight.

Hobbies/Pastimes: Gardening succulents, weeds, moss and carnivorous plants. He also enjoys playing the langeleik and general study. He loves studying culture. His strangest hobby is probably his people notebook. Because of his fascination with psychology and people in general, he will record the actions, sayings and general interactions and behaviorisms of people in his notebook by day and analyze them by night. Due to Rosco, he has a newfound interest in reptiles.

Talents/Skills/Powers: He is very good at math, proportions and memorizations with numbers. He also has an excellency in art, playing his langeleik and is agile.

Backstory: Dimitri was the only child of Rupert and Anne Nejem. He was born when the two lovebirds were in their early twenties, and were basically children themselves when they had him. While he was an expected and intended child, his parents were uneasy when it came to raising him. They didn’t know much about parenting, but did their best. Dimitri’s mother worked as a scroll maker, while his father stayed home, pampering him. Dimitri had plenty of attention as an infant, but seemed a bit more distant than the other infants. While he adored the attention, he acted entirely nonchalant. His father unknowingly crammed a love of music, science and culture into him because he often read aloud. As Dimitri grew, his parents grew more concerned about Dimitri. By the time he was three, he wasn’t talking and when talked to, would stare at his parent’s hands rather than face. Although not talking, Dimitri would spend the day silently holding up one of his father’s newspaper, often upside-down, besides him, garbling softly along with his talking. When he wasn’t ‘reading’, Dimitri would be counting things out mutely. Dimitri’s parents figured he needed to get out more with children his own age, so they enrolled him into preschool. After a year in preschool of quickly doing his work and then silently staring at the other children for the two remaining hours of school, Dimtri spoke. All that he said, tugging on the sleeve of his teacher and pointing to a crying child was, “Why?” After that, his parents were relieved, as this proved he wasn’t deaf, mute or dumb. In fact, according to several tests he was a genius. With Asperger. This triumph was small yet great, as he managed to begin speaking more frequently there on. His newfound ability to talk allowed him to quickly accelerate through school. He usually spoke as few words as necessary, and mainly only talked when asked a question. Dimitri made his first friend, Nora Wester when he was five and in second grade, and the motormouth and him became close friends. She often spoke for him, and he would spend his days at school following close behind her like a puppy. At home, Dimitri began keeping a small, raggedy weed from his father’s garden in a pot, and every time his father weeded, Dimitri would ‘rescue’ the weeds and either relocate them in a forest or keep them. His mother, who loved her sub-celestial culture in Norway, taught him to play the traditional langeleik. He became good at it soon, as the music soon became his best language. Dimitri was neither picked on nor paid attention to at school, and was the best in his grade until the reading curriculum rolled around. Dimitri had difficulty understanding reading until he was eight, when he watched his father’s eyes following the words in the newspaper and correlated them into simply the basics. By eleven, Dimitri still had to slowly sound out words, so his parents had him take an intense psychology exam, revealing that he would likely never be able to read without sounding out his words, but that he was far beyond his years in science, proportion , sight based memorization and especially math. Dimitri’s parents figured that he would never be able to have a normal education without reading, and his mother pulled him out of school to be apprenticed to become lumberjack. Dimitri was extremely opposed, but never expressed this upset behavior. He drifted away from Nora, throwing more time into his hobbies. He spent the next three years as an apprentice and was more quiet than ever, not growing close to the various mentors. After three days as a full-fledged lumberjack, Dimitri quit. He didn’t tell his parents, but he was not hiding this fact from them either. Dimitri apprenticed under a mapmaker named Jeremiah and quickly accelerated. He grew fond of the silent and gruff old man who he got to read to him occasionally. While Dimitri had an exotic look to him that some girls seemed to love, he didn’t date or grow close to people his age. He did grow a curiosity to the nature of the people around him, and began keeping his people journal, which taught him to read and write on a very basic level. Around this time, Dimitri fell out of the tree that he always wrote in, breaking his nose. His parents grew angered at their son’s strangeness, and fought constantly, blaming one another in every possible way for causing his Asperger. Growing closer and closer to the silent man who understood him and further from his frustrated parents, Dimitri moved out of his house to live closer to Jeremiah at age 16. After three years of apprenticeship under him, Jeremiah retired, telling Dimitri that he had enough knowledge in him to be an excellent map maker. As a closing gift, Jeremiah gave Dimitri a small python named Rosco who Jeremiah had engineered a pair of neurowings. The old man shooed out the confused and distraught boy, who, without any other place to go, went out to the bar with Rosco, agreeing to become a mapmaker for the five others in his crew.

Height: 6’ 2” or about 188 cm

Weight: 134 Lbs or 61 kg

Posture: Straight, mostly.

Build: Lean, with broad shoulders, thin arms and a long torso.

Skin: A light olive. He is cool skinned.

Hair: A dark auburn. His hair is feathered with jagged fringe and the back ending mid-neck.

Facial Features: He has a small, but noticeable bump on his nose due to it being broken in the past. Otherwise, it is a relatively Arabic nose. His eyes are a very piercing sea green and are upturned and deep set. His upper lip is angular and thin, while his lower lip is rounded and full. He has slightly sunken cheeks and a small chin.

Clothing: He usually wears a grey button up with slacks, with a Byzantium colored vest and flat cap. He usually has a charm of a moon on the end of a silver necklace.

Biggest Vulnerability (non physical): He feels immense guilt at the mentioning of his parents or if he is called strange due to the deep fear inside of him that he has caused his parent’s to split up and be unhappy, and that he failed them somehow. He also massively regrets not remaining friends with Nora.

Optimist or Pessimist: He is a pessimist of sorts. He has little expectation for society and the world around him, yet has high thoughts and expectations for small goals.

Introvert or extrovert: He is diffidently an introvert. Not to say that he dislikes people, but he prefers the company of one or two people who are quiet or even just listening in on the conversation of a small group of people.

Emotional/psychological/social peculiarities: Obviously, he is a strange man. He has several peculiarities that include a very non-moving intense stare on a person of interest, proneness to obsession, a general lack of spoken word and an easily imprinted personality type. He has no real long term goals either.

Biggest regret: Not returning to Jeremiah in the bar.

General Personality: He is very laid back, calm and blunt. He rarely speaks in long sentences and seems distant to most. He seeks out human attention, often from one person at a time who he will often shower in gifts and favors as he does not understand usual friendship conventions. To his friends, he is like a dog, following close behind, silently and willing to do anything in the name of making his friend happy. He is a generally obsessive person, focusing his life in small, trend-like obsessions. He loves listening to deep conversation, and if you can get him started then he will talk for hours. Dimitri also has a strong love for the small details of people or life and will disregard the entire picture.

ECDeadly said:
Name: Luther von Heilmer

Nickname: 'Splatter-Paint'

Age: 28

Sex: Male

Race: German

Sexual Orientation: Uninteligible. Does not explain with neither actions or dialouge. Despite talking in a lisp.

Hobbies/Skill/Pastimes Talents: Reading with opera music playing in the background, take long walks along his extensive garden, and lie down on the grass staring up at the sky every once and awhile. e is quite the Skeet Shooter. Misses only once per session. Also, singing seems to be his plus as well, due to his practice from the music he's been collecting.

Powers: Amazingly inteligent. And he could amazingly use those abilities immediately upon oppurtunity.

Backstory: Born in an average family as the middle son out of his two brothers, since parents only attention to the eldest and youngest, the middle has no significance whatsoever. So he tries to excel by hitting the books. He always stayed there in the library, studying. So one day he finally succeeds and is basically the Valedictorian of his class of his highschool. Upon reaching his home, he realizes his family became deep in debt. So now, in need of instant and easy cash, he becomes a pirate.

Height: Exactly Six-Feet tall.

Weight: Rather thin for his height, About a hundred and ten pounds.

Posture: He always stand straight, as if there was a board pressed against his back since childbirth.

Build: His shoulders sag, and his whole body shows that he is quite lanky from the lack of physical activities.

Skin: His skin has a slight paleness to it.

Hair: His hair is a dark blonde, short and usually scruffy.

Facial Features: He has a 'soft' look to his face. Tender, rather. He was pretty notified for having something like a 'baby' face.

Clothing: Usually wears a black top hat in most occasions on warm days, he also where a monocle (rarely though) he wears brown pants and dress shoes. Also he wears a white long sleeved shirt, with a vest over it and then just wears a white (lab-like) coat.

Biggest Vulnerability (non physical): Isn't 'streetwise'. He practically lives off inteligence from books than from society. Also rather superstitous. If he sees anything worth to be unlucky, he tends to be off-subject and not focusing.

Optimist or Pessimist: Optimist. He believes in a higher being that protects him and does Introvert or extrovert: Extrovert if interacted with. He can talk to people if they wanted to him. Emotional/psychological/social peculiarities:

Biggest regret: Once at a spelling bee, spelled 'Thristy' as 'T-H-U-R-S-T-Y'

General Personality: Luther is seen as a calm and collected character. Also classy, which is totally not good for a team of pirates. He is confident, but not cocky. He has a bad sense of humor, or none at all, and can only reply to jokes is to sarcasm. He is kind, sometimes he lets his emotions get the best of him.
[QUOTE="Derivik Soul]

Name: Derivik Soul

Nickname: The Crimson Eye

Age: 18 Sex:


Race: British

Sexual Orientation: Straight.

Hobbies/Pastimes Talents/Skill/Powers: A sharp, analytical mind, and a decent shot with good skill with a blade. He is also a very fast runner.

Backstory: Born into a noble family, Derivik was brought up spoiled and bored. He learned swordsman ship, and got a good education, but at the age of 15 he ran away, taking a sack of gold, his favorite sword, and a sack of clothing and basic goods. He ended up wasting almost all his money gambling, and lead a hard life. He felt alone, and weak, having little experience in real work to keep him going. In the end he signed up for mercenary work, his first job being to protect airships from pirates. Armed with a musket, sword, and his wits, he began his first job. It went without a problem, but he met a young man named Gregory. They talked, and got to know each other. In the year that followed, they became great friends, helping each other through thick and thin. Derivik truly respected him, and liked him. He was willing to die for him. One day Gregory asked about Derivik's financial situation, and he told him that he had a good amount of money hidden in case times got rough. Gregory asked him to show it. They went back to the town he spent his early days in, to a abandoned warehouse. The money was hidden in a shipping crate, but it was considerably less then what he had when he first set out. Then something changed in Gregory. His smile turned into a frown of disgust. "That was your great fortune? That's it? It was supposed to be hundreds of millions in gold? This is barely three!" Utterly confused, Derivik just stood in shock. Then Gregory turned around shot Derivik in the chest. That was the last he saw of Gregory, and he barely pulled through. Now he wanders the realms, in search of opportunities of and power and fortune. The power to find Gregory, and kill him. But that day changed him. The one person he trusted, cared about was a heartless monster. And in that, he is just like Derivik.

Height: 6'1

Weight: 173 lbs

Posture: Straight, being of noble descent.

Build: Lean with strong leg muscles

Skin: Pale and white

Hair: Black, rugged, short.

Facial Features: He has a small scar on his right cheek.

Clothing: He always wheres a finely tailored suit, with a black tie.

Biggest Vulnerability (non physical): It is easy for him to deal with someone who doesn't give a damn about him, but he isn't really sure how to respond to genuine kindness.

Optimist or Pessimist: More analytically then anything, but optimistic. He believes he can pull through most anything.

Introvert or extrovert: Extrovert, he enjoys human conversations and their sheer unpredictability.

Emotional/psychological/social peculiarities: He acts fairly normal and social on the outside, but in the inside he is a cold manipulative person. He is very confused about real emotion, and thinks analytically above anything else. Biggest regret: Being foolish enough to trust another man. General Personality: A cold person on the inside, but kind, and loving on the outside. He seems like a nice person at first inspection.

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Name: Luther von Heilmer

Nickname: 'Splatter-Paint'

Age: 28

Sex: Male

Race: German

Sexual Orientation: Uninteligible. Does not explain with neither actions or dialouge. Despite talking in a lisp.

Hobbies/Skill/Pastimes Talents: Reading with opera music playing in the background, take long walks along his extensive garden, and lie down on the grass staring up at the sky every once and awhile.

e is quite the Skeet Shooter. Misses only once per session. Also, singing seems to be his plus as well, due to his practice from the music he's been collecting.

Powers: Amazingly inteligent. And he could amazingly use those abilities immediately upon oppurtunity.

Backstory: Born in an average family as the middle son out of his two brothers, since parents only attention to the eldest and youngest, the middle has no significance whatsoever. So he tries to excel by hitting the books. He always stayed there in the library, studying. So one day he finally succeeds and is basically the Valedictorian of his class of his highschool.

Upon reaching his home, he realizes his family became deep in debt. So now, in need of instant and easy cash, he becomes a pirate.

Height: Exactly Six-Feet tall.

Weight: Rather thin for his height, About a hundred and ten pounds.

Posture: He always stand straight, as if there was a board pressed against his back since childbirth.

Build: His shoulders sag, and his whole body shows that he is quite lanky from the lack of physical activities.

Skin: His skin has a slight paleness to it.

Hair: His hair is a dark blonde, short and usually scruffy.

Facial Features: He has a 'soft' look to his face. Tender, rather. He was pretty notified for having something like a 'baby' face.

Clothing: Usually wears a black top hat in most occasions on warm days, he also where a monocle (rarely though) he wears brown pants and dress shoes. Also he wears a white long sleeved shirt, with a vest over it and then just wears a white (lab-like) coat.

Biggest Vulnerability (non physical): Isn't 'streetwise'. He practically lives off inteligence from books than from society. Also rather superstitous. If he sees anything worth to be unlucky, he tends to be off-subject and not focusing.

Optimist or Pessimist: Optimist. He believes in a higher being that protects him and does

Introvert or extrovert: Extrovert if interacted with. He can talk to people if they wanted to him.

Emotional/psychological/social peculiarities:

Biggest regret: Once at a spelling bee, spelled 'Thristy' as 'T-H-U-R-S-T-Y'

General Personality: Luther is seen as a calm and collected character. Also classy, which is totally not good for a team of pirates. He is confident, but not cocky. He has a bad sense of humor, or none at all, and can only reply to jokes is to sarcasm. He is kind, sometimes he lets his emotions get the best of him.
Name: Derivik Soul

Nickname: The Crimson Eye

Age: 18

Sex: Male

Race: British

Sexual Orientation: Straight.

Hobbies/Pastimes Talents/Skill/Powers: A sharp, analytical mind, and a decent shot with good skill with a blade. He is also a very fast runner.

Backstory: Born into a noble family, Derivik was brought up spoiled and bored. He learned swordsman ship, and got a good education, but at the age of 15 he ran away, taking a sack of gold, his favorite sword, and a sack of clothing and basic goods. He ended up wasting almost all his money gambling, and lead a hard life. He felt alone, and weak, having little experience in real work to keep him going. In the end he signed up for mercenary work, his first job being to protect airships from pirates. Armed with a musket, sword, and his wits, he began his first job. It went without a problem, but he met a young man named Gregory. They talked, and got to know each other. In the year that followed, they became great friends, helping each other through thick and thin. Derivik truly respected him, and liked him. He was willing to die for him. One day Gregory asked about Derivik's financial situation, and he told him that he had a good amount of money hidden in case times got rough. Gregory asked him to show it. They went back to the town he spent his early days in, to a abandoned warehouse. The money was hidden in a shipping crate, but it was considerably less then what he had when he first set out. Then something changed in Gregory. His smile turned into a frown of disgust. "That was your great fortune? That's it? It was supposed to be hundreds of millions in gold? This is barely three!" Utterly confused, Derivik just stood in shock. Then Gregory turned around shot Derivik in the chest. That was the last he saw of Gregory, and he barely pulled through. Now he wanders the realms, in search of opportunities of and power and fortune. The power to find Gregory, and kill him. But that day changed him. The one person he trusted, cared about was a heartless monster. And in that, he is just like Derivik.

Height: 6'1

Weight: 173 lbs

Posture: Straight, being of noble descent.

Build: Lean with strong leg muscles

Skin: Pale and white

Hair: Black, rugged, short.

Facial Features: He has a small scar on his right cheek.

Clothing: He always wheres a finely tailored suit, with a black tie.

Biggest Vulnerability (non physical): It is easy for him to deal with someone who doesn't give a damn about him, but he isn't really sure how to respond to genuine kindness.

Optimist or Pessimist: More analytically then anything, but optimistic. He believes he can pull through most anything.

Introvert or extrovert: Extrovert, he enjoys human conversations and their sheer unpredictability.

Emotional/psychological/social peculiarities: He acts fairly normal and social on the outside, but in the inside he is a cold manipulative person. He is very confused about real emotion, and thinks analytically above anything else.

Biggest regret: Being foolish enough to trust another man.

General Personality: A cold person on the inside, but kind, and loving on the outside. He seems like a nice person at first inspection.

Role: Captain

(I hope this will do, I'm pretty happy as to how it turned out. I hope I get in.)
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Vibora said:
Greatly Accepted!
Great! Are we going to start when we have all six members? 
Oh, and I would like to try for the position of Captain, due to my characters manipulative nature, and if not gunner due to my quick thinking and being a decent shot, but chances are someone else will be a master shot or such. And I think ECDeadly would make a good Surgeon/Mechanic due to his intelligence, but not being very streetwise. And then of course you are the Navigator due to your map making skills and such. What do you think about this?
[QUOTE="Derivik Soul]Great! Are we going to start when we have all six members? 
Oh, and I would like to try for the position of Captain, due to my characters manipulative nature, and if not gunner due to my quick thinking and being a decent shot, but chances are someone else will be a master shot or such. And I think ECDeadly would make a good Surgeon/Mechanic due to his intelligence, but not being very streetwise. And then of course you are the Navigator due to your map making skills and such. What do you think about this?

As I was looking over this, I felt dumb for not including a position spot. My original intention was for Dimitri to be the navigator. The role of captain sounds perfect for Derivik. I'll add position to the character skelly, so be sure to update yours! But yes, we are waiting for three more. So at most, three more members and at least, two, due to the whole two characters thing.
Vibora said:
As I was looking over this, I felt dumb for not including a position spot. My original intention was for Dimitri to be the navigator. The role of captain sounds perfect for Derivik. I'll add position to the character skelly, so be sure to update yours! But yes, we are waiting for three more. So at most, three more members and at least, two, due to the whole two characters thing.
Got it, I will. I don't think many people will want to be the boatswain though... And a lot will want to be the gunner. But will do, I'll update mine in a second.
[QUOTE="Derivik Soul]
Name: Derivik Soul
Nickname: The Crimson Eye

Age: 18

Sex: Male

Race: British

Sexual Orientation: Straight.

Hobbies/Pastimes Talents/Skill/Powers: A sharp, analytical mind, and a decent shot with good skill with a blade. He is also a very fast runner.

Backstory: Born into a noble family, Derivik was brought up spoiled and bored. He learned swordsman ship, and got a good education, but at the age of 15 he ran away, taking a sack of gold, his favorite sword, and a sack of clothing and basic goods. He ended up wasting almost all his money gambling, and lead a hard life. He felt alone, and weak, having little experience in real work to keep him going. In the end he signed up for mercenary work, his first job being to protect airships from pirates. Armed with a musket, sword, and his wits, he began his first job. It went without a problem, but he met a young man named Gregory. They talked, and got to know each other. In the year that followed, they became great friends, helping each other through thick and thin. Derivik truly respected him, and liked him. He was willing to die for him. One day Gregory asked about Derivik's financial situation, and he told him that he had a good amount of money hidden in case times got rough. Gregory asked him to show it. They went back to the town he spent his early days in, to a abandoned warehouse. The money was hidden in a shipping crate, but it was considerably less then what he had when he first set out. Then something changed in Gregory. His smile turned into a frown of disgust. "That was your great fortune? That's it? It was supposed to be hundreds of millions in gold? This is barely three!" Utterly confused, Derivik just stood in shock. Then Gregory turned around shot Derivik in the chest. That was the last he saw of Gregory, and he barely pulled through. Now he wanders the realms, in search of opportunities of and power and fortune. The power to find Gregory, and kill him. But that day changed him. The one person he trusted, cared about was a heartless monster. And in that, he is just like Derivik.

Height: 6'1

Weight: 173 lbs

Posture: Straight, being of noble descent.

Build: Lean with strong leg muscles

Skin: Pale and white

Hair: Black, rugged, short.

Facial Features: He has a small scar on his right cheek.

Clothing: He always wheres a finely tailored suit, with a black tie.

Biggest Vulnerability (non physical): It is easy for him to deal with someone who doesn't give a damn about him, but he isn't really sure how to respond to genuine kindness.

Optimist or Pessimist: More analytically then anything, but optimistic. He believes he can pull through most anything.

Introvert or extrovert: Extrovert, he enjoys human conversations and their sheer unpredictability.

Emotional/psychological/social peculiarities: He acts fairly normal and social on the outside, but in the inside he is a cold manipulative person. He is very confused about real emotion, and thinks analytically above anything else.

Biggest regret: Being foolish enough to trust another man.

General Personality: A cold person on the inside, but kind, and loving on the outside. He seems like a nice person at first inspection.

(I hope this will do, I'm pretty happy as to how it turned out. I hope I get in.)

I added a position part, so please update the bio. Thanks.
[QUOTE="Derivik Soul]Vibro,
If no else joins soon, can we start and have them join in later?

(I'm impatient.)

Perhaps. We could have them meet in the bar, and that would likely make others join.
NAME : Oswin Oxford


AGE : 17

POSITION : Mechanic

SEX : Female

RACE : Not exactly clear, although she adopted a vague British accent from the innkeeper who raised her


HOBBIES/PASTIMES/TALENTS/SKILLS/POWERS : Has a beautiful singing voice; therefore, sings as she operates and repairs the ship, the songs she sings depending on her mood. Oswin also loves reading books romance and chilvary in her free time. She is also very gifted in sketching and drawing, and is especially detailed in her art. As far as knowledge goes, she knows everything about mechanics and how a ship works. She also is aware of the basics of fighting, such as hand-to-hand combat. Other talents include her ability of play the violin, fiddle, piano, and guitar, although she doesn't take any of these instruments with her.

BACKSTORY : Oswin's parents died in a boating accident when she was two. She was raised by an innkeeper and his wife who adopted her while they were travelling throughout a few of the sky colonies, wanting to take her in in hopes of using her to make extra money. However, the two didnt make much more money by using her as a pitying tool. They treated her cruelly, hardly feeding her properly becoming violent towards her when money was scarce. When Oswin turned twelve, she ran away, soon finding herself in a different town where the female owner of a pub allowed Oswin to live with her. There, Oswin expanded her abilities such as playing instruments and self defense. She also developed an interest in mechanics through the local libraries. She became fluent and studied with every mechanics book she read, in hopes to make strides in the world of women. However, no one wanted anything to do with a woman mechanic and ended up earning money as a bar maid.

HEIGHT : 5'2

WEIGHT : 98 lbs

POSTURE : Straight, unless she is working vigorously, in which case she's hunched over

BUILD : Petite, with a lacking figure and a barely average chest

SKIN : Tanned skin (almost-olive complexion)

HAIR : A very dark color; a wavy texture that touches her shoulder bones; bangs on her forehead

FACIAL FEATURES : A heart-shaped face with a small nose, barely prominent cheekbones, and sea foam green eyes

CLOTHING : A dark purple, button up shirt with sleeves that are rolled up to her elbows; long black pants that tuck into black leather combat boots that add 2 inches to her height; her clothes look slightly worn and dirty; accessories include a belt that can hold tools and a gold necklace that tucks into her shirt that was given to her when she was a baby by her parents

OPTIMIST OR PESSIMIST : Pessimist, but finds occasional uplifting moments

INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT : Extrovert, with the occasional introvert splurge

BIGGEST VUNERALABILITY : Falling in love; staying in any hotel or inn because it reminds her of her past

EMOTIONAL/PSYCHOLOGICAL/SOCIAL PECULIATRIES : When she speaks, she occasionally comes off as snippy or rude; has a highly progressing form of OCD and ADHD; trust issues; physical peculiarities include a scar on her shoulder from where she was hit with a broken bottle

BIGGEST REGRET : Allowing herself to be abused by her previous innkeeper guardians

GENERAL PERSONALITY : Oswin has a very sharp and witty tongue, and speaks very bluntly and quickly. She has a tendency to become high strung when dealing with complex problems. This may sometimes come across to others as sassy or rude. She is also very observant and takes notice to all of her surroundings.
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[QUOTE="Maeve Harris]NAME : Oswin Oxford

AGE : 17

POSITION : Mechanic

SEX : Female

RACE : Australian


HOBBIES/PASTIMES/TALENTS/SKILLS/POWERS : Has a beautiful singing voice; therefore, sings as she operates and repairs the ship, the songs she sings depending on her mood. Oswin also loves reading books romance and chilvary in her free time. She is also very gifted in sketching and drawing, and is especially detailed in her art. As far as knowledge goes, she knows everything about mechanics and how a ship works. She also is aware of the basics of fighting, such as hand-to-hand combat.

BACKSTORY : Oswin's parents died in a boating accident when she was two. She was raised by an innkeeper and his wife whi were travelling in Australia and wanting to take her in in hopes of using her to make extra money. However, the two didnt make much more money by using her as a pitying tool. They treated her cruelly, hardly feeding her properly becoming violent towards her when money was scarce. When Oswin turned twelve, she ran away, soon finding herself in a different town where the female owner of a pub allowed Oswin to live with her. There, she developed an interest in mechanics through the local libraries. She became fluent and studied with every mechanics book she read, in hopes to make strides in the world of women. However, no one wanted anything to do with a woman mechanic and ended up earning money as a bar maid.

HEIGHT : 5'2

WEIGHT : 98 lbs

POSTURE : Straight, unless she is working vigorously, in which case she's hunched over

BUILD : Petite, with a lacking figure and a barely average chest

SKIN : Tanned skin (almost-olive complexion)

HAIR : A very dark color; a wavy texture that touches her shoulder bones; bangs on her forehead

FACIAL FEATURES : A heart-shaped face with a small nose, barely prominent cheekbones, and sea foam green eyes

CLOTHING : A dark purple, button up shirt with sleeves that are rolled up to her elbows; long black pants that tuck into black leather combat boots that add 3 inches to her height; her clothes look slightly worn and dirty; accessories include a belt that can hold tools and a gold necklace that tucks into her shirt that was given to her when she was a baby by her parents

OPTIMIST OR PESSIMIST : Pessimist, but finds occasional uplifting moments

INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT : Introvert, with the occasional extrovert splurge

BIGGEST VUNERALABILITY : Falling in love; staying in any hotel or inn because it reminds her of her past

EMOTIONAL/PSYCHOLOGICAL/SOCIAL PECULIATRIES : When she speaks, she occasionally comes off as snippy or rude; has a progressing form of ADHD

BIGGEST REGRET : Allowing herself to be abused by her previous innkeeper guardians

GENERAL PERSONALITY : Oswin has a very sharp and witty tongue. She prefers to work alone and speaks only when needed to, although she hums and sings often. She has a secret desire for romance and has a soft spot for anyone she works with. Oswin also has made very wise observations over the years, such as "the wackiest if people have the greatest futures" and "the eyes and smile can tell you everything".

Nice, I'm guessing you'll get in, good luck though.
Name: Bella L. Glasgow

Nickname: Luck

Position: Gunner

Age: 29

Sex: Female

Race: Irish

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Hobbies/Pastimes Talents/Skill/Powers: She has an amazing ability to carve wood, whittling small pieces of wood into beautiful art and jewelry.

Backstory: Born to her parents Shamus and Maria, she was a bubbly little girl always causing some form of trouble. Her father was a steel worker and her mother was a barmaid so neither of them were ever really around. She grew up with the boys on the streets while all of the other little girls wore their dresses and played with dolls. As the years passed her behavior grew worse causing her to have runs in with some bad people. After gambling her way into debt before the age of twenty, her very life being threatened by those she owed money too she fled.

She hid on a large ship bound for distant places. She was found out though and brought before the captain, a weathered old man with a large white beard and bright blue eyes. Calahan was what the crew called him and he spared her life, instead making her work the guns. It was hard and grueling work but she didn't complain, eventually she came to be seen as one of the crew giving her the nickname 'Luck' after hearing story about how she came to be aboard their ship.

Calahan took a liking to her and treated her as though she were his granddaughter. He taught her how to carve wood and bought her gifts like beautiful dresses, although she never wore them around anyone. The inevitable day came though and Calahan passed away from old age, the day Bella decided to leave.

Height: 5'10

Weight: 145lbs

Posture: Straight and confident

Build: Slim and toned

Skin: White with a few freckles on her shoulders

Hair: Dark red

Facial Features: Dark green eyes, soft freckles on her rosy cheeks, soft pink lips and a vivid white smile.

Clothing: Long sleeved white shirt underneath a brown leather vest. A skirt made from the same leather and white cloth. A brown belt that hangs at an angle on her right hip, several pouches attached to it. Atop her head sits a pair of goggles with several interchangeable lenses.

Biggest Vulnerability (non physical): She goes with the flow, not thinking before she acts more often than not.

Optimist or Pessimist: Optimist

Introvert or extrovert: Introvert

Emotional/psychological/social peculiarities: She is a bit hard headed, never one to take any lip. When she is alone she likes to wear lavish dresses and dance around to classical music.

Biggest regret: Not becoming captain once Calahan died.

General Personality: A tomboy at first glance she never misses a chance to out drink any man, as well as a tendency to get into brawls, going toe-to-toe with most fighters. Though she has a softer side underneath that most people never see.
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[QUOTE="St. Nicholas Cage]
Name: Bella L. Glasgow
Nickname: Luck

Position: Engineer

Age: 29

Sex: Female

Race: Irish

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Hobbies/Pastimes Talents/Skill/Powers: Tinkering and useful inventions.

Backstory: Her father worked as engineer building and designing airships, capturing Bella's fascination at a very young age. As she grew up she followed in her fathers footsteps, to her mothers disapproval. She worked with her father by day and at night she tinkered and built inventions all her own. Once she came of age she had packed her bags sneaking away while her parents were out to catch a ride on a ship heading outward. Years passed by and she had her adventures, although life was not easy, eventually bringing her too the present.

Height: 5'10

Weight: 131lbs

Posture: Straight and confident

Build: Slim and toned

Skin: White with a few freckles on her shoulders

Hair: Dark red

Facial Features: Dark green eyes, soft freckles on her rosy cheeks, soft pink lips and a vivid white smile.

Clothing: Long sleeved white shirt underneath a brown leather vest. A skirt made from the same leather and white cloth. A brown belt that hangs at an angle on her right hip, several pouches attached to it. Atop her head sits a pair of goggles with several interchangeable lenses

Biggest Vulnerability (non physical): She goes with the flow, not thinking before she acts more often than not.

Optimist or Pessimist: Optimist

Introvert or extrovert: Introvert

Emotional/psychological/social peculiarities: A tomboy at first glance, but underneath lies the heart of a princess.

Biggest regret: Not telling her parents 'Good Bye'.

General Personality: A tomboy at first glance she never misses a chance to out drink any man, as well as a tendency to get into brawls, going toe-to-toe with most fighters.

Uh oh, someone already signed up for that position. Wonder who will get it.
[QUOTE="Maeve Harris]NAME : Oswin Oxford

AGE : 17

POSITION : Mechanic

SEX : Female

RACE : Australian


HOBBIES/PASTIMES/TALENTS/SKILLS/POWERS : Has a beautiful singing voice; therefore, sings as she operates and repairs the ship, the songs she sings depending on her mood. Oswin also loves reading books romance and chilvary in her free time. She is also very gifted in sketching and drawing, and is especially detailed in her art. As far as knowledge goes, she knows everything about mechanics and how a ship works. She also is aware of the basics of fighting, such as hand-to-hand combat. Other talents include her ability of play the violin, fiddle, piano, and guitar, although she doesn't take any of these instruments with her.

BACKSTORY : Oswin's parents died in a boating accident when she was two. She was raised by an innkeeper and his wife whi were travelling in Australia and wanting to take her in in hopes of using her to make extra money. However, the two didnt make much more money by using her as a pitying tool. They treated her cruelly, hardly feeding her properly becoming violent towards her when money was scarce. When Oswin turned twelve, she ran away, soon finding herself in a different town where the female owner of a pub allowed Oswin to live with her. There, Oswin expanded her abilities such as playing instruments and self defense. She also developed an interest in mechanics through the local libraries. She became fluent and studied with every mechanics book she read, in hopes to make strides in the world of women. However, no one wanted anything to do with a woman mechanic and ended up earning money as a bar maid.

HEIGHT : 5'2

WEIGHT : 98 lbs

POSTURE : Straight, unless she is working vigorously, in which case she's hunched over

BUILD : Petite, with a lacking figure and a barely average chest

SKIN : Tanned skin (almost-olive complexion)

HAIR : A very dark color; a wavy texture that touches her shoulder bones; bangs on her forehead

FACIAL FEATURES : A heart-shaped face with a small nose, barely prominent cheekbones, and sea foam green eyes

CLOTHING : A dark purple, button up shirt with sleeves that are rolled up to her elbows; long black pants that tuck into black leather combat boots that add 3 inches to her height; her clothes look slightly worn and dirty; accessories include a belt that can hold tools and a gold necklace that tucks into her shirt that was given to her when she was a baby by her parents

OPTIMIST OR PESSIMIST : Pessimist, but finds occasional uplifting moments

INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT : Extrovert, with the occasional introvert splurge

BIGGEST VUNERALABILITY : Falling in love; staying in any hotel or inn because it reminds her of her past

EMOTIONAL/PSYCHOLOGICAL/SOCIAL PECULIATRIES : When she speaks, she occasionally comes off as snippy or rude; has a progressing form of ADHD

BIGGEST REGRET : Allowing herself to be abused by her previous innkeeper guardians

GENERAL PERSONALITY : Oswin has a very sharp and witty tongue, and speaks very bluntly and quickly. She has a tendency to become high strung when dealing with complex problems. This may sometimes come across to others as sassy or rude. She is also very observant and takes notice to all of her surroundings.

Very nice. However, there are a few issues. She could not have lived in Australia because at her age, there would only be the sky colonies. Also, I'd suggest more emotional trauma and also more physical defects caused by the violence. Ten years of life like that would leave permanent psychological and physical issues. If you fix that, you're ready to go. 

[QUOTE="St. Nicholas Cage]
Name: Bella L. Glasgow
Nickname: Luck

Position: Engineer

Age: 29

Sex: Female

Race: Irish

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Hobbies/Pastimes Talents/Skill/Powers: Tinkering and useful inventions.

Backstory: Her father worked as engineer building and designing airships, capturing Bella's fascination at a very young age. As she grew up she followed in her fathers footsteps, to her mothers disapproval. She worked with her father by day and at night she tinkered and built inventions all her own. Once she came of age she had packed her bags sneaking away while her parents were out to catch a ride on a ship heading outward. Years passed by and she had her adventures, although life was not easy, eventually bringing her too the present.

Height: 5'10

Weight: 131lbs

Posture: Straight and confident

Build: Slim and toned

Skin: White with a few freckles on her shoulders

Hair: Dark red

Facial Features: Dark green eyes, soft freckles on her rosy cheeks, soft pink lips and a vivid white smile.

Clothing: Long sleeved white shirt underneath a brown leather vest. A skirt made from the same leather and white cloth. A brown belt that hangs at an angle on her right hip, several pouches attached to it. Atop her head sits a pair of goggles with several interchangeable lenses

Biggest Vulnerability (non physical): She goes with the flow, not thinking before she acts more often than not.

Optimist or Pessimist: Optimist

Introvert or extrovert: Introvert

Emotional/psychological/social peculiarities: A tomboy at first glance, but underneath lies the heart of a princess.

Biggest regret: Not telling her parents 'Good Bye'.

General Personality: A tomboy at first glance she never misses a chance to out drink any man, as well as a tendency to get into brawls, going toe-to-toe with most fighters.

Pretty good. I'd like a few more details in the backstory, but I won't require it. Accepted. However, Oone of you two will need to change roles. I think either of your characters could also work as a gunner.
Vibora said:
She could not have lived in Australia because at her age, there would only be the sky colonies.
How are we supposed to know that? Is this based off a novel, or do you have a more complex world guide we could read?
[QUOTE="Derivik Soul]How are we supposed to know that? Is this based off a novel, or do you have a more complex world guide we could read?

Well the beginning description for this idea said that it's been over a century since humans lived on the Earth's surface.

I'll have to edit my whole sheet so it won't be until tomorrow but I'll change things.
[QUOTE="St. Nicholas Cage]Well the beginning description for this idea said that it's been over a century since humans lived on the Earth's surface

Well I feel kind of dumb. I was thinking that the countries just lived above ground now, but were still existent. 
Well I got my post off, and I'm happy with how it turned out. Maeve's turn now.
[QUOTE="Maeve Harris]NAME : Oswin Oxford

AGE : 17

POSITION : Mechanic

SEX : Female

RACE : Not exactly clear, although she adopted a vague British accent from the innkeeper who raised her


HOBBIES/PASTIMES/TALENTS/SKILLS/POWERS : Has a beautiful singing voice; therefore, sings as she operates and repairs the ship, the songs she sings depending on her mood. Oswin also loves reading books romance and chilvary in her free time. She is also very gifted in sketching and drawing, and is especially detailed in her art. As far as knowledge goes, she knows everything about mechanics and how a ship works. She also is aware of the basics of fighting, such as hand-to-hand combat. Other talents include her ability of play the violin, fiddle, piano, and guitar, although she doesn't take any of these instruments with her.

BACKSTORY : Oswin's parents died in a boating accident when she was two. She was raised by an innkeeper and his wife who adopted her while they were travelling throughout a few of the sky colonies, wanting to take her in in hopes of using her to make extra money. However, the two didnt make much more money by using her as a pitying tool. They treated her cruelly, hardly feeding her properly becoming violent towards her when money was scarce. When Oswin turned twelve, she ran away, soon finding herself in a different town where the female owner of a pub allowed Oswin to live with her. There, Oswin expanded her abilities such as playing instruments and self defense. She also developed an interest in mechanics through the local libraries. She became fluent and studied with every mechanics book she read, in hopes to make strides in the world of women. However, no one wanted anything to do with a woman mechanic and ended up earning money as a bar maid.

HEIGHT : 5'2

WEIGHT : 98 lbs

POSTURE : Straight, unless she is working vigorously, in which case she's hunched over

BUILD : Petite, with a lacking figure and a barely average chest

SKIN : Tanned skin (almost-olive complexion)

HAIR : A very dark color; a wavy texture that touches her shoulder bones; bangs on her forehead

FACIAL FEATURES : A heart-shaped face with a small nose, barely prominent cheekbones, and sea foam green eyes

CLOTHING : A dark purple, button up shirt with sleeves that are rolled up to her elbows; long black pants that tuck into black leather combat boots that add 2 inches to her height; her clothes look slightly worn and dirty; accessories include a belt that can hold tools and a gold necklace that tucks into her shirt that was given to her when she was a baby by her parents

OPTIMIST OR PESSIMIST : Pessimist, but finds occasional uplifting moments

INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT : Extrovert, with the occasional introvert splurge

BIGGEST VUNERALABILITY : Falling in love; staying in any hotel or inn because it reminds her of her past

EMOTIONAL/PSYCHOLOGICAL/SOCIAL PECULIATRIES : When she speaks, she occasionally comes off as snippy or rude; has a highly progressing form of OCD and ADHD; trust issues; physical peculiarities include a scar on her shoulder from where she was hit with a broken bottle

BIGGEST REGRET : Allowing herself to be abused by her previous innkeeper guardians

GENERAL PERSONALITY : Oswin has a very sharp and witty tongue, and speaks very bluntly and quickly. She has a tendency to become high strung when dealing with complex problems. This may sometimes come across to others as sassy or rude. She is also very observant and takes notice to all of her surroundings.

Need your post in the thread. Your turn, after all. Also, would you be willing to have your character be the gunner?

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