Small Group- Steampunk Pirates (Closed)

Mhm. I can see how it would even look as a sketch in my mind... Sadly, my skills in drawing are lacking. I hope to improve over the summer though. And seriously... ECDeadly needs to post...
I'm heading off now for a few hours. Hopefully by the time I return I'll need to post myself! Also, Once we get rid of order, I'll make a no sandwitching rule.
Vibora said:
I'm heading off now for a few hours. Hopefully by the time I return I'll need to post myself! Also, Once we get rid of order, I'll make a no sandwitching rule.
Mmk. And I'm fairly new to this all, so could you tell me what sandwitching stands for?
Still haven't left yet, I'm waiting on someone. But as a last post before I leave, unless there are any detours, sandwitching isn't a term I've heard used by anyone other than me. It would be a sandwitch of posts by two people.Let's say you are poster one, and I'm poster 2. We could not make a 'sandwhich' with one person's post between two of the other's. So,

"Me: Dimitri threw a knife at Derevik

You: Derivik ducked.

Me: Dimitri tried to punch Derivik"

is not aloud, and

"You: Derivik rolled over. 'Night'

Me: 'Night.' Dimitri said.

You: Derivik fell asleep.

This is so the roleplay doesn't become a 1x1 where the other members cannot keep up. That means that it has to stay in a group formation. 
Going now.
Vibora said:
Still haven't left yet, I'm waiting on someone. But as a last post before I leave, unless there are any detours, sandwitching isn't a term I've heard used by anyone other than me. It would be a sandwitch of posts by two people.Let's say you are poster one, and I'm poster 2. We could not make a 'sandwhich' with one person's post between two of the other's. So,
"Me: Dimitri threw a knife at Derevik

You: Derivik ducked.

Me: Dimitri tried to punch Derivik"

is not aloud, and

"You: Derivik rolled over. 'Night'

Me: 'Night.' Dimitri said.

You: Derivik fell asleep.

This is so the roleplay doesn't become a 1x1 where the other members cannot keep up. That means that it has to stay in a group formation. 
Going now.
Mmk, thanks.
[QUOTE="Derivik Soul]If St. doesn't post today... Can we just go to free post?

We'll give it one more day.
I posted yesterday when I got home. I'm only active in the evenings, from around 4am till 4pm I'm at work. Monday through Friday. Just so ya'll kind of get my active writing window.
[QUOTE="Maeve Harris]Is EC online? I think this is about the perfect time for him to post...

You can tell if someone is on by clicking on their name and looking at the bottom of the little menu. It will say, "Last seen...." And by that you can usually see it they are on if the time is recent.
[QUOTE="Derivik Soul]Last post I can fit in for a while. Sorry guys.

No problem. I understand.
[QUOTE="Doctor Disharmony]Might I claim this last spot? I am creating a filled in character skelly this moment.

Of course!
Name: Selina Renovan

Nickname: "Bones" (I can't help it. Situations like this bring out my inner Trekkie)

Position: Surgeon

Age: 18

Sex: Female

Race: Italian and German with traces of French, though speaks with an American accent.

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Hobbies/Pastimes: Experimenting, researching, studying. She is always looking for new information about anything medically relative, so will go to extensive lengths to retrieve said info. If she is not doing that, she is training and preparing herself. You will usually find her reading or taking notes, if not committing to sword practice by herself.

Talents/Skills/Powers: You will never and have never come across a medic as skilled as she is. Not only does she work with astonishing speed and precision, but her technique is flawless. Her extreme intelligence brings about many great attributes. Her quick reaction time is more advanced then that of most, as well as her swift maneuvers in nearly any and all situations. Bones skill with a blade is unmatched by most, both in the surgical field and the battle field. Don't think that because she's a Doctor that she can't open a big ole' can of whoop ass on anybody she feels deserves it. And because of her extensive knowledge on the human body (this includes pressure points and weak spots) in a few fast jabs she can freeze up a person's body (so patients beware, she will go to crazy measures to insure that you stay in bed). Also, her information of science does not limit to medicine. She also is very informed on chemistry, physics, astronomy, mathematics, and basic technology.

Backstory: Bones never knew her parents. Well, not her REAL parents, anyhow. They were murdered not long after she was born.....and it was the murderer himself who raised her. His name was Captain Charles Renovan, the highest of the three brothers who ran a series of the fiercest pirates ever glimpsed by this world. True to his reputation, he was a horrible, terrible, atrocious human being. This was the kind of person that gave Satan a run for his reputation. Anyhow, he killed her mother, making her father watch as he slit her throat. He almost killed her, but then had a better idea. In front of the dying man, he took the little baby and left her true parents to be consumed by the shadows of death.

The Captain raised the child to be just like him. Ruthless, merciless, undefeated. Being one of the, if not the, most famous pirates to exist, he felt that when his time would come (if it ever came. Renovan was on a constant search for a solution to the factor of immortality). The child grew to a beautiful young girl, a young girl who was forced into performing the most heinous of crimes the moment she could be taught what to do with a knife. She was almost 6 years old when her "father" made her kill for the first time. But unlike Renovan, Bones was actually conflicted. But the insane fear of this man made her do his bidding, a feat which shall haunt her forever and always.

As she grew older, Selina became quiet the little murderer, taking life after life at the command of the Captain. He saw this as an amusing game, she aw this as inhumane slaughter that would gradually consume her sanity and morals. When she was very small, the girl ahd already discovered that her only escape was knowledge. She found that science and medicine (aside from fantasy and fiction) attracted her most. Every instant she could, she read and read and read, fascinated by these people who used the knowledge for good deeds opposed to bad ones. She wanted to be just like them. But because of the Captain's "no weakness" policy, every-time a man was injured, he was left for dead. She had nobody to practice on. That was until she found a secret way to begin treating Renovan's crew under his nose. Selina was enthralled by saving lives instead of taking them. Then one day.....the Captain caught her removing bullet shrapnel from a man's leg. In his fury, she was beaten (not for the first time, but this particular beating was way worse than any others). She was injured so badly that she actually went temporarily blind for several days.

You can only imagine what effect this had on a 9 year old.

Selina was literally a prisoner with no options, no choices, no hope. She could stand herself getting hurt, but every-time she "misbehaved" , knowing that, Renovan would instead punish an innocent prisoner, or a crew member. She became rebellious. She stood up when she could, but was trapped by the fact that whatever she did could mean death to another.

It wasn't until one particular raid that she saw her one and only chance.

It was a ship carrying civilians. The Captain had stopped there, pillaging and murdering. But when he began sending orders for his men to tear off the legs of the children and throw their bleeding bodies off-board, she refused to let that happen.

So she challenged her fake father.

It was a fierce fight, her life against his.

It was also supposed to be one-on-one, but another man (a man who was supposed to be one of her few and treasured friends) aided her enemy.

She lost a leg in the struggle, but Renovan and the man lost their lives.

I was not due to just skill, but also extreme luck.

But 14 year old Selina did not have long to envelope within the victory. Remember those other two brothers? Yeah, well, as you can imagine, her "uncles" weren't too pleased with this.

She's been on the run ever since, running from the authorities and the Captain's siblings, hopping from ship to ship as she gave her services to whomever needed them, wherever they were.

Height: 5"3

Weight: 103 pounds

Posture: Picturesque, perfectly straight. Very confident and determined in her stance.

Build: Slender though curvy. Her body is firm from battle and training.

Skin: Lightly skinned, though with prolonged unprotected exposure to sunlight with become olive due to her Italian background. Many places on her body are scarred, and each one tells a different story.

Hair: She has dark auburn hair, not straight but not curly, it has a nice wave to it. But being that she is constantly working, Bones keeps it no longer then about an inch past her chin.

Facial Features: She has an....intelligent look. A bit serious, though very pretty. Her nose is average sized, her brows thin, her lips in sort of a cupids bow shape. Her eyes are an emerald green, fairly large, though in an attractive way, not in the bulgy guppy eyed way.

Clothing: She always wears her black boots, which are worn old things that come up to her knees, as well as a tri-cornered hat and dark gloves. Her pants are usually a forest green, a bit on the baggy side. Her shirt is generally a think long sleeve, the sleeves pulled up to her elbows. And then her leather coat is as black as her boots. She has two brown leather straps going across her chest and back (like an X) securely holding two pistols on each side (locked in a way that only she can access them) and lined with surgical knives and some explosives. Her belt has packs filled with medicine, needles, gauze, syringes, anesthetic, you name it. On the left side of the belt is a small hatchet, the other side is an extendable saw (it is just a handle, but when you pull on the front it becomes larger and just as sturdy and sharp as any other). On the back is also two swords/blades. But everything is so skillfully placed that it does not really effect her movements of anything, and they are all easily accessible to her.

Biggest Vulnerability (non physical): Hrrrmm. Her constant battle between what is considered good and what is considered bad.

Optimist or Pessimist: Neither, opportunist.

Introvert or extrovert: Also neither. She's a loner, but not at all shy.

Emotional/psychological/social peculiarities: She is anti-social, sometimes sociopathic, can have, eh, "episodes" of utter madness, upon occasion, she hates being in large groups or in confined spaces with small groups, and though she is a Doctor, her bedside manner is less then favorable (for instance, if you end up in her care because you did something unnecessarily stupid, as soon as she's fixed you up, expect hard metal objects to be repeatedly thrown at your head). Despite her preference of solitude, if somebody needs their ass saved, she'll probably end up saving it (even against her better judgment, at that) .

Biggest regret: Almost every aspect of her life up to the age of 15.

General Personalty: Let's say it was somehow possible for Wolverine (X-men) and Ratchet (Transformers) to have a kid, she would be that kid (personality wise, of course). As mentioned earlier, she is in fact a loner, preferring the company of her pet cat over any human being. She's tough, intelligent, clever, cunning, strong-willed, determined, stubborn, and refuses to take crap from anybody or anything. Bones is the type of person who is completely unfazed by anything that might scare the pants off even the strongest and most fearsome of men, and is basically never surprised. Be prepared to endure barrages of her dry wit, as she seems to feel absolutely no restraint on letting loose the harshest of insults when need be. She is very practical, but also creative (always finding new ways to succeed in anything from surgery to a fight), and will not baby anybody (as in, if there's a problem, she'll lay it to you straight. Literally, this chick will not sugar coat anything). She hates being bothered, especially if it is for an unimportant reason or cause. Even so, she finds herself the one in which most people gravitate towards for advice or consolation. She claims to hate this, and part of her does, but another (deeply hidden) part does like that (she'd rather be even more damned then admit that, though). If somebody finds themselves in emotional, psychological, or physical trouble, they head to her for help. All of the captains in charge of whatever ship she traveled on saw her as an adviser, constantly consulting her about everything from tactical strategy to how to deal with the crew. Don't think that because she's usually a real ass that she's heartless. Bones is actually a very caring person, but is extremely paranoid of people seeing that as a defining trait. The reason people DO go to her is not just because she will lay things out straight for them, not just because she gives the most brilliant of advice, not just because of any other reason aside from her being her. She almost...sends off vibes of strength, and people tend to follow that.

Much to her impending annoyance, in fact.
[QUOTE="Doctor Disharmony]
Name: Selina Renovan
Don't think that because she's a Doctor that she can't open a big ole' can of whoop ass on anybody she feels deserves it. .

I liked this line a lot. I don't know why. Although, a few questions.

1. Seems like men have screwed her over a lot. So is she more trusting of women?

2. I'm sure that there are plenty of ships. With her bad experience with her pirate fake father, why is she willing to join a pirate crew?
Hehe, why thank you. I am fond of it as well.

1: She's not trusting of anybody, regardless of sex. Despite her experiences with men, Bones will go about by a person's activities, personality, and situation, even if they are in fact male. Because of her intelligence and knowledge on psychology, she refuses to be fooled by appearance or gender. They're all the same to her in that matter: Just people, human beings.

2: The main reason many people do. Money. She needs as much cash as possible, for cause I was hoping to let on in the development of her character. And also the fact she is an outcast. She has already engaged within enough illegal activities to be a basic criminal incapable of leading a civilian life, and needs to constantly travel to avoid her enemies until she has enough resources to deal with the bastards.

And then, despite her cold demeanor and her experiences, she knows that she belongs in a place of choices, such as remaining as a Pirate. Being contained for so much of her life has a huge effect on this.
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Alright! You're golden! Accepted. Also, on a side note, that gif if your signature seems to be inspired by Road to Eldorado. But yes, jump right in! The thread itself is linked on page 2, I believe.
Ha, I never noticed that. It's actually Sherlock and Dr. Watson, but I now see the resemblance.

Hrrm, I can't seem to find the link. Would you mind putting it here again?

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