(SliverOfHope & Theytookmyname)


Senior Member
Lucius was patrolling the streets calmly, he hadn't felt any spiritual disturbances, but he held his gun high anyways. He watch cautiously, checking alleys and dark abandoned buildings. The association had sent him here to clear it out, but it already seemed empty. Bad vibes and his instincts told him something was wrong. He looked at the sky, and it was a dark blue. He could see, thanks to his trained senses. He heard rustles, and his attention snapped to the movement, seeing a rat rustling through trash.
Jamie walked along the streets with her hands shoved in her pant pockets, humming to herself quietly. She looked down both ends of the street before crossing the road and walking into a small alley where she planned to stay for the night. Jamie felt like something was off but ignored that feeling, grabbing the small knives she always carries with her and placed them in her pocket, just in case something or someone did decide to try and sneak up on her. She sat in the quiet for a few seconds before she heard a growl right behind her, making her turn around quickly, startled, and come face to face with a creature she has never seen before.
Lucius felt the evil presence of a demon. He burst into action, running through the streets. He had both his guns out. He skid turning into a alley, seeing a middle class demon. It had taken possession of a body and morphed it to it's liking. Lucius noticed a girl behind it, and he squinted his eyes. "Move," he ordered the girl. If he shot it now, the bullet would go through the demon and her.
Jamie stared at the creature, looking it over quickly, before the heard someone running through the streets. She heard a skidding noise which was followed by a guy a guy running up to her and the creature. She looked oevr at him and saw two guns in his hand, listening to him as he commanded her to move out of the way. For once she complied and quickly slid over to the side, pressing herself against the wall.
Lucius watch as she slid over to the side. He brought up his guns and shot, but the demon was quicker. It ducked down and went to tackled him, so Lucius threw himself back and to the side. He shot it in the shoulder, and it screeched. The bullet burned it, and Lucius smiled slightly before it went to charge him again. It's appendages swung at him, and one lashed at his stomach. Lucius brought the gun to its head, and shot it. The thing screeched and fell to the ground.

Blood splattered all over his face, and he wiped it off. He grimaced as he put his hand to his lacerated stomach. The things slowly started to dissolve into as, and Lucius slowly walked back to the alley to check on the girl. He held his bleeding stomach, his eyes wary. He spoke quietly, but calmly despite the fact that he was bleeding, "Are you ok?"
Jamie watched the thing with awe and nodded her head. "Yeah I'm fine." She peeled herself away from the wall and looked at his bleeding stomach. "You don't seem to be though." Jamie always carried a small first-aid kit with her that she uses often, and took the kit out. She opened it up and got out some gauze and disinfectant wipes to stop any infection from getting in. "Not to sound weird or anything but I need you to lift your shirt up slightly, only enough to reveal the wound."
Lucius sighed, and pulled his shirt up. He saw the long gash and almost rolled his eyes. He was getting sloppy, but then the circumstances were different. Usually, there wasn't a girl who could see the demons there. He stared at her cautiously. 'She saw what happened. I have to take her back to Sanctum so we can check her out and maybe clear her mind,' Lucius thought. 'I highly doubt she will come willingly though.'
Jamie picked up a small rag to wipe most of the blood off before griping a small disinfectant patch, rubbing it over the gash. She put both of those items back into the kit before she brought out the gauze and covered up his wound, making sure it would hold. "It's better than nothing." Jamie said to the man as she put everything back in there respectful places, putting the kit away all together. "Now if you don't mind me asking, what was that?" She pointed to the now dead creature on the ground.
Lucius stared back at the girl then the monster that was mostly ash now. "You wouldn't happen to believe me if I said this was all a part of your overactive imagination would you?" Lucius asked trying to avoid having to take her back to the association. He knew the answer wouldn't suffice, so he replied, "That was a middle class demon possession. The soul was already lost. At some point in time, that was a human being, but not anymore."
Jamie rolled her eyes when he made the overactive imagination comment, listening to him talk about how the creature is a demon that used to be a human. She walked over to the demon a lightly poked it with the tip of her shoe. "So you have a role of eliminating these guys pretty much. You seem human enough, but not all humans can see them, correct?"
Lucius nodded, "Correct. Now you are going to have to come with me so we can check in with my association." He expected her to bolt or something. She was reacting calmly for just being told about demons, and he assumed she was just in shock. Maybe she was just putting on a mask so he was unprepared for when she made a run for it. He wasn't allowed to let her get away, and he wanted her to come with him peacefully.
Jamie thought about running but looked at her options more closely. He said that humans aren't supposed to see these typed of things yet she did, so what did that mean? Was she somehow different? That guy is human and he saw them all the time, even hunted them. Jamie sighed and turned around, narrowing her eyes at him suspiciously. "Mhm, and what do you mean by 'check in'. You and everyone else who hunts down these things can't possibly ignore that someone just was now randomly able to see demons." She put her hands on her hips, looking at him expectantly with still slightly narrowed eyes.
Lucius sighed, "You want the truth?" He was trying to avoid dragging her more into this than she already was, but this girl was forcing more and more information into her head. "I don't know why you can see these things. I'm assuming this is your first time with this type of experience. I am going to take you back to my organization so we can wipe your mind and take away your ability to see the demons. This way, you aren't a big target to them, and you can live a normal life."
Jamie scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Oh yeah because I so live a normal life." She said sarcastically. "I know tons of people who live on the streets." She shook her head at the humor of it all. "I don't think anyone will be wiping my memory, this will most likely just happen again. I must be able to see them for a reason or they must be after me for a reason unknown so it won't just go away."
Lucius wanted to sigh, he wanted to go back to his home and just go to bed and let his wound heal in peace. Speaking in a low voice, "Ok, I'm going to give you a deal, you and I shall go to the association. We will discuss it with my superiors. They will most likely assign you a bodyguard or have you trained or something. Happy?" The likeliness that they would train her was low, and if she did get a bodyguard, it would be some newbie or something. Either way, Lucius wanted to get back to work.
Jamie smirked in satisfaction, nodding her head to his statement. "Thank you and yes, I am happy." She took her throwing knives out of her pocket and clipped them to her belt for easier access, knives being her preferred weapon to use. She looked around the dark alleyway one more time, glancing at the demon longer than everything else, before letting out a breathe of air and turning her head to look at the guy. "I'm ready, oh and I never got your name."
Lucius sighed, realizing this girl would probably be more trouble than she was worth. He said slowly, "My name is Lucius." He started moving down the streets and he pulled out a phone and called the headquarters, "James, I got a girl with me, open the side entrance and contact the council." He paused and listened, "I don't care that it is the middle of the night, James! Go do it!" He hung up, and handed his phone to Jamie while mumbling, "Contact anyone you have to because you most likely aren't going home till the morning."
Jamie juggled the name around in her head. "Suits you, i'm Jamie." She followed him down the street and watched as he took out a phone, using it to call someone. Jamie listened to his side of the conversation silently, wondering what it was about, and saw him hang up, handing the phone to her so she can call someone. She stared at the phone before pushing it away biting her lip softly. "It's fine, I don't have anyone to contact." She mumbled as she shoved her hands inside her pockets again, not bothering to move the bangs that fell across her face and slightly covered one eye.
Lucius was slightly curious, but didn't bother to ask. He kicked open a door that was rotting and walked into a abandoned house. He went to the living room and moved a bookshelf, showing a staircase that went into a dark hole. He motioned for Jamie to go, and then he went down himself pulling the bookcase in front of the entrance. He slipped past her and got to the bottom of the staircase, and looked at the metallic door that was still shut.

"I'm going to kill you James," Lucius threatened, after smashing a button next to the door angrily. The door opened, and there was a long hallway with a bunch of doors. "Welcome to the association Sanctum's Headquarters," Lucius was to Jamie. 
(I gotta go be back in a hour or so)
Jamie followed him to an abandoned house where the went down a secret staircase behind a bookshelf. She watched as he muttered something under his breath, not hearing what it was, and saw him press a button which revealed a long hallway filled with many doors. "Sanctum's Headquarters." She mumbled to herself as she looked inside the hallway, not really being able to see much. "Nice." Jamie said after a minute of silence, still looking around curiously. 
Lucius opened a door, and it showed a hallway that seemed identical to the one from before. He explained briefly, "Everything looks the same so it confuses any intruders or people who stumble upon us. This place is like a maze. Some doors don't open, some are traps, and the rest are just meeting rooms, the armory, the medical station, the watch room, various training places, bathroom, living quarters, and such." He opened yet another door, but inside was a room with a giant table and people who sat casually.

Lucius motioned for Jamie to sit down. "James, this is Jamie. Vice versa," Lucius grumbled. James was a tall man with bright blue eyes and blond hair, with thick glasses. "Council, this is Jamie. Jamie this is the assocition council. Jamie was attacked, commence the discussion. Erase her memories, give her a body guard, get her to train, or keep her captive here?"
Jamie followed Lucius, following him around the place and listening to him talk. She watched as he introduced her to everyone, telling them what happened and giving them options of what they should do. She waved her hand casually which was followed by a sweet and simple hello. Jamie decided not to talk much, not knowing if it would help or worsen her case if it did, and just waited patiently for them to decide what would happen with her.
The older council members scolded Lucius for bringing her there when he could have just wiped her memory, but he waved them off. "She gave me a perfectly valid reason as to why it would be stupid to wipe her memory and take away her sight," Lucius replied in a calm tone, despite the fact that the pesky council members were egging him on. "The sight does not manifest out of nowhere, you are born with it or you aren't. This missy here was not born with it, but it manifested somehow. We need a answer to this, and you wouldn't want me to erase her mind and take away her sight, only to have her targeted for some other reason."

The council members paused, and stared at Jamie with looks of question marks on their faces. One particular council member said, "Take her to one of the empty rooms, we are keeping her here for a while. Erasing her memories and taking her sight does not seem logical, but the other options don't seem pleasant. Anyway, we aren't allowed to leave regular people unprotected." Lucius nodded and looked at Jamie saying, "Follow me? I'll show you to a room and you can get settled. I don't know how long you may be here." Lucius slipped through the halls, counting the doors and turns mentally in his head. He opened a door to a plain, but comfortable looking room. It was fairly small, but it worked fine.

Lucius's voice was quiet, "I am staying in the room at the very end of the hallway to the left. Seeing as I am the one who brought you here, I am the one who should watch you. If you need to go to the bathroom, it is the room right across from you. Try not to open the other doors, they are set with traps, and I'd hate to have to clean up a pool of blood."
Jamie looked up at Lucius and nodded her head. "Have no where else to be." She followed him down the halls, memorizing which turns led where and to what. They both stopped in front of a door and opened it to a room that suited her well. Not much going on but just enough to feel welcomed. She turned back around to face him when he started talking and rolled her eyes at his last sentence. "Thanks for that reassuring tip." She mumbled nodding her head to say she understands.
(Does she have a job or anything? Like College courses?)

Lucius nodded at her, going to his room. Thoughts ran through his head, 'Is she lying about not seeing demons before? If she was, she'd most likely be dead already. The sight isn't something you just get.' Lucius looked at his stomach, and went to change the bandages as they were bleeding through.

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