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Slave x Master Rp

"Here's your change sir." said the lady as he payed for the dresses. Aileen jumped up and down excitedly. "Oh I can't wait to put them on when we get to your house!" she said giggling.
"think you"he says as he took the change"ok home it is then"he said with a smile,he started to head towards the car I think she is worth every bit of money that I just spent on her he thought to himself.
Aileen skipped next to him happily, swinging the bag back and forth in one hand. The other brushed against Xobic's fingers. She stopped, her cheeks red. "Oh I'm sorry." she said softly, feeling super embarrassed.
Aileen hopped in with him, clutching the dresses as they drove away from the mall. "So what's your house like?" she asked curiously.
"think you for that"he sey as he drove.

time skip an hour

"look at that we're here"he sey as he drove in the driveway and open the garage door then parking inside


((sorry I didn't know how to do what you did earlier for the dresses))
"Wow, your place is amazing!" she said with the same wonder she had when she had gone to the mall. She got out of the car and walked up the driveway.

( (It's ok, don't worry about it. C:) )
"go look around the house it is better inside"he said as he got out of the car and started walked up the driveway with her.
Aileen ran inside leaving the door wide open. She went from one room to the next, each more grand than the previous. Finally she stopped onto a couch in the living room panting.
Xobic walked inside and close the door watched Aileen run around looking at every room and stop in the living room"so how do you like your new home"he says as walk towards his piano.he started to play the piano with elegance and grace.
"It's amazing." she whispered listening to his music. Just like you. she thought her cheeks warming up at the simple thought of her own.
Xobic start to pull out active dry yeast,organic whole wheat flour,organic all purpose flour,organic olive oil,sea salt,sugar,sausage,spinach,and organic mozzarella.he started to cut up the sausage into 2-inch chunks, when he was done with that he got to the spinach he chopped it up and sautéed with olive oil.he Dissolve the yeast in warm water for about five minutes,he moving on to the flower and Gradually add water to flour and knead by using the dough hook on his mixer,he Set the mixer to medium."that should take about 10 minutes"10 minutes are up he Transfer the dough to a large bowl, coated in olive oil,he Cover with a clean towel and place in the oven (turned off).he let it rise until doubled in size then he divide the dough into four balls and let rest for about 20 minutes no the lightly grease cookie sheet,he preheat the onen to 450 degrees.he roll out dough into 6-inch rounds and combine sausage,spinach,and cheese in a bowl.he add a generous of filling,about 1 cup,into each and form into calzones.he paint with olive oil and he bake them until golden brown.he took them out of the oven and put three of them on 1 plate and three of them on another 1.he put them on the table"ok come and get your homemade hot pockets"he started to eat his
Aileen walks over and sniffs it. "Smells wonderful." she said rubbing her hands together. She sat down and quickly started eating, very loudly and very rudely. When she was halfway through her second one she saw Xobic watching her. She blushed. "I'm sorry, I don't know table manners. Every time my family had food we were told to eat it before it got cold." she said setting down the delicious hot pocket.
"not much for a picky eater,just trying to eat slowly and quietly there is no rush here"he grabs a paper towel and started to clean the mess on her face with a smile on his face"there we go all clean"he went back to eating his first one
Xobic finished his hot pocket then went to the living room turned on the TV for the news
( (Sorry for not replying sooner. *.*) )

After she slowly took the last bits of her remaining hot pockets she cleaned her mouth as Xobic had done a moment ago and went to sit by him on the couch. "What are you watching?" she asked.
"it will be ok you can...... s......sle...e....ep with me if you want to tonight"he gently rub the top of her head''I recent news the United bank has been robbed"Xobic turn the television to the History Channel

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