Slave Trade

(( @Abraxas I think [MENTION=2579]Mowgli[/MENTION] says you lived, how you got to the cave i dont know since no one carried you lol but I guess you're still here))
(([MENTION=2582]Abraxas[/MENTION]: Let's just pretend you were carried by someone and is now up in the mountain cave, having been unconscious all this time. xD ))
(Aha, okay, thank you. Sounds like a plan xD I'll just make her wake up now)

Ruby groaned as her dark brown eyes fluttered open. "Wh - where am I?" She muttered to herself as she tried to push herself into a sitting position. She gasped as she realized that her body ached all over and a sharp pain shot up her left leg. Cuts and grazes covered her exposed arms and her wings were cramped and sore. Ruby brushed her fingers over the tender skin on her slim wrists, noticing the deep cuts indicating that they'd been bound together at some point. Trying to ignore the pain, Ruby let herself take in the surroundings. It took a moment for her eyes to adjust to the bright lighting. Ruby could make out the shapes of people, and... where was she? The walls were made of jagged grey stone and there was no conceivable structure to this room. Ruby forced herself to sit up again, this time pushing past the pain. Her wings and head rested against the cool stone. A million questions ran through Ruby's mind at that moment, but she couldn't speak; her throat felt cracked and painful. Instead she just sat there, trying to keep her eyes open, and to think clearly.
Gin awoke with a start. He was not even aware that he had fallen asleep. He mentally kicked himself for letting his guard down. He looked around the inside of the cave, he found some his companions were sleepiing as well. He stood up and threw some wood on the fire and picked up a mango from the small pile of fruit and nuts on the ground.. As he returned to his spot by the fire he noticed the aviate they had carried all the way from the plane was coming to. He heard the girl groan and mumble something to herself. She hadn't noticed him yet.

"You've missed a LOT sweetheart," Gin laughed thinking about the last 6 hours of his life, from waking up on the plane, to crashing, then fleeing the island.

"We really could have used you, but we're good now that you're awake." He looked her up and down, she looked rough. She hadn't got to bathe yet, at least the rest of them had a small bath.. Gin threw her the mango he had grabbed and his canteen.

"You need to put something in your stomach, and drink all of that water, dehydration is terrible."

(your welcome! i totally kept you from dying!)

((p.s. guys im gonna gone for a few hours, ive got pt. if necessary npc me for a bit i'll be on when im done))
(Lol, thank you!)

Ruby jumped slightly when she heard Gin, her eyes searching frantically for the owner of the voice. A man was crouched by the fire, his large black wings protruding from his back. So, he was an Aviate like her. He didn't look much older than herself. Come to think of it, none of the people here did. "I.." Ruby began, but it was painful to talk, so she just nodded, hesitantly accepting the mango and water. She quickly downed the water in the canteen and broke open the mango, picking at the fleshy insides. Once she had drunk, she felt slightly better. Her body still ached, but her throat felt clearer and the pounding in her head subsided.

"I noticed," Ruby tried. Her voice was quiet and horse, but at least she could actually speak now. She coughed, clearing her throat, "Thanks for the..." Ruby trailed off, motioning with her hands to the mango peel and now empty canteen. She wanted to ask him so many questions. "So..." Ruby began, searching her mind for a way to phrase her thoughts. It was still difficult to think straight, but finally Ruby thought of the main question that had been nagging at her. "What is this place?" Ruby asked, her eyebrows furrowing, as she brushed her matted black hair out of her face.
"I'll just start from the beginning," Gin yawned and stretched.

"Originally we were all on a plane, except Ben right there," Gin motioned to one of the other aviates. "They drugged us to keep us unconscious, but i think i didn't get enough and maybe you got too much. Anyways, i woke up and managed to untie everyone with Emily's help." He nodded his head towards Emily. " After that the guards came after us and we had to crash the plane. Before it hit the ground we all got out, we brought you with us obviously, there were two other unconscious aviates but they didn't make it." Gin paused to take a sip of water. " That's when we met Ben, he had a small camp on the island we crashed the plane onto, after we ate and drank a little we noticed search parties closing in. We packed up and fled immediately. We are currently 2 clicks west of the crash site, and 5 clicks north of 'THE Island' in a cave halfway up a mountain. Darkani over there.." Gin pointed to one of the male aviates. "..rigged some sort of barrier at the entrance, i don't fully understand it but you can't tell theres an opening from the outside."

--- Merged Double Post ---

(yo guys im out. be back in 3 or 4 hours, peace.)
Emily was curled up farther away from everyone, near the wall of the cave. She was farther away from the fire, so it was substantially colder, but she felt safer curled up by herself, even if it did leave to shivering. However, she awoke when she heard voices in the cave and opened her eyes to see Gin and one of the other Aviates talking. She didn't make the fact that she'd woken up known, instead just listening in a little, especially when she heard Gin say her name. It wasn't anything bad, she decided, so she wrapped her arms around her cold shoulders, turned over, and tried to go back to sleep.
Ruby listened intently to Gin explain how they got there. When he finished, a small "wow" escaped her lips. Ruby tried to conjure up her last memory of before she woke up in the cave, but all she could remember was blackness. Suddenly suspicions clouded her mind. Why should I trust him? Ruby asked herself. She pushed the thought aside though, deciding that he had no reason to lie, and the story fit together too well to have been fabricated. Ruby shuddered slightly, as she watched the bright flames of the fire flicker. Rubbing her eyes slightly, she realized that she wouldn't be able to get back to sleep for a while now, so instead she just sat there, pulling her knees up to her chest and wrapping her arms around them, trying to retain some body heat. She knew she'd have to introduce herself to the other Aviates when they woke up, who no-doubt thought she was weak for not having regained consciousness sooner, however for now she could rest, attempting to let the news of today's events sink in.

(Sorry guys. It's getting late where I am. I probably won't be back until tomorrow.)
Kira, who'd gone about scouting the rest of the mountain, reappeared at the mouth of the cave, diving in then spreading her wings wide to slow down for a nice, soft landing. Tucking her wings in behind her, she ventured into the cave to join the others. "Well, it looks like this cave goes in pretty deep. If it goes how I think it does, it might actually lead through the mountain to a tiny opening on the other side but there's no way to tell for sure from the outside," she reported, turning to Gin and running her fingers through her black hair.

Glancing to the side, Kira noticed that the unconscious Aviate they'd brought all this way had finally awoken. Smiling, she waved shyly then strode to the pool of water she'd created. Taking a deep breath, she sat down by the water's edge and put her feet into the water slowly. She groaned slightly, rubbing her shoulders and examining her wings. She needed a break from flying for a while, no doubt about that.
Dar was silently occupying himself in the corner with his tricks. He Glanced over at ruby noticing she was starting at him. "What" he said into the direction of the girl.
Alexander wavedon cue hearing his name being said as Gin was explaning there whole situation to the now active Aviate. He looked out silently for any sign of humans or goverment agents that might be closing in. He tried warming his hands up a bit as he put them closer to the fire. He made a quick jump after hearing Emily shuffling in the cornor. When he looked over he smiled" Emily" He called quietly.
Closing her eyes, Kira sighed and wrapped her wings close about her, pulling her feet from the water and traveling closer to the center of the room. It was beginning to get cold and the fire was so small, it barely filled the room with enough sustainable warmth. Sitting down as close as she could, the female Aviate shivered a bit then stared into the crackling flames, throwing in a few more twigs. Her long dark hair cascaded over her shoulders and she pulled her long legs close to her in an indian style fashion.

As Kira sat there, just staring into the fire, everything began to come back to her. The raid on her house...being torn away from her mother's arms and knocked to the ground....the fire....the sobs of her parents... Tears began to well up in her eyes and she pulled her cobalt tipped wings closer about her, hoping no one would see. She'd led a happy, peaceful life until just two days ago. Why...? Why did the government feel the need to imprison those who were different from themselves? A tear escaped her eye and rolled down her cheek silently, glinting from the flames. She was eighteen, considered a young adult, but it was still tragic; she loved her parents. They hadn't thought she was a freak of nature, in fact, they had encouraged her to fly.
Alexander frowned to himself seeing that Emily was probaly just sleeping like some of the other aviates. He stared down at the fire silently remembering the old good times of raiding local farms and grocery stores. He laughed to himself a little out loud as he stood up. "To anybodys who's awake im getting a few more pieces of wood" He said going to the edge of the cave as he extended his wings. "Im really just not used to sitting still" He added floating down as silent as possible as he went off for the searck of more firewood.
Hearing Ben's proposition and seeing him stand, Kira furiously rubbed her eyes then rose. "I-if you don't mind, I'll go with you. This fire is so small, we'll need something bigger if we're all going to stay warm during the night," she replied. Maybe some hard work would help get her mind off the previous events of the last few days. If Ben allowed, she'd then follow him out, sliding down the mountain a bit before pushing off and taking flight. She soared to the ground, landing softly on the grass.

Picking up the pace, Kira fell into step beside Ben, keeping a lookout for nice dry wood that would burn easily. After a few moments of silence had passed, she softly spoke up. "So you've been living here all this time?" she asked quietly, bending over to pick up some long sticks then straightening up again.
"Yeah"He said almost spooked at how silent she could be if she tried.

"Just me and all the trees i could possibly stand" He joked picking up some sticks of his own.

"You wouldnt believe how lonely it gets out here though" He said sighing for a bit before continuing to walk forward.
"I could imagine," Kira answered thoughtfully, quickening her pace to keep up with the long legged Aviate. Again, silence induced as the two continued walking through the forest with only the caws of birds and the occasional rustle of a small animal in the brush. Clearing her throat, she racked up enough courage to ask another question. " your name really Ben? Emily didn't seem to believe you when you first introduced yourself," she inquired, hoping she didn't offend him. Every once in a while, she'd stoop to pick up another branch or small log, her arms slowly becoming full of wood.
((Sorry I was offline lol))

Emily heard someone say her name, then speak to the group as a whole. By the time she'd contemplated going along, Alexander and Kira were already gone. She was becoming restless though. She finally sat up. "I can't sleep... I'm going to walk around a little, maybe it'll wear me out so I can sleep." she told everyone who was still around. She passed through the shadow barrier and started down the cliff, her wings catching her if she slipped, but she didn't want to fly. She needed to save all her wing strength in case they needed to leave early.
Alexander turned around laughing and rubbing the back of his head with one hand while carrying the wood with the other.

"Sorry i've always been a horrible lier but its not like I could trust complete strangers with my real name" He said picking up some more wood.

"My names Alexander Shepard He said holding his hand out.

"Though i guess you can shorten it to Alex" He added.
Emily finally made it to the bottom of the mountain. She stood a moment on the edge of the jungle before deciding to just wing it ((Ooc no pun intended >> )) and walked into the trees. She walked along practically silently. Her second ability, which no one else knew about yet, allowed her to phase through anything in her path, like a ghost. She made no noise since her feet phased through the twigs and her body went through trees like they weren't there, allowing her to walk wherever she wished. She finally came across a small stream and deposit of water. She sat down near it, dipping her feet it the water and looking up at the stars and moon in the night sky.
Kira blinked then nodded, smiling slightly. "Understandable, since you've been here by yourself for so long," she replied, slowly and a bit nervously reaching out and shaking his hand, "It's...hard to know who to trust..." Looking to the side, her mind wandered to the little boy who'd turned her in. She'd trusted him with her secret, and at the time he seemed awed and excited. Apparently he had other intentions... Snapping back to reality, the black haired Aviate shook her head to rid herself of the thoughts, continuing on through the dense foilage. "Sorry if I seem anxious...," she apologized, "I'm just...still trying to comprehend all this. It's nice to meet you, Alex." She gave him a timid smile as she stretched her blue wings out a bit then tucked them in once more.
Alexander blinked at her for a second before picking up another piece of wood. "Theres no need to apologize im almost sure something has happend to make you feel that way" he said sighing hitting himself a couple of times in the head before he began thinking about his parents again. "I have my own anxietys too" He said smiling timidly back and noticed her wings. "Nice color" He remarked before picking up a few more twigs. "Want to head back now" He asked looking at their piles.
Kira turned to look at him, smiling slightly. "O-oh, thanks," she replied, not expecting the compliment, "I always thought it was odd, since most Aviates have either black or white. But I'm glad someone else thinks they're a good color." She chuckled a bit, then gazed upward towards the canopy of leaves above. It was now quite dark, the sun having gone down only a few hours before. "Yes, that'd probably be a good idea. I think we have enough wood here to build a bigger fire," she stated, turning around in the direction of the mountain. She then set out that way, walking a brisk pace, but not too fast. Her muscles still ached, however, they were getting better. Maybe by the next few days she could run and fly without wincing.

When she reached the base of the mountain, Kira turned to nod at Alexander, then pumped her wings, which took her off the ground up the side of the rocky mountainside. She wrapped her arms tightly around the wood to avoid losing it in the air, then landed swiftly on the edge of the cave, turning and waiting for Alex.
Alex walked at a steady pace behind her glad to have at least one definte freind. He looked up and watched as she pumped herself up in to the the cave.

"Wow" He thought mentally before shaking his head clear and getting a tight grip on his wood as he got a running start up the mountain. Once he was a reasonable distande up he pushed off and began to pump himself from there until he joined her at the base of the cave. "Cmon lets go ahead and build that fire" He said walking towards the camp slowing his pace down to match Kira's own.
Emily sighed, deciding she should probably head back. She apparently just couldn't make herself sleepy, even as worn out as the rest of her body was. She started walking back in the direction she thought she came from, walking about half a mile before realizing camp was the other way. She sighed. Maybe she would be tired by the time she got back after all.

An hour later she finally stumbled back to the mountain, freezing and exhausted. Her legs were sore so she relied on her wings to get her back up to the cave. She flew in and found her same dark corner, collapsing. After a few shivers she fell asleep.
Kira moved aside to give Alex room to land as he flew into the cave. At his suggestion, she nodded quickly and jogged over to the fire, kneeling before it. She then began the process of making it bigger, little by little until it was a nice sized circle of flames. "Now maybe we won't freeze," she mentioned, laying another log upon the orange-yellow blazes. Glancing back at the male Aviate, she motioned him over. "I know you said you like to keep moving but I think it's time we all get some rest now. It must be near midnight by now and we'll need our rest if we're ever going to evade the soldiers...," she told him quietly, staring back into the flames.

Just then, Emily stumbled into the cave, shivering and obviously exhausted. "Emily?" Kira spoke up, rising to her feet, "Are you alright?" Hurrying over, she assisted the other female Aviate to a corner of the cave, helping her to the ground. She was so tired, though, that she fell asleep almost instantly. Kira looked around the cave but there was no material at all to make even a small blanket. So she did her best to make sleeping Emily comfortable, then made her way back to the fire, sitting down before it once more. "We're quite a sad bunch, aren't we?" she asked out loud though softly.

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