Slave Trade

Guard A managed to activate his parachute in time to save his life. Fredrick however would not be as lucky. The Guard reached for his utility belt and garbed his radio channeling in the Director, he had to warn him of the escapees.
Emily nodded and followed the two other Aviates, hoping the others on board would make it safely as well. Finally they reached the island. Emily landed, but it was more of a crash than anything. Her foot gave out the moment she hit the sandy beach, and she tried to drop the person in her hands as gently as she could before she fell also.
Kira yelped as suddenly Gin's body collided with her own and the unconscious Aviate she was holding. Down they went, skidding on the steel floor below and finally crashing into the back wall. The black haired girl tried to catch her breath, having had the air knocked out of her since she was on the bottom, then tried to wiggle out from underneath the body that pinned her to the wall. "I-I'm stuck!" she cried out, fear rising in her once again. She was already weak and two people lying on top of her didn't help. As the guard rushed towards them with a lightning rod and a grenade of some sorts, she used wrapped her wings in front of her in an attempt to protect herself, the Aviate on top of her, and Gin from the blast but at the last moment, the plane dipped, leaving Gin exposed to the stun grenade.

Due to his wing shield, Kira wasn't blinded but her hearing sure went out. Everything was muffled and almost seemed to happen in slow motion. Another male Aviate stepped in and battled with the guard while Gin recovered and trashed the cockpit, sending the plane into a steep nose dive. "What?! You're going to crash the plane??!" she exclaimed, now managing to get out from under the unconscious prisoner. Kira was scared as hell but she knew flying was one of her best and not to mention favorite activities to do. Although, she'd never carried someone while in the air before.

"Oh well, time to find out," Kira told herself, picking up the unconscious captive once more. Her hearing still wasn't in quite top working condition but the ringing had finally stopped and she could hear voices. At Gin's command, she nodded to the male Aviate, letting him know she understood. Ever so slowly, she scooted towards the gaping hole in the plane, the wind taking hold of her hair and throwing it in a whirlwind about her. "A-are you sure we can make it?!" she called out, frightened. Her brown eyes flitted from Gin to Allen to Emily then finally to the several hundred foot drop below.
(okay so abraxas is the only on still asleep the other two aviates are death fodder)

Gin thanked the aviate for relieving his burden, Gin was extremely strong in the body, but he hardly ever used his wings. He nodded after the other aviate said they should land.

"Yeah you're right, we need to get out of here," Gin spotted a small body of blue water near the center of the nearest island. He pointed "Let's go there,"

There was a loud crash and a resounding thud. The plan had hit the ground a short ways from their destination. The plane actually seemed to take minimal damage from the crash. Still, anyone inside still would be injured at the very least.
Allen nodded, wings folding swifting and letting him dive with ease. He was used to this. But never once had he been allowed to fly unguarded. Felt good to be free. He spread his wings at the last moment, gliding gently down to the earth once again. He landed lightly next to the water, laying the Aviate he was holding down on the grass. His wings folded easily.

He looked up at the others, waiting patiently. He'd learned over the years it did no good to rush things.
Folkvar enters in the room, a head of him also in front him was the Director himself. The room was nice but remind him about his deeds in the past which made him little guilty. However he knows that this man is very busy and should not waste 2 minutes of his time. Folkvar start to clean his throat and say "Hello Director Sir, I’m here to ask about the conditions to aviate in a lot of the cells their hungry, tried and have a bad illness. As a request I think that you should give two times for a meal, should give them at least 1 minute break and also get medical doctor or someone to please cure the sick at the cells their getting sicker and will do less work time, if they don’t get cure. I respect your rule Sir but I think you should take action reason is that their more younger people aviate every time and getting each time Sir and I know this is very demand." Folkvar looking at Director not even sure what he will say back to him about his request...
Taking a deep breath, Kira summoned her courage and leapt out of the plane, just in the nick of time. Her eyes widened as she flapped her wings and hovered in mid air for a moment, watching the plane hit the island with a crash and skid several hundred feet before stopping. Tucking in her wings, she dove down towards the sandy beach of the island, seeing the other Aviates had landed there only moments before. As her bare feet dug into the soft, golden sand, she breathed a sigh of relief, then shakily walked over to a more grassy area, laying the prisoner she'd been carrying next to the others who were unconscious.

Kira ran her hand across her forehead in attempt to wipe off the grime and sweat that had gathered but really all it did was smear it around. Jogging over to the beach, she leaned over and splashed her face with cool water, washing off the dirt, then made her way over to the two male Aviates who had initially set them all free. "That was...risky," she told them both, rubbing the back of her neck, "But worth it." She attempted a smile and tried to keep her knees from knocking together, still in shock. The blood from her shoulder scratch had become dark and crusted, but it wasn't life-threatening.
Don-Cid`s cold eyes borrowed into his security chief, " do you have any idea how much it costs to upkeep the slave containment areas every month?" he didint wait for Folkvar to answer his question saying : "more than your $140,000 yearly pay that's how much" Don-Cid contemplated on rather or not he should just fire Folkvar and get a new security chief but decided against it, Folkvar was damn good at doing his job and the Director even considered the man to be his future successor encase he met an untimely end. "alright" he sighed "if it puts you at ease I will make sure that the Aviates get 15 minute breaks and 3 meals a day if it puts you at ease. but i will have to think about the medical personnel".

Director almost felt the urge to strike up a conversation with the closest person he had to a friend that he would allow himself to have when the intercom conveyed him another message *Mr. Don-Cid we have just received word from the air transport`s security team!: it seems that our plane crashed and the Aviates being transported are suspected to be alive and on the island!* " I understand" the director spoke into his desk mike " send a sweep team in to capture the goods if possible but authorize them to use deadly force" looking back at Folkvar he said : "ill tell you what, you command the sweep team and bring me back some Avaites alive or dead, and i will hire you your doctors ." he gave Folkvar a quick nod before getting up and handing him an assault rifle and a stun baton from under his desk. "your dismissed"
Emily wiped some of the sand off her injured foot, trying to get the dirt out of the blood. She couldn't heal herself properly if the wound were to get terribly infected. She crawled over to the Aviate she'd gently dropped on the beach to make sure there were no bruises. She was close to the sea, so she dipped her foot into the ocean, cringing a little at the salty water but knowing it was better than having sand in the gash. She looked around, seeing the three other conscious Aviates standing about thirty feet away. She hadn't done very well on her landing, and she didn't know if they knew where she and the sleeping Aviate had landed. She tended to her foot. She had great healing powers, but it would still be a timely process. A wound this deep would take twenty minutes to heal completely if she focused all her energy on it, and she hoped that he had that much time to spare. She started healing the wound, hoping the others would understand why she hadn't joined them.
Gin looked around at his gruff companions. Everyone was bleeding from multiple places, they all smelled like a chemical fire, soot and ash covered they're wings and clothes. They were an odd bunch, but they were healthy enough and most importantly free.. for the moment.

"That guard was still alive, hes probably radioed in by now. We have to get off this island and soon."

He pondered methods of escape. He guessed that if all else failed that could fly away but they would be sitting ducks in the air. Maybe they could hide but these were highly trained government agents..
Alexander woke up immediatly hearing the thud of a crash close to the shore. He Quickly put on a jacket after bringing in his wings as much as possible and ran off through the trees to where he heard the sound. It didnt take long to notice the crashed plane and the tired faces of the Aviate survivors on the grass.

He sighed trying to decide if he should make contact or not. After a minute of mental debating he decided to just make observations from afar as he sank into a hiding spot in the trees.
"Hiding does no good, I should know." Allen said, stepping forward lightly. "I've been in their containment places for years, escaped once, hid, and was found. Hiding does no good." He pointed west, toward the setting sun. "There's an island two clicks that way, if we fly low, they'll never know we were there. It's not technically part of the chain, so they won't look there." In the light, his scars looked worse, but he was too used to them to know the differance.
Emily saw that the others were discussing something, and she wished she could hear them. She looked at her injury, which was not bleeding and was clotted up enough that it would be ok for a while. She went over to the unconscious aviate and put one of their arms over her shoulder. She gingerly walked on her foot, her wings helping her keep it out of the sand, and eventually made it to the others, where she collapsed back on the ground and immediately resumed the healing process while they talked. "What's the plan?"
Kira craned her neck to look at her wings. They were a bit scruffed but enough to fly maybe a few miles; however, she was tired and not to mention every muscle in her body ached. "So many of us are injured... how will we all make it so far? Maybe we should hide out just for an hour or two just to get our strength back. Many of us won't make it that far if we leave now," she explained, tucking her hair behind her ears. Surveying the beach with her eyes, it really wasn't a bad sight. Quite beautiful it was actually, but dangerous. If they stayed out in the open, the government would surely find them without hesitation. They needed to move farther in.

Turning to see another female Aviate joining them, Kira smiled a bit. "I guess we're all discussing whether we should get to this other island not apart of the government chain," she told Emily.
Emily sighed a little. She was wounded and tired but she knew her wings would take her that far. It was the other person she was worried about; the one she would have to carry the whole way. She didn't think she had enough strength for it. She looked over at the island they were talking about. It wasn't far, but after her previous crash landing she was unsure. "Maybe we should hide out here?" she said, voicing the same opinion as Kira. She stood and walked along the treeline. "Maybe there's somewhere here we could hide out then fly over there when it gets darker?" she added. "Less chance of being spotted..."
looming over some palm trees there was a guard tower that marked an small outpost about 16 miles from where the escaped Aviates where licking there wounds, sentry's of the outpost in question had recovered a very irritated Guard A who they took to Sentry Captain Hashal to get refitted and re equipped after telling them that him his story and that the Director would probably give them all a nice office room in the west district if they got the aviates before the sweep team did.

"what do you suppose we do then?'' Hashel quizzed Guard A who replied: " i say we check the crash site first and then spread out from there they couldent have gone too far yet." Guard A unlocked the cylinder on his new revolver and frowned. the weapon had live rounds in it! "didint the Director want the demons alive?" Hashel gave the Guard a wicked grin and with a voice like a vindictive uncle said; " he wants the murderous demons alive but force was authorized to the sweep team so that means us sentry teams as well. You see Fredrick. the man you where working with was my nephew." Hashal ordered the rest of his sentry`s to switch to live ammo as well and board the 7 available jeeps, after reaching the crash site they where spread out and search the unmapped areas of the island to find the aviates in groups of 4. he didint care what the other groups had in mind regarding what to do with the aviates but he knew he had revenge on his. "never got your name son" Hashal said addressing the former Guard "Im J-Joel sir" he replied scarred crap less by the look on the sentry captains face.

"well J-Joel" Hashel said mocking him "there's room for one more in my jeep, welcome to the 5th sentry team"

Joel silently vowed to never tell Hashel that he punched his nephew
Gin was listening to the various thoughts and ideas of the group and arrived at a decision.

"I vote we leave, right now. We load up, relocate, catch our breath, get on our feet, and figure out what we're going to do. We can all get aquainted as we go, but if we stay here any longer we're screwed. Like he said," Gin motioned to the aviate that suggested an island 2 clicks away." we can make it to that island if we fly close to the water." Gin didn't see any other way out of this, there were professionals that were trained specifically for detaining aviates heading this way, and no doubt in large numbers.
Emily nodded, realizing there wasn't another choice. She walked back over to the group, preparing herself to leave.

((so how many unconscious are there? I know you said three but then you took two, then emily took one but then tyra took one too. How many are there?))
(idk im confused too.... i vote they died of trauma because they were snoozing and we just find this out... it was tragic but we push forward. we can keep abraxas alive, but if he doesn't post soon he over dosed on the tranquilizers he was shot with when he was original captured, or he had an alergic reaction... we'll figure it out though. )
"Allen, my name's Allen." Allen said, liking the sound of it. He hadn't gone by his name in years. Felt good to tell someone what it was again. "And I can carry whoever thinks they can't fly. I've carried three of our kind before, I could easily do it again." Course that time they had been nothing but corpses. This time, he'd gladly carry the living.
Emily shuddered at the fact that the Aviates they'd carried to safety were now dead. It was terrifying; that could have been her if she had had just a bit more of the tranquilizers. She rubbed her arms, glad that it was warmer here than on the cold plane. Standing with her weight on one foot to alleviate the pain on the sole of the other, she looked between the three other survivors. "I guess I'm ready as I'll ever be..."
Folkvar took both stun baton and assault gun that gave to him. Folkvar salute to Director before he left, in his mind those words still hunt him "bring me back aviate, alive or dead" which made him he annexly about this but was also command the sweep team for now. Also another thing was that he had to rush to aviate before any other team get to them before him, was the only thing that can save a lot of aviate in the cell from the illness if fail he, himself was willing to cut his pay in order to get at least one doctor to check 25 percent of the aviate. However he ran and meet up his sweep team which all of them are at the bay ready to go. Folkvar speak with a Loud voice "Listen up sweep Team! We are capturing aviate ALIVE! -in his mind couldn’t say dead it was way better to keep them alive they have reason and right to live on- However this is not going easy their maybe another team that will get the aviate. IF we get there before they do I will promise that all of you will get awesome breakfast, lunch and dinner for 2 weeks! *Sweep team Cheers* NOW MOVE OUT!" Everyone got in their vehicles, Folkvar started thinking if he fail to get and capture any aviate then he will probably have now another guilty stack up on top of his past guilty which make him even more sick. However he had to shack it off and let operation capture aviate a go..
Alexander watched as one of them began pointing to one of the island west from here. He gulped knowing there were less places to hide out in the trees.

He pulled out a note he had recieved from the A.A.R and knew if they were gonna survive he needed to get them there.

Alexander pulled himself up and began walking from the bushes making himself completly open as he tried approaching the group as freindly as possible.

"Hello" He called waving.
Kira chuckled. "Nice to meet you, Allen. I'm Kira," she replied shyly, "I think I'm ok to fly, though I'm not sure how long I could carry another. I might not be able to make it... My wings got pretty beat up when I...was dragged from my home." Looking behind her, she unfurled her pale blue wings, stretching them out some before retracting them again. She then turned to Emily. Seeing the gash in her foot, her eyes widened some. "Are you alright?" she asked, walking over slowly, "That looks painful..."

At the sound of another voice, however, Kira nearly jumped out of her skin, spinning around to face the stranger. When she noticed the stranger's wings, she relaxed. "Hello. on the plane?" she asked, not remembering seeing his face before. She did move closer to Allen and Gin, though, feeling a bit safer that way. Maneuvering her long, graceful wings, she covered her shoulders partially.
Emily nodded. "It'll be okay... I have a healing ability. It should be completely gone in 20 minutes if I focus on it, or an hour if I leave it to heal itself..."

Emily looked over to see a new person approaching. She was immediately wary of the new male, unsure as to whether he was friend or foe. He looked friendly enough but trusting the wrong person in this situation could be a fatal mistake. "Who are you?" she asked the newcomer.

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