Slave Trade {Sign up & Rules}


Thug Na$ty

  1. Obviously no god mod
  2. No Cyber diddling
  3. Romance: not heavily
  4. OOC is necessary SOMETIMES.
  5. NO one liners. Literacy is important try to post at least a paragraph or two.

Name: (first and last name please)

Age: (Between 16-23)



Breed: (Aviate or not)

Powers: (if Aviate powerful villains may have powers but the must be approved)

History: (Brief background story)

Role: (who’s side are you on? Aviates, government, foreign allegiance, ect..)[ Specify if you would like to be in the main group on the plane.]
(I was wondering who are your characters?And I think you forgot to put appearance's to the sheet a lot of people like to know how others look it helps them pick who to go out with (^°^)
Name: Emily Snow

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Personality: Shy, sweet, and occasionally clumsy. She usually keeps to herself but wants to help others escape. She is very caring of the other Aviates.

Breed: Aviate

Powers: Healing powers, can phase through things (walk through walls, etc)

History: Emily is a runaway who until now was undetected. When one day her wings were revealed in public, they immediately captured her to be sent to the Island.

Role: Aviates' side, on the plane

Name: Siyuri Nita

Age: 18

Gender: female

Personality: Siyuri is a very fun loving person who's extremely nice and a little to friendly. She tries to avoid confrontation and does things for the purpose of others

Breed: Aviate

Powers: she has the ability to harness the power of water, wind, fire, and earth.

History: Heather was a pretty normal girl if you don't count the powers and wings. She lived in an average home with average parents and family. When the Aviates were issued to be sent to an island, her once dear family turned kn her and shipped her off.

Role: Aviate, on the plane

Appearance: View attachment 4535
Name: Darkani

Age: 19

Gender: male

Personality: Darkni is a loner with not much to say, He is usually up beat and keeps to himself, but someday's he just goes a little off and turns dark.

Breed: Aviate

Powers: He controls Shadows and Sunlight

History: He was an orphan till the age of 9 then a family picked him up, at 15 they noticed something off, when the goverment was shipping them off, The put 2 and 2 together and made 4.

Role: Aviate, on the plane

Appearance: View attachment 4536

(Pronounced Dar-Kawny
Cool all we need to start is the plane group so i'll start this up now.

but first:

Name: Gin Rummy

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Personality: Laid back, sarcastic, cocky, intelligent.

Breed: Aviate

Powers: Super enhanced senses and perception, as well as enhanced strength and speed.

History: Gin was born with wings like all the others but he was not born in a hospital. His mother was homeless and he was the result of a rape. Immediately after his birth on the streets she left them on someones doorstep, and that’s where he was raised in secret until he got found out and captured.

Role: Plane Group

View attachment 4537
Hey, just wanted to let you know that this looks really interesting! :3 I'm thinking about joining but am not sure if I can handle another roleplay right now so I'll be following it closely in case I decide to join. ^^ Do you guys need more players?
I'm interested in joining but I have some questions, are the wings visible from birth, or could they develope later? Also, could they be like retrachable or hidden somehow, or maybe that could be a power?
Name: Director Don-Cid

age: 23

Gender: male

Personality: Tenacious,Cold,Ambitious,Calculated

Breed: human

Powers: IQ of 250 (normal IQ is 100), Command of an elite strike/abduction force and security detail

(they look like),r:3,s:0,i:148&tx=42&ty=92

Role: head of Island importation operations & security. (affiliation: Government)

History: Don-Cid was once a promising first lieutenant of the U.S armed forces that was sent on a suicide mission and returned, as a sole survivor he was discharged from the army for suspected instability due to losing many close Friends and comrades , 3 months after the incident he received a call from the government regarding a job Directing abductions and security details for the island project.....

Name: Stella Novar

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Personality: Stella seems to be a quiet and obiedent girl, but she is also angry and always ready to mess something up for her master. She does what she is told to do out of fear, but around others is sarcastic and sometimes mean. She can be nice too if she wants to be.

Breed: Aviate

Powers: Can turn invisible for up to an hour and one other person with her, but must have skin contact. Able to manipulate ice as well.

History: Stella was born an aviate and lived most of her young life on the island until she was sold away. Now Stella serves her master, although she has plans of escaping and living somewhere where no one will find her, alone if she has to be.

Role: On the side of Aviates, but is trying to stay alive,r:3,s:0,i:148&tx=42&ty=92[/URL]

Role: head of Island importation operations & security. (affiliation: Government)

History: Don-Cid was once a promising first lieutenant of the U.S armed forces that was sent on a suicide mission and returned, as a sole survivor he was discharged from the army for suspected instability due to losing many close Friends and comrades , 3 months after the incident he received a call from the government regarding a job Directing abductions and security details for the island project.....

Approved/ cool we need a good villain.

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Approved/ welcome.

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Tyra said:
Hey, just wanted to let you know that this looks really interesting! :3 I'm thinking about joining but am not sure if I can handle another roleplay right now so I'll be following it closely in case I decide to join. ^^ Do you guys need more players?
the more the merrier, you can join whenever, just make a character and get it approved.
If anything needs fixing please tell me

Name: Folkvar Dalgaard

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Personality: Quite, nice, respectful, but also got bad one like rebellious to few the ideology of things, and closed about himself in his past

Breed: human

Powers: None

History: Used to be part of a modern Scandinavia communist party as political officer but left after a mass murder of people in capital cities of Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland which he himself feels guilty for. He flee to United States of America, he start working as security which got in to some odd job that leads to working on a island

Role: is Aviates side

Name: Kira Conner

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Personality: Shy and quiet most often due to the separation from her family, but has a strong will, determined not to be broken.

Breed: Aviate

Powers: The ability to manipulate water(moving, freezing, and unfreezing it) though is limited by amount. For example, the largest she could move would be a little less than a small pond. Due to this ability with water, she can also freeze and unfreeze objects, including people, but to an extent.

History: Kira lived a normal, peaceful life. She grew up as the only child to her parents, and shared a close bond with them. When her wings began to appear, her parents were shocked but not angered. Instead, they encouraged her newfound ability to fly, taking her out into the country at night to practice, encouraging their daughter's gift. Then, the day of her eighteenth birthday, she was just about to blow out her birthday cake candles when a squad of soldiers kicked down the door and led in a small boy. Pointing at Kira, he exclaimed, "She's the one! The one I saw with wings out in the field!" Both Kira and her parents did all they could to stay together, but the military task force was too strong and eventually, Kira was knocked out and dragged away, leaving behind her sobbing mother and loving father.

Role: Aviate-On the plane


View attachment 4601

Only her hair is black with a single blue streak and her wings are a pale blue which gradually get darker towards the tips, which are a dark cobalt blue.

Question, can the aviates have different colored wings? :3
This seems really awesome!

Name: Ruby Callas

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Personality: Quiet and sarcastic, and also a little manipulative. She'll form alliances if she thinks they'd benefit her, however, is quick to break said alliances off if they're a drain. Ruby can easily spin lies without feeling guilt, and uses false flattery to get on the good sides of people she deems powerful, although sometimes pride gets in her way. It is difficult to get close to Ruby, as she creates walls and hardly ever lets anyone see the 'true' her, because, really, she's quite vulnerable. She'll defend those that she truly trusts to the death.

Breed: Aviate

Powers: Ruby can shift into the shape of any living thing she makes skin contact with, however, the transformation is messy and quite painful, and has to take place within 1 hour of skin contact with the living being. After the transformation is complete, Ruby can stay as the thing/person she had transformed into for 24 hours. She can also 'meld' into the shadows, making her barely detectable (although it is still possible for her to be seen - she is not completely invisible). The time for which she can stay stay hidden in the shadows is unlimited, however the fastest she can move in this state is a slow walk. If she moves any faster than that, she will be detectable again. This also means that her eyesight is weaker than average in broad daylight, and stronger than average, in the dark.

History: Ruby never knew her father, and was given up to another family at the age of 3 by her young mother, for reasons that Ruby could never quite comprehend. The family treated her decently, however their own children treated Ruby as an outcast, a freak. Just after her 17th birthday, Ruby decided to run away, and took a small sum of money from her foster family. She used this money to pay for a motel room and from there, began looking for a job to support herself. Eventually, she was able to get a job in a small cafe, where she befriended a boy who was the same age as her, called Sam. Three months later, Sam found out about her being an Aviate. That was when Ruby was sold out to the government. In her sleep, she was knocked out and taken away...

Role: Aviate - on the plane.


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Tyra/ approved/ yes different colored wings/ if you don't wake up on the plane soon we're going to carry your body around until you do.

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Abraxas/ approved/ you also need to wake up soon to run things smoothly/ good balance with your powers.
Name: Allen Buck MacArthur

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Personality: A warrior, a fighter. All his life, he's only known the next fight, the next bout that will either take his life or end it. He's never really felt a kind hand and as such forgets how to be kind himself. He'll protect whoever he chooses too, if you happen to be that person, fates are smiling on you. If you happen to be the one his fist or blade is aimed at, good luck.

Breed: Aviate

Powers: Nothing so powerful, but he's a fighter. He can wield any weapon that comes to hand, even if it's just his hands themselves. He's stronger than average; that mixed with his fighting gift makes him almost unstoppable.

History: He was caught years ago, but sold off again and again, mostly for fights. He won, but he always struck out at his owners. His scars tell his story much better than he can, and his most recent one is the reason he's back on a plane, heading back to the isle.

Role: Aviates-on the plane

Song/ approved/ Right on, so i just got stun grenaded and im useless so you need to wake up and save my ass.

NO MORE PLANE GROUP!!! you can been on the plane but not as a captured aviate. Feel free to be on the island where we are going to crash this plane here in a little bit.
Name:Alexander Shepard

Age: 18


Personality:Has a hard time trusting anybody other then Aviates. Queit but speaks for himself whenever he needs too.


Powers:Can withstand Extreme Enviorments such as Anything Volcanic or Below Freezing. Can also brace himself with enough force to stop A Fatal Blow, but can only do this once evrey day,Attempting to do this more then able ha a posibility of working but will immediatly make him fall unconscious. His wings are also able to reflect light to blind a person if needed, but can only do it if the Sun is completly out.

History: Has Been living Alone Since the age of 10 when his Human parents prefferred letting him fend for himself before letting him be discovered by the goverment. Known for being a deliquent in his town but was never able to be caught due to his ability to fly away at the last moments of being caught. Never had to worry about being affected by Goverment affairs due to the Simple enviorment he lived in. That all changed when an organization came on after repeated rumors of an Aviate. During his normal runs he was tailed alot harder then usual and tryed flying away, but at the first sight of his wings the agents quickly Tranquilized Alexander and put him on a plane that passed the same route but at an earlier time. After a malfunction on the plane It Crashlanded harshly on the island. Due to his ability of survival he was able to make to out of the wreckage alive and has been doing his best on the island ever since.

Role:Aviate -on island. Has been contacted many times by the A.A.R, But has refused to meet due to the fear of being captured again.


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