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Wingal said:
Sorry not On as much in camp so i will try to post when i get home
Don't sweat. Thanks for the heads up.

Yeah, technically she's in the base but im pretty sure shes gone :(
The person that plays her doesn't post often enough to keep up with everyone else anyway :( She can't just be 'sleeping' all the time.
Aw, well I gotta get some rest now you guys. @ . @ Night!

--- Merged Double Post ---

Oh my gosh, Song, I feel so bad for Allen! Q . Q I'm like, close to tears! rofl

--- Merged Double Post ---

Alright guys, because of the fourth of July, I'm going to be gone on vacation from this afternoon until Monday. Then on Tuesday, I'm going to an amusement park so I'll be gone all day then, and on Wednesday evening, I'm going out with my family to see fireworks. So I'll try my best to get on whenever I can on my dad's iphone since it has internet to check up on how the roleplay's going, but I will most likely not be posting due to all the activities my family has planned on our vacation. D:

So when Mowgli gets on and everyone's shown to their rooms, let's just say Kira went with the group and found her room, haha.
xD Then, you guys can npc her if a big move or something happens, ok? :3 Be good while I'm gone and maybe I'll bring you all back brownies and some fire crackers! ^.^

Yeah I was waiting for him too. :C Mowgli, where did you go?? haha. I hope he's ok irl. D:
*peeks in* Man, really missing this rp. D: *prays Mowgli and everyone else is ok irl*

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