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I don't want to drop her at all. I was just wondering if anyone wanted to be the human who owned her. And if I have a problem with it I could always have her sent back to the island maybe. But I am fine NPCing her owner.
oh oh, yeah it would prolly actually be better that way cuz if they weren't there it would slow you up. go for it.
I gotta get some rest now guys cuz it's pretty late where I am, lol. Just wanted to let you know why I stopped posting for tonight, haha.
I think we should stop posting for a little while and wait for Mowgli and some of the others to get on. :3 Afterall, we don't want to leave them in the dust, haha. XP

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Oh rats! > A < I gotta get some sleep now you guys. I might be on tomorrow for a little while though. :3 Cya!
"Mowgli would you want to try waking up the next morning or do you want me to continue as if i was dreaming at least til more people come online.
[MENTION=2371]Tyra[/MENTION] [MENTION=2281]Song[/MENTION] [MENTION=1728]HilarityInsures[/MENTION] [MENTION=1807]KaitWink[/MENTION] [MENTION=2590]Wingal[/MENTION]

Hey too much OOC in the main thread let's move it back here. Hilarity if you could please delete your OOC post with the picture and paste it back up here? Ill do mine too, im just trying to clean up a little.
Ok, lol, sorry. ^^; haha

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*is slightly wishing I would have made Kira's wings purple instead of blue* DX lol
Tyra said:
Ok, lol, sorry. ^^; haha
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*is slightly wishing I would have made Kira's wings purple instead of blue* DX lol
we might can fix that later, after our final transformation.
*le gasp* Yay! :3 Cuz I tried out color schemes for her wings and I like the purple muucchhh better than the blue. ^^

*stares at the Haden Noir pic just posted* Wooaaahhhh.... o A o * is mesmerized by it* lol
Haha, but of course. XP So are we all to control our individual trainers ourselves? o3o
Yes you have creative control in your training process but remember, we start off sloppy, thats the whole point.

and give them whatever colored wings you want.
HilarityInsures said:
ho yeah i gave him yellow wings...
cool, and good job on the post length thats perfect.

oh, and to everyone else i decided to post my personal character tracking chart so yall can keep up with all the names.


Plane Group:

Kaitwink- Emily Snow- Healing, phasing.

Tyra- Kira Conner- water manipulation.

HilarityInsures-Darkani- Shadows and sunlight

Song- Allen Buck MacArthur- strength, fighting


Marmar158- Director Don-Cid- Super smart, main villain.

Leman Russ- Folkvar Dalgaard- Human, friendly.

Other aviates:

Wingal- Alexander Shepard- Extremely tough, hidden in shadows, light reflection.


A.A.R Scout- Eli Moran

A.A.R Scout- Claire Zephyr

Ranking A.A.R Officer-Major, Franklin Durst- blood red wings

5th sentry team-

Captain Hashal


Joel- surviving plane guard.

Stephen Conner- Kira’s father- geneticist held captive by the Director


Gin/ Haden Noir

Kira/ Elizabeth Read

Emily/ Nurse Cargile

Dar/ Judah Nix

Alex/ Jacob Fuller

Allen/ Christian Zephyr / Claire’s brother

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