Slave RP Anyone?

WasBroken77 said:
Hello whomever may read this.
I was roaming around the strange place I call my mind and stumbled upon the desire to make/participate in a slave-master role play. I have a few things to ask of people interested in this role play. I ask for at least a full paragraph, good description, good grammar, and for members to get int the role play. To survive this role play members can't be afraid to mix it up a little and make it real. I am okay with gay or bi-sexual characters btw.

There are 4 possible pairings for this role play:

1. Human slave; human master

2. Supernatural slave; human master

3. Human slave ; Supernatural master

4. Supernatural ; supernatural

Anyone interested please post back with the number of the pairing you would role play.
I like the second one, do you have Skype or do you prefer to rp here?

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