Slave RP Anyone?

WasBroken77 said:
How about I be a master and you be a slave and a master.
Actually you would be able to be two masters to even things out if AnnaWinters doesn't want to join. 

AnnaWinters said:
i'm not really sure if i can do this, I never did such a thing. It depends on what you expect and who i need to play to even it out :)
Its fine if you don't want to join. I would expect good grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, spelling, and paragraph length. It's a lot but it needs to happen so the story can be easily followed.
WasBroken77 said:
I would need masters to even out the numbers. I would expect good grammar, a good sized paragraph per post, and good description. I'm not expecting perfect though. I make tons of mistakes while writing. I understand that you are not native to English? Is that correct?
No i'm not native to english but I could actually try to be a master. I have a thread where you can see my writing style. Though my master won't be the most cruel one, i just can't seem to do that :/
I just answered and I'm going to try this. Though I'll need a time to get used to it all and all that. I hope you all don't mind?
Okay then. You'll be a master then...? It's okay we will have three cruel masters and one softer one wont hurt. I will make the skelly and the joining rp in a second so everyone can join then I will set up the pairing after everyone has made their characters! 

GoddessOfGod said:
righto ^^ a slave and master for me > :D
GoddessOfGod said:
righto ^^
Actually Goddess we do need one more master to make things even completely. So you can have two masters and a slave as long as you can keep up with all of them.
6? I did 3 at max and it was pretty confusing for me, But then again. I'm not a native English speaker. Oh and if I make a mistake, just point it out :P . I'm always willing to learn the correct way :)  
And maybe it would be nice to know what species my Master must be :P
Hello, just like to say I am interested..? Kinda trying to step into the RpNation and meet some people

So if you don't mind a new comer I would love to take part.
Zevita said:
Hello, just like to say I am interested..? Kinda trying to step into the RpNation and meet some people
So if you don't mind a new comer I would love to take part.
Actually you can and not shift around the numbers because I have another person that wants to join us. After that I'm going to close this down so we don't have anymore people join us and confuse everything. The sign up thread has been made. I will have to sort things out for a minute so please don't post on there yet but you all can start making your charries. The thread is here.
aw hey thre is no human real picture that fits my description so can I give you anime then explain them
GoddessOfGod said:
aw hey thre is no human real picture that fits my description so can I give you anime then explain them
Yeah that's fine I just like using human pictures. 

The other member's name is Highly Unorthodox and you two will have to discuss who will create which: master or slave. Either way one has to create a master and one a slave. Talk about it then you two can make your characters. I gave her the link to this thread so she might comment here or start a convo with you.  
Can you all post still get into/post the new thread even if its Closed? I didn't want anyone else to join and screw up the numbers so I labeled it as closed and was wondering if you all could still post and see it. Oh and ya'll can post your charries.
WasBroken77 said:
Can you all post still get into/post the new thread even if its Closed? I didn't want anyone else to join and screw up the numbers so I labeled it as closed and was wondering if you all could still post and see it. Oh and ya'll can post your charries
yeah we can still post ^-^
Elenayru said:
This sounds pretty interesting. Mind if I join in as well? I could be a master or a slave, though I would prefer the latter.
The sign up thread has been created if you want to make your slave. 

AngelSparks said:
Can I join as well? This looks super interesting.
If I can, I'd prefer to be a slave.
The sign up thread has been posted so you can make your character. 

AnnaWinters said:
1,3 and 4 are of my interest actually :) . Just tell me which one you like best so we can talk about it?
The sign up thread has been posted so you can make your character.

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