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Location: Westeros
Time: Sometime during training
Interaction: YumenoTsukishiro YumenoTsukishiro AncientBird AncientBird kase9187 kase9187 Naberius Naberius Elenion Aura Elenion Aura Saturn_moon Saturn_moon

Marylka smiled gratefully over at Caliban and Matthias who had taken their positions next to her, although in the shadows of the night it was probably hard to see. Hand-to-hand combat was still something she wasn't entirely comfortable with yet. While she had been learning and practicing as much as she could in class, it wasn't the same as having to apply it in a potentially dangerous situation. Knowing that she had two strong fighters (and trusted companions) covering her back eased her worries a little.

She waited with bated breath, barely moving a muscle, when a shout resonated from around the corner followed by a rush of wind. "That's the signal!" Marylka dashed into the building but was instantly blinded by the bright flash of fire directed at Kari, Ord and Aldaf. As her eye readjusted to the dimness of the room, she noticed a man at the far end wielding a spear of ice and a woman who had leapt down from the second floor with surprising lightness, holding what looked like a miniature cyclone in the palm of her hands. Mages. The realisation struck her like a slap to the face. She hadn't expect that they would have to fight trained mages and the thought momentarily stunned her. I'm not prepared for this.

It wasn't until the water mage pulled his arm back and threw the spear, sending it flying straight towards Caliban that she snapped out of her stupored state. With a quick wave of her hand, the spear turned back in to water mid-air and fell with a splash to the ground. The man looked around, confused and seemingly annoyed by the apparent presence of another water mage. There was no time to celebrate though, as a pair of beefy arms suddenly wrapped around her from behind, trapping Marylka in a crushing bear hold. Instinctively, she threw her right foot back and heeled her attacker in the groin, drawing a pained grunt from him. He let his grip on her slacken slightly and Marylka took the chance to squirm her way out from under. Upon getting free, she swerved around and backhanded the man across the nose with the hilt of her blade before following up with an elbow to his solar plexus. The man immediately fell onto his knees, gasping for air.

It was the first time she had used that move with the intention of actually hurting someone and the fact that it worked surprised her. However, in her moment of awe, the man regained his ability to breathe and reached out to grab her ankle. With a jerk, Marylka felt the floor slide out from under her and her back slammed into the ground. Opening her eyes, all she could see was the man kneeling over her, blood dripping from his nose, fists poised over her supine form ready to strike.

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Location: Westeros
Time: Sometime during training
Interaction: YumenoTsukishiro YumenoTsukishiro AncientBird AncientBird kase9187 kase9187 SilverFlight SilverFlight Elenion Aura Elenion Aura Saturn_moon Saturn_moon

Caliban stood at the ready, and waited. The moment was tense. The calm before the storm, as it were, and yet the atmosphere felt heavy with unease. He had been in life or death battles before, struggled with beasts of all sizes and varieties since he was a child, but he had never really gone up against another person who was aiming to kill him and his friends. That was the danger they faced, a group of armed and dangerous criminals willing and able to see them all dead if they didn't handle this right. He was getting better at fighting off the urge to just act as he had before for so long, not used to having companions at his side to give him aid when he needed it. He was better, but not perfect. Still, he was confident that it was enough for one skirmish.

The time for silent contemplation passed quickly, and he heard noises. Then, the wind blew, and it was time to rush in. They were alerted to their presence, and it would make this fight much harder. From the time they stepped into the building, it was utter chaos. Flames, blades, spears, magic and steel flying. Caliban had engaged with a man wielding a pair of small daggers who had been standing near the door. He hadn't ever fought against that sort of setup before but the training he had been trough lately had certainly made him at least competent with a blade. He parried, dodged and blocked until he found an opening, managing to get his arm around his opponents wrist and pull him in, stepping up beside him and cracking him over the back of the head with the pommel of his shortsword, leaving him unconscious and slumped on the ground.

A spear of ice. He didn't even see it coming until it was too late to dodge. He could only stare, and hope. Then, it melted, and he breathed again. He looked over to see their own intrepid water wizard and gave a nod. But the moment he found her, he saw her get pulled into a crushing grip by a bear of a man. He was huge, and it looked as though he might crush the very life from her body. She managed to get free, but he tried to make his way to her side anyway, just in case. Then, he saw her go down. Instinct took over and, just before the man could strike, he was there. A well placed kick to the mans temple sent him reeling, dazed. He took the time to help Marylka to her feet before turning to the man again, intending to finish it quickly before he could grab a hold of anyone else. They had been in the building for only a few moments and it was already an all out war. It was going to be another long night, more dangerous than they had planned for. But they could handle the situation, barring any other unforeseen occurrences.

Location: Westeros
Time: Sometime during training
Interaction: Naberius Naberius AncientBird AncientBird kase9187 kase9187 SilverFlight SilverFlight Elenion Aura Elenion Aura Saturn_moon Saturn_moon

If there was one thing he learned in all his harrowing lessons at the Academy, it was that everything that could go wrong would go wrong at some point. So when the signal came, he bashed the door in with a burst of wind. As the chaos inside unfolded, he took stock of the situation; four guards, all wielding magic; two assailants with knives rushing for Ord; Kari, as always, rushing headlong to square off against an enemy fire mage; Aldaf taking down someone trying to flee while helping Ord in his current engagement with well-placed throws.

The fight was going well, which was about the right time for something bad to happen. As Marylka countered the enemy water mage’s ice spear, she was struck down by another burly thug. She put up a good fight, but the man’s bulk worked against her.

Time to put what you learned into practice, Gerel.

Without waiting for Serik, Gerel dashed for Marylka. Immediately another thug came and swung a sword at his face. With one smooth motion he drew a dagger from its sheath at his back and parried the incoming attack. Remembering Ord’s words, he surreptitiously gathered compressed air in his other hand and smashed it against the man’s chest, sending him flying towards a stack of crates.

The thug on Marylka was about to drive his fist down on her. Thanks to Caliban, they were out of immediate danger, but the thug was still standing. Gerel wasn’t having any of it. Remembering his lessons and training, he called on the winds to wrap around his leg. Then he vaulted over a crate and thrust his wind-blessed foot at the thug’s face. The force of the blow augmented with magic literally blew the thug away from them both.

He turned towards Caliban and Marylka to check on them when his instincts drew his eyes towards Ord. A shadow hidden in the pillars, approaching Ord as he battled two others, with knife drawn and intent clear. Gerel was too far, even if he augmented his legs with wind. And he had no bow. So how was he to solve this problem?

Let’s hope this works, Professor Targus.

Gerel raised his gauntlet arm towards the shadow. He formed a fist, and the machinery snapped and hissed. He felt the recoil right before he saw a thin length of steel bloom from the shadow’s chest. For a moment he was stunned that the thing actually worked, then felt elation rise up in him. It worked! It didn’t fall apart, and it didn't explode, not unlike the many failures and prototypes he struggled with Professor Targus in her workshop.

Sadly the long-ranged option only worked once, but the gauntlet had other functions. He was eager to test them all out tonight, while taking out the drug den, of course. That was the important part, after all.

But it works, Gerel thought with glee.

Location: Westeros academy
Time: Sometime during training
Interaction: Ord, Matthias, Aldaf, Marylka, Serik, Kari, Gerel

Matthias charged the door and kept going. He kicked the edge of a large wooden table behind which a thug with a brandished knife stood. The table flipped up, and over, dumping its contents and knocking the thug to the floor. All around him combatants raged, bringing to bear steel, fire, water, and wind. It was a chaotic scene.

Matthias turned in time to block a blow from a sword aimed high with a blade of his own. He grabbed the criminal by the collar, yanked them off balance and bashed his forehead against theirs. He let go off the fabric and the goon fell with a groan.

”Is this the best you can do!” Matthias bellowed a challenge as the battle raged. His blood was up. The thrill of the fight had set his mind and body alight with crackling sparks. These foes were not beasts, but men. Men could be goaded, demoralized, routed. One man emerged from some back room who, upon locking eyes with Matthias, fled back from whence he’d come.

”Coward!” Matthias roared and gave chase, barreling over another thug in his way.

YumenoTsukishiro YumenoTsukishiro AncientBird AncientBird kase9187 kase9187 Naberius Naberius SilverFlight SilverFlight Saturn_moon Saturn_moon

Location: Westeros academy
Time: Sometime during training
Interaction: Open
Current: Ord(NPC), Matthias, Aldaf, Marylka, Serik, Kari, Gerel, Caliban

As Ord gave the signal, everyone including Serik charged toward the building. There, they faced against a bunch of people dressing in secretive attire. Those seemed to be workers tried to run away, leaving several people armed with weapons to face the band. To the band's surprise, four of the the guards possessed magic and they didn't hesitate to use it against the youths and their instructor at all. This battle suddenly felt much more risky and difficult than it was supposed to be. Serik had fought people before, but never against any opponent wielding magic with the intention to kill.

Sweat formed on his brows as Serik unsheathed his scimitar and charged into the fight. One of the magic wielding guards, a water mage threw his ice spear, aiming at Caliban. However, with the help from Marylka, it melt into a splash of water mid air. The water mage prepared 2 more spears as he was about to aim for both Marylka and Caliban, who in the mean time, had engaged another guard. Before the vile water mage could unleash his weapon, Serik's scimitar chopped on one of the ice spear, breaking off its head. The water mage flinch, letting another of his spear fall from his hand as he turned to face the young man. Serik didn't wait for his opponent to retaliate, he lashed out another slash, aiming for the man's arm. The mage dodged and in the blink of an eyes, he created an ice blade from the vapor in the room. Both engaged in a sword fight.

Serik's melee weapon skill had improved a lot, however he found himself still not good enough to outmatch the water mage. The mage started to gain upperhand and began to corner Serik against the wall. A swipe came at Serik and as the young man dodged, the mage froze the floor beneath his feet. Serik slipped and fell on the ground. The water mage was about to stab him, his eyes shone from under the cloths that concealed most of his face, showing murderous intention...

Suddenly, just as the water mage's eyes made contact with Serik's, bright light exploded from the eyes of the young man lying on the floor. Like a flash from great lightning, it pierced into the eyes of the water mage. The mage screamed in pain, dropping his ice sword and covered his eyes with his hands. Serik used this time to slipped away and grabbed his scimitar on the floor. He regained his foothold again and Serik turned toward his enemy. He could easily kill this man while he was still occupy with the pain in his eyes. However, something stopped Serik in his track. The realization that he was so close to kill another human being... Something he never thought he would ever do in his life... It terrified him and petrified the young man in his stance... Leaving him vulnerable.

Featuring: SilverFlight SilverFlight kase9187 kase9187 Elenion Aura Elenion Aura Saturn_moon Saturn_moon YumenoTsukishiro YumenoTsukishiro Naberius Naberius
Location: Raid location
Time: Sometime during training
Characters: Open
Current: Ord, Aldaf, Kari, Serik, Gerel, Matthias, Marylka, Caliban

Aldaf turned back to the wind mage, both of them summoning cyclones around each other. Aldaf saw the way the wind was blowing, the cyclones had kicked up some dust. Without a moment's hesitation, he zipped forward and expanded the other mage's cyclone, practically riding the wind in a tight circle around the mage. Aldaf whipped out his new sword, not finished but still viable for combat. While circling, Aldaf kept nicking at the mage's flesh, gouging out pieces at a time. His eyes were strikingly calm.

Out of the corner of his eye, Aldaf saw the flash that Serik had summoned. He saw Serik freeze just as one of the workers got brave and was about to hit him over the head with something metal. Aldaf made a split second decision and catapulted himself out of the wind mage's cyclonic armor, flying towards Serik. He flipped mid-air, driving the whole of his foot into the worker trying to hit Serik. It made contact with his face, and the sheer force caused several cracking noises both upon contact and when the worker's head smashed into the ground.

"Serik, wake up." Aldaf snapped his fingers in front of Serik's face, trying to shock him back into action. After he snapped his fingers, Aldaf drove his sword into the torso of the worker he had kicked.

SilverFlight SilverFlight YumenoTsukishiro YumenoTsukishiro AncientBird AncientBird Saturn_moon Saturn_moon Naberius Naberius Elenion Aura Elenion Aura

Location: Westeros
Time: Sometime during training
Interaction: YumenoTsukishiro YumenoTsukishiro AncientBird AncientBird kase9187 kase9187 Naberius Naberius Elenion Aura Elenion Aura SilverFlight SilverFlight

In her panic, Marylka's mind blanked and she found herself paralyzed below the hulking figure looming over her. If the rage in his eyes had a colour it would have been scarlet. With a guttural roar, the man brought his fists down with possibly enough force to smash her body into the very ground she laid upon, but it never connected. In the split second it took for him to reach her, a force struck him in the side of his head and sent him staggering to the side. The next thing she saw was Caliban's head sliding into her field of vision, offering to help her up.

Taking his hand, she got herself back on her feet. That incident reminded her far too much of her encounter with the deathborn back at the campgrounds of Mount Arebos and it left her feeling unnerved. Looking back at her attacker sitting on the ground, still conscious but clutching his head in his hands, she felt the instinct to run as far as her legs could take her. It wasn't an option though. Not while her friends were still putting their all in this fight. She watched as Cal went over and swiftly knocked the man unconscious, his body falling backwards on to the ground with a thump. "That was far too close for my liking." She said, trying to control the slight tremble in her voice. "Thank you, I owe you one."

Turning her attention back to the room, she noted that most of the workers had fled or gone into hiding. The few that had stayed behind to fight, like the thug next to them, were either incapacitated or had been rendered unconscious. At least, she hoped they were just unconscious. It was now down to the four mages, although even in the dimness of the room, they each seem to have taken a bit of a beating. Seeing Aldaf abandon the wind mage to go help Serik, Marylka quickly pulled the water from one of the nearby water barrels and sent it rushing towards the unexpecting woman and forced her back against the wall. Immediately, the water turned into solid ice, pinning the wind mage in place.

Location: Westeros academy
Time: Sometime during training
Interaction: Open
Current: Ord(NPC), Matthias, Aldaf, Marylka, Serik, Kari, Gerel, Caliban

With the alert from Aldaf, Serik gained back his consciousness. Snapping back from the shock, he looked over to the worker whom would have got him unguarded if it wasn't from Aldaf knocking the man down. "Thank you Aldaf, I am sorry, I..." Serik was about to speak but he realized it wasn't the time for communication, that can wait... He turned back to the water mage who was starting to gain his vision back after being flashed right in the face. Serik put away his scimitar and took out his bolas. Its balls made of glow stone shone bright in the darkness and it began to swirled in the air like 3 gigantic fireflies as Serik wielded them like a frail. The water mage rubbed his eyes for a bit and turned to look for his adversary, just in the same time when the glowing balls hit him right at the back of his head. The water mage immediately collapsed to the ground, knocked unconscious. Serik took a quick glance at the man. He's still alive... Wouldn't be if Serik didn't hold back a moment ago. His scimitar would be mired with the life blood that he took from the man, and his hands would be branded forever, as a killer of another man... Serik sweated to his thought but he wouldn't let another shock paused him anymore.

Featuring: SilverFlight SilverFlight kase9187 kase9187 Elenion Aura Elenion Aura Saturn_moon Saturn_moon YumenoTsukishiro YumenoTsukishiro Naberius Naberius

Location: Westeros academy
Time: The third day after arrival in To'bai
Interaction: Serik, Gerel (All welcome to join)

It was an afternoon recess after several classes. Serik was excited for all the new stuff he learnt in this first day of his academy life, still he got to admit that it was way much more exhausting than say, learning typical life skill with his parents back home. This recess was something he looked forward to and for that, he went to the falconry room and retrieved Shrill the buzzard to be taken out for stretching and moving about. Shrill was no less eager to get out after perching silently in the room with barely anything but a few birds of prey that completely ignored him. They settled down under the shade in front of the stable.

"Here Shrill, go catch that jerky!" Serik said and tossed the dry meat several metre away, hoping for the bird to follow. However, Shrill would just stood there on the ground next to him, making loud squeal, begging to be fed... Just as he always did. Serik sighed loudly. "Oh, Gerel... What should I do? This bird has no clue of how to hunt for itself. I might just as well tied a live quail to him and he wouldn't even know what to do." Serik said to Gerel who was also hanging around.

Featuring: YumenoTsukishiro YumenoTsukishiro
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Location: Westeros Academy
Time: Third day after arrival
Interaction: Serik, Gerel, Aldaf (Open to all)

Aldaf was walking around, taking a moment, when he saw Serik and Gerel with their birds.

"Hey, Serik! Hey, Gerel! What are you two up to?"

He calls, then he notices the meat and Shrill cawing hungrily. He nods and approaches.

"Training your bird, are ya? I was gonna go see Spica, but I got a minute."

He settles himself down, watching Serik and Gerel work.

Inside the stable, Spica perked her head up and shook hay off her body, stretching out with a low growling groan.

AncientBird AncientBird YumenoTsukishiro YumenoTsukishiro

Location: Westeros academy
Time: The third day after arrival in To'bai
Interaction: Serik, Gerel, Aldaf (All welcome to join)

Hearing the call, Serik turned to see his Sudentarian friend approaching. "Oh hello, Aldaf." Serik greeted as Aldaf settled down next to them. "We are figuring how to train my new bird Shrill to become independent of me. He never try catching his own food before. I am afraid he would lose all that is meant for one to be a bird of prey." Serik said and then handed over a small piece of jerky to Shrill, who quickly gobbled it down.

Serik then looked to the sky and sighed.
"I wish my grandfather lived longer, so he could tell me a bit about raising birds of prey."

Featuring: YumenoTsukishiro YumenoTsukishiro kase9187 kase9187
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Location: Westeros
Time: Two days after classes have started
Interaction: Marylka, Aldaf, Serik, Open

As Marylka made her way back from the showers to their dormitory, all the muscles in her body throbbed with a deep ache and each step felt more like a negotiation rather than an order. It had barely been two days since the group had started classes but already the instuctors were pushing them to their limits, physically and mentally, every single day. She wasn't complaining though. It was necessary if they wanted to survive the insane mission they were to embark on the very next day. Ignoring the fact that their lives were at risk, Marylka loved every minute of being at the academy and each night as she crawled into bed, exhausted and drained, Westeros seemed less foreign and just a bit more like home. However, a small part of her still celebrated knowing they would finally be getting a break from classes the next day.

Approaching their dormitory, she noticed an assistant, the same one who had brought Archie to the stables the first day they arrived, standing outside the door. Upon seeing her, he ran over and handed over a letter with her name scrawled on the front. "It's from weaponsmith Raina." The assistant explained before quickly excusing himself to get back to his duties. She gingerly peeled the wax seal off so as to not tear the paper and opened the letter:

Come by the shop when you can. Your weapon is ready. Bring Aldaf and Serik with you as well.
- Raina

With everything going on, she'd forgotten about the new weapon she was to receive. It also couldn't have come at a better time. Rushing in, she called out to the other two. "Aldaf, Serik. Raina is asking for us to stop by her shop. I was thinking we could head over tomorrow morning? If anyone else would like to join us, I'm sure that's fine as well!"

AncientBird AncientBird kase9187 kase9187 Elenion Aura Elenion Aura

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Location: Westeros Academy
Time: A week after classes started
Interaction: Marylka, Aldaf, Serik, Open

Aldaf was sitting on his bed, a sheet in his lap to catch the shavings from the figure he was carving. In a form of morbid appreciation, it was of one of the Deathborn from when they were in the city.

He heard talking from outside, having already beaten most of his party back to the dorms, to see Marylka enter with a letter.

"Raina is asking for us to stop by her shop. Maybe we could head over tomorrow morning?" She said.

"Sounds like a plan. Could use a bit of relaxing, especially with all our classes. Ord is great, but he's so ruthless sometimes. I still felt where he whacked me on my shoulder." Upon mentioning it, Aldaf rubbed his shoulder absentmindedly.

Saturn_moon Saturn_moon AncientBird AncientBird

Location: Westeros
Time: A week after classes have begun
Interaction: Marylka, Aldaf, Serik, Open

Serik was sitting on the floor. His back leaned on his bed and a big old book titled ‘Falconry: Hunting on the wings’ was held in his hands. The call from Marylka got his attention as he looked up at her.

“Raina? The weapon smith? But why would she need me to go there too? I don’t remember placing any order.” Serik said with a confused expression.

Nonetheless, he hadn’t been to the market in a while, so taking a trip there with his friends did sound like a fine idea.

“But well, I guess it wouldn’t hurt to see what she call me for.” Added the young man.

Feathering: Saturn_moon Saturn_moon kase9187 kase9187
Location: Westeros
Time: Two days after classes have started
Interaction: Marylka, Aldaf, Serik, Matthias, Open

Making their way to the weaponsmith, Marylka noted that the winding streets and alleys of To'bai that had seemed so confusing and intimidating just a few days ago were suddenly less so. Instead, she welcomed the hustle and bustle that was so unlike what she was used to back in Estendor. It was amazing to see how quickly the market square had been restored after the deathborn attack although some small signs still remained. In the aftermath of the battle, broken carts were cleared, damaged stalls rebuilt, and whatever remained of the deadly creatures had been swept up. Delaris' soldiers carried these tasks out with such practiced efficiency it was almost as if it was a part of their day to day lives.

However, at the moment, her mind was far more occupied with thoughts about her new weapon. Excitement and nervousness buzzed through her and there was a slight skip in every step she took. "I wonder what Raina made. Maybe it'll be a ball and chain like what Ezekiel has." She mused aloud to her friends. Matthias had decided to join Serik, Aldaf and herself on this trip and that made her rather pleased. For one, his height made him an easy target to spot in the crowd but also the fact that he was making an effort to come out of his shell and socialise with them was touching. From what he had told her of Northaria back on Mount Arebos, Westeros was likely the polar opposite of what he was familiar with and that was going to be difficult for anybody.

After a couple of wrong turns and some help from a kind passerby, they finally found the weaponsmith. Stepping inside, they were once again greeted by the intense heat emanating from the forge which Raina was currently standing in front of wielding what looked like the beginnings of a new sword, still glowing from the residual heat. "You're here!" Raina exclaimed as their group walk in. She plunged the sword into a barrel of water and it let out a loud hissing sound as steam immediately started to rise from it. "Gimme a minute! Feel free to look around in the meantime." She said walking over to another curtained entrance at the back and disappearing behind it. When Raina reemerged she held in her arms a large bundle wrapped in cloth. "The weapons you requested." First, Raina handed Aldaf his new sword made of Seregios scales, then to Serik the bow he had been eyeing the last time they were here, and finally, a boomerang to Marylka. It was a beautiful thing made out of metal with a geometric wave pattern etched in gold across the top of it. "I made it out of titanium instead of steel so that it isn't as heavy. It won't hit as hard but at least you'll be able to use it." Raina explained with a proud smile. Looking to the rest she said "Well, give them a whirl. Tell me what you think!"

kase9187 kase9187 AncientBird AncientBird Elenion Aura Elenion Aura

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Location: Westeros
Time: A week after classes have begun
Interaction: Marylka, Aldaf, Serik, Matthias, Open

Aldaf followed along, excited to get his sword. "Maybe. It'd be interesting."

At the forge, he was handed his sword. It looked beautiful, each scale being set in a line, each one being defined on its own. He walked to an empty space and held the sword up, in the normal sword form Ord had taught them. He took a few swings, then an idea flashed in his head.

Dropping the teachings, Aldaf began to move instinctively, as if instead of fighting he was dancing. It looked both amazing and highly dangerous. Aldaf finished off his testing with a small hop and slash, landing crouched on the ground.

"The sword's good! It feels great." He complimented, holding the sword upside down. "I can tell I'll be using this one for a while."

Elenion Aura Elenion Aura AncientBird AncientBird Saturn_moon Saturn_moon
Location: Westeros
Time: A week after classes have begun
Interaction: Marylka, Aldaf, Serik, Matthias, Open

Arriving at Raina's weapon shop, Serik and the others were greeted by the intense heat from the forge and varied weapon lining the the shop's wall just as the first time they came. Raina greeted them and went to prepare her stuff. In the mean time, Serik started browsing along the weapons again. His mind shifted toward the bow section as he started looking, for the bow he had setting his eyes on when he first came here. Serik still hasn't had enough money for him to comfortably purchase the bow, however he wanted to make sure if it's still there where he left it be.

His eyes screened the bows one to another, and yet he couldn't find his wanted bow anywhere. It must had been sold out to someone... Disappointed, Serik returned to his friends with an loud sigh. But then, as he looked up, Raina had handed something to him. It was a bow! But most importantly, the bow he was eyeing! The beautiful wooden bow with leather and fur handle and beautiful metal pattern.

"What's this?! It's for me?! But how?..." Serik spoke in shocked expression as he received the bow into his hands. "An anonymous person wish to buy this for you." Raina replied. "But who?" Serik asked. "Sorry, I can't tell you that, the person wanted to remain unknown." The weapon smith shrugged.

Serik didn't know what to make out of this. He was really happy to get the bow, but at the same time was confused and suspicious at this unexpected event. He looked to his friends, who were admiring the new weapons of their own. "Any of you know about this?" Serik asked.

Feathering: Saturn_moon Saturn_moon kase9187 kase9187 Elenion Aura Elenion Aura
Location: Westeros
Time: A week after classes have begun
Interaction: Marylka, Aldaf, Serik, Matthias, Open

Aldaf shrugged, a small smirk on his face. "Nope. No idea." He snickered inwardly to himself.

Once again, Aldaf began to practice strikes and movements with the new sword.

Saturn_moon Saturn_moon Elenion Aura Elenion Aura AncientBird AncientBird
Location: Westeros
Time: A week after classes have begun
Interaction: Marylka, Aldaf, Serik, Matthias, Open

Marylka watched awestruck as Aldaf moved around the shop with his new sword as if executing a choreographed dance. He twisted, turned and stabbed without hesitation, excitement and joy alight in his eyes. When he was done she clapped softly and silently hoped she might be able to move like he had one day. Looking back at the boomerang in her hand then to Raina, she said "It's beautiful, but what do I do with it?".

"You use it to hoe your garden" Raina deadpanned. "You throw it of course! What else are you supposed to do with a boomerang?"

Marylka turned a bright shade of red. "That wasn't quite what I meant, but okay..." She muttered under her breath. With the boomerang grasped in her hand she swung it around awkwardly a few times, not entirely sure what she was doing, to get a feel of it. It was lighter than expected, as Raina had said, but well balanced and fit in her hand nicely. Feeling more confident, she swung it a little harder only for it to slip out of her grip and go flying through the shop. The boomerang crashed through a rack of spears, scattering them across the floor, before swinging back around straight towards them.

"Watch out!" Raina shouted and Marylka immediately ducked down, covering her head with her hands. Raina stretched out and deftly caught the rogue boomerang. "I probably shouldn't have asked you to try out a boomerang in a confined space." Although her words were apologetic, Raina's tone said otherwise and her eyes were still shooting daggers at Marylka. "At least you were able to make it return." She said with a heavy sigh, placing the boomerang down on the counter. Marylka got back up on her feet and went over to help pick up the fallen spears.

"I might not be very good at it now, but I'm sure someone at the academy will be able to teach me how to use it. I promise I'll put it to good use."

Elenion Aura Elenion Aura AncientBird AncientBird kase9187 kase9187

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Location: Westeros
Time: A week after classes have begun
Interaction: Marylka, Aldaf, Serik, Matthias, Open

Still puzzling over the mysterius gift giver, anyhow as Serik watched Aldaf trying out his new sword, some details of it caught his eyes. “Wait, is that Spica’s quills?” Serik asked as he walked closer to inspect the well crafted weapon. He had never seen weapons crafting from scales of a large wyvern like this before. “This is so creative and strange. I wish we could just save picture out of thin air and send it to someone. My uncle Karazan would definitely love to see your sword.” Serik said.

Suddenly, a loud noise happened and Serik ducked down, spooked. He then looked toward the source of the noise, seeing Marylka and Raina with a bunch of weapon scattering on the floor.

“Is anything alright there?” Serik asked.

Feathering: Saturn_moon Saturn_moon kase9187 kase9187 Elenion Aura Elenion Aura
Location: Westeros
Time: A week after classes began
Interaction: Marylka, Serik, Matthias, Aldaf, Open

Aldaf chuckled as he showed Serik his new sword. He traced each scale with his finger.
"Not her quills, but her scales. Both can be shed, so I use the spare ones she can give."
He scoffed at the idea of the picture and shook his head.
"Maybe we can get a good sketch done."

Aldaf heard the loud crashing and held his sword up to block anything large flying at him before he relaxed and noticed Marylka and Raina standing over the scattered spears as Raina caught the boomerang. He overheard Raina's words and Marylka's apology and promise to learn. He walked over to Marylka to help pick up the spears.
"Hey, you don't need to look for a teacher at the Academy. You've got one right here."
He pulled out his own Westeros boomerang to show her.
"Learned how to use it once from a visitor, bought my own on a trip for a delivery. I'm not the best, but I'm at least decent enough that I can teach you the basics."

Aldaf turned to Matthias and motioned to the weaponry.
"You gonna get something yourself, Matthias? After all, these Deathborn seem to be getting smarter. Might as well grow alongside them."

Saturn_moon Saturn_moon AncientBird AncientBird Elenion Aura Elenion Aura
Location: Westeros
Time: A week after classes began
Interaction: Marylka, Serik, Matthias, Aldaf, Open

Matthias grumbled in response to Aldaf’s suggestion. His arms were folded so tightly across his chest part of him worried he wouldn’t he able to unfold them again. He had weapons. Weapons forged by his father’s hand, by his hands. What could a Westerosi smith accomplish here that he could not back home?

And yet, here he was. Why had he come along, just to sulk? True enough that Westeros had begun to grow on him. Slowly... Like moss on a stone. Raina appeared appeared to notice Matthias’ hesitation. She approached him with an appraising look. He returned her gaze, saying nothing. After a honest, she nodded abruptly and turned back to her work. Whatever she’d been looking for in him, she’d apparently found it.

”What did you have in mind?” Raina asked, handing him back the haft of something. Perhaps a spear? Too short. It was cloven at the top, where the pointy end would’ve been.

”I have nothing in mind.” Matthias announced with surety.

Raina cast him a sidelong glance as she continued to work, the specter of a smirk flitting across her features. Was she mocking him? Matthias felt a mounting confusion growing within him. Did this woman mean to game him? Belittle him? Matthias stepped back, within himself. He let the others carry on.

Saturn_moon Saturn_moon
AncientBird AncientBird
kase9187 kase9187
Location: Westeros
Time: A week after classes have begun
Interaction: Marylka, Aldaf, Serik, Matthias, Open

"We're alright! It was just a... small accident." Marylka took the last of the fallen spears from Aldaf and placed it back on the rack. "Thank you for the offer Aldaf. I get the feeling I'm going to need all the help I can get." Marylka said with resignation. From the corner of her eye, she noticed Matthias standing at the back of the shop with his arms folded, looking surlier than usual and she fought back a smirk that tugged at the corners of her mouth. They said Northarians were built like boulders; sturdy and strong. Marylka hadn't realise that the saying applied to their mentality as well.

"You know, it could be awhile before we make it to Northaria." She piped up innocently. "And Aldaf's right, the deathborns are evolving. Who knows what kind of dangers we are going to encounter in Westeros. I'm sure when we get to Northaria you could easily find a better weapon or even make one yourself," She heard Raina let out a scoff, as if offended that Marylka would even dare suggest that there could be anything better than what she had made, but brushed it aside. "But while we're here, logically speaking, it might not be such a bad idea to get a back up. Just in case something happens to the ones you have in the meantime?"

kase9187 kase9187 Elenion Aura Elenion Aura AncientBird AncientBird


She shook her head to clear her mind and awkwardly approached, before she sat on the bench beside him.

“Yes, that is very true... things have been incredibly hectic the past couple weeks... it has been exhausting.”

She looked tired too. She hadn’t really been sleeping since they were attacked in the middle of the night by the deathborn, back at the god’s mountain. She had, frankly, been too scared to do anything but close her eyes and pretend that she was sleeping.

“... but I’m pretty sure that everyone just wants a break from the constant madness.” She looked up at the sky, and wondered what the gods were even thinking. She knew they had to have a plan... but was that plan? Why drag a bunch of brand new adults into it?

Naberius Naberius
Location: Westeros
Time: A week after classes have begun
Interaction: Marylka, Aldaf, Serik, Matthias, Open

“Or perhaps you could get something for defense, like how Gerel got his buckler when we first came here.” Serik added to Aldaf and Marylka’s suggestion to Matthias.

Although this gift was confusing and unexpected. Serik was extremely happy about it. This free bow would save him a lot of time and money. He was also no longer helpless against the monsters, if they’d ever appear again. Now, he could move on to something else. Serik purchased a bunch of metal arrows from Raina along with an arrow quiver made of leather. Suddenly, something slipped into his mind and he approached Aldaf once again.

“Err, Aldaf... Would you mind if I request a few arrows made of Spica’s quills just like the ones you are using. I kind of want to experiment with several materials and see how each work for me.” Serik asked. The young man knew that the quilled wyvern shed her quills and scales regularly, and he could just pick some scattering around the stable floor... Still, she was Aldaf’s beast and it’s always a good manner to ask first.

Feathering: Saturn_moon Saturn_moon kase9187 kase9187 Elenion Aura Elenion Aura
Last edited:
Location: Westeros
Time: A week after classes have begun
Interaction: Marylka, Aldaf, Serik, Matthias, Open

Aldaf turned to Serik, hearing his question about Seregios arrowheads. He chuckled and pulled out one of his arrows, tipped with a scale. It had been whittled and carved to make an effective arrowhead, mostly by making it able to be placed onto an arrow shaft.

"Certainly, Serik. I actually already asked Leandra if she wanted some. They tend to have a bit more cutting power than just simple arrows... might be because of their fine edges. You've seen what they can do to someone."

An idea flashed through his head, but he'd hold off. He didn't need a blacksmith to make it anyways, just some time and dedication.

Saturn_moon Saturn_moon AncientBird AncientBird Elenion Aura Elenion Aura

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