Tende altum, volare altius
This thread is designed to give the active posters as much space as they want, while also keeping the main thread at a stable pace for everyone involved.
Running interactions in this thread has a few instructions, but I will never limit the posting quantity here.
1. You must put the location and time of your interaction in every post, and who the interaction involves. The time relates to the events in main, so for example
Location: The slopes of mount Arebos
Time: The proving
Characters: Kari & Zeke
2. You must colour your text for that specific interaction in every post, so people can separate the ones that might be occurring at the same time. It helps to put the colour code in the information to, so the others involved can match your colour.
3. You must tag the people you are interacting with, so they know you want their attention.
That's it! Please have fun! All the conduct rules mentioned in the original thread apply.
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