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Graded [Sky Kingdom] Carrel in the Clouds


Roleplay Artist
This rp is a continuation of The Little Airship that could Part 2. Active - [Isekai Hell] The Little Airship That Could Part 2

Please link your character sheets in your opening post!


Find out more about how titles work.

Kane: Protect and assist Victorique, Find out if anything in Sky Kingdom could be useful for job.

Finn: Curious about Titles, gain better understanding of new friends, Be certain of Eliza’s character before making any permanent decisions.

Squink: Use powers, do good, befriend Iro

Illya: Establish a good relationship with any possible tinkerers.
Time: Morning

Temperature: Outside Cool

Place: The Sky, Sky Kingdom, Hallson Tribe docking Station

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Orikanyo Orikanyo Moonberry Moonberry Femboy Femboy

Ultimately, Victorique, Kane, and whoever else decided to come would make their way off the airship and head down. Eliza for the time being as well as Pandora however did not go, as her guards were not keen on letting her. The sky was a rich blue, and if one looked over the edge of the stone floating platform, they might see clouds down below moving in progress. Beyond the formal architecture the scene was rather idyllic a nice gentle comfortable breeze blowing.

Copper looked like he was busy talking to the winged aerial soldiers in Terran (Someone who was good at linguistics would have been able to pick up he wasn't speaking it perfectly) when his head spun around and he noticed Kane and Victorique approaching as well as company.

“What do you think you’re doing here? I will say I am doing a perfectly sufficient job myself here!” Sounding almost indignant at the apparent imposition he was taking it all to be, his voice sounding more stilted than usual too.

“Finally some proper landfolk to talk too, I hardly even understand what nuts and bolts here was saying with a voice like that!” A rather strong looking winged warrior spoke up. She looked like she was probably a deal higher grade than many were, as did the rest of the standing army if anyone where to guess. In addition she looked like she was probably ranking higher than the rest with how comparatively ornate her armor looked.
There were some heartier laughs, masculine and feminine from the group of soldiers after that.

“So what of it, are you wanting to land here on Hallson tribe land? Your metal one here kept saying somethin’ about a test drive and working with landfolk nobility to get you all here, also some magic landfolk guy named Merasmus but last I checked there wasn’t a scheduled arrival here.” Her voice and flair of common decidedly had a sort of norse influence to it.

“I’ve been trying to tell them that Merasmus worked it all out already with their administration but for some reason they don’t seem to be taking me seriously!"

Kane Blackburne

Kane stayed guarded near Victorique onlooking out at the group of soldiers. Kane knew full well if they wanted too it was unlikely the group would be able to fight all of these people off, something about their presentation and aura just told him they were a lot tougher than any old guard back in Rotia. Finn was pretty accomplished so perhaps he was the one who would be able to hold his own in some capacity, but with this many…thankfully while these thoughts were in Kane’s mind he didn’t let them linger too long.

“[He’s trying to say that Merasmus, you know the famous guy or whatever from the Magic Duchy, and House Talton from the Kingdom of Rotia have already made arrangements with your administration to land here. Is that easier to understand?]” He’d pose almost looking a bit annoyed at the situation, if there was seriously a miss communication because they had a hard time understanding Copper, that was a headache and a half, maybe someone had screwed up on their end in translation.

Or maybe Copper wasn’t as good at speaking Terran as he thought he was, whatever the case, Kane just wanted to deescalate whatever display of power this was so they could all get back to business and get safely into the Sky Kingdom without someone getting deported via being thrown off the edge. He then looked to Victorique hoping that whatever she might have to say on the developing events might help. Thankfully he knew better than to come off the ship with his axe drawn but nevertheless Kane was ready to grab it at a moment's notice if need be.
Victorique Sopheana
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Finn Orikanyo Orikanyo | Illya Moonberry Moonberry
Languages: Common | <Beastial> | [Terran] | {Sylvan}

“I'm just being myself.” She'd explain to Copper, not feeling much of a need to explain her actions to him any further than that. Whatever he had going on, she was likely to just end up insulting him if she tried to say or explain more any-ways.

Her guess turned our correct, when she heard the Aerials hadn't been keen on talking to Copper at all. “It's a pleasure to meet you, madam.” She'd say, politely enough. After all, she had to admit, winged folk in the full Valkyrie gear were pretty cool.

“He, yes. He was on a test drive. I, however, wish to visit the library. I am on a quest to find out the truth about titles and learned that your libraries might hold more information I need.” She figured she'd get straight to the point. She considered backing up Copper for a bit, but Kane managed to beat her to it. She figured whereas Kane was suddenly playing bad cop, she might try to play good cop. “Although meeting such an honourable tribe and learning more about your culture is already a worthwhile endeavour.”

“[Ah, of course we could continue our conversation in Terran, should you prefer. Though Sylvan, Common, Beastial or Analog also would work.]” She'd add, unsure of what their hosts would prefer.
Point Booster:
Attentive Student (E)
Equipped Titles: Ilithid, Beastfolk, Ryke Nobility (F), Helper of Natori
Character Sheet

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Moonberry Moonberry

Ah, the Sky Kingdom. Big. Kingdom-like. In the sky. Probably fitting but Squink wouldn't know, this was her first time. Not wanting to get into trouble or anything, she silently remained on the ship as she watched Victorique and Kane go out in order to see what was going on. Wondering how they could have so much confidence considering the danger it felt like was being significantly presented in front of them, the ilithid only hoped that such troubles could be talked down into becoming calm before issues arose. She only wanted to take a nice little airship trip, but this welcome wagon felt extremely unwelcoming.

"Uhm... " Squink awkwardly hesitated, her hands gently shaking a little as she took a small step away from the observation deck window. Hesitating before looking over to Eliza since she seemed like she would probably have a better idea of what was going on. Since Illya was last with her (at least according to the last posts of the Airship Part 2 Roleplay before this one, but ignore this because this out-of-character is totally not canon to the narration and just for referencial purposes) under her tentacles, she checked and looked for the little fairy.
"I'm sure it'll turn out fine. Copper seems like a smart guy- or well, robot, or... I'm not sure if it's okay to call a robot a guy, is it? W-well, I'm sure it'll be fine. Victorique and Kane are also there, and they're both capable and smart" she said absentmindedly, if Illya was still adjacent to listen or not although the ilithid clearly had hesitation and nervousness in the tone of her voice. Since Illya was under her tentacles, she just opted to keeping them held tight and rather closed in front of her so the little fairy could feel privately secure, imagining such an entire thing must've been a lot more terrifying for someone so small. Well, at least they could shove responsibility to Finn to be the kid-hero he was supposed to be or something, though she hadn't seen him around in a little moment so maybe she was just overlooking him due to her nervous thoughts.

"I'm sure that they're all kind people who are just... doing their jobs, and we won't bother and trouble them, I-I mean, people like Victorique and Eliza and Finn are like, super important and known by other people right? They wouldn't... get into trouble, or they'd have help if... s-something happened or something, right? It'll be fine, maybe it's just a weird off-day... " she began to stammer out excuses, stepping away from the window a little more to try and not focus on it as much. It'd probably be best if at least she tried to keep her mind off of things and hopefully help Illya feel calmer. Looking back to Eliza, she raised a question.

"Do you know how long things like these tend to... clear up, I guess? I-I wouldn't like to be staying around with whatever must be going on down there. Is there some sort of bad timing?... " she asked, wondering if the noble had ever been in such a situation before, taking a seat. Maybe she could find a way to entertain the little fairy to help calm her down.

"Illya, would you like to see a neat little thing I've been working on? E-Eliza, sorry to bother you, would you mind helping be an assistant for this to test it on? It shouldn't hurt or anything, I practiced it a lot, I'd really like to try it... " she asked, since a little distraction could probably do her and Illya some good. She gave innocent pleading eyes, hoping that Eliza wasn't too much in some super-serious noble mode to disagree with it, or be stopped by her guards.​
Oden (#ACA9A7)

Character Sheet
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Femboy Femboy Moonberry Moonberry

With heavy steps, a familiar grey-feathered figure slowly emerged from the airship's cabin, leaning heavily on a wooden stick for support. Her mind was still somewhat hazy as she took in the sudden expanse of blue and white skies, but Oden could feel that her strength was slowly but surely returning, and staying cooped up in her room would only do more harm than good. Blinking unhurriedly, she spotted the group by the ship's railing and trudged on over, keeping a small distance away just in case her illness, though recovering, was still contagious.

"Hello everyone, it's good to see you are well." The old owl nodded gently to each face she could see, unintentionally overlooking the little fairy she had yet to meet, obscured by her friend's purply tentacles. "Did I miss anything whilst I was out?" She inquired curiously, ruffling her feathers before moving her gaze to the sky island they had landed on.

Not too far away, she spotted some familiar faces engaging with an army of winged aerials, their golden armours' shine forcing the Oden to squint a few times before making out their figures. She could hear a few snippets of what sounded like Terran, as well as Common, from afar, her [Heightened Hearing E] aiding her eavesdropping. Still, she hadn't quite caught enough to figure out what was going on, especially since she didn't know Terran at all, so she merely watched whilst she recovered her strength.
Illya Melondew
Illya remained hidden behind Squink's protective tentacles, her small form tucked away as she silently observed the scene below. Copper's struggles with communication were evident, his mechanical voice stilted against the flow of the conversation. When the winged warrior approached, Illya's heart fluttered with excitement, a soft giggle escaping her lips. The sight of the feathery wings conjured images of Valkyries from ancient tales, their majestic forms etched in the memories of her past life.

As Kane attempted to clarify the situation, Illya's eyes darted to Eliza, gauging her reaction to the unfolding events. Despite the minor hiccup, the realization that they had arrived in the Sky Kingdom filled Illya with a humming anticipation. She tried to remain still, mindful not to tickle Squink with her movements, yet her curiosity got the better of her. Peeking through the gaps between the tentacles, she caught glimpses of the ethereal landscape beyond the ship, the floating islands bathed in a golden glow.

When Victorique engaged in conversation with the winged woman, Illya couldn't help but mutter a playful, "Pfft... Show off," under her breath. The contrast between Victorique's confident demeanor and the surreal beauty of their surroundings created a moment of awe that Illya cherished, her excitement bubbling just beneath the surface.

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Fresh from his rest and relaxation, Finn looked positivly bright eyed and bushy tailed!! Breeching out into the... Sky high air, he stepped onto deck he felt... a small degree of light headedness, like each breath wasn't taking in as much air as he'd hope. So he did some small breathing exercises before he felt... Abit better, best he not risk it. Though now with a bigger problem, they were being....


Was this border patrol?

He guessed being sky islands they would need that but defining borders on a flying island brought to question the whole Y axis, leading downwards. How far down does the border go? Airspace? Whateved he wasn't anywhere near qualified for that thought.

Instead Finn came to the side of the ship then followed the others, taking a look at the patrol and the leader who came forward he decided to use his charm for good, as opposed to neutral engaugements. Descending the ramp with a wave...

"Ahoy! I should have thought the people of the skies would have such lovely wings!" The man let shine all of his, as Victorique put it, protagonist power(PP) and gave his largest smile. "And such gallant knights! I dare say you all befit the rumors of skill and glory betwixt!

Its as my friends say! Though I've no clue what they speak in other languages I assure you... Theres no harm meant here!" His last words came with a beaming, soft and kind smile, a twinkle in his eyes, a gentle gaze, directly toward the commander.
Time: Morning

Temperature: Outside Cool

Place: The Sky, Sky Kingdom, Hallson Tribe docking Station

Mention: Elvario Elvario Orikanyo Orikanyo Moonberry Moonberry SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Femboy Femboy


“Being yourself? I wish they would listen to me when I was myself!” He’d grumble indignantly with his stiltedness coming through again.


When Victorique said Terran was fine she continued,

“[The name’s Ylva. I see, see now this is what I was waiting to hear, someone who can speak some sense, I don’t enjoy beating around the bush with business like this.]” She replied in Terran.

She looked over to Finn, perhaps a tad surprised before she confidently spread her wings out, flexing a bit. “[Oh so you noticed? Funny you should say that, I wasn’t aware there were pretty boys from the lands below.]" She’d smirk a bit.

“[Course you’re right.]”

“[ And Course it is, why wouldn’t you want to learn about something so grand far beyond the tethers of this land.]”
She replied to Victorique too.

She said with a bit of a confident look now, seeming pleased that Victroique had praised the culture.

“[The library shouldn’t be too difficult to get access too, presuming you go with the right person(s).]”

“[However the one who stands near you, I finally understand what he was saying, yes Merasmus, I have heard of this magician, he is one who has tried to forge a proper connection between our realm and the one below, I personally think he is somewhat mad, but maybe it is someone mad who has the drive to make progress…]”

“[ Now that it sounds like thing are actually in order I and some of my people will escort your passengers to the processing building so that you may enter the city securely. Any of you may go back to the ship and spread the news. It is also worth noting, Make it known that any weapons on your persons or on the ship must be proclaimed once we reach the building as a first step for entry.]”

“[While I would like ta take your word on it, They’ll have to access that themselves I’m afraid.]”
She further responded to Finn’s comment about them meaning no harm.

Thankfully it looked like Ylva could be reasoned with after all once the message had gotten across more clearly for the militant looking group’s liking. With the way she spoke there was suggesting she was a higher authority than others who were there, also shown with how her armor was a bit more ornate compared to others.

Kane Blackburne

“[Right then, glad we’re at an understanding then. I’m sure everyone on board will be willing to follow the process then.]” He replied plainly, feeling relieved that it didn’t look like they were going to have to fight the bunch, even he wasn’t SO confident that he thought he could take on all of them at once.

While the talks had been ongoing there was some hubbub on the ship.

Eliza Talton

Eliza had also been watching, Pandora not far away from her, her guards also nearby, looking like she was in contemplative thought, her face was stern, like she was focused. If one were to follow her gaze it was obvious her attention was watching the interaction which Finn was having with the combat units.

Eliza looked back to Squink, before her serious expression changed to a much more friendly one.

“Oh it shouldn’t be too much longer now, I’m sure they’re just ironing out the details of our arrival, Copper is quite capable, so is Victorique, I wouldn't’ worry about it, we didn’t come here unannounced, Merasmus made connections for us so I was told, I think they are just verifying we are who we say we are if you were asking me, however I do think it is wise we are staying clear while it is sorted."

Unit #2 "Iro"
Screenshot 2024-02-02 at 10.20.26 PM-1.png

Iro was not far off from Squink so he came over and did a lil hop flip excitedly. “Yes! It is okay, the boss is out there Squink! We should be safe, even in the worse case scenario this ship has defenses! But given what Eliza is saying I don’t think even that will be necessary here!” the latter part perhaps not being as reassuring as Squink might have liked to hear but Iro was trying his best there.

Eliza looked back curiously at Squink, before a warm smile came back looking back at her pleading eyes as she walked up close and made some eye contact with her, holding out her hand and taking Squink’s gently. “It wouldn’t be a problem at all. And I can assure you I’ll ensure that you, Illya, and the others are able to get in safely.” She replied reassuringly. Before she pulled away gently.

"Just like what I said." She looked in Illya's general direction, reaffirming her desire to protect her on their journey as she had stated earlier on the trip.

Iro then gave an enthusiastic wave to Oden. "Hello there! I hope you enjoyed your flight I did not see you very much during it."

Her guards looked a bit more tense when Eliza had gotten so close but they did not interfere.

Eliza also looked to Oden, "Oh, greetings again, I'm glad that you seem well, there were some recreational activities which we partook in, but other than that, I cannot say you missed much." It seemed that Eliza wasn't too convinced Oden would have wanted to do a swimming race, or long jump anyway.


Finn smiled and nodded, and nodded abit more. His smile never broke as his poker face continued to hold...



He had no idea what people were saying.

Was... this... a different common tongue? He didn't foresee this issue when coming up here. Should he have prepared...?

...He... Had no clue what the woman said to him but she seemed happy. She had one of those smiles that people have when they slid a complement back... Or flirt... So... should he be bashful? Damn it what language were they even talking?

They understood him but... He had no clue what they were saying... This was trouble... They had him at a huge dissadvantage. Uhh...

Okay Finn you've got no experience but... You've gotten good at non-verbal communication right? It was useful to see what Mimi was saying when she was all wolfy.

So... She was... showing off her wings... And... Talking loud...

He glanced at the others as if performing a signal of "I don't know what their saying please help me." But... he doubted they'd know it...

"....So yea.... What... language... Are you all speaking?" The man asked, trying his best to not look like a total idiot despite the fact he was as dumb as a dog. Knowing nothing but just happy to be here.

Point Booster:
Attentive Student (E)
Equipped Titles: Ilithid, Beastfolk, Ryke Nobility (F), Helper of Natori
Character Sheet
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Moonberry Moonberry

Nervously waiting if her question about asking Eliza to be a little assistant, she fidgeted with her hands a little.
"Or- y-y'know it can, wait for later or something... it's not very important... " Squink muttered very quietly, waiting on it.
Being perked up a little by Illya's own mood cheering up as she heard the pixie watching and commenting what must have been going on with Victorique and the others outside, she wondered to herself how long the pixie was going to end up staying with her. The little winged one felt like they would probably get a lot more comfortable faster than her, even if they were incredibly smaller. Especially with all the other capable people to keep an eye on her who found her cute for her tiny stature.

Feeling a little better as Eliza gave more knowledgeable closer to the situation. Squink felt more of a pleasant smile on her face as she gently nodded.
"Good, at least this entire thing is in good hands. Though hopefully it'll be done soon, waiting around like this... always makes me feel a little uneasy... " she answered, trailing off into a rather soft tone near the end. One of her outer tentacles, which she purposefully did so Illya could continue to feel hidden, raised up to her face and gently rubbed her chin in a pondering fashion as she tried to remember something.

"Who... was Merasmus? Don't I know that name- oh right, person who made Copper, the robot who made the ship- right, right, right" she muttered to herself, trying to keep track of all the details. This was a lot more of what she was used to, how did everyone keep track of so many little details and knowledge delivered through sudden exposition on a daily basis? Sometimes she forgot what she ended up doing in the morning. Hearing little metallic footsteps as she looked to Iro, every little cute movement he made couldn't help but put a joyful grin under her feature-lacking ilithid face.

"Thank you Iro... " she answered briefly, for a short moment wondering why they weren't told that the airship had defenses. Was there actually a potential situation where they could have been necessary? Squink wondered to herself if she was supposed to start worrying way after it mattered, before having something else come to her mind.
"So, Iro, are you staying here then after we leave? I remember someone saying about you perhaps being allowed to come along on a trip if Copper allowed it. Do you think he'd allow you to come along with us? Maybe he wouldn't mind if just one of his units was gone?.. " Squink asked, feeling a little bit of fondness for Unit #2 in particular and hoping that this wouldn't have to be the moment they parted ways. It'd made everything a lot more comfortable if she had a dear companion like Iro to go with.

Speaking of dear companions that made her feel comfortable, the arrival of Oden showing her face once more after the earliest beginnings of the airship trip made her feel a lot more thrilled. She hadn't gotten to spend much time at all with the owlkin she had known for so long.
"ODEN!! I almost forgot, I'm so glad you're-" Squink squealed in a fangirlish way as she almost was about to tackle the bird woman she aws so excited, before remembering another person she had just forgot that probably would not have found being squished in a tight hug comfortable. Immediately stopping herself before she hurried to hug Oden, her open arms dropped nervously to her side.
"Ahah- r-right, I forgot about you too for a moment Illya, sorry about that... I don't think both of you two have met eachother yet... or maybe I'm just forgetting that as well... it's, very nice to see you Oden" she giggled nervously, although starting to feel horribly bad she might have almost smushed the little pixie under her tentacles over her desire to hug. Then, when she got the confirmation that Eliza would agree to be her partner in testing something, she softly and quietly squeaked and squealed like a giddy schoolgirl. Her nervousness over the wait was quickly falling off as she got the distractions she wished for.

"O-okay, I'll do it right and it'll be fine, I've been practicing and learning this and I'm sure I'll do it really well this time, I'm honored that you'll help me test this on you! Okay, okay, I'll start doing it now... " she hummed cheerfully, tightly clasping her hands together and intertwining her fingers as she began to concentrate. She really wanted this to work, she hadn't gotten to use her powers much at all... except the questionable sight she had to see in Victorique's mind for that one moment. Now that she was thinking about that, the same up-skirt shot from the short detective's mind had entered her own, shaking her head lightly as she tried for that to not be the thing she was concentrating on.

Trying her best to focus on doing so, she wanted to try using her enhanced mental capabilities to lift Eliza completely off the ground up a considerable distance. She knew she had the potential to do so and to be able to maintain it, and an intense desire to not drop said nobility from mid-air on accident. Squink gave it her best to not think about failure and bad outcomes this once as she focused on her own powers.

1. Telekinesis with Extra Steps: Magic (D) + Telekinesis (D) + Energized (D) + Magic Range (E) + Indirect Affinity (E) + Magic Targets (F) + Selective Magic (E) + Spell Duration (F) - A strengthened Telekinesis that can lift targets that weigh up to 200lbs, including up to five targets and at a longer range. Can also be used to throw objects up to 2lbs in weight with one's own mind. (De Grade) (1 Post Cooldown) (on target Eliza)
(using The Squink Lobe (: (C) (Natural Magic Catalyst) (A part of Squink's big ol' brainy cephalopod mind that works as a Magic Catalyst. Because psychic powers.)
Oden (#ACA9A7)
"Yes, it was quite comfortable. I was able to recover very well thanks to you and your fellow units." Oden beamed gently at Iro's enthusiastic wave, before turning to Eliza. "Ah, I see. I hope you all had fun then." She nodded in acknowledgement with a small smile, pondering what sort of recreational activities they could have gotten up to on the airship.

Catching the tail end of Squink, Eliza and Iro's conversation, Oden vaguely figured out that there seemed to be some initial issues with entry which should hopefully be resolved soon. Not too worried, the old owl temporarily stopped paying attention to those distant matters and focused on those around her.

With Squink lifting one of her face tentacles to rub her chin, Oden finally spotted someone, a colourful little figure with mechanical wings safely tucked within the ilithid's limbs. Before she could focus on the little figure however, Squink's squeal of surprise caught her ears as she turned her body to greet her old friend. "It's lovely to see you well as well, dear Squink. I remember you saying that you were going to practice your magic during the ride. I'm a little disappointed I missed the opportunity to watch you in action." Oden mused with a soft chuckle, genuinely a little remorseful, before patting her softly on the shoulder in exchange for the lack of hugs.

Looking down towards the little pixie, Oden smiled with friendly, if curious, amber eyes. "Hello there, you must be the Illya Squink speaks of. It's a pleasure to meet you. I can't say I've met many many of your kind before, so I apologize in advance if I accidentally do something culturally inacceptable for you." She bowed her upper body politely with a lowered head and gaze, a customary introductory greeting habit from her days as a clan member in Kuridan. "It's nice to see that we both have wings. I wonder if we'll encounter any flight-only landmarks we'll get the privilege of sneaking off to on our own." She chuckled thoughtfully as she straightened up, briefly gazing towards the landscape of sky islands they had yet to explore in the distance.

Idly turning her attention back to Squink and Eliza, unsure what they were speaking of or why they were holding hands, she looked between them both with anticipation and a tilted head.
Victorique Sopheana
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Finn Orikanyo Orikanyo | Illya Moonberry Moonberry | Squink Femboy Femboy
Languages: Common | <Beastial> | [Terran] | {Sylvan}

Finn joining in to wave his PP around wasn't the most optimal, but at least it wasn't harmful. Hopefully, at least. She had no clue of the folk up in the Sky Kingdom would enjoy such strong protagonist vibes. She herself was only getting annoyed all over again.

Meanwhile, she'd shrug at Copper. “Not all things are meant to be.” She'd reply to his statement.

It seemed like Terran was the name of the came, so she'd continue with it. “[Nice to meet you Ylva, and that is understandable.]” She'd reply.

It seemed the compliments were exactly what was getting them further, as the winged leader took surprisingly well to them. “[Yes ma'am.]” Was all she could eventually state, as the woman seemed pretty clear with her instructions. Not much to respond too, nor did it seem like she was eager to strike up more of a conversation.

She'd glance at Finn, whom seemed to be struggling. A devious smile formed upon her face. She'd gesture for him to lean in so she could whisper to him and 'translate' what the woman was saying. “She's telling you that you're a pretty boy and offering you a place among her harem.” That should teach him for being a protagonist. How'd it feel to be made a side-NPC in a harem story for once, huh?

“We're speaking Terran. I'm surprised you didn't know that. It's not even that different from Common.” She'd reply to Finn aloud.

The idea of a 'processing building' sounded like a pain, but there was probably no other option. Getting back to the ship, she'd ask Kane. “Want to leave your axe in my pocket dimension?” That was probably the best way to have it on hand without having weapons on their person.

As she arrived on the ship itself, however, she couldn't help but ask Eliza something. “I've heard from a source that the mage who set this all up is considered to be a bit of a madman. What's the story there?” She asked, wondering what more there was to it and figuring she'd likely not learn much of the juicy bits from someone like Copper.

On the topic of juicy bits, she'd notice Squink trying to levitate Eliza. “Oh my, it seems like mind-reading wasn't the only thing you've been trying to train.” She openly wondered. “Ah, perhaps we have time to try that again during processing. It sounds like they might be keeping us for a while. Bureaucracy and all.” She'd add.
Elvario Elvario

"Ah... Wouldn't be the first woman to come out of nowhere with her feelings..." Finn scratches his head, uncertain of where to go from there. Though, he had no reason to distrust Victorique's words...

If this was all this woman's harem...

She was very popular indeed...

He however wasn't too interested, no matter how soft and fluffy those wings looked. Soft... fluffy... practically begging to be stroked and napped on...

He felt a pang of envy.

And a memory of Regula...

...Did they have similarities...?

That shark woman and Gunhild... Were they part of Regula's harem? Was he being invited into her circle then? Maybe he had a chance to pet those wings... Actually this was wierd best not continue on this trek.

...Though on the topic of this harem...

He never thought of a weaponized one... He never wanted one but it did seem like a curious idea...

Never liked harems, the thought of so many after one and waiting on them hand and knee sounded like slavery, and he abhored such... One should be free to live as one pleases, not bound to the will of one.


Or maybe this was a large missunderstanding....
Illya Mellondew

Illya clung to Squink's tentacles, finding solace in their gentle, protective embrace. Each movement felt like a soft, buoyant cushion, offering her the perfect balance between security and comfort. She chuckled softly, waving off Squink's apology with a lighthearted smile. Poking her head through the purple tendrils, Illya's eyes sparkled as she caught sight of Oden. The owlkin's amber eyes radiated warmth and curiosity, a reassuring presence amidst the uncertainty.

"Hello! It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance! Squink here is being ever so kind as to allow me to rest in her comfortable bosom. I must say, first class hiding spot." Illya's voice carried a playful lilt, her grin widening as she glanced up at Squink. With a mischievous glint in her eye, she put a finger to her lips, signaling for silence. "But do pretend you don't see me for now, please. Just in case any of... those goons are around." A shudder ran through her as she grimaced, recalling past encounters that had left her wary.

Listening to the banter between Finn and Victorique, Illya couldn't help but roll her eyes. Even in another language, the halfling managed to exude an air of infallibility. Despite the lighthearted exchange, a lingering unease gnawed at her. She wasn't entirely sure that Coldiron didn't have connections in this ethereal realm. Taking no chances, she nestled herself deeper within Squink's tentacles, their comforting presence shielding her from the potential dangers outside.

Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Femboy Femboy SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
Time: Morning

Temperature: Outside Cool

Place: The Sky, Sky Kingdom, Hallson Tribe docking Station

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Moonberry Moonberry Orikanyo Orikanyo SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Femboy Femboy

Copper Shrugged at Victorique's words with somewhat defeated looking body language. However he did perk up a bit more after the conversation's development.

Copper tilted his head at Finn, “I too find it curious you have not heard Terran before, you are human are you not?”


“[He doesn’t speak Terran I thought it was common enough even for people from lands below, was I misinformed?”] She asked Victorique. Thankfully it seemed she hadn’t overheard the ongoing mischief.

Kane Blackburne

Kane on the other hand who had still been close to Victorique still couldn't help but snicker a bit.

“Better be careful around her then, don’t know how Eliza would feel if she thought you were messing around with winged ladies.” Kane would state softly and clearly teasingly toward Finn. Even if he was here on business it didn’t mean he couldn’t have fun too sometimes

Ylva and four soldiers would wait while those who were intent on going back to the ship did to spread the news.
While the outside stuff was going on and Kane, Victorique and whoever else was going back inside the Ship,

Eliza Talton

Eliza continued to seem rather friendly toward Squink with the attention and warmth she was giving her in how she spoke.

“I understand.” She simply replied to Squink saying the waiting was causing some anxiety.

“Yes Merasmus is the one who created Copper, as well as the ship, he has made many other things from my understanding as well..at least from what he’s shown to my family, all sorts of wondrous creations combining technology and magic together..though I suppose he is a bit eccentric.”

Unit #2 “Iro”
Screenshot 2024-02-02 at 10.20.26 PM-1.png

Iro spun his head and then body to face Squink once again when she was asking hm the question about whether he’d be able to go.

“Oh yes! It should be fine, I actually asked the boss after our last conversation and he said that he didn’t have any issues if I went and collected some field data for him about the sky kingdom because it sounds like Merasmus wants that information too! And if the Boss’s boss can be made happy then of course we’ll do what’s needed. Anyway I can definitely come with you! The only thing is I might need to take a portal down with you when we’re all done!, hope that’s okay!” Iro continued in his somewhat stilted voice cheerily.

Eliza watched Squink’s enthusiasm over Oden as well as the shared enthusiasm of getting to try her ability out.

She giggled a bit with a smile. “It’s not a problem at all, I’m pleased to see that you have such close friends.”

Iro gave a little jump “Very pleased to hear it Ma’am!” toward Oden’s positive feedback.

“I certainly think we did.” Eliza replied to Oden with another smile.

After that, thankfully for Squink, Eliza’s body weighed less than 200 pounds, and as a result she was lifted up off the ground after she had let her hands go, Eliza looked a bit surprised.

“Oh my! I didn’t know you were capable of such a feat, that’s most impressive Squink!” She’d giggle again looking around.

Iro did a little flip after that. “You’re much stronger than you thought you were, aren’t you? Good job Squink!” Iro then clapped his hands together as a form of applause.

The Talton guards looked more on edge as Squink levitated Eliza with her mind, like if there was a problem they were ready to jump in, clearly not feeling the most easy over the whole ordeal, but they held their tongue due to Eliza being so adamant of wanting to support Squink.
“If it’s just as easy yeah, I can’t imagine they’d seize it but it’d better if i could have it back later if we need it for sure.” He gave a nod to Victorique. Should she offer the pocket dimension he’d offer the axe up into it presuming when they were out of sight of the sky kingdom guard.

Kane, Victorique and company would have noticed this scene. Kane was a bit surprised, yeah Squink was a deal stronger in her abilities than he had thought initially as he was not expecting to see a floating noble.

Eliza gave a wave to Victorique whilst she floated. “Oh, Merasmus? I hardly think madman is a fair term, he’s a bit eccentric..very involved in his work, there are lots of rumors about him, some people think he might be a full construct himself, but I do not believe that is the case. He has very ambitious projects…and is constantly finding ways to meet his objectives, a very determined one..I suppose some of his project tastes are..curious, if you’d like perhaps when we get down from here at some point you should meet him..maybe kill two birds with one stone as they say, I’m certain I could get him audience with you and whoever else when we have our mecha ride.” She said with a smile. Seeming rather calm despite what Squink was doing.

This was much to Kane’s dismay, who might have hoped she would have at least been spooked a bit by the prospect.

“Alright so impressive power training show or not here’s the deal everyone. They’re gonna let all passengers go with them with an escort to their border administration building or whatever for processing, they want all weapons declared as a first step of sorts when we get there but didn’t say if they’d be taking them or not, personally I’d rather not go into a place so far away unarmed and I need it for my job so, If any of you all got things you don't’ want possibly taken away, I’d suggest pocketing them too.”

“Unfortunately they didn’t really give any more information than that so I’m not sure what other steps their ‘processing’ takes, so yeah Victorique might be right on, might be a bit till we can get through."

He spoke freely, feeling glad he could just speak his mind since none of the winged ones had followed.
Victorique Sopheana
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Finn Orikanyo Orikanyo | Illya Moonberry Moonberry | Squink Femboy Femboy
Languages: Common | <Beastial> | [Terran] | {Sylvan}

She'd shrug at Ylva's reply. “[He's a strange fellow, so I can't tell. Humans would normally speak Terran, somehow he doesn't.]” That's all she knew or could say about it.

She'd chuckle at Finn's reply, as it seems her prank was instantly paying off. “You should turn off those protagonist vibes more often if that's a concern.” She'd reply, then she chuckled. “Although no, that was a joke. Don't pursue her or you might get yourself arrested.” She figured she'd be a good girl and actually clarify. Just in case he'd be foolish enough to do something bad with what information she'd given him.

Spotting the fairy upon being back on the airship, she couldn't abstain from making a comment. “Found yourself a love for calamari?” She'd ask the fairy. “Why are you so keen on hiding to begin with? Got any crimes, titles or features to keep hidden?” It tickled the inner detective in her.

She'd nod towards Kane as she pocketed his axe once they were far enough away from the guards. “Never hurts to be prepared.” She stated.

Upon hearing Eliza once again offer the mecha ride, she got hyped. Despite the earlier unfulfilled promise, her hope had not yet vanished. “Someone of whom people don't know if he's fully construct or not? That sounds really interesting.” She couldn't help herself from looking at Pandora. That showed just how much human and machine could mix. “Though the way of getting there sounds even more appealing.” She nodded to herself. Perhaps Eliza might not let her down after all.

That said, she sighed upon hearing how Kane put it. “If you put it like that...” She took the axe out of the Pocket Dimension again. “I don't think getting arrested for smuggling in weapons is ideal. I figured they'd just not want us to openly brandish them, you know, how she mentioned just the ones on our persons. If I misunderstood that and they want us to actually declare them all, the same being or mechanism that made me an [Annoying Pursuer] would probably love to make me a criminal.” She'd state, having realised the potential trouble her 'clever' plan might cause down the line.

Point Booster:
Attentive Student (E)
Equipped Titles: Ilithid, Beastfolk, Ryke Nobility (F), Helper of Natori
Character Sheet
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Moonberry Moonberry SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Elvario Elvario Orikanyo Orikanyo

A gleeful expression on her face as she managed to successfully lift Eliza off the ground despite the concerned looks her guards would probably be giving, the ilithid only felt more delighted when Eliza and Iro had added with their own praise of such capabilities. Most likely Oden would probably too add on such praise for her accomplishment, though she knew the owlkin was probably going to be proud whether she voiced it or not yet at least they wouldn't miss the demonstration after all. Uttering a soft giggle, she continued keeping it up for the moment.

"T-thanks, this is the best I've done so far, though I still want to keep getting better at it. I can't lift things that are that heavy, though I still wanna try to practice until when I can do so. I tried to lift myself at some point, b-but that kind of hurt my mind and didn't go well, so I think I'll maybe not try that for now... " Squink answered in a soft-spoken voice, hearing that Iro was to be coming too and feeling rather glad. Now she had two small, cute companions to keep her company on the trip amongst the others. She was mostly glad she also wasn't having to give up spending time with Iro due to the ride being over, unsure what she'd do with all the extra friend-making time but at least getting to spend more time at all with the little construct was allowed.
"Yay, it's great to hear that you're able to join us Iro. The trip will always be better with more friends to help keep company, plus it'd be sad to split so soon. It's only been like, two days" she cheerfully answered. Glancing down to meet Illya's gaze as she spoke to Oden of Squink making a nice hiding spot, the ilithid was simply too cheerful and happy for the entire situation now that things were appearing to be turning out better each moment.

"Ooh, so that's what those and the top window are for? Huh, the more you know" Squink mumbled softly about being such a secret hiding spot for a little pixie, taking it rather innocently.
"Thanks, I'm glad my tentacles and my bosom can be so helpful to you, I have been known to be pointed out as rather squishy a lot. Don't worry, I'll try to keep you comfortably safe and hidden, that's probably also what I'd want if I were in your shoes" Squink hummed softly as she gently squished her face with her hands to demonstrate her soft and smooth self. Hesitating for a moment, she asked quickly afterwards.
"T-that's a normal thing to say, right? That's not weird??.." she asked, concerned over coming off as too strong or strange. When Victorique, Kane and Finn had arrived once again, she gave them a small wave. Hearing the halfling's mention of calamari, she had too many times been referred to as aquatic life for some reason but chose not to answer it right now.

"Hi, friends! I'm helping by being comfortable!~" she greeted them, glad that her capabilities had gotten such positive reception and that she now felt an important responsibility to keep watch for the little pixie. Funnily enough, this seemed like the most important responsibility she had been granted so far. It was one she didn't want to fail or mess up. As Kane filled in on how things were going to go, Squink slowly and carefully lowered Eliza to the ground. Though with the serious stuff they'd have to go through, Squink softly asked a hidden Illya.

"H-hey, who or what is it you're hiding from exactly? I don't want to get into any trouble for hiding you from the Sky Kingdom people, I'm willing to help hide you and keep you safe but... y-you're not some kind of criminal or something are you? I think they'll want to know that you're with me if they ask... " she mumbled softly, purposefully remembering to keep her tentacles closed and laying forward on her chest like curtains so the pixie could remain in concealment.

De (1/1) (Still in use with Telekinesis with Extra Steps: Magic (D) + Telekinesis (D) + Energized (D) + Magic Range (E) + Indirect Affinity (E) + Magic Targets (F) + Selective Magic (E) + Spell Duration (F) - A strengthened Telekinesis that can lift targets that weigh up to 200lbs, including up to five targets and at a longer range. Can also be used to throw objects up to 2lbs in weight with one's own mind. (De Grade) (1 Post Cooldown) (on target Eliza))

"Now now Kane, I'm certain i wont spring up any jealousy by being friendly. You speak as if we're already too be wed!' the blonde knight smiled, as if he wasn't already... Though giving up his weapon was... Unpleasant... if need be, he could likely wrest a blade from would be captors. All he needed was one, and he would get to his real sword... Though he considered his weapon for a moment. He had had it reforged quite abit.. Durability was the mainstay reason for it, otherwise it was a strong sword but unremarkable.

One time he nearly split the poor thing in two on an errant swing...

So a sword capable of withstanding his might as much as dealing it out was required...

He began to wonder just how many swords were out there like his...?

A grad.. it was suppousedly rare, but... HOW rare was it...

He never gave it much thought...

all of it somewhat felt like a game...

But it was real, so it had to be considered seriously... He was deadly, they would consider him as such if given reason. Remain kind and abit silly, that was the way....

"Now your just being a bully Victorique... Keep on and you'll make me cry..." he gave a faux sorrowful look, a hand over his heart to sell the picture. "You wouldn't do that to your poor protagonist hmm? Why kind of big sister mentor figure would you be?" he chuckled abit then, dispersing the charade. "Nonetheless, I'm ready to move on, whatever danger comes shall meet us at our best, and worse case scenario it'll have to wait."

he hummed a little tune as he stepped forwards, willing to go wherever he was lead, he didn't really care.. The adventure was more than fun when it surprised him.
Illya Mellondew
Illya nestled herself deeper into Squink's tentacles, feeling the gentle, protective embrace around her. The sensation was comforting, but a slight unease still gnawed at her. The possibility that the Coldirons might have connections in the sky kingdom lingered in her mind. She didn't want to bring trouble to her newfound friends.

With a resigned sigh, Illya decided it was best to come out of hiding. She began to crawl out from Squink's protective tentacles, her tiny hands carefully maneuvering along the smooth, purple surface. As she reached the edge, she paused for a moment, then jumped off with a small leap, feeling the rush of air as she fell.

In that brief moment of free fall, Illya felt a mix of freedom and determination. Her mechanical wings sprang to life with a soft whir, catching the wind and lifting her into a steady hover. Turning back to Squink, Illya's pink eyes shone with a blend of gratitude and resolve. "I wouldn't want to get you in trouble, Squink. I might have a bit of a problem with a Widersian Noble...and if they've got connections up here then...well...If it comes down to it, I'll just run away and hide. That's what I'm best at, after all." Her voice was steady, reflecting her determination despite the unease she felt.

Oden (#ACA9A7)
"You do blend right in. Your eyes and little goggles also match the hue of her tentacles quite perfectly." Oden chuckled gently in response to Illya, turning her head to the side to cough for a moment. The pixie's next cryptic words however made the old owl pause thoughtfully for a moment, curious of her caution in these distant lands. Still, respectful of her wishes, she longer turned towards the tiny fae, instead looking towards the others or to the sky.

At the sight of Eliza successfully being levitated, Oden cheerfully joined in with Iro's clapping. In all the journeys she had shared with her, the old owl had yet to see the full capabilities of her kind but clumsy friend, so it was nice to see more aspects of who Squink was as time went on. "Wonderful job. Don't get too close to the railing now." She laughingly cautioned, though she was sure that Eliza's guards would never let the situation get that dangerous.

The sight of returning familiar faces brought another small smile to Oden's face. "It's good to see you all again, Kane, Finn and Victorique." She greeted in her usual low tone, though her voice was still a little hoarse from illness. The old owl nodded at each of them in turn, from the dark-haired human, to the taller blond-haired one, then back down to the little green-eyed halfling.

"I agree with Victorique here. I've heard that the Sky Kingdom is more dangerous than many of the lands below, it's likely for the best to be obedient and not play any tricks." Oden added her thoughts after listening to Kane's report, idly fiddling with the trusty old bow currently hung on her back.

The sight of Illya suddenly fluttering out into the open was a surprise, but definitely a welcome one. For a moment, she just watched the fluttering pixie gather her courage before speaking. "Some would question if living a life in hiding, is living a life at all." Oden commented softly in a quiet voice, thinking back nostalgically. "I'm sure we'll all help protect you whilst we're here, Illya." She blinked her thoughts away, nodding at the pixie with a small smile, before thoughtfully preparing to head off the ship.
Time: Morning

Temperature: Outside Cool

Place: The Sky, Sky Kingdom, Hallson Tribe Border Processing Building

Mentions: Femboy Femboy Orikanyo Orikanyo Moonberry Moonberry SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Elvario Elvario

Eliza Talton
“I’m certain you can continue to get better in your abilities by honing them Squink, it is simply my intuition.” She replied with a soft smile.

Unit #2 “Iro”
Screenshot 2024-02-02 at 10.20.26 PM-1.png
Iro did another small back flip. “Yes! I am very pleased. IT has only been two days, I would like to spend more time with you and the others Squink! This should be an exciting journey to see the Sky Kingdom!”

Eliza would simply giggle a bit with a small tinge of pink on her face when Squink questioned if she was coming on too strong so to speak with what she was saying. She responded in a Kind enough tone, “I’m not quite sure if I’d put it exactly like that around those I’m unfamiliar with but the sentiment is certainly understood.”

Kane Blackburne
Kane chuckled a bit at Finn’s response.

He looked at Squink a bit curious when she said she was being comfortable, that was certainly a way to help. He still wasn’t entirely sure about her whole power deal, it made him feel a bit more apprehensive, but so far Squink had been quite nice and trust worthy which did help. He did however given Oden a nod.

“Hey, glad to see you’re still with us.” He simply said Oden’s way, she hadn’t been visible for the whole flight practically so it was good to see the older beast was still kicking at the very least. A friend of Squink’s was probably a good thing, if Squink was to be working with Victorique.

Eliza stood back unharmed, and it looked like some of her guards might have let out soft sighs when the whole ordeal was over. “My I can’t imagine my brother would be very pleased if he had seen me doing that.” She giggled a bit more In thought.

However the time that Squink was asking Illya what was up, and Illya was responding she nodded, “Oden is correct, as Finn and myself asserted, we will not allow anyone pursuing you to harm you as long as you’re with us.” She said looking more serious now given the subject matter.

Kane shrugged when Victorique decided to pass him his axe back. “Maybe it won’t matter much when they see my title.” The job title which he held would pretty well explain why he had the axe he did on his person being a Rotian executioner and all, even they should understand that much and with some luck they’d let him keep the melee. To be fair he wasn’t even sure if they didn’t allow them, they may just have it for entry notes so that all foreign weapons entering were accounted for and they knew who they were supposed to be with when they left.

He nodded at Oden’s part regarding the potential problem with smuggling. “Best case scenario they won’t try to seize anything then.”

“And..Oden, Finn, and even Eliza has a good point, Illya, if anyone tries to give you trouble even a noble..heh I know them well enough to know what trouble they can be.. I’ll be at your side, you shouldn’t have to live your life like that..not after you were wronged in such a way.”
Kane as perusual spoke so freely, to which he got a pout from Eliza, and some displeased grumbling from some of her guard.

“Most Nobles aren't like that you know Kane..”

Kane would just roll his eyes, and look away. “You know what I meant, no need to get so uppity I don’t mean ALL nobles.” He clarified.

“Anyway, let’s try not to get any criminal titles and just play along for now then.”

After that point everyone on the Airship except for the other units who weren’t Iro and Copper would remain. If anyone needed time to grab anything else before they went they would have some time to get it, after that point Ylva would be waiting for everyone outside with the soldiers she said she would be waiting with.

“Very well follow us then.” She spoke matter of fact gesturing for the group to come, to which Iro would stay near Squink, and Kane would stay near Victorique, and Eliza would probably stay near Finn and her guards would stay near her, all of which was pretty typical and was expected on the way over.

“So pretty boy really truly doesn’t speak much Terran? Even though he’s a human like you said I still find that really curious and somewhat hard to believe. Anyway I don’t think this should take all too long long as you follow what you’re told to do.” She spoke, not seeming like one for a ton of small talk.

The building they approached looked sort of like a large stone longhouse of sorts with ornate carvings of what could be described as dragon head carving ornamentation on either side of the carefully built triangular topped roof that sloped. The door was sizable, and had additional carvings in it with different symbols like an Ouroboros, lightning bolt, depictions depicting flying people ect. The steps which led up to the building were rather large too. From there beyond the door was a long hall to enter, however the space was much brighter, more pillars along the processional way of sorts, more winged soldiers within the long hall, as there had been two outside the large doors. The lightning inside the building for the time being seemed to be primarily provided by the sunlight which came in through glass which had been inlaid throughout the top section of the roof, and perhaps enhanced by magic to have a greater range throughout the space.

Desk Guy
When they finally got to the end of the hall there was a large wooden desk, and what stood behind it was what appeared to be a rather [Large] man who was wearing most peculiar clothing, something which Kane certainly had never really seen before in the form of a much more modern looking suit and tie, combo’d with a helmet, and some sort of lens on the man’s eyes. He also sprouted wings which were proportionate for his body.

He had a large quill and ink dip pen nearby on the desk with a sizable scroll of parchment.

Furthermore there was a most unusual large eye nearby overhead him which looked somewhat organic with a golden eye color on the whites and golden tendrils coming off of it, it was apparent it wasn’t a monster despite it’s appearance but some sort of sentry, as it floated focusing in on the new comers. Behind his desk there were some odds and ends on a shelf which was sized for him. A few more guards on either side of the desk at this point.

“[Greetings. You all are all here in this great place for business or pleasure, yes?] He asked, his voice loud and clear.

He then gave a nodand the strange [Large] floating eye dilated and everyone who had come felt like they were being appraised by a high grade appraisal.

“[I will also say now would be the time to declare any weapons and or dangerous objects on your person, while we will not seize them It is important that any coming into the border are mentioned.]”

Kane let out a bit of a sigh, “[Yeah here on research business, I’m sure as you can see I got a big friggin axe on my back, cause I’m a executioner it’s kind of my whole thing. Hope that won’t be a problem.]”

The desk guy nodded, writing with the quill pen after Kane declared it.
Victorique Sopheana


Alternate art generated from:
Victorique de Blois
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Finn Orikanyo Orikanyo | Illya Moonberry Moonberry | Squink Femboy Femboy | Oden SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

“It's not normal, it's pretty weird.” Victorique would reply to Squink when she asked if her talk about hiding in bosoms was weird or not. “But hey, I won't judge.” She added, with a chuckle, just wanting to tease the girl a bit.

She turned to Finn next and smirked. “What, you're not ready to be wed yet? Did you loose faith in your protagonist power? At this rate I'll be lucky if I get a mecha ride before she's too busy raising your kids.” She stated to the knight as if it was the most casual topic ever.

Truth be told, his whole sad look made her laugh for real. “Don't you know? Clearly I'm the evil step-sister in the story. Smoking, drinking, foul language, hanging out with executioners. My bad influence might damage your flawless protagonist reputation rather than mentor it.”

She perked up when she heard the Fairy mention Widersian nobles. “Oh? Some nobles from my home country are after you? How come?” She wondered if this was an actual criminal or something. Her investigative reflexes started tingle at full tilt right now.

Trying to recall who the owl was again, she vaguely remembered it being someone acquainted to Squink. “I hope you'll be better now that we're on land. Well, floating land, but land nevertheless.” She stated, surprised an owl seemed to have gotten airsick. Or perhaps it was another sickness? Well, that was one of the lesser interesting things to investigate right now.

She nodded in agreement with the owl when it came to tricks, but looked surprised when the owl said they'd protect the fairy. “No offence, but... no? I don't even know why they're looking for her. Even if I could fight, which I can't, I'd want to at least know that before I'd promise anything.” She scoffed, a tad annoyed by such a weird and naïve promise.

She scoffed when Eliza mentioned her brother. “The fool wouldn't have much reason to reprimand you. He should be glad their own mistakes didn't get both of them executed.” It's clear she wasn't the most fond of either of her brothers, in that regard.

“Let's hope so. Worst case I can try argue on your behalf.” She'd reply to Kane, still feeling a tad bad about passing him the axe back, but also not wanting to risk things even more.

She was more surprised when Kane offered to protect the fairy as well. Was that a perk of being an even smaller Fae folk or what? “Okay, what'd I miss?” She asked, wanting an explanation. She wondered what 'wrong' he was talking about.

When Eliza corrected Kane and he sort-off agreed, she looked back and forth between the two of them a few times. “Wow, didn't expect you to get along. Spending two days on the same airship does wonders, it seems.”

She wasn't sure if Ylva was meaning to humiliate Finn when she spoke aloud about his inability to speak Terran, but she was immediately on board for it. “I know, right? It's so weird. I think he may simply be... you know.. Simple. [The Terran Language might just be a little bit too difficult for him. The poor boy.] What a shame.” She'd add some bits in Terran for good measure.

She was rather surprised to see a massive desk worker awaiting them. “[I'm here to request access to the library. I'm not sure if you'd consider that business or pleasure around these parts, but I'd consider it both.]” She'd explain upon his question.

She disliked the feeling of being appraised by a floating eyeball, but c'est la vie. It had to be what it had to be.

At the question of weapons or dangerous objects, she shook her head. “[All I got is my smoking stuff, clothes and supplies.]” She'd state.

“He greeted us, asks us if we're here for business or pleasure and now told us to declare any weapons or dangerous objects for them to be registered. They won't seize them.” She translated for Finn and possibly some of the others.

"...Don't run the joke into the ground yet Vicky, I fear if I announce a wedding I've a few who would object... And most of which I'll not see coming in the slightest." Finn sighed, scratching behind his head as he walked along. "...Never really did pick up other languages.. never had a reason. it was troublesome in The See to say the least, luckily I had Mimi who spoke Bestial... Would've been awkward." the knight scratched his chin, considering that maybe he... Should pick up a language or two...



Anything to keep his eyes away from the fairy who was bouncing on some serious badonk.

He was doing his best to not stare during the swimming at the ladies in their midst but this was difficult to address the fairy without looking straight into those... Squidly accouterments. But for now he had to focus fowards... Whatever this group was doing here, he'd show his worth and then use the leverage to gain some worth in the eyes of Rotia... To start anything worthwhile, he needed backing after all...

But when it came to customs... Even with Vicky's explanation...

"I'm here to aid the others here, was invited along and I've a habit of taking in the sights of new places as I can." But... now... Now was the hard question...

....What the hell was his profession?

Could.. Could he really just say adventurer...?

He was poor as shit.

if he mentioned he had no job he.. Probably would have looked unfavorable admist his peers here...


"I am a Knight Errant, an adventurer, a healer, an explorer. I follow the stars, and the light of my friends in need.


I have a sword and magical catalyst." he added the last part quickly, as if he couldn't find a way to expound the virtues of them.

Point Booster: Attentive Student (E)
Equipped Titles: Ilithid, Beastfolk, Ryke Nobility (F), Helper of Natori
Character Sheet
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Elvario Elvario Moonberry Moonberry Orikanyo Orikanyo SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

Squink watched as the little fairy came out of hiding, although for a moment thinking it was some sort of accidental slip of sorts as she nervously fumbled her hands out wanting to make sure she caught the little one in case they had a bad fall. Though, it would prove unnecessary and intentional as she hesitantly retracted her hands back to herself and fidgeted with them clasped together. Nodding softly, she supposed that her important role assisting Illya wouldn't be so necessary after all from what it appeared. Over Victorique saying such a thing was weird, she fell a little sad and looked down.
"Oh, okay... " she mumbled, feeling stupid that she even said such a thing now and keeping a mental note to hold her tongue on what she said from now to keep from embarrassing herself further.

"R-right, I'm sure things should go well and safe though" she muttered, looking to Oden in agreement about there being enough people who'd keep an eye out for her safety. Though, keeping a little fairy hidden should prove rather easy and manageable to do on anyone's person it felt like. On seeing Iro do another little flip, she wondered why he did such things so often but decided it was still cute anyway so it was nice enough that he did.

"You're not gonna hurt yourself on accident doing that, right? It'd probably suck if you got hurt, and I don't want to see that" Squink asked, concerned if the little robot would be okay out of his intended area. With what he demonstrated before, it felt like he should have no trouble at all getting around, but then again it was a floating city with tons of winged people. And Iro was a little robot with little legs.

Following on to what was basically a fantasy Security Checkpoint, Squink remained nervously quiet unsure what was even being spoken between people since the majority of it all was concealed within the language of Terran of which she didn't understand. Hoping that things would just sort themselves out, the ilithid listened to Victorique's explanation.

"Uh, I'm here because... I, just kind of am, I guess. I don't have any weapons with me, I'm just looking around places I haven't been I guess... " she answered, hearing in to what the others introduced of themselves curiously. Well, she had no idea what Victorique or Kane had said since they actually spoke in Terran in which she didn't know if her saying stuff actually meant anything if they couldn't understand common tongue. Hearing Finn's who was the one she could actually understand, she had some sort of weird feeling that she hadn't been able to talk to him much at all the entire trip. Though, it felt like his attention was rather diverted to Eliza for some reason. Or Victorique. But Victorique was, like, for teasing reasons. Maybe he just doesn't like purple people. Or tentacles. Also reasonable. Now that she thought about it, she hadn't really talked with Kane at all for that matter too. Maybe guys just didn't like her. Well, there was that Blue Michael guy who was nice to her. But then he didn't really talk to her at all the rest of the trip after they met eachother. There was Jareth, he was nice to her and talked together a lot. But then maybe the dislike just comes from like, normal people-guys. The ilithid guy liked her, and Jareth did, but Jareth wasn't like a... normal, normal guy. He was like, made of sand. A sand-man. Maybe odd people understood being a little different like her, but normal people found her weird. Well, normal guys anyway.

Giving a gentle tap to Oden since there wasn't much else to do but wait, she quietly asked.
"Um, Oden, w-what's an Errant exactly?... " she asked in a soft tone, her tentacles coyly curling up closer to her face as she tenderly clasped her hands to her chest not wanting to be particularly close or touching to anything that might be around in case it somehow netted her in trouble.​
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Illya hovered near Squink, her mechanical wings emitting a soft hum. She gently patted Squink, trying to offer comfort. "I'm sorry, Squink. Don't worry about it. It'd be better if I was out in the open anyway. I did agree to help with security if needed. You're not weird. Victorique was just trying to say I was weird for choosing such a comfy hiding spot!" she said with a small, apologetic smile.

As the sky people conversed with Kane in Terran, Illya caught Victorique's dismissive comment, "[No offense but I don't even know her.]" With a childish, taunting manner, Illya stuck her tongue out at Victorique when her head was turned. She didn't fully grasp the conversation between the sky folk and Kane, but she understood Finn and Squink speaking Common, explaining their presence.

Feeling the need to clarify her presence, Illya hesitantly stated, "I'm just here to help Lady Eliza Talton. I have no weapons, but I do carry a magical catalyst." She pointed to her gear belt,
Oden (#ACA9A7)

At their well wishes, Oden thanked Kane and Victorique with a gentle nod. "That's understandable, empathy and truth aside, sometimes words like that are needed to grant courage to those who need it." The old owl chuckled at the halfling's realistic scepticism, responding with a bit of a cryptic reply of her own. Courtesy, politeness and feigned kindness aside, Oden could never claim to be a genuinely compassionate person.

As they moved off the ship, the intricately carved longhouse was quite the sight. The giant golden eyeball was slightly unnerving at first glance, but Oden had certainly seen enough horrors in her lifetime to not be too fazed. The feeling of being appraised was never quite a pleasant one, though necessary. "I'm here as a tourist mainly. I have the bow on my back and my natural weapons, like my beak and talons, if they are necessary to mention." She spoke up casually after the others, her head spinning from side to side as she examined the unique architecture and style used on these distant sky islands.

With Squink's squishy tap, the old owl stopped her sightseeing to turn towards her. "I assume he meant that he was a traveller and wanderer, alongside his other titles." She glanced towards the tall human knight, thinking he seemed to embody the usual stereotypical image of adventurers. "What do you think of adventurers Squink? Do you think you might want to be one in the future? I'm a bit old for it, but it does seem like an interesting world to explore." She rubbed the feathers beneath her beak thoughtfully. Considering she was still both clan-less and pretty much ambitionless at the moment, the possibilities of things she could do all around the world were rather enticing. Her world view used to be so narrow, tied to only her clan interests and nothing more. How times had changed.

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